Provided by: haproxy_2.0.33-0ubuntu0.1_amd64 bug


       haproxy-lua - haproxy-lua Documentation


       The  Lua  code  executed in HAProxy can be processed in 2 main modes. The first one is the initialisation
       mode, and the second is the runtime mode.

       • In the initialisation mode, we can perform DNS solves, but  we  cannot  perform  socket  I/O.  In  this
         initialisation mode, HAProxy still blocked during the execution of the Lua program.

       • In  the  runtime  mode, we cannot perform DNS solves, but we can use sockets.  The execution of the Lua
         code is multiplexed with the requests processing, so the Lua code seems to be run in blocking,  but  it
         is not the case.

       The  Lua  code  is  loaded in one or more files. These files contains main code and functions. Lua have 6
       execution context.

       1. The Lua file body context. It is executed during the load of the Lua  file  in  the  HAProxy  [global]
          section  with  the  directive lua-load. It is executed in initialisation mode. This section is use for
          configuring Lua bindings in HAProxy.

       2. The Lua init context. It is a Lua function executed just after the HAProxy configuration parsing.  The
          execution  is in initialisation mode. In this context the HAProxy environment are already initialized.
          It is useful to check configuration, or initializing socket connections or tasks. These functions  are
          declared in the body context with the Lua function core.register_init(). The prototype of the function
          is a simple function without return value and without parameters, like this: function fcn().

       3. The Lua task context. It is a Lua function executed after the start of the HAProxy scheduler, and just
          after  the  declaration  of  the  task with the Lua function core.register_task(). This context can be
          concurrent with the traffic processing. It is executed in runtime mode. The prototype of the  function
          is a simple function without return value and without parameters, like this: function fcn().

       4. The  action  context. It is a Lua function conditionally executed. These actions are registered by the
          Lua directives "core.register_action()". The prototype of the Lua called function is a  function  with
          doesn't returns anything and that take an object of class TXN as entry. function fcn(txn).

       5. The  sample-fetch  context.  This  function takes a TXN object as entry argument and returns a string.
          These types of function cannot execute any blocking function. They are useful  to  aggregate  some  of
          original  HAProxy  sample-fetches  and  return  the  result. The prototype of the function is function
          string fcn(txn). These functions can be registered with the Lua function core.register_fetches(). Each
          declared sample-fetch is prefixed by the string "lua.".

             It  is  possible  that  this  function  cannot  found  the  required  data  in the original HAProxy
             sample-fetches, in this case, it cannot return the result. This case is not yet supported

       6. The converter context. It is a Lua function that takes a string as input and returns another string as
          output. These types of function are stateless, it cannot access to any context. They don't execute any
          blocking function.  The call prototype is function string fcn(string). This function can be registered
          with  the  Lua  function core.register_converters(). Each declared converter is prefixed by the string


       HAProxy configuration file (hello_world.conf):

             lua-load hello_world.lua

          listen proxy
             tcp-request inspect-delay 1s
             tcp-request content use-service lua.hello_world

       HAProxy Lua file (hello_world.lua):

          core.register_service("hello_world", "tcp", function(applet)
             applet:send("hello world\n")

       How to start HAProxy for testing this configuration:

          ./haproxy -f hello_world.conf

       On other terminal, you can test with telnet:

          #:~ telnet 10001
          hello world

       class core()
              The "core" class contains all the HAProxy core  functions.  These  function  are  useful  for  the
              controlling the execution flow, registering hooks, manipulating global maps or ACL, ...

              "core"  class  is  basically  provided  with  HAProxy.  No  require line is required to uses these

              The "core" class is static, it is not possible to create a new object of this type.



              This attribute is an integer, it contains the value of the loglevel "emergency" (0).



              This attribute is an integer, it contains the value of the loglevel "alert" (1).



              This attribute is an integer, it contains the value of the loglevel "critical" (2).



              This attribute is an integer, it contains the value of the loglevel "error" (3).



              This attribute is an integer, it contains the value of the loglevel "warning" (4).



              This attribute is an integer, it contains the value of the loglevel "notice" (5).


              This attribute is an integer, it contains the value of the loglevel "info" (6).



              This attribute is an integer, it contains the value of the loglevel "debug" (7).

              context: task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              This attribute is a table of declared proxies (frontend and backends). Each proxy give  an  access
              to  his  list  of  listeners and servers. The table is indexed by proxy name, and each entry is of
              type Proxy class.

                 if you are declared frontend and backend with the same name, only one of these are listed.

              See    core.backends

              See    core.frontends

              context: task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              This attribute is a table of declared proxies with backend capability. Each proxy give  an  access
              to  his list of listeners and servers. The table is indexed by the backend name, and each entry is
              of type Proxy class.

              See    core.proxies

              See    core.frontends

              context: task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              This attribute is a table of declared proxies with frontend capability. Each proxy give an  access
              to his list of listeners and servers. The table is indexed by the frontend name, and each entry is
              of type Proxy class.

              See    core.proxies

              See    core.backends

       core.log(loglevel, msg)
              context: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              This function sends a log. The log is sent, according with the HAProxy configuration file, on  the
              default syslog server if it is configured and on the stderr if it is allowed.

              Argumentsloglevel  (integer)  --  Is  the  log  level  associated with the message. It is a number
                       between 0 and 7.

                     • msg (string) -- The log content.

              See    core.emerg,  core.alert,  core.crit,  core.err,   core.warning,   core.notice,,
                     core.debug (log level definitions)

              See    core.Debug()

              See    core.Info()

              See    core.Warning()

              See    core.Alert()

              context: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Argumentsmsg (string) -- The log content.

              See    core.log()

              Does the same job than:

          function Debug(msg)
            core.log(core.debug, msg)

              context: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Argumentsmsg (string) -- The log content.

              See    core.log()

          function Info(msg)
            core.log(, msg)

              context: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Argumentsmsg (string) -- The log content.

              See    core.log()

          function Warning(msg)
            core.log(core.warning, msg)

              context: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Argumentsmsg (string) -- The log content.

              See    core.log()

          function Alert(msg)
            core.log(core.alert, msg)

       core.add_acl(filename, key)
              context: init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Add the ACL key in the ACLs list referenced by the file filename.

              Argumentsfilename (string) -- the filename that reference the ACL entries.

                     • key (string) -- the key which will be added.

       core.del_acl(filename, key)
              context: init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Delete the ACL entry referenced by the key key in the list of ACLs referenced by filename.

              Argumentsfilename (string) -- the filename that reference the ACL entries.

                     • key (string) -- the key which will be deleted.

       core.del_map(filename, key)
              context: init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Delete  the  map  entry  indexed  with  the  specified  key  in the list of maps referenced by his

              Argumentsfilename (string) -- the filename that reference the map entries.

                     • key (string) -- the key which will be deleted.

              context: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Returns HAProxy core informations. We can found information like the uptime, the pid, memory  pool
              usage, tasks number, ...

