focal (1) kmc_tools-complex.1.gz

kmc_tools-complex - complex operations with a number of input databases
kmc_tools complex <operations_definition_file>
This command executes a combination of operations as defined by <operations_definition_file>. It is text file with following syntax: __________________________________________________________________ |INPUT: | |<input1>=<input1_db_path> [params] | |<input2>=<input2_db_path> [params] | |... | |<inputN>=<inputN_db_path> [params] | |OUTPUT: | |<out_db_path>=<ref_input><oper><ref_input>[<oper><ref_input>[...] | |[OUTPUT_PARAMS: __| |<output_params>] | / | | / |_______________________________________________________________|/
input1, input2, ..., inputN names of inputs used to define equation input1_db_path, input2_db_path, ..., inputN_db_path paths to k-mers sets For each input there are additional parameters which can be set: -ci<value> exclude k-mers occurring less than <value> times cx<value> exclude k-mers occurring more of than <value> times out_db_path path to output database ref_input one of input1, input2, ..., inputN oper one of {*,-,~,+}, which refers to {intersect, kmers_subtract, counters_subtract, union} Operator '*' has the highest priority. Other operators have equal priorities. The order of operations can be changed with parentheses. Output parameters: -ci<value> exclude k-mers occurring less than <value> times -cx<value> exclude k-mers occurring more of than <value> times -cs<value> maximal value of a counter
__________________________________________________________________ |INPUT: | |set1 = kmc_o1 -ci5 | |set2 = kmc_o2 | |set3 = kmc_o3 -ci10 -cx100 __| |OUTPUT: | / |result = (set3+set1)*set2 | / |_______________________________________________________________|/
KMC was originally written by: • Sebastian Deorowicz ( • Marek Kokot • Szymon Grabowski • Agnieszka Debudaj-Grabysz
KMC is a free software distributed under GNU GPL3 licence for academic, research, and commercial use. KMC_TOOLS-COMPLEX(1)