Provided by: basex_9.0.1+ds-1_all bug


       basex - XML database system and XPath/XQuery processor (command line mode)


       basex [-bcdiIoqrRstuvVwxXz] [input]


       basex  is  a  fast  and  powerful,  yet  light-weight  and  platform  independent XML database system and
       XPath/XQuery processor.


       A short description of option can be obtained from

           $ basex -h

       or by browsing


       A list of supported Database commands can be obtained from

           $ basex -c help

       or by browsing


       •  XQuery evaluation (no database, no interaction, script mode):

          $ basex 19+23
          $ basex -q "<answer>{ 23+19 }</answer>"

       •  Import an XML file into database, output its content (query its root) and be verbose:

           $ basex -Vc "CREATE DB input /usr/share/doc/basex/examples/input.xml; XQUERY /"
           Database 'input' created in 136.84 ms.
             <!-- Header -->
             <head id="0">
             <!-- Body -->
             <body id="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000CC">
               <h1>Databases &amp; XML</h1>
               <div align="right">
                   <li>Exercise 1</li>
                   <li>Exercise 2</li>
             <?pi bogus?>

           Query: /


           Result: root()

           Parsing: 5.08 ms
           Compiling: 27.2 ms
           Evaluating: 0.87 ms
           Printing: 13.7 ms
           Total Time: 46.86 ms

           Hit(s): 1 Item
           Updated: 0 Items
           Printed: 358 Bytes

           Query executed in 42.52 ms.

       •  XPath evaluation (with existing database):

           $ basex -c "OPEN input; XQUERY //li[1]"
           <li>Exercise 1</li>

       •  Retrieve XML from the web and perform XPath query:

           $ basex -q "doc('')//li"
           <li>Exercise 1</li>
           <li>Exercise 2</li>

       •  W3C XQuery Full-Text (make use of full-text index and perform fuzzy query with a typing error):

           $ basex
           BaseX 7.1 [Standalone]
           Try "help" to get more information.

           > SET FTINDEX on
           Full-Text Index: ON
           > CREATE DB input /usr/share/doc/basex/examples/input.xml
           Database 'input' created in 94.42 ms.
           > XQUERY //b[text() contains text 'Asisgnment' using fuzzy]
           Query executed in 8.37 ms.

       •  Update the database and show result:

           > XQUERY delete node //ul
           Query executed in 2.79 ms.
           > XQUERY replace value of node //b with 'Debian rules'
           Query executed in 2.94 ms.
           > XQUERY //div
           <div align="right">
             <b>Debian rules</b>
           Query executed in 1.01 ms.

       •  Open an input xml file, execute a query and write result into file:

           $ basex -i /usr/share/doc/basex/examples/input.xml -q //div -o out.xml
           $ cat out.xml
           <div align="right">
               <li>Exercise 1</li>
               <li>Exercise 2</li>

       •  Query an already existing database called 'input'. If a file named 'input' exists in  current  working
          directory it takes precedence:

           $ basex -i input -q //div
           <div align="right">
               <li>Exercise 1</li>
               <li>Exercise 2</li>

       •  Let basex process query input from standard in:

          $ echo '19+23' | basex -q-

       •  Execute commands from script file:

          $ cat commands.txt
          create db debian <debian_db/>
          xquery /
          $ basex -C commands.txt | grep debian
          debian              1          4639       debian.xml

       •  Parse non well-formed HTML (needs libtagsoup-java installed):

          $ cat bad.html

          $ basex -c 'set parser html; set htmlopt method=html,nons=true; create db htmldb bad.html'
          $ basex -q "doc('htmldb')"


          $ basex -q 'declare option db:parser "html"; doc("bad.html")'
          <html xmlns="">

          For further documentation on how to configure the HTML Parser refer to


       basexgui(1), basexserver(1), basexclient(1)

          .basexhome                can be created by a user to mark a folder as home directory.
          .basex                    BaseX (standalone and server) properties
          .basexgui                 BaseX additional GUI properties
          .basexhistory             contains commands that have been typed in most recently.
          ${basexhome}/data         Default database directory
          ${basexhome}/data/.logs   Server logs
          ${basexhome}/repo         Package repository

       BaseX Documentation Wiki:


       BaseX  started  as  a  research  project  of  the  Database  and  Information Systems Group (DBIS) at the
       University of Konstanz in 2005 and  soon  turned  into  a  feature-rich  open  source  XML  database  and
       XPath/XQuery processor.


       New (3-clause) BSD License


       BaseX  is  primarily  developed  by  Christian Gruen <> with the help of various contributors

       The man page was written by Alexander Holupirek <>  while  packaging  BaseX  for  Debian

                                                  27 March 2018                                         basex(1)