Provided by: rsbackup_6.0-2_amd64 bug


       /etc/rsbackup/config - configuration for rsync-based backup utility


       This describes the configuration file syntax for for rsbackup(1).


   Line Splitting
       Line  are split into space-separated words.  To include spaces in a word, quote it using "double quotes".
       Quotes and backslashes within quoted strings are escaped  with  backslashes  (and  cannot  appear  in  an
       unquoted word).

   Comments and Blank Lines
       Anything after the first (unquoted) "#" to appear on a line is ignored.

       Lines  with  no words on (whether they are completely empty, or contain just spaces, or have a "#" before
       any non-space characters) are ignored (and do not have to follow the indentation rules below).

   Directives and Stanzas
       The first word of a line is called a directive.  The remaining words if any form its arguments.

       A stanza consists of a directive introducing the stanza followed by zero or more  directives  within  the
       stanza.  These must be indented, consistently, relative to the directive that introduced the stanza.

       A  configuration  file  contains  global  directives  (which  must  not be indented) and one or more host
       stanzas.  Each host stanza contains one or more volume stanzas.

       Global directives may appear after host stanzas (and host directives after volume stanzas) provided  they
       are indented correctly.


       Global directives control some general aspect of the program.

       database PATH
              The  path  to the backup database.  By default this is LOGS/backups.db where LOGS is controlled by
              the logs directive below.

       device DEVICE
              Names a  device.   This  can  be  used  multiple  times.   The  store  must  have  a  file  called
              STORE/device-id which contains a known device name.  Backups will only be made to known devices.

              When  a device is lost or destroyed, remove its device entry and use the --prune-unknown option to
              delete records of backups on it.

              Device names may contain letters, digits, dots and underscores.

       include PATH
              Include another file as part of the configuration.  If PATH is a directory then the  files  within
              it are included (excluding dotfiles, backup and recovery files).

       keep-prune-logs DAYS
              The number of days to keep records of pruned backups for.  The default is 31.

       lock PATH
              Enable  locking.  If this directive is present then PATH will be used as a lockfile for operations
              that change anything (--backup, --prune, etc).

              The lock is made by opening PATH and calling flock(2) on it with LOCK_EX.

       logs PATH
              The directory to store logfiles and backup records.  The default is /var/log/backup.

       post-access-hook COMMAND...
              A command to execute after all backup and prune  operations.   This  is  executed  only  once  per
              invocation  of  rsbackup.   A backup is still considered to have succeeded even if the post-access
              hook fails (i.e. exits nonzero).  See HOOKS below.

       pre-access-hook COMMAND...
              A command to execute before anything that accesses any  backup  devices  (i.e.  backup  and  prune
              operations).   This  is  executed only once per invocation of rsbackup and if it fails (i.e. exits
              nonzero) then rsbackup terminates immediately.  See HOOKS below.

       public true|false
              If true, backups are public.  Normally backups must only be accessible by the calling user.   This
              option suppresses the check.

       store [--mounted|--no-mounted] PATH
              A path at which a backup device may be mounted.  This can be used multiple times.

              With  the  --mounted option (which is the default), PATH must be a mount point.  With --no-mounted
              it need not be a mount point.

       store-pattern [-mounted|-nomounted] PATTERN
              A glob(7) pattern matching paths at which a backup device  may  be  mounted.   This  can  be  used
              multiple times.

              See the description of store above for the meanings of the options.

   Report Directives
       These are global directives that affect only the HTML report.

       color-bad COLOR
              The  color  used to represent bad states (no sufficiently recent backup) in the report.  See below
              for the interpretation of COLOR.

       color-good COLOR
              The color used to represent good states (a recent backup) in the report.

       report [+] [KEY][:VALUE][?CONDITION] ...
              Defines the report contents.  The arguments to this directive are a sequence of  keys,  optionally
              parameterized by a value and/or a condition.

              If  the first argument is a + then the arguments are added to the current configuration; otherwise
              they replace it.

              The possible keys, with values where appropriate, are:

                     A timestamp stating when the report was generated.

                     A  graphic  showing  the  backups  available  for  each  volume.   This   only   works   if
                     rsbackup-graph(1) is installed.



                     Headings at levels 1, 2 and 3.

              logs   A list of logs of failed backups.

                     A paragraph of text.

                     A list of logs of pruned backups.

                     DAYS is the number of days of pruning logs to put in the report.  The default is 3.

                     A table summarizing the backups available for each volume.

                     The document title.

                     A list of warning messages.

              If  a  condition  is  specified  then the key is only used if the condition is true.  The possible
              conditions are:

                     True if there are any warnings to display (i.e. if the warnings key is nonempty).

