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       hovercraft - Hovercraft! Documentation



   GUI tools are limiting
       I  used  to do presentations with typical slideshow software, such as OpenOffice/LibreOffice Impress, but
       these tools felt restricted and limiting.  I need to do a lot of reorganizing and moving around, and that
       might  mean  changing  things  from bullet lists to headings to text to pictures and back to bullet lists
       over again. This happens through the whole process. I might realize something  that  was  just  a  bullet
       point  needs  to be a slide, or that a set of slides for time reasons need to be shortened down to bullet
       points.  Much of the reorganization comes from seeing what fits on one slide and what does not, and how I
       need  to  pace  the presentation, and to some extent even what kinda of pictures I can find to illustrate
       what I try to say, and if the pictures are funny or not.

       Presentation software should give you complete freedom to reorganize your presentation  on  every  level,
       not only by reorganizing slides.

       The solution for me and many others, is to use a text-markup language, like reStructuredText, Markdown or
       similar, and then use a tool that generates an HTML slide show from that.

       Text-markup gives you the convenience and freedom to quickly move parts around as you like.

       I chose reStructuredText, because I know it and because it has a massive feature set.  When  I  read  the
       documentations of other text-markup langages it was not obvious if they has the features I needed or not.

   Pan, rotate and zoom
       The  tools  that exist to make presentations from text-markup will make slideshows that has a sequence of
       slides from left to right. But the fashion now is to have presentations that rotate and zoom in and  out.
       One open source solution for that is impress.js.

       With impress.js you can make modern cool presentations.

       But  impress.js  requires you to write your presentation as HTML, which is annoying, and the markup isn't
       flexible enough to let you quickly reorganize things from bullet points to headings etc.

       You also have to position each slide separately, and if you insert a new slide in the middle, you have to
       reposition all the slides that follow.

       So what I want is a tool that takes the power, flexibility and convenience of reStructuredText and allows
       me to generate pan, rotate and zoom presentations with impress.js, without having to manually  reposition
       each slide if I reorganize a little bit of the presentation. I couldn't find one, so I made Hovercraft.

       Hovercraft’s  power  comes  from  the  combination  of  reStructuredText’s  convenience  with the cool of
       impress.js, together with a flexible and powerful solution to position the slides.

       There are four ways to position slides:

          1. Absolute positioning: You simply add X and Y coordinates to a slide, in  pixels.  Doing  only  this
             will not be fun, but someone might need it.

          2. Relative positioning to last slide: By specifying x and/or y with with a starting r,you specify the
             distance from the previous slide. By using this form of positioning you can insert a slide, and the
             other slides will just move to make space for the new slide.

          3. Relative  positiong  to  any  slide: You can reference any previous slide by its id and specify the
             position relative to it. This will work for all positioning fields. However, you should not  use  r
             as a slide id since the positioning might not behave as you expect.

          4. Automatically:  If  you  don’t  specify  any  position the slide will have the same settings as the
             previous slide. With a relative positioning, this means the slide will move as long as the previous
             slide  moved.  This  defaults  to  moving  1600px  to  the right, which means that if you supply no
             positions at all anywhere in the presentation, you get the standard slide-to-the-left presentation.

          5. With an SVG path: In this last way of positioning, you can take an SVG path from  an  SVG  document
             and  stick  it  into  the  presentation, and that slide + all slides following that has no explicit
             positioning will be positioned on that path. This can be a  bit  fiddly  to  use,  but  can  create
             awesome results, such as positioning the slides as snaking Python or similar.

       Hovercraft!  also  includes  impress-console,  a  presenter  console that will show you your notes, slide
       previews and the time, essential tools for any presentation.

   Shortcut/Navigation Keys:
       A help popup appears upon launching a presentation; it shows the following shortcuts.

       • Space -> Forward

       • Left, Down, Page Down -> Next slide

       • Right, Up, Page Up    -> Previous slide

       • P     -> Open presenter console

       • H     -> Toggle the help popup


       You can either use Hovercraft! to generate the presentation as HTML in a target directory, or you can let
       Hovercraft! serve the presentation from its builtin webserver.

