Provided by: python3-msal_1.1.0-3_all bug


       msalpython - MSAL Python Documentation

       You  can  find  high  level  conceptual  documentations in the project README and workable
       samples inside the project code base .

       The documentation hosted here is for API Reference.

       MSAL proposes a clean separation  between  public  client  applications  and  confidential
       client applications.

       They  are  implemented  as  two  separated  classes,  with different methods for different
       authentication scenarios.


       class msal.PublicClientApplication(client_id, client_credential=None, **kwargs)

              acquire_token_by_device_flow(flow, **kwargs)
                     Obtain token by a device flow object, with customizable polling effect.

                            flow (dict) -- A dict previously generated by initiate_device_flow().
                            By  default, this method's polling effect  will block current thread.
                            You can abort the polling loop at any time, by changing the value  of
                            the flow's "expires_at" key to 0.

                            A dict representing the json response from AAD:

                            • A successful response would contain "access_token" key,

                            • an    error    response   would   contain   "error"   and   usually

              acquire_token_by_username_password(username, password, scopes, **kwargs)
                     Gets a token for a given resource via user credentails.

                     See   this   page   for   constraints    of    Username    Password    Flow.

                     Parametersusername (str) -- Typically a UPN in the form of an email address.

                            • password (str) -- The password.

                            • scopes (list[str]) -- Scopes requested to access a protected API (a

                            A dict representing the json response from AAD:

                            • A successful response would contain "access_token" key,

                            • an    error    response   would   contain   "error"   and   usually

              initiate_device_flow(scopes=None, **kwargs)
                     Initiate   a   Device   Flow   instance,   which    will    be    used    in

                            scopes  (list[str])  -- Scopes requested to access a protected API (a

                            A dict representing a newly created Device Flow object.

                            • A successful response would contain "user_code" key, among others

                            • an error response  would  contain  some  other  readable  key/value


       class         msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(client_id,        client_credential=None,
       authority=None,  validate_authority=True,  token_cache=None,  verify=True,   proxies=None,
       timeout=None, client_claims=None, app_name=None, app_version=None)

              acquire_token_for_client(scopes, **kwargs)
                     Acquires token for the current confidential client, not for an end user.

                            scopes  (list[str])  --  (Required)  Scopes  requested  to  access  a
                            protected API (a resource).

                            A dict representing the json response from AAD:

                            • A successful response would contain "access_token" key,

                            • an   error   response   would   contain   "error"    and    usually

              acquire_token_on_behalf_of(user_assertion, scopes, **kwargs)
                     Acquires token using on-behalf-of (OBO) flow.

                     The  current  app  is  a  middle-tier  service which was called with a token
                     representing an end user.  The current app can use such token (a.k.a. a user
                     assertion)  to request another token to access downstream web API, on behalf
                     of that user.  See detail docs here .

                     The current middle-tier app has no user interaction to obtain consent.   See
                     how  to  gain  consent  upfront  for your middle-tier app from this article.

                     Parametersuser_assertion (str) -- The incoming token already received by this

                            • scopes  (list[str])  --  Scopes  required  by  downstream  API   (a

                            A dict representing the json response from AAD:

                            • A successful response would contain "access_token" key,

                            • an    error    response   would   contain   "error"   and   usually


       Both PublicClientApplication  and  ConfidentialClientApplication  have  following  methods
       inherited  from  their base class.  You typically do not need to initiate this base class,

       class    msal.ClientApplication(client_id,     client_credential=None,     authority=None,
       validate_authority=True,   token_cache=None,   verify=True,   proxies=None,  timeout=None,
       client_claims=None, app_name=None, app_version=None)

              __init__(client_id,             client_credential=None,             authority=None,
              validate_authority=True, token_cache=None, verify=True, proxies=None, timeout=None,
              client_claims=None, app_name=None, app_version=None)
                     Create an instance of application.

                     Parametersclient_id -- Your app has a client_id after you register it on AAD.

                            • client_credential --

                              For  PublicClientApplication,  you  simply  use  None  here.    For
                              ConfidentialClientApplication, it can be a string containing client
                              secret, or an X509 certificate container in this form:

                                     "private_key": "...-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----...",
                                     "thumbprint": "A1B2C3D4E5F6...",
                                     "public_certificate": "...-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----..." (Optional. See below.)

