Provided by: minimap2_2.17+dfsg-2_amd64 bug


       minimap2 - mapping and alignment between collections of DNA sequences


       * Indexing the target sequences (optional):
           minimap2 [-x preset] -d target.mmi target.fa
           minimap2 [-H] [-k kmer] [-w miniWinSize] [-I batchSize] -d target.mmi target.fa

       * Long-read alignment with CIGAR:
           minimap2 -a [-x preset] target.mmi query.fa > output.sam
           minimap2 -c [-H] [-k kmer] [-w miniWinSize] [...]  target.fa query.fa > output.paf

       * Long-read overlap without CIGAR:
           minimap2 -x ava-ont [-t nThreads] target.fa query.fa > output.paf


       Minimap2  is  a fast sequence mapping and alignment program that can find overlaps between
       long noisy reads, or map long reads or their assemblies to a reference  genome  optionally
       with  detailed  alignment  (i.e.  CIGAR).  At  present,  it  works  efficiently with query
       sequences from a few kilobases to ~100 megabases in length at a error rate ~15%.  Minimap2
       outputs in the PAF or the SAM format.


   Indexing options
       -k INT    Minimizer k-mer length [15]

       -w INT    Minimizer  window  size [2/3 of k-mer length]. A minimizer is the smallest k-mer
                 in a window of w consecutive k-mers.

       -H        Use homopolymer-compressed (HPC) minimizers. An HPC sequence is  constructed  by
                 contracting  homopolymer  runs to a single base. An HPC minimizer is a minimizer
                 on the HPC sequence.

       -I NUM    Load at most NUM target bases into RAM for indexing [4G]. If there are more than
                 NUM bases in target.fa, minimap2 needs to read query.fa multiple times to map it
                 against each batch of target sequences.  NUM may be ending with k/K/m/M/g/G. NB:
                 mapping quality is incorrect given a multi-part index.

                 Don't  store  target  sequences in the index. It saves disk space and memory but
                 the index generated with this option will not work with -a or  -c.   When  base-
                 level alignment is not requested, this option is automatically applied.

       -d FILE   Save  the  minimizer  index of target.fa to FILE [no dump]. Minimap2 indexing is
                 fast. It can index the human genome in a couple  of  minutes.  If  even  shorter
                 startup time is desired, use this option to save the index. Indexing options are
                 fixed in the index file. When an index file is provided as the target sequences,
                 options  -H,  -k, -w, -I will be effectively overridden by the options stored in
                 the index file.

   Mapping options
       -f FLOAT|INT1[,INT2]
                 If fraction, ignore top FLOAT fraction of most frequent minimizers [0.0002].  If
                 integer,  ignore  minimizers  occuring  more  than  INT1  times.   INT2  is only
                 effective in the --sr or -xsr mode, which sets the threshold for a second  round
                 of seeding.

       --min-occ-floor INT
                 Force  minimap2 to always use k-mers occurring INT times or less [0]. In effect,
                 the max occurrence threshold is set to the max{INT, -f}.

       -g INT    Stop chain enlongation if there are no minimizers within INT-bp [10000].

       -r INT    Bandwidth  used  in  chaining  and  DP-based  alignment   [500].   This   option
                 approximately controls the maximum gap size.

       -n INT    Discard chains consisting of <INT number of minimizers [3]

       -m INT    Discard  chains  with  chaining  score  <INT  [40].  Chaining  score  equals the
                 approximate number of matching bases minus a concave gap penalty. It is computed
                 with dynamic programming.

       -D        If  query  sequence  name/length are identical to the target name/length, ignore
                 diagonal  anchors.  This  option  also  reduces  DP-based  extension  along  the

       -P        Retain  all  chains  and  don't attempt to set primary chains. Options -p and -N
                 have no effect when this option is in use.

                 If no, skip query-target pairs  wherein  the  query  name  is  lexicographically
                 greater than the target name [yes]

       -X        Equivalent  to  '-DP  --dual=no  --no-long-join'.  Primarily used for all-vs-all
                 read overlapping.

       -p FLOAT  Minimal secondary-to-primary score ratio to  output  secondary  mappings  [0.8].
                 Between two chains overlaping over half of the shorter chain (controlled by -M),
                 the chain with a lower score is secondary to the chain with a higher score.   If
                 the  ratio  of  the  scores  is  below  FLOAT,  the  secondary chain will not be
                 outputted or extended with DP alignment later.  This option has no  effect  when
                 -X is applied.

       -N INT    Output  at  most INT secondary alignments [5]. This option has no effect when -X
                 is applied.