              These  information are also returned by the management socket via the command "show info". See the
              management socket documentation for more information about the content of these variables.

                     an array of values.
              context: body, init, task, action

              This function returns the current time. The time returned is fixed by the HAProxy core and assures
              than  the  hour  will be monotonic and that the system call 'gettimeofday' will not be called too.
              The time is refreshed between each Lua execution  or  resume,  so  two  consecutive  call  to  the
              function "now" will probably returns the same result.

                     a  table  which  contains  two  entries "sec" and "usec". "sec" contains the current at the
                     epoch format, and "usec" contains the current microseconds.

              context: body, init, task, action

              This function take a string  representing  http  date,  and  returns  an  integer  containing  the
              corresponding  date  with  a  epoch format. A valid http date me respect the format IMF, RFC850 or

              Argumentsdate (string) -- a date http-date formatted

                     integer containing epoch date

              See    core.imf_date().

              See    core.rfc850_date().

              See    core.asctime_date().


              context: body, init, task, action

              This function take a  string  representing  IMF  date,  and  returns  an  integer  containing  the
              corresponding date with a epoch format.

              Argumentsdate (string) -- a date IMF formatted

                     integer containing epoch date


              The IMF format is like this:

          Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT

              context: body, init, task, action

              This  function  take  a  string  representing  RFC850  date, and returns an integer containing the
              corresponding date with a epoch format.

              Argumentsdate (string) -- a date RFC859 formatted

                     integer containing epoch date


              The RFC850 format is like this:

          Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT

              context: body, init, task, action

              This function take a string representing ASCTIME date,  and  returns  an  integer  containing  the
              corresponding date with a epoch format.

              Argumentsdate (string) -- a date ASCTIME formatted

                     integer containing epoch date


              The ASCTIME format is like this:

          Sun Nov  6 08:49:37 1994

              context: body, init, task, action

              This  function  take  a  string  representing  http  date,  and  returns an integer containing the
              corresponding date with a epoch format.

              Argumentsdate (string) -- a date http-date formatted

              context: body, init, task, action

              This function take a string  representing  http  date,  and  returns  an  integer  containing  the
              corresponding date with a epoch format.

              Argumentsdate (string) -- a date http-date formatted

              context: body, init, task, action

              The core.msleep() stops the Lua execution between specified milliseconds.

              Argumentsmilliseconds (integer) -- the required milliseconds.

              context: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Proxies  is  a  table  containing  the list of all proxies declared in the configuration file. The
              table is indexed by the proxy name, and each entry of the proxies table is an object of type Proxy

                 if you have declared a frontend and backend with the same name, only one of these are listed.

       core.register_action(name, actions, func[, nb_args])
              context: body

              Register  a Lua function executed as action. All the registered action can be used in HAProxy with
              the prefix "lua.". An action gets a TXN object class as input.

              Argumentsname (string) -- is the name of the converter.

                     • actions (table) -- is a table of string  describing  the  HAProxy  actions  who  want  to
                       register to. The expected actions are 'tcp-req', 'tcp-res', 'http-req' or 'http-res'.

                     • nb_args  (integer)  -- is the expected number of argument for the action.  By default the
                       value is 0.

                     • func (function) -- is the Lua function called to work as converter.

              The prototype of the Lua function used as argument is:

          function(txn [, arg1 [, arg2]])


            txn (TXN class): this is a TXN object used for manipulating the
                   current request or TCP stream.

          • argX: this is argument provided through the HAProxy configuration file.

          Here, an example of action registration. The action just send an 'Hello world' in the logs.

          core.register_action("hello-world", { "tcp-req", "http-req" }, function(txn)
             txn:Info("Hello world")
          This example code is used in HAproxy configuration like this:

          frontend tcp_frt
            mode tcp
            tcp-request content lua.hello-world

          frontend http_frt
            mode http
            http-request lua.hello-world
          A second example using arguments

          function hello_world(txn, arg)
             txn:Info("Hello world for " .. arg)
          core.register_action("hello-world", { "tcp-req", "http-req" }, hello_world, 2)
          This example code is used in HAproxy configuration like this:

          frontend tcp_frt
            mode tcp
            tcp-request content lua.hello-world everybody

       core.register_converters(name, func)
              context: body

              Register a Lua function executed as converter. All  the  registered  converters  can  be  used  in
              HAProxy  with the prefix "lua.". An converter get a string as input and return a string as output.
              The registered function can take up to 9 values as parameter. All the value are strings.

              Argumentsname (string) -- is the name of the converter.

                     • func (function) -- is the Lua function called to work as converter.

              The prototype of the Lua function used as argument is:

          function(str, [p1 [, p2 [, ... [, p5]]]])

          • str (string): this is the input value automatically converted in string.

          • p1 .. p5 (string): this is a list of string arguments declared in the  HAProxy  configuration  file.
            The  number  of  arguments  doesn't  exceed  5.  The order and the nature of these is conventionally
            choose by the developer.

       core.register_fetches(name, func)
              context: body

              Register a Lua function executed as sample fetch. All the registered sample fetch can be  used  in
              HAProxy  with  the  prefix  "lua.".  A  Lua sample fetch return a string as output. The registered
              function can take up to 9 values as parameter. All the value are strings.

              Argumentsname (string) -- is the name of the converter.

                     • func (function) -- is the Lua function called to work as sample fetch.

              The prototype of the Lua function used as argument is:

          string function(txn, [p1 [, p2 [, ... [, p5]]]])

          • txn (TXN class): this is the txn object associated with the current request.

          • p1 .. p5 (string): this is a list of string arguments declared in the  HAProxy  configuration  file.
            The  number  of  arguments  doesn't  exceed  5.  The order and the nature of these is conventionally
            choose by the developer.

          • Returns: A string containing some data, or nil if the value cannot be returned now.

          lua example code:

          core.register_fetches("hello", function(txn)
              return "hello"
          HAProxy example configuration:

          frontend example
             http-request redirect location /%[lua.hello]

       core.register_service(name, mode, func)
              context: body

              Register a Lua function executed as a service. All the registered service can be used  in  HAProxy
              with the prefix "lua.". A service gets an object class as input according with the required mode.

              Argumentsname (string) -- is the name of the converter.

                     • mode  (string)  --  is  string  describing  the  required  mode. Only 'tcp' or 'http' are

                     • func (function) -- is the Lua function called to work as converter.

              The prototype of the Lua function used as argument is:


          • applet applet  will be a AppletTCP class or a AppletHTTP class. It depends the  type  of  registered
            applet.  An  applet  registered  with the 'http' value for the mode parameter will gets a AppletHTTP
            class. If the mode value is 'tcp', the applet will gets a AppletTCP class.

              Applets of type 'http' cannot be called from  'tcp-'  rulesets.  Only  the  'http-'  rulesets  are
              authorized,  this  means  that  is  not  possible to call an HTTP applet from a proxy in tcp mode.
              Applets of type 'tcp' can be called from anywhere.

          Here, an example of service registration. The service just send an 'Hello world' as an http response.

          core.register_service("hello-world", "http", function(applet)
             local response = "Hello World !"
             applet:add_header("content-length", string.len(response))
             applet:add_header("content-type", "text/plain")
          This example code is used in HAproxy configuration like this:

          frontend example
             http-request use-service lua.hello-world

              context: body

              Register a function executed after  the  configuration  parsing.  This  is  useful  to  check  any

              Argumentsfunc (function) -- is the Lua function called to work as initializer.