       The  latter  have  several  benefits.  One  is  that  most  webbrowsers  will  be  very reluctant to open
       popup-windows from pages served from the file system.  This is a security measure which can  be  changed,
       but it's easier to just point the browser to http://localhost:8000 instead.

       The  second  benefit  is that Hovercraft! will monitor the source files for the presentation, and if they
       are modified Hovercraft! will generate the presentation again automatically. That way you don't  have  to
       run Hovercraft!  everytime you save a file, you only need to refresh the browser.

       hovercraft [-h] [-t TEMPLATE] [-c CSS] [-j JS] [-a] [-s] [-n] [-p PORT] <presentation> [<targetdir>]

       Positional arguments:

                 The path to the reStructuredText presentation file.

                 The  directory where the presentation is saved. Will be created if it does not exist. If you do
                 not specify a targetdir Hovercraft! will instead start a webserver and serve  the  presentation
                 from that server.

       Optional arguments:

          -h, --help
                 Show this help.

          -t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                 Specify  a template. Must be a .cfg file, or a directory with a template.cfg file. If not given
                 it will use a default template.

          -c CSS, --css CSS
                 An additional CSS file for the presentation to  use.   See  also  the  :css:  settings  of  the

          -j JS, --js JS
                 An additional Javascript file for the presentation to use. Added as a js-body script.  See also
                 the :js-body: settings of the presentation.

          -a, --auto-console
                 Open the presenter console automatically. This is useful when you  are  rehearsing  and  making
                 sure  the  presenter  notes  are  correct.  You can also set this by having :auto-console: true
                 first in the presentation.

          -s, --skip-help Do not show the initial help popup. You can also set
                 this by having :skip-help: true first in the presentation.

          -n, --skip-notes
                 Do not include presenter notes in the output.

          -N, --slide-numbers
                 Show the current slide number on the slide itself and in the presenter console.  You  can  also
                 set this by having slide-numbers: true in the presentation preamble.

          -p PORT, --port PORT
                 The address and port that the server uses. Ex 8080 or Defaults to

   Built in templates
       There  are  two  templates  that  come with Hovercraft! One is called default and will be used unless you
       specify a template. This is the template you will use most of the time.

       The second is called simple and it doesn't have a presenter console. This template is  especially  useful
       if  you  combine  it  with the --skip-notes parameter to prepare a version of your presentation to be put


   A note on terminology
       Traditionally a presentation is made up of slides. Calling them "slides" is not  really  relevant  in  an
       impress.js  context,  as  they can overlap and doesn't necessarily slide. The name "steps" is better, but
       it's also more ambiguous.  Hence impress.js uses the terms "slide" and "step" as meaning the same  thing,
       and so does Hovercraft!

   Hovercraft! syntax
       Presentations  are  reStructuredText  files.  If you are reading this documentation from the source code,
       then you are looking at a reStructuredText document already.

       It's fairly simple, you underline headings to mark them as headings:

          This becomes a h1

          And this a h2

       The different ways of underlining them doesn't mean anything, instead the order of them is  relevant,  so
       the  first type of underline encountered in the file will make a level 1 heading, the second type a level
       2 heading and so on. In this file = is used for level 1, and - for level 2.

       You can also mark text as italic or bold, with *single asterixes* or **double asterixes** respectively.

       You can also have bullet lists:

          * Bullet 1

            * Bullet 1.1

          * Bullet 2

          * Bullet 3

       And numbered lists:

          1. Item 1

              1.1. Item 1.1

          2. Item 2

          3. Item 3

       You can include images:

          .. image:: path/to/image.png
              :height: 600px
              :width: 800px

       As you see you can also specify height and width  and  loads  of  other  parameters,  but  they  are  all

       And  you  can mark text as being preformatted. You do that by ending the previous row with double colons,
       or have a row of double colons by itself:


              This code here will be preformatted
               and shown with a  monospaced font
              and    all    spaces     preserved.

       If you want to add source code, you can use the code directive, and get syntax highlighting:

          .. code:: python

              def some_example_code(foo):
                  return foo * foo

       The syntax highlighting is done by Pygments and supports lots and lots of languages.

