Provided by: lambda-align_1.0.3-6_amd64 

lambda_indexer - indexer for creating lambda-compatible databases
lambda_indexer [OPTIONS] -d DATABASE.fasta
Lambda is a local aligner optimized for many query sequences and searches in protein space. It is compatible to BLAST, but much faster than BLAST and many other comparable tools. Detailed information is available in the wiki: <> This is the indexer_binary for creating lambda-compatible databases.
-h, --help Display the help message. -hh, --full-help Display the help message with advanced options. --version-check BOOL Turn this option off to disable version update notifications of the application. One of 1, ON, TRUE, T, YES, 0, OFF, FALSE, F, and NO. Default: 1. --version Display version information. --copyright Display long copyright information. -v, --verbosity INTEGER Display more/less diagnostic output during operation: 0 [only errors]; 1 [default]; 2 [+run-time, options and statistics]. In range [0..2]. Default: 1. Input Options: -d, --database INPUT_FILE Database sequences. Valid filetypes are: .sam[.*], .raw[.*], .gbk[.*], .frn[.*], .fq[.*], .fna[.*], .ffn[.*], .fastq[.*], .fasta[.*], .faa[.*], .fa[.*], .embl[.*], and .bam, where * is any of the following extensions: gz, bz2, and bgzf for transparent (de)compression. -s, --segfile INPUT_FILE SEG intervals for database(optional). Valid filetype is: .seg. Output Options: -di, --db-index-type STRING Suffix array or full-text minute space. One of sa and fm. Default: fm. --truncate-ids STRING Truncate IDs at first whitespace. This saves a lot of space and is irrelevant for all LAMBDA output formats other than BLAST Pairwise (.m0). One of on and off. Default: on. Alphabets and Translation: -p, --program STRING Blast Operation Mode. One of blastn, blastp, blastx, tblastn, and tblastx. Default: blastx. -g, --genetic-code INTEGER The translation table to use (not for BlastN, BlastP). See for ids (default is generic). Default: 1. -ar, --alphabet-reduction STRING Alphabet Reduction for seeding phase (ignored for BLASTN). One of none and murphy10. Default: murphy10. Algorithm: -a, --algorithm STRING Algorithm for SA construction (also used for FM; see Memory Requirements below!). One of mergesort, quicksortbuckets, quicksort, radixsort, and skew7ext. Default: radixsort. -t, --threads INTEGER number of threads to run concurrently (ignored if a == skew7ext). -td, --tmp-dir STRING temporary directory used by skew, defaults to working directory.
Please see the wiki (<>) for more information on which indexes to chose and which algorithms to pick. Note that the indexes created are binary and not compatible between different CPU endiannesses. Also the on-disk format is still subject to change between Lambda versions.
lambda_indexer Copyright: 2013-2017 Hannes Hauswedell, released under the GNU GPL v3 (or later); 2016-2017 Knut Reinert and Freie Universität Berlin, released under the 3-clause-BSDL SeqAn Copyright: 2006-2015 Knut Reinert, FU-Berlin; released under the 3-clause BSDL. In your academic works please cite: Hauswedell et al (2014); doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu439 For full copyright and/or warranty information see --copyright.