              The prototype of the Lua function used as argument is:

          It takes no input, and no output is expected.

              context: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Register  and  start independent task. The task is started when the HAProxy main scheduler starts.
              For example this type of tasks can be executed to perform complex health checks.

              Argumentsfunc (function) -- is the Lua function called to work as initializer.

              The prototype of the Lua function used as argument is:

          It takes no input, and no output is expected.

       core.register_cli([path], usage, func)
              context: body

              Register and start independent task. The task is started when the HAProxy main  scheduler  starts.
              For example this type of tasks can be executed to perform complex health checks.

              Argumentspath (array) -- is the sequence of word for which the cli execute the Lua binding.

                     • usage (string) -- is the usage message displayed in the help.

                     • func (function) -- is the Lua function called to handle the CLI commands.

              The prototype of the Lua function used as argument is:

          function(AppletTCP, [arg1, [arg2, [...]]])
          I/O  are  managed  with  the  AppletTCP  class object. Args are given as parameter. The args embed the
          registered path. If the path is declared like this:

          core.register_cli({"show", "ssl", "stats"}, "Display SSL stats..", function(applet, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
          And we execute this in the prompt:

          > prompt
          > show ssl stats all
          Then, arg1, arg2 and arg3 will contains respectively "show", "ssl" and  "stats".   arg4  will  contain
          "all". arg5 contains nil.

              context: task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Change the nice of the current task or current session.

              Argumentsnice (integer) -- the nice value, it must be between -1024 and 1024.

       core.set_map(filename, key, value)
              context: init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Set the value value associated to the key key in the map referenced by filename.

              Argumentsfilename (string) -- the Map reference

                     • key (string) -- the key to set or replace

                     • value (string) -- the associated value

       core.sleep(int seconds)
              context: body, init, task, action

              The core.sleep() functions stop the Lua execution between specified seconds.

              Argumentsseconds (integer) -- the required seconds.

              context: init, task, action

              This function returns a new object of a socket class.

                     A Socket class object.

              context: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              This function returns a new concat object.

                     A Concat class object.

              context: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Argumentsdata  (any)  --  Return  some  data  for the caller. It is useful with sample-fetches and

              Immediately stops the current Lua execution and returns to the caller which may be a sample fetch,
              a  converter  or  an action and returns the specified value (ignored for actions). It is used when
              the LUA process finishes its work and wants to give back the control to HAProxy without  executing
              the remaining code. It can be seen as a multi-level "return".

              context: task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Give  back the hand at the HAProxy scheduler. It is used when the LUA processing consumes a lot of
              processing time.

              context: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Argumentsnetwork -- is a string describing an ipv4 or ipv6  address  and  optionally  its  network
                       length, like this: "" or "aaaa::1234/32".

                     a userdata containing network or nil if an error occurs.

              Parse ipv4 or ipv6 addresses and its facultative associated network.

       core.match_addr(addr1, addr2)
              context: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              Argumentsaddr1 -- is an address created with "core.parse_addr".

                     • addr2 -- is an address created with "core.parse_addr".

                     boolean, true if the network of the addresses match, else returns false.

              Match  two  networks. For example "" matchs "". The order of network is not

       core.tokenize(str, separators[, noblank])
              context: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter

              This function is useful for tokenizing an entry, or splitting some messages.  :param  string  str:
              The  string  which  will  be  split.   :param  string  separators:  A  string containing a list of
              separators.  :param boolean noblank: Ignore empty entries.  :returns: an array of string.

              For example:

          local array = core.tokenize("This function is useful, for tokenizing an entry.", "., ", true)
          Returns this array:

          (table) table: 0x21c01e0 [
              1: (string) "This"
              2: (string) "function"
              3: (string) "is"
              4: (string) "useful"
              5: (string) "for"
              6: (string) "tokenizing"
              7: (string) "an"
              8: (string) "entry"

       class Proxy()
              This class provides a way for manipulating proxy and retrieving information like statistics.
              Contain the name of the proxy.

              Contain the unique identifier of the proxy.

              Contain a table with the attached servers. The table is indexed by server name,  and  each  server
              entry is an object of type Server class.

              Contains a stick table object attached to the proxy.

              Contain  a table with the attached listeners. The table is indexed by listener name, and each each
              listeners entry is an object of type Listener class.

              Pause the proxy. See the management socket documentation for more information.

              Argumentspx (class_proxy) -- A Proxy class which indicates the manipulated proxy.

              Resume the proxy. See the management socket documentation for more information.

              Argumentspx (class_proxy) -- A Proxy class which indicates the manipulated proxy.

              Stop the proxy. See the management socket documentation for more information.

              Argumentspx (class_proxy) -- A Proxy class which indicates the manipulated proxy.

              Kill the session attached to a backup server. See the management  socket  documentation  for  more

              Argumentspx (class_proxy) -- A Proxy class which indicates the manipulated proxy.

              Returns a string describing the capabilities of the proxy.

              Argumentspx (class_proxy) -- A Proxy class which indicates the manipulated proxy.

                     a string "frontend", "backend", "proxy" or "ruleset".

              Returns a string describing the mode of the current proxy.

              Argumentspx (class_proxy) -- A Proxy class which indicates the manipulated proxy.

                     a string "tcp", "http", "health" or "unknown"

              Returns  a  table containing the proxy statistics. The statistics returned are not the same if the
              proxy is frontend or a backend.

              Argumentspx (class_proxy) -- A Proxy class which indicates the manipulated proxy.

                     a key/value table containing stats

       class Server()
              This class provides a way for manipulating servers and retrieving information.
              Contain the name of the server.

              Contain the proxy unique identifier of the server.

              Return true if the server is currently draining sticky connections.

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

                     a boolean

       Server.set_maxconn(sv, weight)
              Dynamically change the maximum connections of the server. See the management socket  documentation
              for more information about the format of the string.

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

                     • maxconn (string) -- A string describing the server maximum connections.

       Server.get_maxconn(sv, weight)
              This function returns an integer representing the server maximum connections.

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

                     an integer.

       Server.set_weight(sv, weight)
              Dynamically  change  the  weight  of  the server. See the management socket documentation for more
              information about the format of the string.

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

                     • weight (string) -- A string describing the server weight.

              This function returns an integer representing the server weight.

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

                     an integer.

       Server.set_addr(sv, addr)
              Dynamically change the address of the server. See the management  socket  documentation  for  more
              information about the format of the string.

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

                     • addr (string) -- A string describing the server address.

              Returns a string describing the address of the server.

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

                     A string

              Returns server statistics.

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

                     a key/value table containing stats

              Shutdown all the sessions attached to the server. See the management socket documentation for more
              information about this function.

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

              Drain sticky sessions. See the management socket documentation for  more  information  about  this

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

              Set  maintenance  mode.  See  the  management socket documentation for more information about this

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

              Set normal mode. See the management socket documentation for more information about this function.

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

              Enable health checks. See the management socket documentation  for  more  information  about  this

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

              Disable  health  checks.  See  the management socket documentation for more information about this

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

              Force health-check up. See the management socket documentation for  more  information  about  this

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

              Force  health-check  nolb mode. See the management socket documentation for more information about
              this function.