       -G NUM    Maximum gap on the reference (effective with  -xsplice/--splice).   This  option
                 also  changes  the  chaining  and  alignment band width to NUM.  Increasing this
                 option slows down spliced alignment. [200k]

       -F NUM    Maximum fragment length (aka insert size; effective with -xsr/--frag=yes) [800]

       -M FLOAT  Mark as secondary a chain that overlaps with a better chain by FLOAT or more  of
                 the shorter chain [0.5]

                 Honor option -M and disable a heurstic to save unmapped subsequences.

       --max-chain-skip INT
                 A  heuristics  that stops chaining early [25]. Minimap2 uses dynamic programming
                 for chaining. The time complexity is quadratic in  the  number  of  seeds.  This
                 option  makes  minimap2 exits the inner loop if it repeatedly sees seeds already
                 on chains. Set INT to a large number to switch off this heurstics.

       --max-chain-iter INT
                 Check up to INT partial chains during chaining [5000]. This is  a  heuristic  to
                 avoid quadratic time complexity in the worst case.

                 Disable  the  long  gap  patching  heuristic.  When  this option is applied, the
                 maximum alignment gap is mostly controlled by -r.

       --lj-min-ratio FLOAT
                 Fraction of query sequence length required to bridge a long gap [0.5]. A smaller
                 value helps to recover longer gaps, at the cost of more false gaps.

       --splice  Enable the splice alignment mode.

       --sr      Enable short-read alignment heuristics. In the short-read mode, minimap2 applies
                 a second round of chaining with a higher minimizer occurrence  threshold  if  no
                 good  chain is found. In addition, minimap2 attempts to patch gaps between seeds
                 with ungapped alignment.

       --split-prefix STR
                 Prefix to create temporary files. Typically used for a multi-part index.

                 Whether to enable the fragment mode [no]

                 Only map to the forward strand of the reference sequences. For paired-end  reads
                 in  the  forward-reverse orientation, the first read is mapped to forward strand
                 of the reference and the second read to the reverse stand.

                 Only map to the reverse complement strand of the reference sequences.

                 If yes, sort anchors with heap merge, instead  of  radix  sort.  Heap  merge  is
                 faster for short reads, but slower for long reads. [no]

                 Treat  two  reads in a pair as independent reads. The mate related fields in SAM
                 are still properly populated.

   Alignment options
       -A INT    Matching score [2]

       -B INT    Mismatching penalty [4]

       -O INT1[,INT2]
                 Gap open penalty [4,24]. If INT2 is not specified, it is set to INT1.

       -E INT1[,INT2]
                 Gap extension penalty [2,1]. A gap of length k costs  min{O1+k*E1,O2+k*E2}.   In
                 the splice mode, the second gap penalties are not used.

       -C INT    Cost for a non-canonical GT-AG splicing (effective with --splice) [0]

       -z INT1[,INT2]
                 Truncate an alignment if the running alignment score drops too quickly along the
                 diagonal of the DP matrix (diagonal X-drop, or Z-drop) [400,200]. If the drop of
                 score  is  above INT2, minimap2 will reverse complement the query in the related
                 region and align again to test small inversions. Minimap2 truncates alignment if
                 there  is an inversion or the drop of score is greater than INT1.  Decrease INT2
                 to find small inversions  at  the  cost  of  performance  and  false  positives.
                 Increase  INT1  to  improves  the  contiguity  of  alignment at the cost of poor
                 alignment in the middle.

       -s INT    Minimal peak DP alignment score to output [40]. The peak score is computed  from
                 the final CIGAR. It is the score of the max scoring segment in the alignment and
                 may be different from the total alignment score.

       -u CHAR   How to find canonical splicing sites GT-AG  -  f:  transcript  strand;  b:  both
                 strands; n: no attempt to match GT-AG [n]

       --end-bonus INT
                 Score bonus when alignment extends to the end of the query sequence [0].

       --score-N INT
                 Score of a mismatch involving ambiguous bases [1].

                 Assume the next base to a GT donor site tends to be A/G (91% in human and 92% in
                 mouse) and the preceding base to a AG acceptor tends to be C/T [no].  This trend
                 is  evolutionarily  conservative,  all the way to S. cerevisiae (PMID:18688272).
                 Specifying this option generally leads to higher junction  accuracy  by  several
                 percents,  so it is applied by default with --splice.  However, the SIRV control
                 does not honor this trend (only ~60%). This option reduces accuracy. If you  are
                 benchmarking  minimap2 on SIRV data, please add --splice-flank=no to the command

       --junc-bed FILE
                 Gene annotations in the BED12 format (aka 12-column BED), or intron positions in
                 5-column BED. With this option, minimap2 prefers splicing in annotations.  BED12
                 file can be converted from GTF/GFF3 with `paftools.js gff2bed anno.gtf' [].

       --junc-bonus INT
                 Score bonus for a splice donor or acceptor found in annotation  (effective  with
                 --junc-bed) [0].

