Provided by: gridengine-client_8.1.9+dfsg-9build2_amd64 

qmod - modify a Grid Engine queue and running job
qmod [options] [wc_job_range_list|wc_queue_list]
Qmod enables users classified as owners (see queue_conf(5) for details) of a workstation to modify the state of Grid Engine queues for their machine as well as the state of their own jobs. A manager/operator, or root, can execute qmod for any queue and job in a cluster, but only from administrative hosts. Find additional information concerning wc_queue_list and wc_job_list in sge_types(5).
-c --clear Note: Deprecated, may be removed in future release. Please use the -cj or -cq switch instead. Clears the error state of the specified jobs(s)/queue(s). -cj --clearjob Clears the error state of the specified jobs(s). -cq --clearqueue Clears the error state of the specified queue(s). -d --disable Disables the queue(s), i.e. no further jobs are dispatched to disabled queues while jobs already executing in these queues are allowed to finish. -e --enable Enables the queue(s). -f --force Force the modification action for the queue despite the apparent current state of the queue. For example if a queue appears to be suspended but the job execution seems to be continuing, the manager/operator can force a suspend operation on the jobs. In any case, the queue or job status will be set, even if the sge_execd(8) controlling the queues/jobs cannot be reached. Requires manager/operator privileges. -help --help Prints a listing of all options. -r --reschedule Note: Deprecated, may be removed in future release. Please use the -rj or -rq switch instead. If applied to queues, reschedules all jobs currently running in this queue. If applied to running jobs, reschedules the jobs. Requires root or manager privileges. In order for a job to be rescheduled, it, or the queue in which it is executing must have the rerun flag activated. (See -r option in the qsub(1) man page and the rerun option in the queue_conf(5) man page for more information.) Additional restrictions apply for parallel and checkpointing jobs. (See the reschedule_unknown description in the sge_conf(5) man page for details). -rj --reschedulejob If applied to running jobs, reschedules the jobs. Requires root or manager privileges. -rq --reschedulequeue Reschedules all jobs currently running in the specified queues. Requires root or manager privileges. -s --suspend Note: Deprecated, may be removed in future release. Please use the -sj or -sq switch instead. If applied to queues, suspends the queues and any jobs which might be active in them. If applied to running jobs, suspends the jobs. -sj --suspendjob If applied to running jobs, suspends the jobs. If a job is both suspended explicitly and via suspension of its queue, a subsequent unsuspend of the queue will not release the suspension state on the job. -sq --suspendqueue Suspends the specified queues and any jobs which might be active in them. -us --unsuspend Note: Deprecated, may be removed in future release. Please use the -usj or -usq switch instead. If applied to queues, unsuspends the queues and any jobs which might be active in them. If applied to jobs, unsuspends the jobs. -usj --unsuspendjob Unsuspends the specified jobs. If a job is both suspended explicitly and via suspension of its queue, a subsequent unsuspend of the queue will not release the suspension state on the job. -usq --unsuspendqueue Unsuspends the specified queues and any jobs which might be active in them.
SGE_ROOT Specifies the location of the Grid Engine standard configuration files. SGE_CELL If set, specifies the default Grid Engine cell. To address a Grid Engine cell qmod uses (in the order of precedence): The name of the cell specified in the environment variable SGE_CELL, if it is set. The name of the default cell, i.e. default. SGE_DEBUG_LEVEL If set, specifies that debug information should be written to stderr. In addition the level of detail in which debug information is generated is defined. SGE_QMASTER_PORT If set, specifies the tcp port on which sge_qmaster(8) is expected to listen for communication requests. Most installations will use a services map entry for the service "sge_qmaster" instead to define that port.
<sge_root>/<cell>/common/act_qmaster Grid Engine master host file
sge_intro(1), sge_ckpt(1), qstat(1), queue_conf(5), sge_execd(8), sge_types(1).
See sge_intro(1) for a full statement of rights and permissions.