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

              Force health-check down. See the management socket documentation for more information  about  this

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

              Enable  agent  check.  See  the  management  socket  documentation for more information about this

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

              Disable agent check. See the management socket  documentation  for  more  information  about  this

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

              Force  agent  check  up.  See  the management socket documentation for more information about this

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

              Force agent check down. See the management socket documentation for more  information  about  this

              Argumentssv (class_server) -- A Server class which indicates the manipulated server.

              Returns server statistics.

              Argumentsls (class_listener) -- A Listener class which indicates the manipulated listener.

                     a key/value table containing stats

       class Concat()
              This  class  provides  a fast way for string concatenation. The way using native Lua concatenation
              like the code below is slow for some reasons.

          str = "string1"
          str = str .. ", string2"
          str = str .. ", string3"
          For each concatenation, Lua: * allocate memory for the result, * catenate the two string  copying  the
          strings  in  the new memory bloc, * free the old memory block containing the string which is no longer
          used.  This process does many memory move, allocation and free. In addition, the memory is not  really
          freed, it is just mark mark as unused and wait for the garbage collector.

          The Concat class provide an alternative way to concatenate strings. It uses the internal Lua mechanism
          (it does not allocate memory), but it doesn't copy the data more than once.

          On my computer, the following loops spends 0.2s for the Concat method  and  18.5s  for  the  pure  Lua
          implementation. So, the Concat class is about 1000x faster than the embedded solution.

          for j = 1, 100 do
            c = core.concat()
            for i = 1, 20000 do

          for j = 1, 100 do
            c = ""
            for i = 1, 20000 do
              c = c .. "#####"

       Concat.add(concat, string)
              This function adds a string to the current concatenated string.

              Argumentsconcat (class_concat) -- A Concat class which contains the currently builded string.

                     • string (string) -- A new string to concatenate to the current built string.

              This function returns the concatenated string.

              Argumentsconcat (class_concat) -- A Concat class which contains the currently builded string.

                     the concatenated string

       class Fetches()
              This  class contains a lot of internal HAProxy sample fetches. See the HAProxy "configuration.txt"
              documentation for more information about her usage. They are the chapters 7.3.2 to 7.3.6.

                 some sample fetches are not available in some context. These limitations are specified in  this
                 documentation when they're useful.

              See    TXN.f

              See    TXN.sf

              Fetches are useful for:

              • get system time,

              • get environment variable,

              • get random numbers,

              • known backend status like the number of users in queue or the number of connections established,

              • client information like ip source or destination,

              • deal with stick tables,

              • Established SSL informations,

              • HTTP information like headers or method.

          function action(txn)
            -- Get source IP
            local clientip = txn.f:src()

       class Converters()
              This  class  contains  a  lot of internal HAProxy sample converters. See the HAProxy documentation
              "configuration.txt" for more information about her usage. Its the chapter 7.3.1.

              See    TXN.c


              Converters provides statefull transformation. They are useful for:

              • converting input to base64,

              • applying hash on input string (djb2, crc32, sdbm, wt6),

              • format date,

              • json escape,

              • extracting preferred language comparing two lists,

              • turn to lower or upper chars,

              • deal with stick tables.

       class Channel()
              HAProxy uses two buffers for the processing of the requests.  The  first  one  is  used  with  the
              request  data  (from  the client to the server) and the second is used for the response data (from
              the server to the client).

              Each buffer contains two types of data. The  first  type  is  the  incoming  data  waiting  for  a
              processing.  The second part is the outgoing data already processed. Usually, the incoming data is
              processed, after it is tagged as outgoing data, and finally it is sent.  The  following  functions
              provides tools for manipulating these data in a buffer.

              The following diagram shows where the channel class function are applied.

              Warning: It is not possible to read from the response in request action, and it is not possible to
              read for the request channel in response action.

              Warning:  It  is  forbidden  to  alter  the  Channels  buffer  from  HTTP   contexts.    So   only
              Channel.get_in_length(), Channel.get_out_length() and Channel.is_full() can be called from an HTTP

              This function returns a string that contain the entire buffer. The data is  not  remove  from  the
              buffer and can be reprocessed later.

              If the buffer cant receive more data, a 'nil' value is returned.

              Argumentschannel (class_channel) -- The manipulated Channel.

                     a string containing all the available data or nil.

              This  function  returns  a  string  that  contain the entire buffer. The data is consumed from the

              If the buffer cant receive more data, a 'nil' value is returned.

              Argumentschannel (class_channel) -- The manipulated Channel.

                     a string containing all the available data or nil.

              This function returns a string that contain the first line of the buffer. The data is consumed. If
              the data returned doesn't contains a final 'n' its assumed than its the last available data in the

              If the buffer cant receive more data, a 'nil' value is returned.

              Argumentschannel (class_channel) -- The manipulated Channel.

                     a string containing the available line or nil.

       Channel.set(channel, string)
              This function replace the content of the buffer by the string. The  function  returns  the  copied
              length, otherwise, it returns -1.

              The  data set with this function are not send. They wait for the end of HAProxy processing, so the
              buffer can be full.

              Argumentschannel (class_channel) -- The manipulated Channel.

                     • string (string) -- The data which will sent.

                     an integer containing the amount of bytes copied or -1.

       Channel.append(channel, string)
              This function append the string argument to the content of the buffer. The  function  returns  the
              copied length, otherwise, it returns -1.

              The  data set with this function are not send. They wait for the end of HAProxy processing, so the
              buffer can be full.

              Argumentschannel (class_channel) -- The manipulated Channel.

                     • string (string) -- The data which will sent.

                     an integer containing the amount of bytes copied or -1.

       Channel.send(channel, string)
              This function required immediate send of the data. Unless if the connection is close,  the  buffer
              is regularly flushed and all the string can be sent.

              Argumentschannel (class_channel) -- The manipulated Channel.

                     • string (string) -- The data which will sent.

                     an integer containing the amount of bytes copied or -1.

              This function returns the length of the input part of the buffer.

              Argumentschannel (class_channel) -- The manipulated Channel.

                     an integer containing the amount of available bytes.

              This function returns the length of the output part of the buffer.

              Argumentschannel (class_channel) -- The manipulated Channel.

                     an integer containing the amount of available bytes.

       Channel.forward(channel, int)
              This function transfer bytes from the input part of the buffer to the output part.

              Argumentschannel (class_channel) -- The manipulated Channel.

                     • int (integer) -- The amount of data which will be forwarded.

              This function returns true if the buffer channel is full.

                     a boolean

       class HTTP()
              This class contain all the HTTP manipulation functions.

              Returns a table containing all the request headers.

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     table of headers.

              See    HTTP.res_get_headers()

              This is the form of the returned table:

          HTTP:req_get_headers()['<header-name>'][<header-index>] = "<header-value>"

          local hdr = HTTP:req_get_headers()
          hdr["host"][0] = ""
          hdr["accept"][0] = "audio/basic q=1"
          hdr["accept"][1] = "audio/*, q=0.2"
          hdr["accept"][2] = "*/*, q=0.1"

              Returns a table containing all the response headers.

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     table of headers.

