focal (1) itango.1.gz

Provided by: python-itango_0.1.7-1_all bug


       itango - itango

       ITango is a PyTango CLI based on IPython. It is designed to be used as an IPython profile.

       It is available since PyTango 7.1.2 and has been moved to a separate project since PyTango

       You can start ITango by typing on the command line:

          $ itango

       or the equivalent:

          $ ipython --profile=tango

       and you should get something like this: [image]


       ITango works like a normal python console, but it gives you in  addition  a  nice  set  of
       features from IPython like:

          · proper (bash-like) command completion

          · automatic expansion of python variables, functions, types

          · command history (with up/down arrow keys, %hist command)

          · help system ( object? syntax, help(object))

          · persistently store your favorite variables

          · color modes

       For a complete list checkout the IPython web page.

       Plus an additional set of Tango specific features:

          · automatic import of Tango objects to the console namespace (tango module, DeviceProxy
            (=Device), Database, Group and AttributeProxy (=Attribute))

          · device name completion

          · attribute name completion

          · automatic tango object member completion

          · list tango devices, classes, servers

          · customized tango error message

          · tango error introspection

          · switch database

          · refresh database

          · list tango devices, classes

          · store favorite tango objects

          · store favorite tango devices

          · tango color modes

       Check the Highlights to see how to put these feature to good use :-)


   Tab completion
       ITango exports many tango specific objects to the console namespace.  These include:

          · the tango module itself

                ITango [1]: tango
                Result [1]: <module 'tango' from ...>

          · The DeviceProxy (=Device), AttributeProxy (=Attribute), Database and Group classes

                ITango [1]: De<tab>
                DeprecationWarning            Device       DeviceProxy

                ITango [2]: Device
                Result [2]: <class 'tango._tango.DeviceProxy'>

                ITango [3]: Device("sys/tg_test/1")
                Result [3]: DeviceProxy(sys/tg_test/1)

                ITango [4]: Datab<tab>

                ITango [4]: Database

                ITango [4]: Att<tab>
                Attribute       AttributeError  AttributeProxy

          · The Tango Database object to which the itango session is currently connected

                ITango [1]: db
                Result [1]: Database(homer, 10000)

   Device name completion
       ITango knows the complete list of device names (including alias)  for  the  current  tango
       database.  This  means that when you try to create a new Device, by pressing <tab> you can
       see a context sensitive list of devices.

          ITango [1]: test = Device("<tab>
          Display all 3654 possibilities? (y or n) n

          ITango [1]: test = Device("sys<tab>
          sys/access_control/1  sys/database/2        sys/tautest/1         sys/tg_test/1

          ITango [2]: test = Device("sys/tg_test/1")

   Attribute name completion
       ITango can inspect the list of attributes in case the device server for the  device  where
       the attribute resides is running.

          ITango [1]: short_scalar = Attribute("sys<tab>
          sys/access_control/1/  sys/database/2/        sys/tautest/1/         sys/tg_test/1/

          ITango [1]: short_scalar = Attribute("sys/tg_test/1/<tab>
          sys/tg_test/1/State                sys/tg_test/1/no_value
          sys/tg_test/1/Status               sys/tg_test/1/short_image
          sys/tg_test/1/ampli                sys/tg_test/1/short_image_ro
          sys/tg_test/1/boolean_image        sys/tg_test/1/short_scalar
          sys/tg_test/1/boolean_image_ro     sys/tg_test/1/short_scalar_ro
          sys/tg_test/1/boolean_scalar       sys/tg_test/1/short_scalar_rww
          sys/tg_test/1/boolean_spectrum     sys/tg_test/1/short_scalar_w
          sys/tg_test/1/boolean_spectrum_ro  sys/tg_test/1/short_spectrum
          sys/tg_test/1/double_image         sys/tg_test/1/short_spectrum_ro
          sys/tg_test/1/double_image_ro      sys/tg_test/1/string_image
          sys/tg_test/1/double_scalar        sys/tg_test/1/string_image_ro