              Within a VALUE the following sequences undergo substitution:

              \CHAR  Replaced with the single character CHAR.

                     Replaced with the value of the environment variable VARIABLE, if it is set.

              The following environment variables are set:

                     The local date and time in ctime(3) format.

                     The local date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

              The default is equivalent to:

                     report "title:Backup report (${RSBACKUP_DATE})"
                     report + "h1:Backup report (${RSBACKUP_DATE})"
                     report + h2:Warnings?warnings warnings
                     report + "h2:Summary" summary
                     report + history-graph
                     report + h2:Logfiles logs
                     report + "h3:Pruning logs" prune-logs
                     report + "p:Generated ${RSBACKUP_CTIME}"

       sendmail PATH
              The path to the executable to use for  sending  email.   The  default  is  platform-dependent  but
              typically /usr/sbin/sendmail.  The executable should support the -t, -oee, -oi and -odb options.

       stylesheet PATH
              The  path  to the stylesheet to use in the HTML report.  If this is absent then a built-in default
              stylesheet is used.

   Graph Directives
       These are global directives that affect the output of rsbackup-graph(1).

       color-graph-background COLOR
              The background color.  See below for the interpretation of COLOR.

       color-graph-foreground COLOR
              The foreground color, i.e. for text.

       color-month-guide COLOR
              The color for the vertical month guides.

       color-host-guide COLOR
              The color for the horizontal guides between hosts.

       color-volume-guide COLOR
              The color for the horizontal guides between volumes.

       device-color-strategy STRATEGY
              The strategy to use for picking device colors.

              A strategy is a name and a sequence of parameters, all of which are optional.

              The possible strategies are:

              equidistant-value HUE SATURATION MINVALUE MAXVALUE
                     Colors are picked with chosen hue and saturation,  with  values  equally  spaced  within  a

                     The default hue is 0 and the default saturation is 1.  The default value range is from 0 to

              equidistant-hue HUE SATURATION VALUE
                     Colors are picked with chosen saturation and value and equally spaced hues,  starting  from

                     The default starting hue is 0 and the default saturation and value are 1.

              The default strategy is equivalent to:

                     device-color-strategy equidistant-value 120 0.75

       horizontal-padding PIXELS
              The number pixels to place between horizontally adjacent elements.  The default is 8.

       vertical-padding PIXELS
              The number pixels to place between vertically adjacent elements.  The default is 2.

       host-name-font FONT
              The font description used for host names.  See below for the interpretation of FONT.

       volume-name-font FONT
              The font description used for volume names.

       device-name-font FONT
              The font description used for device names.

       time-label-font FONT
              The font description used for time labels.

       graph-layout [+] PART:COLUMN,ROW[:HV] ...
              Defines the graph layout.

              The  arguments  to  this  directive  are  a sequence of graph component specifications of the form
              PART:COLUMN,ROW[:HV], where:

              PART   The name of this component.  The following parts are recognized:

                            The host name labels for the graph.  This is expected to  be  in  the  same  row  as

                            The  volume  name  labels  for the graph.  This is expected to be in the same row as

                            The graph content.

                            The time labels for the graph.  This is  expected  to  be  in  the  same  column  as

                            The key mapping device names to colors.

              COLUMN The column number for this component.  0 is the leftmost column.

              ROW    The row number for this component.  0 is the top row.

              HV     The  (optional)  justification  specification  for  this  component.   H  may be one of the

                     L      Left justification.

                     C      Centre justification.

                     R      Right justification.

                     V may be one of the following:

                     T      Top justification.

                     C      Centre justification.

                     B      Bottom justification.

              Parts may be repeated or omitted.

              The default layout is equivalent to:

                     graph-layout host-labels:0,0
                     graph-layout + volume-labels:1,0
                     graph-layout + content:2,0
                     graph-layout + time-labels:2,1
                     graph-layout + device-key:2,3:RC

       COLOR may be one of the following:

       DECIMAL or 0xRRGGBB
              An integer value representing an RGB triple.  It is  most  convenient  to  use  hexadecimal.   For
              example, black is 0x000000, red is 0xFF0000, and so on.

       rgb RED GREEN BLUE
              Three numbers in the range 0 to 1 representing red, green and blue components.

              HUE  chooses  between  different  primary  colors  and  mixtures  of  them.  0 represents red, 120
              represents green and 240 represents blue; intermediate values represent mixed hues.

              Normally it would be in the range 0 <= HUE < 360, but values outside this range  are  mapped  into

              SATURATION  is a number in the range 0 to 1 and (roughly) represents how colorful the color is.  0
              is a shade of grey and 1 is maximally colorful.