              See    HTTP.req_get_headers()

              This is the form of the returned table:

          HTTP:res_get_headers()['<header-name>'][<header-index>] = "<header-value>"

          local hdr = HTTP:req_get_headers()
          hdr["host"][0] = ""
          hdr["accept"][0] = "audio/basic q=1"
          hdr["accept"][1] = "audio/*, q=0.2"
          hdr["accept"][2] = "*.*, q=0.1"

       HTTP.req_add_header(http, name, value)
              Appends  an  HTTP header field in the request whose name is specified in "name" and whose value is
              defined in "value".

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     • name (string) -- The header name.

                     • value (string) -- The header value.

              See    HTTP.res_add_header()

       HTTP.res_add_header(http, name, value)
              Appends an HTTP header field in the response whose name is specified in "name" and whose value  is
              defined in "value".

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     • name (string) -- The header name.

                     • value (string) -- The header value.

              See    HTTP.req_add_header()

       HTTP.req_del_header(http, name)
              Removes all HTTP header fields in the request whose name is specified in "name".

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     • name (string) -- The header name.

              See    HTTP.res_del_header()

       HTTP.res_del_header(http, name)
              Removes all HTTP header fields in the response whose name is specified in "name".

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     • name (string) -- The header name.

              See    HTTP.req_del_header()

       HTTP.req_set_header(http, name, value)
              This variable replace all occurrence of all header "name", by only one containing the "value".

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     • name (string) -- The header name.

                     • value (string) -- The header value.

              See    HTTP.res_set_header()

              This function does the same work as the following code:

          function fcn(txn)
             TXN.http:req_add_header("header", "value")

       HTTP.res_set_header(http, name, value)
              This variable replace all occurrence of all header "name", by only one containing the "value".

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     • name (string) -- The header name.

                     • value (string) -- The header value.

              See    HTTP.req_rep_header()

       HTTP.req_rep_header(http, name, regex, replace)
              Matches the regular expression in all occurrences of header field "name" according to "regex", and
              replaces them with the "replace" argument. The replacement value can contain back references  like
              1, 2, ... This function works with the request.

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     • name (string) -- The header name.

                     • regex (string) -- The match regular expression.

                     • replace (string) -- The replacement value.

              See    HTTP.res_rep_header()

       HTTP.res_rep_header(http, name, regex, string)
              Matches the regular expression in all occurrences of header field "name" according to "regex", and
              replaces them with the "replace" argument. The replacement value can contain back references  like
              1, 2, ... This function works with the request.

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     • name (string) -- The header name.

                     • regex (string) -- The match regular expression.

                     • replace (string) -- The replacement value.

              See    HTTP.req_rep_header()

       HTTP.req_set_method(http, method)
              Rewrites the request method with the parameter "method".

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     • method (string) -- The new method.

       HTTP.req_set_path(http, path)
              Rewrites the request path with the "path" parameter.

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     • path (string) -- The new path.

       HTTP.req_set_query(http, query)
              Rewrites  the  request's  query  string which appears after the first question mark ("?") with the
              parameter "query".

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     • query (string) -- The new query.

       HTTP.req_set_uri(http, uri)
              Rewrites the request URI with the parameter "uri".

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     • uri (string) -- The new uri.

       HTTP.res_set_status(http, status[, reason])
              Rewrites the response status code with the parameter "code".

              If no custom reason is provided, it will be generated from the status.

              Argumentshttp (class_http) -- The related http object.

                     • status (integer) -- The new response status code.

                     • reason (string) -- The new response reason (optional).

       class TXN()
              The txn class contain all the functions relative to the http or tcp transaction (Note than  a  tcp
              stream  is  the  same  than  a tcp transaction, but an HTTP transaction is not the same than a tcp

              The usage of this class permits to retrieve data from the requests, alter it and forward it.

              All the functions provided by this class are available in the context sample-fetches and actions.


                     An Converters class.

              This attribute contains a Converters class object.

                     An Converters class.

              This attribute contains a Converters class object. The functions of this object returns  always  a


                     An Fetches class.

              This attribute contains a Fetches class object.


                     An Fetches class.

              This  attribute  contains  a  Fetches  class object. The functions of this object returns always a


                     An Channel class.

              This attribute contains a channel class object for the request buffer.


                     An Channel class.

              This attribute contains a channel class object for the response buffer.


                     An HTTP class.

              This attribute contains an HTTP class object. It is available only if  the  proxy  has  the  "mode
              http" enabled.

       TXN.log(TXN, loglevel, msg)
              This  function sends a log. The log is sent, according with the HAProxy configuration file, on the
              default syslog server if it is configured and on the stderr if it is allowed.

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     • loglevel (integer) -- Is the log level associated  with  the  message.  It  is  a  number
                       between 0 and 7.

                     • msg (string) -- The log content.

              See    core.emerg,   core.alert,   core.crit,   core.err,  core.warning,  core.notice,,
                     core.debug (log level definitions)

              See    TXN.deflog()

              See    TXN.Debug()

              See    TXN.Info()

              See    TXN.Warning()

              See    TXN.Alert()

       TXN.deflog(TXN, msg)
              Sends a log line with the default loglevel for the proxy associated with the transaction.

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     • msg (string) -- The log content.

              See    :js:func:

       TXN.Debug(txn, msg)

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     • msg (string) -- The log content.

              See    TXN.log()

              Does the same job than:

          function Debug(txn, msg)
            TXN.log(txn, core.debug, msg)

       TXN.Info(txn, msg)

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     • msg (string) -- The log content.

              See    TXN.log()

          function Debug(txn, msg)
            TXN.log(txn,, msg)

       TXN.Warning(txn, msg)

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     • msg (string) -- The log content.

              See    TXN.log()

          function Debug(txn, msg)
            TXN.log(txn, core.warning, msg)

       TXN.Alert(txn, msg)

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     • msg (string) -- The log content.

              See    TXN.log()

          function Debug(txn, msg)
            TXN.log(txn, core.alert, msg)

              Return Lua data stored in the current transaction (with the TXN.set_priv()) function. If  no  data
              are stored, it returns a nil value.

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     the opaque data previously stored, or nil if nothing is available.

       TXN.set_priv(txn, data)
              Store any data in the current HAProxy transaction. This action replace the old stored data.

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     • data (opaque) -- The data which is stored in the transaction.

       TXN.set_var(TXN, var, value)
              Converts a Lua type in a HAProxy type and store it in a variable <var>.

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     • var (string) -- The variable name according with the HAProxy variable syntax.

                     • value (type) -- The value associated to the variable. The type can be string or integer.

       TXN.unset_var(TXN, var)
              Unset the variable <var>.

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     • var (string) -- The variable name according with the HAProxy variable syntax.

       TXN.get_var(TXN, var)
              Returns data stored in the variable <var> converter in Lua type.

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     • var (string) -- The variable name according with the HAProxy variable syntax.

              This  function terminates processing of the transaction and the associated session. It can be used
              when a critical error is detected or to terminate processing after some data have been returned to
              the client (eg: a redirect).

                 It not make sense to call this function from sample-fetches. In this case the behaviour of this
                 one is the same than core.done(): it quit the Lua execution. The transaction is really  aborted
                 only from an action registered function.

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

       TXN.set_loglevel(txn, loglevel)
              Is  used to change the log level of the current request. The "loglevel" must be an integer between
              0 and 7.