          ITango [1]: short_scalar = Attribute("sys/tg_test/1/short_scalar")

          ITango [29]: print
          data_format = tango._tango.AttrDataFormat.SCALAR
            dim_x = 1
            dim_y = 0
          has_failed = False
          is_empty = False
             name = 'short_scalar'
          nb_read = 1
          nb_written = 1
          quality = tango._tango.AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID
          r_dimension = AttributeDimension(dim_x = 1, dim_y = 0)
             time = TimeVal(tv_nsec = 0, tv_sec = 1279723723, tv_usec = 905598)
             type = tango._tango.CmdArgType.DevShort
            value = 47
          w_dim_x = 1
          w_dim_y = 0
          w_dimension = AttributeDimension(dim_x = 1, dim_y = 0)
          w_value = 0]

   Automatic tango object member completion
       When  you  create  a  new  tango  object,  (ex.:  a  device),  itango  is able to find out
       dynamically which are the members of this device (including tango commands and  attributes
       if the device is currently running)

          ITango [1]: test = Device("sys/tg_test/1")

          ITango [2]: test.<tab>
          Display all 240 possibilities? (y or n)
          test.DevVoid                            test.get_access_control
          test.Init                               test.get_asynch_replies
          test.State                              test.get_attribute_config
          test.Status                             test.get_attribute_config_ex
          test.SwitchStates                       test.get_attribute_list

          ITango [2]: test.short_<tab>
          test.short_image        test.short_scalar       test.short_scalar_rww   test.short_spectrum
          test.short_image_ro     test.short_scalar_ro    test.short_scalar_w     test.short_spectrum_ro

          ITango [2]: test.short_scalar        # old style: test.read_attribute("short_scalar").value
          Result [2]: 252

          ITango [3]: test.Dev<tab>
          test.DevBoolean               test.DevUShort                test.DevVarShortArray
          test.DevDouble                test.DevVarCharArray          test.DevVarStringArray
          test.DevFloat                 test.DevVarDoubleArray        test.DevVarULongArray
          test.DevLong                  test.DevVarDoubleStringArray  test.DevVarUShortArray
          test.DevShort                 test.DevVarFloatArray         test.DevVoid
          test.DevString                test.DevVarLongArray
          test.DevULong                 test.DevVarLongStringArray

          ITango [3]: test.DevDouble(56.433)  # old style: test.command_inout("DevDouble").
          Result [3]: 56.433

   Tango classes as DeviceProxy
       ITango  exports  all known tango classes as python alias to DeviceProxy.  This way, if you
       want to create a device of class which you already know (say, Libera, for example) you can

          ITango [1]: lib01 = Libera("BO01/DI/BPM-01")

       One  great  advantage is that the tango device name completion is sensitive to the type of
       device you want to create. This means that if you are in the middle of  writing  a  device
       name and you press the <tab> key, only devices of the tango class 'Libera' will show up as
       possible completions.

          ITango [1]: bpm1 = Libera("<tab>
          BO01/DI/BPM-01  BO01/DI/BPM-09  BO02/DI/BPM-06  BO03/DI/BPM-03  BO03/DI/BPM-11  BO04/DI/BPM-08
          BO01/DI/BPM-02  BO01/DI/BPM-10  BO02/DI/BPM-07  BO03/DI/BPM-04  BO04/DI/BPM-01  BO04/DI/BPM-09
          BO01/DI/BPM-03  BO01/DI/BPM-11  BO02/DI/BPM-08  BO03/DI/BPM-05  BO04/DI/BPM-02  BO04/DI/BPM-10
          BO01/DI/BPM-04  BO02/DI/BPM-01  BO02/DI/BPM-09  BO03/DI/BPM-06  BO04/DI/BPM-03  BO04/DI/BPM-11
          BO01/DI/BPM-05  BO02/DI/BPM-02  BO02/DI/BPM-10  BO03/DI/BPM-07  BO04/DI/BPM-04
          BO01/DI/BPM-06  BO02/DI/BPM-03  BO02/DI/BPM-11  BO03/DI/BPM-08  BO04/DI/BPM-05
          BO01/DI/BPM-07  BO02/DI/BPM-04  BO03/DI/BPM-01  BO03/DI/BPM-09  BO04/DI/BPM-06
          BO01/DI/BPM-08  BO02/DI/BPM-05  BO03/DI/BPM-02  BO03/DI/BPM-10  BO04/DI/BPM-07