       --end-seed-pen INT
                 Drop  a  terminal  anchor  if s<log(g)+INT, where s is the local alignment score
                 around the anchor and g the length of the terminal gap in the chain. This option
                 is only effective with --splice.  It helps to avoid tiny terminal exons. [6]

                 Don't  filter  seeds  towards  the  ends  of chains before performing base-level

       --cap-sw-mem NUM
                 Skip alignment if the DP matrix size is above NUM.  Set 0 to disable [0].

   Input/output options
       -a        Generate CIGAR and output alignments in the SAM format. Minimap2 outputs in  PAF
                 by default.

       -o FILE   Output alignments to FILE [stdout].

       -Q        Ignore base quality in the input file.

       -L        Write  CIGAR  with  >65535  operators  at  the CG tag. Older tools are unable to
                 convert alignments with >65535 CIGAR ops to BAM. This option makes minimap2  SAM
                 compatible with older tools. Newer tools recognizes this tag and reconstruct the
                 real CIGAR in memory.

       -R STR    SAM read group line in a format like @RG\tID:foo\tSM:bar [].

       -y        Copy input FASTA/Q comments to output.

       -c        Generate CIGAR. In PAF, the CIGAR is written to the `cg' custom tag.

                 Output the cs tag.  STR can be either short or long.  If no STR is given,  short
                 is assumed. [none]

       --MD      Output the MD tag (see the SAM spec).

       --eqx     Output =/X CIGAR operators for sequence match/mismatch.

       -Y        In SAM output, use soft clipping for supplementary alignments.

       --seed INT
                 Integer  seed  for  randomizing  equally best hits. Minimap2 hashes INT and read
                 name when choosing between equally best hits. [11]

       -t INT    Number of threads [3]. Minimap2 uses at most three threads when indexing  target
                 sequences,  and  uses  up to INT+1 threads when mapping (the extra thread is for
                 I/O, which is frequently idle and takes little CPU time).

       -2        Use two I/O threads during mapping. By default, minimap2 uses  one  I/O  thread.
                 When  I/O  is  slow  (e.g. piping to gzip, or reading from a slow pipe), the I/O
                 thread may become the bottleneck. Apply this option to use one thread for  input
                 and another thread for output, at the cost of increased peak RAM.

       -K NUM    Number  of  bases loaded into memory to process in a mini-batch [500M].  Similar
                 to option -I, K/M/G/k/m/g suffix is accepted. A large NUM helps  load  balancing
                 in the multi-threading mode, at the cost of increased memory.

                 Whether to output secondary alignments [yes]

       --max-qlen NUM
                 Filter out query sequences longer than NUM.

                 In  PAF,  output  unmapped queries; the strand and the reference name fields are
                 set to `*'. Warning: some paftools.js commands may not work with such output for
                 the moment.

                 In SAM, don't output unmapped reads.

       --version Print version number to stdout

   Preset options
       -x STR    Preset  [].  This option applies multiple options at the same time. It should be
                 applied before other options because options applied later  will  overwrite  the
                 values set by -x.  Available STR are:

                 map-pb  PacBio/Oxford Nanopore read to reference mapping (-Hk19)

                 map-ont Slightly more sensitive for Oxford Nanopore to reference mapping (-k15).
                         For  PacBio  reads,  HPC  minimizers  consistently   leads   to   faster
                         performance   and   more  sensitive  results  in  comparison  to  normal
                         minimizers. For Oxford Nanopore  data,  normal  minimizers  are  better,
                         though  not  much.  The  effectiveness  of  HPC  is  determined  by  the
                         sequencing error mode.

                 asm5    Long assembly to reference mapping (-k19 -w19  -A1  -B19  -O39,81  -E3,1
                         -s200  -z200  -N50  --min-occ-floor=100).  Typically, the alignment will
                         not extend to regions with 5% or higher sequence  divergence.  Only  use
                         this preset if the average divergence is far below 5%.

                 asm10   Long  assembly  to  reference  mapping  (-k19 -w19 -A1 -B9 -O16,41 -E2,1
                         -s200 -z200 -N50 --min-occ-floor=100).  Up to 10% sequence divergence.

                 asm20   Long assembly to reference mapping (-k19 -w10 -A1 -B4 -O6,26 -E2,1 -s200
                         -z200 -N50 --min-occ-floor=100).  Up to 20% sequence divergence.

                 ava-pb  PacBio all-vs-all overlap mapping (-Hk19 -Xw5 -m100 -g10000 --max-chain-
                         skip 25).

                 ava-ont Oxford Nanopore all-vs-all overlap  mapping  (-k15  -Xw5  -m100  -g10000
                         -r2000  --max-chain-skip 25).  Similarly, the major difference from ava-
                         pb is that this preset is not using HPC minimizers.

                 splice  Long-read spliced alignment (-k15 -w5 --splice  -g2000  -G200k  -A1  -B2
                         -O2,32  -E1,0  -C9 -z200 -ub --junc-bonus=9 --splice-flank=yes).  In the
                         splice mode, 1) long deletions are taken as introns and  represented  as
                         the `N' CIGAR operator; 2) long insertions are disabled; 3) deletion and
                         insertion gap costs are different during chaining; 4) the computation of
                         the `ms' tag ignores introns to demote hits to pseudogenes.