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     • loglevel (integer) -- The required log level. This variable can be one of

              See    core.emerg,  core.alert,  core.crit,  core.err,   core.warning,   core.notice,,
                     core.debug (log level definitions)

       TXN.set_tos(txn, tos)
              Is  used  to  set the TOS or DSCP field value of packets sent to the client to the value passed in
              "tos" on platforms which support this.

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     • tos (integer) -- The new TOS os DSCP.

       TXN.set_mark(txn, mark)
              Is used to set the Netfilter MARK on all packets sent to the client to the value passed in  "mark"
              on platforms which support it.

              Argumentstxn (class_txn) -- The class txn object containing the data.

                     • mark (integer) -- The mark value.

       TXN.set_priority_class(txn, prio)
              This  function adjusts the priority class of the transaction. The value should be within the range
              -2047..2047. Values outside this range will be truncated.

              See the HAProxy configuration.txt file  keyword  "http-request"  action  "set-priority-class"  for

       TXN.set_priority_offset(txn, prio)
              This function adjusts the priority offset of the transaction. The value should be within the range
              -524287..524287. Values outside this range will be truncated.

              See the HAProxy configuration.txt file keyword  "http-request"  action  "set-priority-offset"  for

       class Socket()
              This  class  must  be  compatible  with  the  Lua  Socket  class.  Only the 'client' functions are
              available. See the Lua Socket documentation:


              Closes a TCP object. The internal socket used by the object is closed and  the  local  address  to
              which  the object was bound is made available to other applications. No further operations (except
              for further calls to the close method) are allowed on a closed Socket.

              Argumentssocket (class_socket) -- Is the manipulated Socket.

              Note: It is important to close all used sockets once they are not needed, since, in many  systems,
              each  socket uses a file descriptor, which are limited system resources. Garbage-collected objects
              are automatically closed before destruction, though.

       Socket.connect(socket, address[, port])
              Attempts to connect a socket object to a remote host.

              In case of error, the method returns nil followed by a string describing the  error.  In  case  of
              success, the method returns 1.

              Argumentssocket (class_socket) -- Is the manipulated Socket.

                     • address (string) -- can be an IP address or a host name. See below for more information.

                     • port (integer) -- must be an integer number in the range [1..64K].

                     1 or nil.

              An  address  field extension permits to use the connect() function to connect to other stream than
              TCP. The syntax containing a simpleipv4 or ipv6 address is the  basically  expected  format.  This
              format requires the port.

              Other  format  accepted  are a socket path like "/socket/path", it permits to connect to a socket.
              Abstract namespaces are supported with the prefix "abns@", and finally a file  descriptor  can  be
              passed  with  the  prefix  "fd@".  The prefix "ipv4@", "ipv6@" and "unix@" are also supported. The
              port can be passed int the string. The  syntax  ""  is  valid.  In  this  case,  the
              parameter port must not be set.

       Socket.connect_ssl(socket, address, port)
              Same behavior than the function socket:connect, but uses SSL.

              Argumentssocket (class_socket) -- Is the manipulated Socket.

                     1 or nil.

              Returns information about the remote side of a connected client object.

              Returns  a  string with the IP address of the peer, followed by the port number that peer is using
              for the connection. In case of error, the method returns nil.

              Argumentssocket (class_socket) -- Is the manipulated Socket.

                     a string containing the server information.

              Returns the local address information associated to the object.

              The method returns a string with local IP address and a number with the port.  In case  of  error,
              the method returns nil.

              Argumentssocket (class_socket) -- Is the manipulated Socket.

                     a string containing the client information.

       Socket.receive(socket[, pattern[, prefix]])
              Reads data from a client object, according to the specified read pattern.  Patterns follow the Lua
              file I/O format, and the difference in performance between all patterns is negligible.

              Argumentssocket (class_socket) -- Is the manipulated Socket.

                     • pattern (string|integer) -- Describe what is required (see below).

                     • prefix (string) -- A string which will be prefix the returned data.

                     a string containing the required data or nil.

              Pattern can be any of the following:


                `*a`: reads from the socket until the connection is closed. No
                       end-of-line translation is performed;


                `*l`: reads a line of text from the Socket. The line is terminated by a
                       LF character (ASCII 10), optionally preceded by a CR character (ASCII 13). The CR and  LF
                       characters are not included in the returned line.  In fact, all CR characters are ignored
                       by the pattern. This is the default pattern.


                number: causes the method to read a specified number of bytes from the
                       Socket. Prefix is an optional string to be concatenated to the beginning of any  received
                       data before return.

              • empty: If the pattern is left empty, the default option is *l.

              If  successful,  the method returns the received pattern. In case of error, the method returns nil
              followed by an error message which can be the string 'closed' in case the  connection  was  closed
              before  the  transmission was completed or the string 'timeout' in case there was a timeout during
              the operation. Also, after the error message, the function  returns  the  partial  result  of  the

              Important  note:  This  function was changed severely. It used to support multiple patterns (but I
              have never seen this feature used) and now  it  doesn't  anymore.   Partial  results  used  to  be
              returned  in  the  same  way  as  successful results. This last feature violated the idea that all
              functions should return nil on error.  Thus it was changed too.

       Socket.send(socket, data[, start[, end]])
              Sends data through client object.

              Argumentssocket (class_socket) -- Is the manipulated Socket.

                     • data (string) -- The data that will be sent.

                     • start (integer) -- The start position in the buffer of the data which will be sent.

                     • end (integer) -- The end position in the buffer of the data which will be sent.

                     see below.

              Data is the string to be sent. The optional arguments i and  j  work  exactly  like  the  standard
              string.sub Lua function to allow the selection of a substring to be sent.

              If  successful,  the  method  returns the index of the last byte within [start, end] that has been
              sent. Notice that, if start is 1 or absent, this is effectively the total number of bytes sent. In
              case  of error, the method returns nil, followed by an error message, followed by the index of the
              last byte within [start, end] that has been sent. You might  want  to  try  again  from  the  byte
              following  that.  The  error  message can be 'closed' in case the connection was closed before the
              transmission was completed or the string  'timeout'  in  case  there  was  a  timeout  during  the

              Note:  Output  is  not buffered. For small strings, it is always better to concatenate them in Lua
              (with the '..' operator) and send the result in one call instead of  calling  the  method  several

       Socket.setoption(socket, option[, value])
              Just implemented for compatibility, this cal does nothing.

       Socket.settimeout(socket, value[, mode])
              Changes  the timeout values for the object. All I/O operations are blocking.  That is, any call to
              the methods send, receive, and accept will block indefinitely, until the operation completes.  The
              settimeout  method defines a limit on the amount of time the I/O methods can block. When a timeout
              time has elapsed, the affected methods give up and fail with an error code.

              The amount of time to wait is specified as the value parameter, in seconds.

              The timeout modes are not implemented, the only settable timeout is the  inactivity  time  waiting
              for complete the internal buffer send or waiting for receive data.

              Argumentssocket (class_socket) -- Is the manipulated Socket.

                     • value (float) -- The timeout value. Use floating point to specify milliseconds.

       class Regex()
              This  class allows the usage of HAProxy regexes because classic lua doesn't provides regexes. This
              class inherits the HAProxy compilation options, so the regexes can be libc regex,  pcre  regex  or
              pcre JIT regex.