              VALUE is a number in the range 0 to 1 and represents the brightness of the color.

              See for a fuller discussion of these terms.

       FONT is a Pango font description.  The syntax is "[FAMILY-LIST] [STYLE-OPTIONS] [SIZE]" where:

              A comma-separate list of font families.  These necessarily depend on the fonts  installed  locally
              but Pango recognizes monospace, sans and and serif as generic family names.

              To get a list of Pango fonts:

              python -c 'import pangocairo;print("\n".join([font.get_name() for font in pangocairo.cairo_font_map_get_default().list_families()]))'

              A whitespace-separated list of style, variant, weight, stretch and gravity options.

              The possible style options are roman (the default), oblique and italic.

              The possible variant options are small-caps.

              The possible weight options are thin, ultra-light, light, semi-light, book, regular (the default),
              medium, semi-bold, bold, ultra-bold, heavy and ultra-heavy.

              The possible  stretch  options  are  ultra-condensed,  condensed,  semi-condensed,  semi-expanded,
              expanded and ultra-expanded.

              The possible gravity options are south (the default), north, east and west.

       SIZE   The font size in points, or PIXELSpx for a font size in pixels.

       The  details of the syntax are entirely under the control of the Pango library; for full details you must
       consult its documentation or source code.


       Inheritable directives control an aspect of one or more backups.  They can be  specified  at  the  global
       level  or in a host or volume stanza (see below).  If one appears in multiple places then volume settings
       override host settings and host settings override global settings.

       backup-parameter NAME VALUE
              Set a parameter for the backup policy.  See BACKUP POLICIES below.

       backup-parameter --remove NAME
              Remove a parameter for the backup policy.  See BACKUP POLICIES below.

       backup-policy NAME
              The backup policy to use.  See BACKUP POLICIES below.

       hook-timeout SECONDS
              How long to wait before concluding a hook has hung, in seconds.  The default is 0, which means  to
              wait indefinitely.

       host-check always-up
              Assume that the host is always up.

       host-check ssh
              Check whether the host is up using SSH.  This is the default host check behavior.

       host-check command COMMAND...
              Check whether the host is up by executing a command.  The name of the host will be appended to the
              command line.  If it exits with status 0 the host is assumed to be up.  If it exits  with  nonzero
              status the host is assumed to be down.

       max-age DAYS
              The  maximum  age  of  the  most  recent  backup before you feel uncomfortable.  The default is 3,
              meaning that if a volume hasn't been backed up in the last 3 days it will have red ink in the HTML

       post-backup-hook COMMAND...
              A  command  to execute after finishing a backup, or after it failed.  A backup is still considered
              to have succeeded even if the post-backup hook fails (exits nonzero).  See HOOKS below.

       pre-backup-hook COMMAND...
              A command to execute before starting a backup.  If this hook fails (i.e. exits nonzero)  then  the
              backup is not made and the post-backup hook will not be run.  See HOOKS below.

              This  hook  can  override  the source path for the backup by writing a new source path to standard

       prune-parameter NAME VALUE
              Set a parameter for the pruning policy.  See PRUNING below.

       prune-parameter --remove NAME
              Remove a parameter for pruning policy.

       prune-policy NAME
              The pruning policy to use.  See PRUNING below.

       rsync-timeout SECONDS
              How long to wait before concluding rsync has hung, in seconds.  The default is 0, which  means  to
              wait indefinitely.

       rsync-command COMMAND
              The command to execute to make a backup.  The default is rsync.

       rsync-base-options OPTIONS ...
              The  options  to  supply  to  the  rsync command.  The default is --archive --sparse --numeric-ids
              --compress --fuzzy --hard-links --delete --stats.

       rsync-extra-options OPTIONS ...
              Additional options to supply to the rsync command.  The default is --xattrs --acls.

              See PLATFORMS for how to set this option when backing up macOS or Windows platforms.

       ssh-timeout SECONDS
              How long to wait before concluding a host is down, in seconds.  The default is 60.


       A host stanza is started by a host directive.

       host HOST
              Introduce a host stanza.  The name is used for the backup directory for this host.

       The following directives, and volume stanzas (see below), can appear in a host stanza:

       always-up true|false
              If true, the host is expected to always be available.  If it is not then a warning will be  issued
              when  making  a  backup  if  it is not.  Failed attempts to make a backup will also be recorded as
              failures for always-up hosts (normally hosts that cannot be reached are silently skipped).

              This directive is deprecated.  Use host-check always-up instead.

       devices PATTERN
              A glob(3) pattern restricting the devices that this host will be backed up to.