          ITango [1]: bpm1 = Libera("BO01<tab>
          BO01/DI/BPM-01  BO01/DI/BPM-03  BO01/DI/BPM-05  BO01/DI/BPM-07  BO01/DI/BPM-09  BO01/DI/BPM-11
          BO01/DI/BPM-02  BO01/DI/BPM-04  BO01/DI/BPM-06  BO01/DI/BPM-08  BO01/DI/BPM-10

          ITango [1]: bpm1 = Libera("BO01/DI/BPM-01")

   Customized device representation
       When you use ipython >= 0.11 with a Qt console frontend:

          $ itango qtconsole

       typing a variable containing a tango device object followend by  Enter  will  present  you
       with a customized representation of the object instead of the usual repr() :

       You can customize the icon that itango displays for a specific device.  The first thing to
       do is to copy the image file into itango.resource installation  directory  (if  you  don't
       have  permissions to do so, copy the image into a directory of your choosing and make sure
       it is accessible from itango).

       If you want to use the image for all devices of a certain tango  class,  just  add  a  new
       tango  class  property  called  __icon. You can do it with jive or, of course, with itango

          db.put_class_property("Libera", dict(__icon="libera.png"))

          # if you placed your image in a directory different than itango.resource
          # then, instead you have to specify the absolute directory

          db.put_class_property("Libera", dict(__icon="/home/homer/.config/itango/libera.png"))

       If you need different images for different devices of the same class, you can  specify  an
       __icon property at the device level (which takes precedence over the class property value,
       if defined):

          db.put_device_property("BO01/DI/BPM-01", dict(__icon="libera2.png"))

   List tango devices, classes, servers
       ITango provides a set of magic functions (ipython lingo) that allow you to check  for  the
       list tango devices, classes and servers which are registered in the current database.

          ITango [1]: lsdev
                                            Device                     Alias                    Server                Class
          ---------------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------
                        expchan/BL99_Dummy0DCtrl/1                  BL99_0D1                 Pool/BL99      ZeroDExpChannel
                            simulator/bl98/motor08                                      Simulator/BL98            SimuMotor
                        expchan/BL99_Dummy0DCtrl/3                  BL99_0D3                 Pool/BL99      ZeroDExpChannel
                        expchan/BL99_Dummy0DCtrl/2                  BL99_0D2                 Pool/BL99      ZeroDExpChannel
                        expchan/BL99_Dummy0DCtrl/5                  BL99_0D5                 Pool/BL99      ZeroDExpChannel
                        expchan/BL99_Dummy0DCtrl/4                  BL99_0D4                 Pool/BL99      ZeroDExpChannel
                        expchan/BL99_Dummy0DCtrl/7                  BL99_0D7                 Pool/BL99      ZeroDExpChannel
                        expchan/BL99_Dummy0DCtrl/6                  BL99_0D6                 Pool/BL99      ZeroDExpChannel
                            simulator/bl98/motor01                                      Simulator/BL98            SimuMotor
                            simulator/bl98/motor02                                      Simulator/BL98            SimuMotor
                            simulator/bl98/motor03                                      Simulator/BL98            SimuMotor
             mg/BL99/_mg_macserv_26065_-1320158352                                           Pool/BL99           MotorGroup
                            simulator/bl98/motor05                                      Simulator/BL98            SimuMotor
                            simulator/bl98/motor06                                      Simulator/BL98            SimuMotor
                            simulator/bl98/motor07                                      Simulator/BL98            SimuMotor
                          simulator/BL98/motctrl01                                      Simulator/BL98        SimuMotorCtrl
                        expchan/BL99_Simu0DCtrl1/1                  BL99_0D8                 Pool/BL99      ZeroDExpChannel
                       expchan/BL99_UxTimerCtrl1/1                BL99_Timer                 Pool/BL99         CTExpChannel

