focal (1) scancel.1.gz

Provided by: slurm-client_19.05.5-1_amd64 bug


       scancel - Used to signal jobs or job steps that are under the control of Slurm.


       scancel [OPTIONS...] [job_id[_array_id][.step_id]] [job_id[_array_id][.step_id]...]


       scancel  is  used  to signal or cancel jobs, job arrays or job steps.  An arbitrary number of jobs or job
       steps may be signaled using job specification filters or a space separated list of  specific  job  and/or
       job  step IDs.  If the job ID of a job array is specified with an array ID value then only that job array
       element will be cancelled.  If the job ID of a job array is specified without an array ID value then  all
       job array elements will be cancelled.  While a heterogeneous job is in pending state, only the entire job
       can be cancelled rather than it's individual components.  A request to cancel an individual component  of
       a  heterogeneous  job  not in pending state will return an error.  After the job has begun execution, the
       individual component can be cancelled.  A job or job step can only be signaled by the owner of  that  job
       or  user  root.   If  an  attempt  is  made by an unauthorized user to signal a job or job step, an error
       message will be printed and the job will not be signaled.


       -A, --account=account
              Restrict the scancel operation to jobs under this charge account.

       -b, --batch
              By default, signals other than SIGKILL are not sent to the batch step  (the  shell  script).  With
              this option scancel signals only the batch step, but not any other steps.  This is useful when the
              shell script has to trap the signal and take some application  defined  action.   Note  that  most
              shells  cannot  handle  signals  while a command is running (child process of the batch step), the
              shell use to wait wait until the command ends to then handle the signal.  Children  of  the  batch
              step  are  not  signaled with this option, use -f, --full instead.  NOTE: If used with -f, --full,
              this option ignored.  NOTE: This option is not applicable if  step_id  is  specified.   NOTE:  The
              shell itself may exit upon receipt of many signals.  You may avoid this by explicitly trap signals
              within the shell script (e.g. "trap <arg> <signals>"). See the shell documentation for details.

       --ctld Send the job signal request to the slurmctld daemon rather than directly to  the  slurmd  daemons.
              This  increases  overhead,  but  offers  better  fault tolerance.  This is the default behavior on
              architectures using front end nodes (e.g.  Cray ALPS computers) or when the --clusters  option  is

       -f, --full
              By  default,  signals  other  than SIGKILL are not sent to the batch step (the shell script). With
              this option scancel signals also the batch script and its children processes.  Most shells  cannot
              handle signals while a command is running (child process of the batch step), the shell use to wait
              until the command ends to then handle the signal. Unlike -b, --batch, children of the  batch  step
              are  also  signaled  with  this  option.  NOTE: srun steps are also children of the batch step, so
              steps are also signaled with this option.

       --help Print a help message describing all scancel options.

       -H, --hurry
              Do not stage out any burst buffer data.

       -i, --interactive
              Interactive mode. Confirm each job_id.step_id before performing the cancel operation.

       -M, --clusters=<string>
              Clusters to issue commands to.  Note that the  SlurmDBD  must  be  up  for  this  option  to  work

       -n, --jobname=job_name, --name=job_name
              Restrict the scancel operation to jobs with this job name.

       -p, --partition=partition_name
              Restrict the scancel operation to jobs in this partition.

       -q, --qos=qos
              Restrict the scancel operation to jobs with this quality of service.

       -Q, --quiet
              Do  not  report  an  error if the specified job is already completed.  This option is incompatible
              with the --verbose option.

       -R, --reservation=reservation_name
              Restrict the scancel operation to jobs with this reservation name.

              Remove an active sibling job from a federated job.

       -s, --signal=signal_name
              The name or number of the signal to send.  If this option is not used the specified  job  or  step
              will  be  terminated. Note. If this option is used the signal is sent directly to the slurmd where
              the job is running bypassing the slurmctld thus the job state will not change even if  the  signal
              is  delivered  to  it.  Use  the  scontrol  command  if  you want the job state change be known to

       -t, --state=job_state_name
              Restrict the scancel operation to jobs in this state. job_state_name may have a  value  of  either
              "PENDING", "RUNNING" or "SUSPENDED".

       -u, --user=user_name
              Restrict the scancel operation to jobs owned by this user.

              Print a brief help message listing the scancel options.