       You are also likely to want to put a title on the presentation. You  do  that  by  having  a  ..  title::
       statement before the first slide:

          .. title:: This is the presentation title

       That  is  the  most important things you'll need to know about reStructuredText for making presentations.
       There is a lot more to know, and a lot of advanced features like links, footnotes, and  more.  It  is  in
       fact  advanced  enough  so  you  can  write  a  whole  book  in it, but for all that you need to read the

       If you add a math directive then hovercraft! will add a link to the MathJax CDN so that this:

          .. math:: e^{i \pi} + 1 = 0

       will be rendered by the MathJax javascript library. The math directive can also be used as a "role"  with
       the equations inlined with the text flow. Note that if you use the math statement, by default the MathJax
       library will be loaded from the internet, meaning that your presentation will need  network  connectivity
       to  work,  which  can  be  a  problem  when  presenting  and  conferences,  which  often have bad network

       This can be solved by specifying a local copy of mathjax with the --mathjax command line.

   Presenter notes
       To add presenter notes, that will be displayed in the presenter console, use the following syntax:

          .. note::

              Here goes the presenter note.

   External files
       Any image file referenced in the presentation by a relative path will be copied to the target  directory,
       keeping  it's  relative path to the presentation. The same goes for images or fonts referenced in any CSS
       files used by the presentation or the template.

       Images or fonts referenced by absolute paths or URI's will not be copied.

   Styling your Presentation
       The css that is included by the default template are three files.

       • impressConsole.css contains the CSS needed for the presenter console to work,

       • highlight.css contains a default style for code syntax highlighting, as that otherwise would be  a  lot
         of  work.  If  you  don't  like  the default colors or styles in the highlighting, this is the file you
         should copy and modify.

       • hovercraft.css, which only includes the bare minimum: It hides the  impress.js  fallback  message,  the
         presenter notes, and sets up a useful default of having a step width be 1000 pixels wide.

       For  this  reason  you want to include your own CSS to style your slides. To include a CSS file you add a
       :css:-field at the top of the presentation:

          :css: css/presentation.css

       You can also optionally specify that the css should be only valid for certain CSS media:

          :css-screen,projection: css/presentation.css
          :css-print: css/print.css

       You can specify any number of css files in this  way.   You  can  also  add  one  extra  CSS-file  via  a
       command-line parameter:
          hovercraft --css=my_extra.css presentationfile.rst outdir/

   Styling the console
       You  can  also optionally add styles to your slides that are only shown in when the slide is shown in the
       presenter console:

          :css-preview: css/slidepreview.css

       You can also style the presenter console itself:


       That css file needs to be based on the impressConsole.css used by the default template,  as  it  replaces
       that file.

   Adding Javascript
       In a similar fashion you can add Javascript files to either header or body:

          :js-header: js/firstjsfile.js
          :js-body: js/secondjsfile.js

       You can also add one extra Javascript-file via a command-line parameter:
          hovercraft --js=my_extra.js presentationfile.rst outdir/

       If you want static content, content that doesn't move with each slide; for example a header, footer, your
       company logo or a slide background pattern, then you can insert that content with the header  and  footer

          .. header::

             .. image:: images/company-logo.png

          .. footer::

              "How to use Hovercraft", Yern Busfern, ImaginaryCon 2017

       The  header  will  be located in the resulting HTML before the first slide and the footer will be located
       after the last slide. However, they will be displayed statically on every slide, and  you  will  have  to
       position them with CSS. By default the header will be displayed behind the slides and the footer in front
       of the slides, so the header is useful for background designs and the footer for designs that  should  be
       in the foreground.

       It  doesn't  matter where in the presentation you add these commands, I would recommend that you add them
       before the first slide.

   Styling a specific slide
       If you want to have specific styling for a specific slide, it is a good idea to give that slide a  unique

          :id: the-slide-id

       You can then style that slide specifically with:

          div#the-slide-id {
              /* Custom CSS here */

       If  you  don't  give it a specific ID, it will get an ID based on its sequence number. And that means the
       slide's ID will change if you insert or remove slides that came before it, and in that case  your  custom
       stylings of that slide will stop working.

