focal (1) modulemaker.1p.gz

Provided by: libextutils-modulemaker-perl_0.63-1_all bug


       modulemaker - interactive interface to ExtUtils::ModuleMaker; replaces "h2xs -AXn [module]"


       This document references version 0.63 of modulemaker, released to CPAN on July 31 2018.


       At the command-prompt, simply call:

           % modulemaker

       ... and answer each question.

   Not So Easy, But More Geeky
       At the command-prompt, call "modulemaker" with as many options as you can type correctly:

           modulemaker [-CIPVbch] [-n module_name] [-a abstract]
               [-u author_name] [-p author_CPAN_ID] [-o organization]
               [-w author_website] [-e author_e-mail]
               [-l license_name] [-v version] [-s save_selections_as_defaults ]

       Type "modulemaker -h" at the command-prompt for long options and more complete descriptions.

   Mix and Match
       You can specify some of the arguments on the command-line and then -- assuming you don't include the "-I"
       option -- modulemaker will then switch to interactive mode so that you can finish entering arguments at
       the prompts.


       After calling "modulemaker" at the command-prompt, you will be presented with a series of menus looking
       something like this:

       Main Menu


         modulemaker: Main Menu

             Feature                     Current Value
         N - Name of module              ''
         S - Abstract                    'Module abstract (<= 44 characters) goes here'
         A - Author information
         L - License                     'perl'
         D - Directives
         B - Build system                'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'

         G - Generate module
         H - Generate module;
             save selections as defaults

         X - Exit immediately

         Please choose which feature you would like to edit:

       In many cases you make your selection by typing a single letter or number and hitting the "Return" key.
       In the remaining cases, you have to type what you want.

       Note that in the Main Menu:

       •   G

           "G" generates the directories and files requested, then exits.

       •   H

           "H" generates the directories and files requested, saves the values you have entered (with the
           exception of the module's name and abstract) in a personal defaults file, then exits.  (See the
           documentation for ExtUtils::ModuleMaker for a more complete discussion of this feature.)

       •   X

           "X" exits without generating directories or file.

       Author Menu


         modulemaker: Author Menu

             Feature       Current Value
         N - Author        'A. U. Thor'
         C - CPAN ID       'MODAUTHOR'
         O - Organization  'XYZ Corp.'
         W - Website       'http://a.galaxy.far.far.away/modules'
         E - Email         'a.u.thor@a.galaxy.far.far.away'

         R - Return to main menu
         X - Exit immediately

         Please choose which feature you would like to edit:

       The values you enter here to override the Current Values may be good choices for the "H" 'save selections
       as defaults' feature in the Main Menu.

       Note that you cannot generate directories or files from this menu.  You must return ("R") to the Main
       Menu first.  You can, however, bail out of the program from this menu with "X".

       License Menu


         modulemaker: License Menu

         ModuleMaker provides many licenes to choose from, many of them approved by

                 License Name
         1       Apache Software License (1.1)
         2       Artistic License
         3       Artistic License w/ Aggregation
         4       BSD License
         5       BSD License(Raw)
         6       CVW - MITRE Collaborative Virtual Workspace
         7       GPL - General Public License (2)
         8       IBM Public License Version (1.0)
         9       Intel (BSD+)
         10      Jabber (1.0)
         11      LGPL - GNU Lesser General Public License (2.1)
         12      MIT License
         13      Mozilla Public License (1.0)
         14      Mozilla Public License (1.1)
         15      Nethack General Public License
         16      Nokia Open Source License(1.0a)
         17      Python License
         18      Q Public License (1.0)
         19      Ricoh Source Code Public License (1.0)
         20***   Same terms as Perl itself
         21      Sun Internet Standards Source License
         22      The Sleepycat License
         23      Vovida Software License (1.0)
         24      zlib/libpng License
         25      Loose Lips License (1.0)

         # - Enter the number of the license you want to use
         C - Display the Copyright
         L - Display the License
         R - Return to main menu
         X - Exit immediately

         Please choose which license you would like to use:

       Directives Menu


         modulemaker: Directives Menu

             Feature           Current Value
         C - Compact          '0'
         V - Verbose          '0'
         D - Include POD      '1'
         N - Include new      '1'
         H - History in POD   '0'
         P - Permissions      '0755 - 493'

         R - Return to main menu
         X - Exit immediately

         Please choose which feature you would like to edit:

       As with the Author Menu above, the values you enter here to override the Current Values may be good
       choices for the "H" 'save selections as defaults' feature in the Main Menu.

       Build System Menu


         Here is the current build system:


         E - ExtUtils::MakeMaker
         B - Module::Build
         P - Module::Build and proxy Makefile.PL
         R - Return to main menu
         X - Exit immediately

         Please choose which build system you would like to use:

   Features Currently Supported with Command-Line Options
       Short options; long options in parentheses.  In the long options, hyphens ('"-"') can generally be used
       where you see underscores ('"_"').

       •   -a (--abstract)

           Specify (in quotes) an abstract for this extension

       •   -b (--build_system)

           Specify Module::Build for the build system for this extension; default is ExtUtils::MakeMaker

       •   -c (--compact)

           Flag for compact base directory name

       •   -C (--changes_in_pod)

           Omit creating the Changes file, add HISTORY heading to stub POD

       •   -d (--alt_build)

           Name of Perl module whose methods will override defaults provided in ExtUtils/ and

       •   -e (--email)

           Specify author's e-mail address

       •   -h (--help)

           Display this help message

       •   -I (--no_interactive)

           Disable INTERACTIVE mode, the command line arguments better be complete

       •   -l (--license)

           Specify a license for this extension

       •   -n (--name)

           Specify a name to use for the extension (required); note that this is the module's name, not the

       •   -o (--organization)

           Specify (in quotes) author's organization

       •   -p (--cpanid)

           Specify author's CPAN ID

       •   -P (--no_pod)

           Omit the stub POD section

       •   -q (--no_new_method)

           Do not include a constructor ("new()") in the *.pm file.

       •   -r (--permissions)

           Set permissions.

       •   -s (--save_as_defaults)

           Save the selections entered (either as command-line options or as responses to modulemaker's prompts)
           as your new personal defaults.  These will be the values provided by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker or
           modulemaker the next time you invoke either one of them.

       •   -u (--author)

           Specify (in quotes) author's name

       •   -v (--version)

           Specify a version number for this extension

       •   -V (--verbose)

           Flag for verbose messages during module creation

       •   -w (--website)

           Specify author's web site

       The code handling the processing of these options is found in package ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Opts.


       ExtUtils::ModuleMaker was originally written in 2001-02 by R. Geoffrey Avery (modulemaker [at]
       PlatypiVentures [dot] com).  Since version 0.33 (July 2005) it has been maintained by James E. Keenan
       (jkeenan [at] cpan [dot] org).

       Copyright (c) 2001-2002 R. Geoffrey Avery.  Revisions from v0.33 forward (c) 2005-2018 James E. Keenan.
       All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
       same terms as Perl itself.

       The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.


       ExtUtils::ModuleMaker, ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::StandardText, perlnewmod, h2xs.