              The  expression  matching  number  is  limited  to 20 per regex. The only available option is case

              Because regexes compilation is a heavy process, it is better to define all  your  regexes  in  the
              body context and use it during the runtime.

          -- Create the regex
          st, regex ="needle (..) (...)", true);

          -- Check compilation errors
          if st == false then
            print "error: " .. regex

          -- Match the regexes
          print(regex:exec("Looking for a needle in the haystack")) -- true
          print(regex:exec("Lokking for a cat in the haystack"))    -- false

          -- Extract words
          st, list = regex:match("Looking for a needle in the haystack")
          print(st)      -- true
          print(list[1]) -- needle in the
          print(list[2]) -- in
          print(list[3]) -- the, case_sensitive)
              Create and compile a regex.

              Argumentsregex (string) -- The regular expression according with the libc or pcre standard

                     • case_sensitive (boolean) -- Match is case sensitive or not.

                     boolean status and Regex class or string containing fail reason.

       Regex.exec(regex, str)
              Execute the regex.

              Argumentsregex (class_regex) -- A Regex class object.

                     • str (string) -- The input string will be compared with the compiled regex.

                     a boolean status according with the match result.

       Regex.match(regex, str)
              Execute the regex and return matched expressions.

              Argumentsmap (class_map) -- A Regex class object.

                     • str (string) -- The input string will be compared with the compiled regex.

                     a  boolean  status  according  with the match result, and a table containing all the string
                     matched in order of declaration.

       class Map()
              This class permits to do some lookup in HAProxy maps. The declared maps can be modified during the
              runtime through the HAProxy management socket.

          default = "usa"

          -- Create and load map
          geo ="", Map._ip);

          -- Create new fetch that returns the user country
          core.register_fetches("country", function(txn)
            local src;
            local loc;

            src = txn.f:fhdr("x-forwarded-for");
            if (src == nil) then
              src = txn.f:src()
              if (src == nil) then
                return default;

            -- Perform lookup
            loc = geo:lookup(src);

            if (loc == nil) then
              return default;

            return loc;

              See  the  HAProxy configuration.txt file, chapter "Using ACLs and fetching samples" ans subchapter
              "ACL basics" to understand this pattern matching method.

              Note that is also available for compatibility.

              See the HAProxy configuration.txt file, chapter "Using ACLs and fetching samples"  ans  subchapter
              "ACL basics" to understand this pattern matching method.

              Note that Map.ip is also available for compatibility.

              See  the  HAProxy configuration.txt file, chapter "Using ACLs and fetching samples" ans subchapter
              "ACL basics" to understand this pattern matching method.

              Note that Map.str is also available for compatibility.

              See the HAProxy configuration.txt file, chapter "Using ACLs and fetching samples"  ans  subchapter
              "ACL basics" to understand this pattern matching method.

              Note that Map.beg is also available for compatibility.

              See  the  HAProxy configuration.txt file, chapter "Using ACLs and fetching samples" ans subchapter
              "ACL basics" to understand this pattern matching method.

              Note that Map.sub is also available for compatibility.

              See the HAProxy configuration.txt file, chapter "Using ACLs and fetching samples"  ans  subchapter
              "ACL basics" to understand this pattern matching method.

              Note that Map.dir is also available for compatibility.

              See  the  HAProxy configuration.txt file, chapter "Using ACLs and fetching samples" ans subchapter
              "ACL basics" to understand this pattern matching method.

              Note that Map.dom is also available for compatibility.

              See the HAProxy configuration.txt file, chapter "Using ACLs and fetching samples"  ans  subchapter
              "ACL basics" to understand this pattern matching method.

              See  the  HAProxy configuration.txt file, chapter "Using ACLs and fetching samples" ans subchapter
              "ACL basics" to understand this pattern matching method.

              Note that Map.reg is also available for compatibility., method)
              Creates and load a map.

              Argumentsfile (string) -- Is the file containing the map.

                     • method (integer) -- Is the map pattern matching method. See the  attributes  of  the  Map

                     a class Map object.

              See    The  Map  attributes:  Map._int, Map._ip, Map._str, Map._beg, Map._sub, Map._dir, Map._dom,
                     Map._end and Map._reg.

       Map.lookup(map, str)
              Perform a lookup in a map.

              Argumentsmap (class_map) -- Is the class Map object.

                     • str (string) -- Is the string used as key.

                     a string containing the result or nil if no match.

       Map.slookup(map, str)
              Perform a lookup in a map.

              Argumentsmap (class_map) -- Is the class Map object.

                     • str (string) -- Is the string used as key.

                     a string containing the result or empty string if no match.

       class AppletHTTP()
              This class is used with applets that requires the 'http' mode. The http applet can  be  registered
              with  the  core.register_service()  function.  They are used for processing an http request like a
              server in back of HAProxy.

              This is an hello world sample code:

          core.register_service("hello-world", "http", function(applet)
             local response = "Hello World !"
             applet:add_header("content-length", string.len(response))
             applet:add_header("content-type", "text/plain")


                     A Converters class

              This attribute contains a Converters class object.

                     A Converters class

              This attribute contains a Converters class object. The functions of this object returns  always  a


                     A Fetches class

              This attribute contains a Fetches class object. Note that the applet execution place cannot access
              to a valid HAProxy core HTTP transaction, so some sample fetches related  to  the  HTTP  dependant
              values (hdr, path, ...) are not available.


                     A Fetches class

              This  attribute  contains  a  Fetches  class object. The functions of this object returns always a
              string. Note that the  applet  execution  place  cannot  access  to  a  valid  HAProxy  core  HTTP
              transaction,  so some sample fetches related to the HTTP dependant values (hdr, path, ...) are not



              The attribute method returns a string containing the HTTP method.



              The attribute version, returns a string containing the HTTP request version.



              The attribute path returns a string containing the HTTP request path.



              The attribute qs returns a string containing the HTTP request query string.



              The attribute length returns an integer containing the HTTP body length.



              The attribute headers returns a table containing the HTTP headers. The header names are always  in
              lower  case.  As  the  header name can be encountered more than once in each request, the value is
              indexed with 0 as first index value. The table have this form:

          AppletHTTP.headers['<header-name>'][<header-index>] = "<header-value>"

          AppletHTTP.headers["host"][0] = ""
          AppletHTTP.headers["accept"][0] = "audio/basic q=1"
          AppletHTTP.headers["accept"][1] = "audio/*, q=0.2"
          AppletHTTP.headers["accept"][2] = "*/*, q=0.1"

       AppletHTTP.set_status(applet, code[, reason])
              This function sets the HTTP status code for the response. The allowed code are from 100 to 599.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletHTTP) -- An AppletHTTP classcode (integer) -- the status code returned to the client.

                     • reason (string) -- the status reason returned to the client (optional).