          ITango [1]: lsdevclass
          SimuCoTiCtrl                   TangoAccessControl             ZeroDExpChannel
          Door                           Motor                          DataBase
          MotorGroup                     IORegister                     SimuMotorCtrl
          TangoTest                      MacroServer                    TauTest
          SimuMotor                      SimuCounterEx                  MeasurementGroup
          Pool                           CTExpChannel

          ITango [1]: lsserv
          MacroServer/BL99               MacroServer/BL98               Pool/V2
          Pool/BL99                      Pool/BL98                      TangoTest/test
          Pool/tcoutinho                 Simulator/BL98
          TangoAccessControl/1           TauTest/tautest                DataBaseds/2
          MacroServer/tcoutinho          Simulator/BL99

   Customized tango error message and introspection
       ITango  intercepts tango exceptions that occur when you do tango operations (ex.: write an
       attribute with a value  outside  the  allowed  limits)  and  tries  to  display  it  in  a
       summarized, user friendly way.  If you need more detailed information about the last tango
       error, you can use the magic command 'tango_error'.

          ITango [1]: test = Device("sys/tg_test/1")

          ITango [2]: test.no_value
          API_AttrValueNotSet : Read value for attribute no_value has not been updated
          For more detailed information type: tango_error

          ITango [3]: tango_error
          Last tango error:
              desc = 'Read value for attribute no_value has not been updated'
            origin = 'Device_3Impl::read_attributes_no_except'
            reason = 'API_AttrValueNotSet'
          severity = tango._tango.ErrSeverity.ERR]
              desc = 'Failed to read_attribute on device sys/tg_test/1, attribute no_value'
            origin = 'DeviceProxy::read_attribute()'
            reason = 'API_AttributeFailed'
          severity = tango._tango.ErrSeverity.ERR]]

   Switching database
       You can switch database simply by executing the 'switchdb <host> [<port>]' magic command.

          ITango [1]: switchdb

          Must give new database name in format <host>[:<port>].
          <port> is optional. If not given it defaults to 10000.

          switchdb homer:10005
          switchdb homer 10005
          switchdb homer

          ITango [2]: db
          Database(homer, 10000)

          ITango [3]: switchdb bart       # by default port is 10000

          ITango [4]: db
          Database(bart, 10000)

          ITango [5]: switchdb lisa 10005  # you can use spaces between host and port

          ITango [6]: db
          Database(lisa, 10005)

          ITango [7]: switchdb marge:10005   # or the traditional ':'

          ITango [8]: db
          Database(marge, 10005)

   Refreshing the database
       When itango starts up or when the database is switched, a  query  is  made  to  the  tango
       Database device server which provides all necessary data. This data is stored locally in a
       itango cache which is used to provide all the nice features.  If the  Database  server  is
       changed  in  some way (ex: a new device server is registered), the local database cache is
       not consistent anymore with the  tango  database.   Therefore,  itango  provides  a  magic
       command 'refreshdb' that allows you to reread all tango information from the database.

          ITango [1]: refreshdb

   Storing your favorite tango objects for later usage
          This feature is not available if you have installed IPython 0.11!

       Since version 7.1.2, DeviceProxy, AttributeProxy and Database became pickable.  This means
       that they can be used by the IPython 'store' magic command (type 'store?'  on  the  itango
       console to get information on how to use this command).  You can, for example, assign your
       favorite devices in local python variables and then store these  for  the  next  time  you
       startup IPython with itango profile.

          ITango [1]: theta = Motor("BL99_M1")  # notice how we used tango alias

          ITango [2]: store theta
          Stored 'theta' (DeviceProxy)

          ITango [3]: Ctrl+D

          (IPython session is closed and started again...)