                         Long-read  splice  alignment  for  PacBio CCS reads (-xsplice -C5 -O6,24

                 sr      Short single-end reads without splicing (-k21 -w11 --sr  --frag=yes  -A2
                         -B8  -O12,32 -E2,1 -r50 -p.5 -N20 -f1000,5000 -n2 -m20 -s40 -g200 -2K50m
                         --heap-sort=yes --secondary=no).

   Miscellaneous options
                 Use the libc default allocator instead of  the  kalloc  thread-local  allocator.
                 This  debugging  option  is  mostly  used with Valgrind to detect invalid memory
                 accesses. Minimap2 runs slower  with  this  option,  especially  in  the  multi-
                 threading mode.

                 Print query names to stderr, mostly to see which query is crashing minimap2.

                 Print seed positions to stderr, for debugging only.


       Minimap2 outputs mapping positions in the Pairwise mApping Format (PAF) by default. PAF is
       a TAB-delimited text format with each line  consisting  of  at  least  12  fields  as  are
       described in the following table:

                │ColTypeDescription                       │
                │  1 │ string │ Query sequence name                                     │
                │  2 │  int   │ Query sequence length                                   │
                │  3 │  int   │ Query start coordinate (0-based)                        │
                │  4 │  int   │ Query end coordinate (0-based)                          │
                │  5 │  char  │ `+' if query/target on the same strand; `-' if opposite │
                │  6 │ string │ Target sequence name                                    │
                │  7 │  int   │ Target sequence length                                  │
                │  8 │  int   │ Target start coordinate on the original strand          │
                │  9 │  int   │ Target end coordinate on the original strand            │
                │ 10 │  int   │ Number of matching bases in the mapping                 │
                │ 11 │  int   │ Number bases, including gaps, in the mapping            │
                │ 12 │  int   │ Mapping quality (0-255 with 255 for missing)            │

       When  alignment  is  available,  column  11  gives  the  total number of sequence matches,
       mismatches and gaps in the alignment; column 10 divided by column 11 gives the  BLAST-like
       alignment  identity. When alignment is unavailable, these two columns are approximate. PAF
       may optionally have additional fields in the SAM-like typed key-value format. Minimap2 may
       output the following tags:

                  │TagTypeDescription                      │
                  │ tp │  A   │ Type of aln: P/primary, S/secondary and I,i/inversion │
                  │ cm │  i   │ Number of minimizers on the chain                     │
                  │ s1 │  i   │ Chaining score                                        │
                  │ s2 │  i   │ Chaining score of the best secondary chain            │
                  │ NM │  i   │ Total number of mismatches and gaps in the alignment  │
                  │ MD │  Z   │ To generate the ref sequence in the alignment         │
                  │ AS │  i   │ DP alignment score                                    │
                  │ ms │  i   │ DP score of the max scoring segment in the alignment  │
                  │ nn │  i   │ Number of ambiguous bases in the alignment            │
                  │ ts │  A   │ Transcript strand (splice mode only)                  │
                  │ cg │  Z   │ CIGAR string (only in PAF)                            │
                  │ cs │  Z   │ Difference string                                     │
                  │ dv │  f   │ Approximate per-base sequence divergence              │
                  │ de │  f   │ Gap-compressed per-base sequence divergence           │
                  │ rl │  i   │ Length of query regions harboring repetitive seeds    │

       The  cs  tag  encodes  difference  sequences  in  the  short  form or the entire query AND
       reference sequences in the long form. It consists of a series of operations:

                  │OpRegexDescription           │
                  │ = │ [ACGTN]+                   │ Identical sequence (long form)  │
                  │ : │ [0-9]+                     │ Identical sequence length       │
                  │ * │ [acgtn][acgtn]             │ Substitution: ref to query      │
                  │ + │ [acgtn]+                   │ Insertion to the reference      │
                  │ - │ [acgtn]+                   │ Deletion from the reference     │
                  │ ~ │ [acgtn]{2}[0-9]+[acgtn]{2} │ Intron length and splice signal │


       * Minimap2 may produce suboptimal alignments through  long  low-complexity  regions  where
         seed  positions  may  be  suboptimal.  This should not be a big concern because even the
         optimal alignment may be wrong in such regions.

       * Minimap2 requires SSE2 or NEON instructions to compile.  It  is  possible  to  add  non-
         SSE2/NEON support, but it would make minimap2 slower by several times.


       miniasm(1), minimap(1), bwa(1).