              Note that only backup creation honors this restriction.  Pruning and retiring do not.

       group GROUP
              The concurrency group for this host.   The  default  is  the  name  from  the  host  stanza.   See
              CONCURRENCY below.

       hostname HOSTNAME
              The SSH hostname for this host.  The default is the name from the host stanza.

              The  hostname  localhost  is  treated specially: it is assumed to always be identical to the local
              system, so files will be read from the local filesystem.

       priority INTEGER
              The priority of this host.  Hosts are  backed  up  in  descending  priority  order.   The  default
              priority is 0.

       user USERNAME
              The SSH username for this host.  The default is not to supply a username.

       In  addition,  inheritable directives can appear in a host stanza, and override any appearance of them at
       the global level.

       Conventionally the contents of a host stanza are indented.

       Remote hosts are accessed by SSH.  The user rsbackup runs as must be able to connect to the  remote  host
       (and without a password being entered if it is to be run from a cron job or similar).


       A volume stanza is started by a volume directive.  It can only appear within a host stanza.

       volume VOLUME PATH
              Introduce  a  volume stanza.  The name is used for the backup directory for this volume.  The path
              is the absolute path on the host.

       The following directives can appear in a volume stanza:

       check-file PATH
              Checks that PATH exists before backing up the volume.  PATH may be either an absolute  path  or  a
              relative  path (to the root of the volume).  It need not be inside the volume though the usual use
              would be to check for a file which is always present there.

              This check is done before executing the pre-backup-hook, so it applies to the  real  path  to  the
              volume, not the rewritten path.

       check-mounted true|false
              If true, checks that the volume's path is a mount point before backing up the volume.

              This  check  is  done  before executing the pre-backup-hook, so it applies to the real path to the
              volume, not the rewritten path.

              Note that if multiple check- options are used, all checks must pass for the volume  to  be  backed

       exclude PATTERN
              An  exclusion  for  this  volume.   The  pattern  is  passed  to the rsync --exclude option.  This
              directive may appear multiple times per volume.

              See the rsync man page for full details.

       traverse true|false
              If true, traverse mount points.  This suppresses the rsync --one-file-system option.

       In addition, inheritable directives can appear in a volume stanza, and override any appearance of them at
       the host or global level.

       Conventionally the contents of a volume stanza are indented.


       Backup  policies  determine when a backup is made.  The available policies are listed below.  The default
       policy is daily.

       This policy creates a backup at every opportunity.

       This policy creates at most one backup per calendar day, as understood in local time.

       This policy enfores a minimum interval between backups.  The following backup parameters are supported:

              The minimum interval between backups in seconds.


       This is process of removing old backups (using the --prune option).  The pruning policy used to determine
       which  backups to remove is set with the inheritable prune-policy directive, and parameters to the policy
       set via the prune-parameter directive.

       The available policies are listed below.  The default policy is age.

       This policy deletes backups older than a minimum age, provided a minimum number of backups  on  a  device
       remain available.  The following pruning parameters are supported:

              The  minimum  number of backups of the volume to maintain on the device.  Pruning will never cause
              the number of backups to fall below this value.  The default (and minimum) is 1.

              The age after backups become eligible for pruning, in days.  Only backups more than this many days
              old will be pruned.  The default is 366 and the minimum is 1.

       For  backwards  compatibility,  these values can also be set using the directives of the same name.  This
       will be disabled in a future version.

       This policy thins out backups older than a minimum age, using a configurable decay pattern that  arranges
       to keep a declining number of backups with age.  The following pruning parameters are supported:

              The age after backups become eligible for pruning, in days.  Only backups more than this many days
              old will be pruned.  The default is 1 and the minimum is 1.

              The age after which backups are always pruned, in days.  Backups older than this  will  always  be
              pruned unless this would leave no backups at all.  The default is 366 and the minimum is 1.

              The scale at which the decay window is expanded.  The default is 2 and the minimum is 2.

              The size of the decay window.  The default is 1 and the minimum is 1.

       This policy executes a subprogram with parameters and additional information supplied in the environment.

       The following parameters are supported:

       path   The path to the subprogram to execute.

       Any additional parameters are supplied to the subprogram via environment variables, prefixed with PRUNE_.
       Additionally the following environment variables are set:

              The name of the device containing the backup.

              The name of the host.

              The list of backups on the device, by timestamp.  This list excludes any that  have  already  been
              scheduled for pruning.

              The  total  number of backups of this volume on any device.  Note that it does not include backups
              on other devices that have just been selected for pruning by another call to the subprogram.

              The name of the volume.

       These environment variables all override any parameters with clashing names.