          ITango [1]: store -r # in some versions of IPython you may need to do this ...

          ITango [1]: print theta

   Adding itango to your own ipython profile
   Adding itango to the ipython default profile
       Let's  assume  that  you  find itango so useful that each time you start ipython, you want
       itango features to be loaded by default.  The way to do this is by  editing  your  default
       ipython configuration file:

       1. On IPython <= 0.10
             $HOME/.ipython/ and add the lines 1 and 7.

                 The  code  shown  below is a small part of your $HOME/.ipython/
                 It is shown here only the relevant part for this example.

                 import itango

                 def main():

                     # uncomment if you want to get ipython -p sh behaviour
                     # without having to use command line switches
                     # import ipy_profile_sh
                     itango.init_ipython(ip, console=False)

       2. On IPython > 0.10
             First you have to check which is the configuration directory being used by  IPython.
             For this, in an IPython console type:

                 ITango [1]: import IPython.utils.path

                 ITango [2]: IPython.utils.path.get_ipython_dir()

             now  edit <IPYTHON_DIR>/profile_default/ and add the following line
             at the end to add itango configuration:

                 load_subconfig('', profile='tango')

             Alternatively, you could also load itango as an IPython extension:

                 config = get_config()
                 i_shell_app = config.InteractiveShellApp
                 extensions = getattr(i_shell_app, 'extensions', [])
                 i_shell_app.extensions = extensions

             for more information on how to configure IPython >= 0.11 please  check  the  IPython

       And now, every time you start ipython:


       itango features will also be loaded.

          In [1]: db
          Out[1]: Database(homer, 10000)

   Adding itango to an existing customized profile
          This chapter has a pending update. The contents only apply to IPython <= 0.10.

       If  you  have  been  working  with  IPython  before  and have already defined a customized
       personal profile, you can extend your profile with itango features without  breaking  your
       existing  options. The trick is to initialize itango extension with a parameter that tells
       itango to maintain the existing options (like colors, command line and initial banner).

       So, for example, let's say you have created a profile called nuclear,  and  therefore  you
       have a file called $HOME/.ipython/ with the following contents:

          import os
          import IPython.ipapi

          def main():
              ip = IPython.ipapi.get()

              o = ip.options
              o.banner = "Springfield nuclear powerplant CLI\n\nWelcome Homer Simpson"
              o.colors = "Linux"
              o.prompt_in1 = "Mr. Burns owns you [\\#]: "


       In  order  to  have  itango  features available to this profile you simply need to add two
       lines of code (lines 3 and 7):

          import os
          import IPython.ipapi
          import itango

          def main():
              ip = IPython.ipapi.get()
              itango.init_ipython(ip, console=False)

              o = ip.options
              o.banner = "Springfield nuclear powerplant CLI\n\nMr. Burns owns you!"
              o.colors = "Linux"
              o.prompt_in1 = "The Simpsons [\\#]: "


       This will load the itango features into  your  profile  while  preserving  your  profile's
       console options (like colors, command line and initial banner).

   Creating a profile that extends itango profile
          This chapter has a pending update. The contents only apply to IPython <= 0.10.

       It  is also possible to create a profile that includes all itango features and at the same
       time adds new ones. Let's suppose that you want to  create  a  customized  profile  called
       'orbit'  that  automatically exports devices of class 'Libera' for the booster accelerator
       (assuming you are working on a synchrotron like institute ;-).  Here is the code  for  the

          import os
          import IPython.ipapi
          import IPython.genutils
          import IPython.ColorANSI
          import itango
          import StringIO

          def magic_liberas(ip, p=''):
              """Lists all known Libera devices."""
              data = itango.get_device_map()
              s = StringIO.StringIO()
              cols = 30, 15, 20
              l = "%{0}s %{1}s %{2}s".format(*cols)
              print >>s, l % ("Device", "Alias", "Server")
              print >>s, l % (cols[0]*"-", cols[1]*"-", cols[2]*"-")
              for d, v in data.items():
                  if v[2] != 'Libera': continue
                  print >>s, l % (d, v[0], v[1])

