Provided by: frog_0.15-1build2_amd64 bug


       frog - Dutch Natural Language Toolkit


       frog [options]

       frog -t test-file


       frog  is  an  integration of memory‐-based natural language processing (NLP) modules developed for Dutch.
       frog's current version will tokenize, tag, lemmatize, and morphologically segment word  tokens  in  Dutch
       text files, add IOB chunks and will assign a dependency graph to each sentence.


       -c <configfile>
              set the configuration using 'file'

              set  debug  level  per module.  Tokenizer (t), Lemmatizer (l), Morphological Analyzer (a), Chunker
              (c), Multi‐Word Units (m), Named Entity Recognition (n), or Parser (p).

              (e.g. --debug=l5,n3 sets the level for the Lemmatizer to 5 and for the NER to 3 )

       -d <level>
              set global debug level. (for all modules)

              generate a deep morphological analisys and  add  it  to  the  XML.  This  also  includes  compound
              information.  The default tabbed output is also more detailed in the Morpheme field.

       -e <encoding>
              set input encoding. (default UTF8)

       -h or --help
              give some help

              keep the intermediate files from the parser. Last sentence only!

              Set  the  languages  to  work on. This parameter is also passed to the tokenizer.  The strings are
              assumed to be ISO 639-2 codes.

              The first language in the list will be the default, unspecified languages are asumed  to  be  that

              e.g.  --language=nld,eng,por  means:  detect  Dutch,  English and Portuguese, with Dutch being the

              assume inputfile to hold one sentence per line.

              Very useful when running interactive, otherwise an empty line is needed to signal end of input.

              suppress the collumned output to stdout. (when no outputfile is specified with -o or --outputdir)

              Especially useful when XML output is speifies with -X or --xmldir.

       -o <file>
              send output to 'file' instead of stdout. Defaults  to  the  name  of  the  inputfile  with  '.out'

       --outputdir <dir>
              send  all  output  to  'dir'  instead  of stdout. Creates filenames from the inputfilename(s) with
              '.out' appended.

              assume a re-run on the same input file(s). Frog wil only process those  files  that  haven't  been
              processed yet. This is accomplished by looking at the output file names. (so this has no effect if
              neither -o, --outputdir, -X or --xmldir is used)

              skip parts of the process: Tokenizer (t), Chunker (c), Lemmatizer (l), Morphological Analyzer (a),
              Multi‐Word unit (m), Named‐Entity recognizer (n) or Parser (p)

              Enable quotedetection in the tokenizer. May run havock!

       -S <port>
              Run a server on 'port'

       -t <file>
              process 'file'.

              When -t is omitted, Frog will run in interactive mode.

       -x <xmlfile>
              process  'xmlfile',  which  is  supposed  to  be  in  FoLiA  format!  If  'xmlfile'  is empty, and
              --testdir=<dir> is provided, all '.xml' files in 'dir' will be processed as FoLia XML.

              When -x is given, use 'cls' to find AND store text in the FoLiA document(s).   Using  --inputclass
              and --ptclass is in general a better choice.

              use 'cls' to find text in the FoLiA input document(s).

              use  'cls'  to  output text in the FoLiA input document(s).  Preferably this is another class then
              the inputclass.

              process all files in 'dir'. When the input mode is XML, only '.xml' files are  teken  from  'dir'.
              see also --outputdir

              location to store intermediate files. Default /tmp.

              assume all utterances are separated by 'mark'. (the default is none).

              use  a maximum of 'n' threads. The default is to take whatever is needed.  In servermode we always
              run on 1 thread per session.

       -V or --version
              show version info

              generate FoLiA XML output and send it to 'dir'. Creates  filenames  from  the  inputfilename  with
              '.xml' appended. (Except when it already ends with '.xml')

       -X <file>
              generate  FoLiA  XML  output  and send it to 'file'. Defaults to the name of the inputfile(s) with
              '.xml' appended. (Except when it already ends with '.xml')

              When -X for FoLia is given, use 'id' to give the doc an ID.




       Maarten van Gompel

       Ko van der Sloot

       Antal van den Bosch




                                                   2017 may 1                                            frog(1)