       The output should be a list of backups to prune, one per line (in any order).  Each line  should  contain
       the  timestamp  of the backup to prune (i.e. the same value as appeared in PRUNE_ONDEVICE), followed by a
       colon, followed by the reason that this backup is to be pruned.

       As a convenience, if the argument to prune-policy starts with / then the exec policy is chosen  with  the
       policy name as the path parameter.

       This policy never deletes any backups.


       A  hook  is  a command executed by rsbackup just before or just after some action.  The command is passed
       directly to execvp(3); to use a shell command, therefore, either wrap it in a script or invoke the  shell
       with the -c option.

       All  hooks are run in --dry-run mode.  Hook scripts must honor RSBACKUP_ACT which will be set to false in
       this mode and true otherwise.

   Access Hooks
       Access hooks are executed (once) before doing anything that will access backup devices (even just to read

       The following environment variables are set when an access hook is executed:

              Set to false in --dry-run mode and true otherwise.

              A space-separated list of known device names.

              The  name  of  the hook (i.e. pre-access-hook, etc).  This allows a single hook script to serve as
              the implementation for multiple hooks.

   Backup Hooks
       Backup hooks are executed just before or just after a backup is made.  Possible  uses  for  backup  hooks
       include snapshotting volumes or mounting volumes.

       When a backup hook is executed, the environment variables listed in ENVIRONMENT below are set, along with
       the following:

              The name of the hook (i.e. pre-backup-hook, etc).  This allows a single hook script  to  serve  as
              the implementation for multiple hooks.

              (Only for post-backup-hook).  Either ok or failed.

       The error output from backup hooks is stored in the same backup record as the output from rsync.

       The exit status of the pre-backup-hook is interpreted as follows:

       0      The hook succeeded.  The backup will be attempted.

       75     The  volume  is  temporarily  unavailable.   The backup will not be attempted, as if check-file or
              check-mounted had failed.

       anything else
              Something went wrong.  The backup will be treated as failed, as if it had been attempted and rsync
              had failed.

       NOTE:  The  current  behavior is that the pre/post backup hooks are run separately for each backup.  In a
       future version, they  may  be  run  only  once  for  all  backups  of  a  given  volume,  in  which  case
       RSBACKUP_DEVICE will no longer be set.

       See rsbackup-snapshot-hook(1) for a hook program that can be used to back up from Linux LVM snapshots.


       When a hook or rsync are executed, the following environment variables are set:

              Set to false in --dry-run mode and true otherwise.

              The target device name for the backup.

              Note that this may be removed for hooks in a future version.

              The name of the host.

              The name of the concurrency group.  See the group directive.

              The SSH hostname of the host.

              Recall  that  rsbackup  treats  the hostname localhost specially.  If the hook also needs to do so
              then it must duplicate this logic.

              The SSH hostname and username combined for passing to ssh(1).

              This will be username@hostname or just hostname depending on whether a SSH username was set.

              The SSH username of the host.  If no SSH username was set, this variable will not be set.

              The path to the store directory where the device is mounted.

              The name of the volume.

              The path to the volume.


       Any given device only gets used for one thing at a time; it will never happen that two  backups,  or  two
       prunes, access the same device.

       No concurrency group will ever have more than one backup made from it any a time.  Normally a concurrency
       group is just a single host, but the group directive can be used to add multiple hosts to a single  group
       (for instance, if they share physical hardware).

       No  two  hooks  will  be  executed  concurrently,  even if they apply to different concurrency groups and
       different devices.  However, a hook may execute while a backup (for a different concurrency group  and  a
       different device) is executing.


       Apple's  rsync  has  a nonstandard option to enable backup of extended attributes.  For local backups you
       can configure rsbackup to use it with a host-level directive:

       rsync-extra-options --extended-attributes

       If backing up a macOS host from a host with a modern rsync, or vice versa, however,  extended  attributes
       and  ACLs  cannot be backed up at all.  In that case the affected hosts must disable backup attribute and
       ACL backup as follows:


       If an up-to-date rsync is used on macOS hosts, it can be left at the default.

       rsbackup does not run on Windows.  However, it may be used to back up Windows filesystems.  In this  case
       it  can happen that the attributes in the Windows filesystem do not fit in the backup filesystem; if this
       happens you may see errors like this:

       rsync: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr(""/backup7/host/volume/2018-02-04/path/to/file"","attrname") failed: No space left on device (28)
       rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1668) [generator=3.1.2]

       In that case the affected volumes must disable attribute backup and ACL backup as follows:



       rsbackup(1), rsbackup-graph(1), rsbackup.cron(1), rsbackup-mount(1), rsbackup-snapshot-hook(1), rsync(1),


       Richard Kettlewell <>