          def main():
              ip = IPython.ipapi.get()


              o = ip.options

              Colors = IPython.ColorANSI.TermColors
              c = dict(Colors.__dict__)

              o.banner += "\n{Brown}Welcome to Orbit analysis{Normal}\n".format(**c)

              o.prompt_in1 = "Orbit [\\#]: "
              o.colors = "BlueTango"

              ip.expose_magic("liberas", magic_liberas)

              db = ip.user_ns.get('db')
              dev_class_dict = itango.get_class_map()

              if not dev_class_dict.has_key("Libera"):

              for libera in dev_class_dict['Libera']:
                  domain, family, member = libera.split("/")
                  var_name = domain + "_" + member
                  var_name = var_name.replace("-","_")
                  ip.to_user_ns( { var_name : tango.DeviceProxy(libera) } )


       Then start your CLI with:

          $ ipython --profile=orbit

       and you will have something like this [image]

   Advanced event monitoring
       With itango it is possible to monitor change events triggered by any tango attribute which
       has events enabled.

       To start monitoring the change events of an attribute:

          ITango [1]: mon -a BL99_M1/Position
          'BL99_M1/Position' is now being monitored. Type 'mon' to see all events

       To list all events that have been intercepted:

          ITango [2]: mon
            ID           Device    Attribute            Value       Quality             Time
          ---- ---------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------- ----------------
             0     motor/bl99/1        state               ON    ATTR_VALID  17:11:08.026472
             1     motor/bl99/1     position            190.0    ATTR_VALID  17:11:20.691112
             2     motor/bl99/1        state           MOVING    ATTR_VALID  17:12:11.858985
             3     motor/bl99/1     position    188.954072857 ATTR_CHANGING  17:12:11.987817
             4     motor/bl99/1     position    186.045533882 ATTR_CHANGING  17:12:12.124448
             5     motor/bl99/1     position    181.295838155 ATTR_CHANGING  17:12:12.260884
             6     motor/bl99/1     position     174.55354729 ATTR_CHANGING  17:12:12.400036
             7     motor/bl99/1     position     166.08870515 ATTR_CHANGING  17:12:12.536387
             8     motor/bl99/1     position     155.77528943 ATTR_CHANGING  17:12:12.672846
             9     motor/bl99/1     position    143.358230136 ATTR_CHANGING  17:12:12.811878
            10     motor/bl99/1     position    131.476140017 ATTR_CHANGING  17:12:12.950391
            11     motor/bl99/1     position    121.555421781 ATTR_CHANGING  17:12:13.087970
            12     motor/bl99/1     position    113.457930987 ATTR_CHANGING  17:12:13.226531
            13     motor/bl99/1     position    107.319423091 ATTR_CHANGING  17:12:13.363559
            14     motor/bl99/1     position    102.928229946 ATTR_CHANGING  17:12:13.505102
            15     motor/bl99/1     position    100.584726495 ATTR_CHANGING  17:12:13.640794
            16     motor/bl99/1     position            100.0    ATTR_ALARM  17:12:13.738136
            17     motor/bl99/1        state            ALARM    ATTR_VALID  17:12:13.743481

          ITango [3]: mon -l mot.* state
            ID           Device    Attribute            Value       Quality             Time
          ---- ---------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------- ----------------
             0     motor/bl99/1        state               ON    ATTR_VALID  17:11:08.026472
             2     motor/bl99/1        state           MOVING    ATTR_VALID  17:12:11.858985
            17     motor/bl99/1        state            ALARM    ATTR_VALID  17:12:13.743481

       To stop monitoring the attribute:

          ITango [1]: mon -d BL99_M1/Position
          Stopped monitoring 'BL99_M1/Position'

          Type 'mon?' to see detailed information about this magic command

       2018, Tango Controls

                                           Feb 18, 2018                                 ITANGO(1)