       AppletHTTP.add_header(applet, name, value)
              This function add an header in the response. Duplicated headers are  not  collapsed.  The  special
              header  content-length  is  used  to  determinate  the  response  length.  If  it  not  exists,  a
              transfer-encoding: chunked is set, and all the write from the funcion AppletHTTP:send()  become  a

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletHTTP) -- An AppletHTTP classname (string) -- the header name

                     • value (string) -- the header value

              This  function  indicates  to  the  HTTP engine that it can process and send the response headers.
              After this called we cannot add headers to the  response;  We  cannot  use  the  AppletHTTP:send()
              function if the AppletHTTP:start_response() is not called.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletHTTP) -- An AppletHTTP class

              This  function  returns  a  string  containing  one  line from the http body. If the data returned
              doesn't contains a final '\n' its assumed than its the last  available  data  before  the  end  of

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletHTTP) -- An AppletHTTP class

                     a string. The string can be empty if we reach the end of the stream.

       AppletHTTP.receive(applet[, size])
              Reads  data  from the HTTP body, according to the specified read size. If the size is missing, the
              function tries to read all the content of the stream until the end. If the size is bigger than the
              http body, it returns the amount of data available.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletHTTP) -- An AppletHTTP classsize (integer) -- the required read size.

                     always return a string,the string can be empty is the connexion is closed.

       AppletHTTP.send(applet, msg)
              Send the message msg on the http request body.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletHTTP) -- An AppletHTTP classmsg (string) -- the message to send.

              Return Lua data stored in the current transaction. If no data are stored, it returns a nil value.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletHTTP) -- An AppletHTTP class

                     the opaque data previously stored, or nil if nothing is available.

              See    AppletHTTP.set_priv()

       AppletHTTP.set_priv(applet, data)
              Store any data in the current HAProxy transaction. This action replace the old stored data.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletHTTP) -- An AppletHTTP classdata (opaque) -- The data which is stored in the transaction.

              See    AppletHTTP.get_priv()

       AppletHTTP.set_var(applet, var, value)
              Converts a Lua type in a HAProxy type and store it in a variable <var>.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletHTTP) -- An AppletHTTP classvar (string) -- The variable name according with the HAProxy variable syntax.

                     • value (type) -- The value associated to the variable. The type ca be string or integer.

              See    AppletHTTP.unset_var()

              See    AppletHTTP.get_var()

       AppletHTTP.unset_var(applet, var)
              Unset the variable <var>.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletHTTP) -- An AppletHTTP classvar (string) -- The variable name according with the HAProxy variable syntax.

              See    AppletHTTP.set_var()

              See    AppletHTTP.get_var()

       AppletHTTP.get_var(applet, var)
              Returns data stored in the variable <var> converter in Lua type.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletHTTP) -- An AppletHTTP classvar (string) -- The variable name according with the HAProxy variable syntax.

              See    AppletHTTP.set_var()

              See    AppletHTTP.unset_var()

       class AppletTCP()
              This  class  is  used  with applets that requires the 'tcp' mode. The tcp applet can be registered
              with the core.register_service() function. They are used for processing a tcp stream like a server
              in back of HAProxy.


                     A Converters class

              This attribute contains a Converters class object.

                     A Converters class

              This  attribute  contains a Converters class object. The functions of this object returns always a


                     A Fetches class

              This attribute contains a Fetches class object.


                     A Fetches class

              This attribute contains a Fetches class object.

              This function returns a string containing one line from the stream. If the data  returned  doesn't
              contains a final '\n' its assumed than its the last available data before the end of stream.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletTCP) -- An AppletTCP class

                     a string. The string can be empty if we reach the end of the stream.

       AppletTCP.receive(applet[, size])
              Reads  data from the TCP stream, according to the specified read size. If the size is missing, the
              function tries to read all the content of the stream until the end.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletTCP) -- An AppletTCP classsize (integer) -- the required read size.

                     always return a string,the string can be empty is the connexion is closed.

              Send the message on the stream.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletTCP) -- An AppletTCP classmsg (string) -- the message to send.

              Return Lua data stored in the current transaction. If no data are stored, it returns a nil value.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletTCP) -- An AppletTCP class

                     the opaque data previously stored, or nil if nothing is available.

              See    AppletTCP.set_priv()

       AppletTCP.set_priv(applet, data)
              Store any data in the current HAProxy transaction. This action replace the old stored data.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletTCP) -- An AppletTCP classdata (opaque) -- The data which is stored in the transaction.

              See    AppletTCP.get_priv()

       AppletTCP.set_var(applet, var, value)
              Converts a Lua type in a HAProxy type and stores it in a variable <var>.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletTCP) -- An AppletTCP classvar (string) -- The variable name according with the HAProxy variable syntax.

                     • value (type) -- The value associated to the variable. The type can be string or integer.

              See    AppletTCP.unset_var()

              See    AppletTCP.get_var()

       AppletTCP.unset_var(applet, var)
              Unsets the variable <var>.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletTCP) -- An AppletTCP classvar (string) -- The variable name according with the HAProxy variable syntax.

              See    AppletTCP.unset_var()

              See    AppletTCP.set_var()

       AppletTCP.get_var(applet, var)
              Returns data stored in the variable <var> converter in Lua type.

              Argumentsapplet (class_AppletTCP) -- An AppletTCP classvar (string) -- The variable name according with the HAProxy variable syntax.

              See    AppletTCP.unset_var()

              See    AppletTCP.set_var()

       class StickTable()
              context: task, action, sample-fetch

              This class can be used to access the HAProxy stick tables from Lua.
              Returns stick table attributes as a Lua table. See HAProxy  documentation  for  "stick-table"  for
              canonical info, or check out example bellow.

                     Lua table

              Assume our table has IPv4 key and gpc0 and conn_rate "columns":

            expire=<int>,  # Value in ms
            size=<int>,    # Maximum table size
            used=<int>,    # Actual number of entries in table
            data={         # Data columns, with types as key, and periods as values
                             (-1 if type is not rate counter)
            length=<int>,  # max string length for string table keys, key length
                           # otherwise
            nopurge=<boolean>, # purge oldest entries when table is full
            type="ip"      # can be "ip", "ipv6", "integer", "string", "binary"

              Returns stick table entry for given <key>

              Argumentskey (string) -- Stick table key (IP addresses and strings are supported)

                     Lua table

              Returns  all  entries  in  stick  table.  An  optional  filter can be used to extract entries with
              specific data values. Filter is a table with valid comparison operators as keys followed  by  data
              type  name and value pairs.  Check out the HAProxy docs for "show table" for more details. For the
              reference, the supported operators are:
                 "eq", "ne", "le", "lt", "ge", "gt"

              For large tables, execution of this function can take a long time (for HAProxy standards).  That's
              also true when filter is used, so take care and measure the impact.

              Argumentsfilter (table) -- Stick table filter

                     Stick table entries (table)

              See  below  for  example  filter,  which  contains 4 entries (or comparisons).  (Maximum number of
              filter entries is 4, defined in the source code)

          local filter = {
            {"gpc0", "gt", 30}, {"gpc1", "gt", 20}}, {"conn_rate", "le", 10}

       A lot of useful lua libraries can be found here:


       Redis acces:


       This is an example about the usage of the Redis library with HAProxy. Note that each call of any function
       of this library can throw an error if the socket connection fails.

          -- load the redis library
          local redis = require("redis");

          function do_something(txn)

             -- create and connect new tcp socket
             local tcp = core.tcp();
             tcp:connect("", 6379);

             -- use the redis library with this new socket
             local client = redis.connect({socket=tcp});





       Thierry FOURNIER


       2023, Thierry FOURNIER