       -v, --verbose
              Print  additional logging. Multiple v's increase logging detail.  This option is incompatible with
              the --quiet option.

       -V, --version
              Print the version number of the scancel command.

       -w, --nodelist=host1,host2,...
              Cancel any jobs using any of the given hosts.  The list may be specified as a comma-separated list
              of  hosts,  a  range  of hosts (host[1-5,7,...] for example), or a filename. The host list will be
              assumed to be a filename only if it contains a "/" character.

              Restrict the scancel operation to jobs using this workload characterization key.


       job_id The Slurm job ID to be signaled.

              The step ID of the job step to be signaled.  If not specified, the operation is performed  at  the
              level of a job.

              If neither --batch nor --signal are used, the entire job will be terminated.

              When  --batch  is  used,  the  batch shell processes will be signaled.  The child processes of the
              shell will not be signaled by Slurm, but the shell may forward the signal.

              When --batch is not used but --signal is used, then all job steps will be signaled, but the  batch
              script itself will not be signaled.


       Some  scancel options may be set via environment variables. These environment variables, along with their
       corresponding options, are listed below.  (Note: commandline options will always override these settings)

       SCANCEL_ACCOUNT     -A, --account=account

       SCANCEL_BATCH       -b, --batch

       SCANCEL_CTLD        --ctld

       SCANCEL_FULL        -f, --full

       SCANCEL_HURRY       -H, --hurry

       SCANCEL_INTERACTIVE -i, --interactive

       SCANCEL_NAME        -n, --name=job_name

       SCANCEL_PARTITION   -p, --partition=partition_name

       SCANCEL_QOS         -q, --qos=qos

       SCANCEL_STATE       -t, --state=job_state_name

       SCANCEL_USER        -u, --user=user_name

       SCANCEL_VERBOSE     -v, --verbose

       SCANCEL_WCKEY       --wckey=wckey

       SLURM_CONF          The location of the Slurm configuration file.


       If multiple filters are supplied (e.g. --partition and --name)  only  the  jobs  satisfying  all  of  the
       filtering options will be signaled.

       Cancelling  a job step will not result in the job being terminated.  The job must be cancelled to release
       a resource allocation.

       To cancel a job, invoke scancel without --signal option.  This will send first a SIGCONT to all steps  to
       eventually  wake them up followed by a SIGTERM, then wait the KillWait duration defined in the slurm.conf
       file and finally if they have not terminated send a SIGKILL.  This gives time for the running job/step(s)
       to clean up.

       If  a  signal  value  of  "KILL"  is sent to an entire job, this will cancel the active job steps but not
       cancel the job itself.

       On Cray systems, all signals except SIGCHLD, SIGCONT, SIGSTOP,  SIGTSTP,  SIGTTIN,  SIGTTOU,  SIGURG,  or
       SIGWINCH cause the ALPS reservation to be released.  The job however will not be terminated except in the
       case of SIGKILL and may then be used for post processing.


       When using the Slurm db, users who have AdminLevel's defined  (Operator  or  Admin)  and  users  who  are
       account coordinators are given the authority to invoke scancel on other user's jobs.


       Send SIGTERM to steps 1 and 3 of job 1234:
              scancel --signal=TERM 1234.1 1234.3

       Cancel job 1234 along with all of its steps:
              scancel 1234

       Send SIGKILL to all steps of job 1235, but do not cancel the job itself:
              scancel --signal=KILL 1235

       Send SIGUSR1 to the batch shell processes of job 1236:
              scancel --signal=USR1 --batch 1236

       Cancel job all pending jobs belonging to user "bob" in partition "debug":
              scancel --state=PENDING --user=bob --partition=debug

       Cancel only array ID 4 of job array 1237
              scancel 1237_4


       Copyright  (C)  2002-2007  The  Regents  of the University of California.  Produced at Lawrence Livermore
       National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
       Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Lawrence Livermore National Security.
       Copyright (C) 2010-2015 SchedMD LLC.

       This   file   is   part   of   Slurm,   a   resource    management    program.     For    details,    see

       Slurm  is  free  software;  you  can  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
       Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       option) any later version.

       Slurm  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
       implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.   See  the  GNU  General  Public
       License for more details.


       slurm_kill_job (3), slurm_kill_job_step (3)