   Adding a custom class to slides
       If  you  want to apply the same style to one or more slides you may prefer adding a class to those slides
       instead (or in addition to) a unique ID:

          :id: my-custom-class

       You can then style those slides by adding CSS rules with:

          .my-custom-class {
              /* Custom CSS here */

   Adding a custom directive
       If you want to use a custom docutils directive, you'll want to run hovercraft in the same  process  where
       you register your directive. For example, you can create a custom startup script like the following:

          from docutils import nodes
          from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives

          import hovercraft

          class HelloWorld(Directive):
              def run(self):
                  para = nodes.paragraph(text='Hello World')
                  return [para]

          directives.register_directive('hello-world', HelloWorld)

          if __name__ == "__main__":
              cmd = ['--skip-help', 'slides.rst']

       While  creating your own directive might be daunting, it's possible to reuse useful directives from other
       projects. For example, you can reuse Pelican's custom code  block,  which  adds  an  hl_lines  option  to
       highlight  specific  lines  of  code. To use that directive, simply add the following import to the above

          import pelican.rstdirectives

   Portable presentations
       Since Hovercraft! generates HTML5 presentations, you can use any  computer  that  has  a  modern  browser
       installed to view or show the presentation. This allows you both to put up the presentation online and to
       use a borrowed computer for your conference or customer presentation.

       When you travel you don't know what equipment you have to use when you show your  presentaton,  and  it's
       surprisingly  common to encounter a projector that refuses to talk to your computer. It is also very easy
       to forget your dongle if you have a MacBook, and there have even been cases of computers going completely
       black and dead when you connect them to a projector, even though all other computers seem to work fine.

       The  main  way  of  making  sure  your  presentation  is  portable is to try it on different browsers and
       different computers. But the latter can be unfeasible, not everyone has both  Windows,  Linux  and  OS  X
       computers  at  home.  To  help  make  your  presentations  portable  it is a good idea to define your own
       @font-face's and use them, so you are sure that the target browser will use the same  fonts  as  you  do.
       Hovercraft!  will  automatically  find  @font-face  definitions  and  copy  the  font files to the target

   impress.js fields
       The documentation on impress.js is contained as comments in the demo html file. It  is  not  always  very
       clear, so here comes a short summary for convenience.

       The  different  data  fields  that  impress.js  will  use in 0.5.3, which is the current version, are the

       • data-transition-duration: The time it will take to move from one slide to another. Defaults to 1000  (1
         second). This is only valid on the presentation as a whole.

       • data-perspective:  Controls  the  "perspective"  in the 3d effects. It defaults to 500. Setting it to 0
         disables 3D effects.

       • data-x: The horizontal position of a slide in pixels. Can be negative.

       • data-y: The vertical position of a slide in pixels. Can be negative.

       • data-scale: Sets the scale of a slide, which is what creates the zoom.  Defaults to 1.  A  value  of  4
         means the slide is four times larger. In short: Lower means zooming in, higher means zooming out.

       • data-rotate-z:  The  rotation  of  a  slide  in the x-axis, in degrees. This will cause the slide to be
         rotated clockwise or counter-clockwise.

       • data-rotate: The same as data-rotate-z.

       • data-rotate-x: The rotation of a slide in the x-axis, in degrees. This means you are moving  the  slide
         in a third dimension compared with other slides. This is generally cool effect, if used right.

       • data-rotate-y: The rotation of a slide in the x-axis, in degrees.

       • data-z:  This  controls the position of the slide on the z-axis. Setting this value to -3000 means it's
         positioned -3000 pixels away. This  is  only  useful  when  you  use  data-rotate-x  or  data-rotate-y,
         otherwise it will only give the impression that the slide is made smaller, which isn't really useful.

   Hovercraft! specialities
       Hovercraft!  has  some  specific  ways  it  uses  reStructuredText.  First  of  all, the reStructuredText
       "transition" is used to mark the separation between different slides or steps. A transition is  simply  a
       line with four or more dashes:


       You don't have to use dashes, you can use any of the characters used to underline headings, = - ` : . ' "
       ~ ^ _ * + #. And just as width headings, using different characters indicates different "levels". In this
       way  you  can  make  a  hierarchical presentation, with steps and substeps.  However, impress.js does not
       support that, so this is only useful if you make your own templates that uses another Javascript library,
       for  example  Reveal.js.  If  you  have  more  than one transition level with the templates included with
       Hovercraft, the resulting presentation may behave strangely.

