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npm-team - Manage organization teams and team memberships Synopsis npm team create <scope:team> npm team destroy <scope:team> npm team add <scope:team> <user> npm team rm <scope:team> <user> npm team ls <scope>|<scope:team> npm team edit <scope:team> Description Used to manage teams in organizations, and change team memberships. Does not handle permissions for packages. Teams must always be fully qualified with the organization/scope they belong to when operating on them, separated by a colon (:). That is, if you have a wombats team in a wisdom organization, you must always refer to that team as wisdom:wombats in these commands. If you have two-factor authentication enabled in auth-and-writes mode, then you can provide a code from your authenticator with [--otp <otpcode>]. If you don't include this then you will be prompted. • create / destroy: Create a new team, or destroy an existing one. Note: You cannot remove the developers team, <a href="" target="_blank">learn more.</a> • add / rm: Add a user to an existing team, or remove a user from a team they belong to. • ls: If performed on an organization name, will return a list of existing teams under that organization. If performed on a team, it will instead return a list of all users belonging to that particular team. • edit: Edit a current team. Details npm team always operates directly on the current registry, configurable from the command line using --registry=<registry url>. In order to create teams and manage team membership, you must be a team admin under the given organization. Listing teams and team memberships may be done by any member of the organizations. Organization creation and management of team admins and organization members is done through the website, not the npm CLI. To use teams to manage permissions on packages belonging to your organization, use the npm access command to grant or revoke the appropriate permissions. See Also • npm help access • npm help registry April 2020 NPM-TEAM(1)