       All reStructuredText fields are converted into attributes  on  the  current  tag.   Most  of  these  will
       typically  be  ignored  by  the  rendering  to  HTML, but there are two places where the tags will make a
       difference, and that is by putting them first in the document, or first on a slide.

       Any fields you put first in a document will be rendered into attributes on the main impress.js <div>. The
       only   ones   that  Hovercraft!  will  use  are  data-transition-duration,  skip-help,  auto-console  and

       Any fields you put first in a slide will be rendered into attributes on the slide  <div>.  This  is  used
       primarily  to  set  the  position/zoom/rotation  of  the  slide, either with the data-x, data-y and other
       impress.js settings, or the hovercraft-path setting, more on that later.

       Hovercraft! will start making the first slide when it first encounters either a transition or  a  header.
       Everything that comes before that will belong to the presentation as a whole.

       A presentation can therefore look something like this:

          :data-transition-duration: 2000
          :skip-help: true

          .. title: Presentation Title


          This is the first slide

          Here comes some text.


          :data-x: 300
          :data-y: 2000

          This is the second slide

          #. Here we have

          #. A numbered list

          #. It will get correct

          #. Numbers automatically

   Relative positioning
       Hovercraft! gives you the ability to position slides relative to each other.  You do this by starting the
       coordinates with "r". This will position the slide 500 pixels to the right and a  thousand  pixels  above
       the previous slide:

          :data-x: r500
          :data-y: r-1000

       Relative  paths  allow  you  to insert and remove slides and have other slides adjust automatically. It's
       generally the most useful way of positioning.

   Automatic positioning
       If you don't specify an attribute, the slide settings will be the same as the previous slide. This  means
       that if you used relative positioning, the next slide will move the same distance.

       This gives a linear movement, and your slides will end up in a straight line.

       By default the movement is 1600 pixels to the right, which means that if you don't position any slides at
       all, you get a standard presentation where the slides will simply slide from right to left.

   SVG Paths
       Hovercraft! supports positioning slides along an SVG path. This is handy, as you can create a drawing  in
       a software that supports SVG, and then copy-paste that drawings path into your presentation.

       You specify the SVG path with the :hovercraft-path: field. For example:

          :hovercraft-path: m275,175 v-150 a150,150 0 0,0 -150,150 z

       Every following slide that does not have any explicit positioning will be placed on this path.

       There are some things you need to be careful about when using SVG paths.

   Relative and absolute coordinates
       SVG  coordinates  can  either  be absolute, with a reference to the page origin; or relative, which is in
       reference to the last point. Hovercraft! can handle both, but what it can  not  handle  very  well  is  a
       mixture of them.

       Specifically,  if you take an SVG path that starts with a relative movement and extract that from the SVG
       document, you will lose the context. All coordinates later must then also be relative.  If  you  have  an
       absolute  coordinate  you  then  suddenly  regain  the  context,  and everything after the first absolute
       coordinate will be misplaced compared to the points that come before.

       Most notable, the open source software "Inkscape" will mix absolute  and  relative  coordinates,  if  you
       allow  it  to  use  relative  coordinates.  You  therefore  need to go into it's settings and uncheck the
       checkbox that allows you to use relative coordinates. This forces Inkscape to  save  all  coordinates  as
       absolute, which will work fine.

   Start position
       By  default  the  start  position  of  the path, and hence the start position of the first slide, will be
       whatever the start position would have been if the slide had no positioning at all. If you want to change
       this  position then just include :data-x: or :data-y: fields. Both relative and absolute positioning will
       work here.

       In all cases, the first m or M command of the SVG path is effectively ignored, but you have to include it

   SVG transforms
       SVG allows you to draw up path and then transform it. Hovercraft! has no support for these transforms, so
       before you extract the path you should make sure the SVG software doesn't use transforms. In Inkscape you
       can do this by the "Simplify" command.

   Other SVG shapes
       Hovercraft!  doesn't  support  other  SVG  shapes,  just  the  path. This is because organising slides in
       squares, etc, is quite simple anyway, and the shapes can be made into paths. Usually in the software  you
       will have to select the shape and tell your software to make it into a path. In Inkscape, transforming an
       object into a path will generally mean that the whole path is  made  of  CubicBezier  curves,  which  are
       unnecessarily complex. Using the "Simplify" command in Inkscape is usually enough to make the shapes into

       Hovercraft! will scale the path so that all the slides that need to fit into the path will fit  into  the
       path.  If you therefore have several paths in your presentation, they will not keep their relative sizes,
       but will be resized so the slides fit. If you need to have the shapes keep their relative sizes, you need
       to combine them into one path.

       To  see  how  to  use  Hovercraft!  in  practice,  there  are  three  example presentations included with

                 The demo presentation you can see at

                 A step by step guide to the features of Hovercraft!

                 An explanation of how to use the positioning features.


       There are several tricks to making presentations. I certainly do not claim to be an expert, but here  are
       some beginners hints.

   Take it easy
       Don't  go too heavy on the zoom. Having a difference between two slides in scale of more than 5 is rarely
       going to look good. It would make for a nice cool zooming effect if it did, but this is not what browsers
       are designed for, so it won't.

       And  the  3D  effects  can  be  really  cool  if  used well. But not all the time, it gets tiring for the

       Try, if you can, to use the zoom and 3D effects when they make sense in the  presentation.  You  can  for
       example  mention the main topics on one slide, and then zoom in on each topic when you discuss it in more
       detail. That way the effects help clarify the presentation, rather than distract from it.

   Custom fonts
       Browsers tend to render things subtly differently.

       They also have different default fonts, and different operating systems have different implementations of
       the  same  fonts. So to make sure you have as much control over the design as possible, you should always
       include fonts with the presentation. A good source for free fonts are Google Webfonts.  Those  fonts  are
       free  and  open  source,  so  you  can  use them with no cost and no risk of being sued. They can also be
       downloaded or included online.

   Online vs Downloaded
       If you are making a presentation that is going to run on  your  computer  at  a  conference  or  customer
       meeting,  always  download  the  fonts  and have them as a part of the presentation. Put them in a folder
       called fonts under the folder where your presentation is.

       You also need to define the font-family in your CSS. Font Squirrel's webfont generator will  provide  you
       with a platform-independent toolkit for generating both the varius font formats and the CSS.

       If  the  presentation  is  online  only, you can put an @include-statement in your CSS to include Googles
       webfonts directly:

          @import url(|Racing+Sans+One|Satisfy);

       But don't use this for things you need to show on your computer, as it  requires  you  to  have  internet

   Test with different browsers
       If you are putting the presentation online, test it with a couple of major browsers, to make sure nothing
       breaks and that everything still looks good.  Not only are there subtle differences in how things may get
       positioned, different browsers are also good at different things.

       I've  tested  some  browsers,  all  on  Ubuntu,  and  it  is likely that they behave differently on other
       operating systems, so you have to try for yourself.

       Firefox 18 is quite slow to use with impress.js, especially for 3D stuff,  so  it  can  have  very  jerky
       movements  from  slide to slide. It does keep text looking good no matter how much you zoom. On the other
       hand, it refuses to scale text infinitely, so if you scale too much characters will not grow larger, they
       will instead start moving around.

       Firefox 19 is better, but for 3D stuff it's still a bit slow.

       Chrome  24 is fast, but will not redraw text in different sizes, but will instead create an image of them
       and rescale them, resulting in the previous slide having a fuzzy pixelated effect.

       Epiphany 3.4.1 is comparable to Firefox 19, possibly a bit smoother, and the text looks good. But it  has
       bugs  in  how  it  handles  3D  data,  and the location bar is visible in fullscreen mode, making it less
       suitable for any sort of presentation.


       Luckily, for most cases you don't need to create your own template,  as  the  default  template  is  very
       simple  and  most things you need to do is doable with css. However, I don't want Hovercraft! to set up a
       wall where it isn't flexible enough for your needs, so I added support to make your own templates.

       You need to create your own template if you are unsatisfied with the HTML that Hovercraft! generates, for
       example  if  you need to use another version of HTML or if the reStructuredText you are using isn't being
       rendered in a way that is useful for you. Although if you aren't happy with the HTML generated  from  the
       reStructuredText that could very well be a bug, so open an issue on Github for discussion.

       Hovercraft!  generates  presentations  by converting the reStructuredText into XML and then using XSLT to
       translate the XML into HTML.

       Templates are directories with a configuration file, a template XSL file, and any number of CSS,  JS  and
       other resource files.

   The template configuration file
       The  configuration  file  is normally called template.cfg, but if you have several configuration files in
       one template directory, you can specify which one to use by specifying the full path to the configuration
       file. However, if you just specify the template directory, template.cfg will be used.

       Template  files  are in configparser format, which is an extended ini-style format. They are very simple,
       and have only one section, [hovercraft]. Any other sections will be ignored. Many of the  parameters  are
       lists  that  often do not fit on one line. In that case you can split the line up over several lines, but
       indenting the lines. The amount of indentation doesn't make any difference, except aesthetically.

       The parameters in the [hovercraft] section are:

          • template The name of the xsl template.

          • css A list of CSS filenames separated by whitespace. These files will get included in the final file
            with "all" as the media specification.

          • css-<media>  A  list  of CSS filenames separated by whitespace. These files will get included in the
            final file with the media given in the parameter. So the files listed for the parameter  "css-print"
            will  get  "print"  as their media specification and a key like "css-screen,print" will return media

          • js-header A list of filenames separated by whitespace. These files will get included in  the  target
            file as header script links.

          • js-body  A  list  of  filenames separated by whitespace. These files will get included in the target
            file as script  links  at  the  end  of  the  file.  The  files  impress.js,  impressConsole.js  and
            hovercraft.js typically need to be included here.

          • resources  A  list of filenames separated by whitespace that will be copied to the target directory,
            but nothing else is done with them. Images and fonts used by CSS will be copied  anyway,  but  other
            resources may be added here.

          • resource-directories  A  list of directory names separated by whitespace. These will be treated like
            resources above, ie only copied to the target directory.  The  directory  contents  will  be  copied
            recursively, but hidden files (like files starting with a . are ignored.

       An example:

          template = template.xsl

          css = css/screen.css

          css-print = css/print.css

          js-header = js/dateinput.js

          js-body = js/impress.js

          resources = images/back.png

   The template file
       The  file  specified  with  the  template  parameters  is  the actual XSLT template that will perform the
       translation from XML to HTML.

       Most of the time you can just copy the default template file in hovercraft/templates/default/template.xsl
       and modify it. XSLT is very complex, but modifying the templates HTML is quite straightforward as long as
       you don't have to touch any of the <xsl:...> tags.

       Also, the HTML that is generated is XHTML compatible and quite straightforward, so for the most case  all
       you  would  need  to  generate  another version of HTML, for example strict XHTML, would be to change the

       But if you need to add or change the main generated HTML you can add and change HTML statements  in  this
       main file as you like. See for example how the little help-popup is added to the bottom of the HTML.

       If you want to change the way the reStructuredText is rendered things get slightly more complex. The XSLT
       rules that convert the reStructuredText XML into HTML are contained in a separate file, reST.xsl. For the
       most part you can just include it in the template file with the following code:

          <xsl:import href="resource:templates/reST.xsl" />

       The  resource:  part here is not a part of XSLT, but a part of Hovercraft!  It tells the XSLT translation
       that the file specified should not be looked up on the file system, but as  a  Python  package  resource.
       Currently the templates/reST.xsl file is the only XSLT resource import available.

       If  you  need  to  change  the  way reStructuredText is rendered you need to make a copy of that file and
       modify it. You then need to make a copy of the main template and change  the  reference  in  it  to  your
       modified XSLT file.

       None  of  the  XSLT  files need to be copied to the target, and should not be listed as a resource in the
       template configuration file.


       Lennart Regebro

       2013-2019, Lennart Regebro