                              Added in version 0.5.0: public_certificate (optional) is public key
                              certificate  which  will  be sent through 'x5c' JWT header only for
                              subject name and issuer authentication to support cert auto rolls.

                            • client_claims (dict) --

                              Added in version 0.5.0: It is a dictionary  of  extra  claims  that
                              would be signed by by this ConfidentialClientApplication 's private
                              key.  For example, you can use {"client_ip": "x.x.x.x"}.   You  may
                              also override any of the following default claims:

                                     "aud": the_token_endpoint,
                                     "iss": self.client_id,
                                     "sub": same_as_issuer,
                                     "exp": now + 10_min,
                                     "iat": now,
                                     "jti": a_random_uuid

                            • authority  (str)  --  A  URL  that identifies a token authority. It
                              should            be            of            the            format
                      By  default, we will
                              use (bool) -- (optional) Turns authority  validation
                              on or off. This parameter default to true.

                            • cache   (TokenCache)   --   Sets  the  token  cache  used  by  this
                              ClientApplication instance.  By default, an in-memory cache will be
                              created and used.

                            • verify  --  (optional) It will be passed to the verify parameter in
                              the underlying requests libraryproxies -- (optional) It will be passed to the proxies parameter in
                              the underlying requests librarytimeout -- (optional) It will be passed to the timeout parameter in
                              the underlying requests libraryapp_name -- (optional) You can provide your  application  name  for
                              Microsoft telemetry purposes.  Default value is None, means it will
                              not be passed to Microsoft.

                            • app_version -- (optional) You can provide your application  version
                              for  Microsoft telemetry purposes.  Default value is None, means it
                              will not be passed to Microsoft.

              acquire_token_by_authorization_code(code, scopes, redirect_uri=None, **kwargs)
                     The second half of the Authorization Code Grant.

                     Parameterscode -- The authorization code returned from Authorization Server.

                            • scopes (list[str]) --

                              (Required) Scopes requested to access a protected API (a resource).

                              If you requested user consent for multiple resources, here you will
                              typically  want  to  provide  a  subset  of  what  you  required in

                              OAuth2 was designed mostly for singleton services, where tokens are
                              always  meant for the same resource and the only changes are in the
                              scopes.  In AAD, tokens  can  be  issued  for  multiple  3rd  party
                              resources.   You can ask authorization code for multiple resources,
                              but when you  redeem  it,  the  token  is  for  only  one  intended
                              recipient,  called  audience.   So  the developer need to specify a
                              scope so that we can restrict  the  token  to  be  issued  for  the
                              corresponding audience.

                            A dict representing the json response from AAD:

                            • A successful response would contain "access_token" key,

                            • an    error    response   would   contain   "error"   and   usually

              acquire_token_silent(scopes,    account,    authority=None,    force_refresh=False,
                     Acquire an access token for given account, without user interaction.

                     It  is done either by finding a valid access token from cache, or by finding
                     a valid refresh token from cache and then automatically use it to  redeem  a
                     new access token.

                     This  method  will combine the cache empty and refresh error into one return
                     value, None.  If your app does not care about the exact token refresh  error
                     during token cache look-up, then this method is easier and recommended.

                     Internally, this method calls acquire_token_silent_with_error().


                            • A  dict  containing  no  "error"  key,  and  typically  contains an
                              "access_token" key, if cache lookup succeeded.

                            • None when cache lookup does not yield a token.

              acquire_token_silent_with_error(scopes,          account,           authority=None,
              force_refresh=False, **kwargs)
                     Acquire an access token for given account, without user interaction.

                     It  is done either by finding a valid access token from cache, or by finding
                     a valid refresh token from cache and then automatically use it to  redeem  a
                     new access token.

                     This  method  will  differentiate  cache empty from token refresh error.  If
                     your app cares the exact token refresh error  during  token  cache  look-up,
                     then    this    method   is   suitable.    Otherwise,   the   other   method
                     acquire_token_silent() is recommended.

                     Parametersscopes (list[str]) --  (Required)  Scopes  requested  to  access  a
                              protected API (a resource).

                            • account -- one of the account object returned by get_accounts(), or
                              use None when you want to find an access token for this client.

                            • force_refresh -- If True, it will skip Access  Token  look-up,  and
                              try to find a Refresh Token to obtain a new Access Token.


                            • A  dict  containing  no  "error"  key,  and  typically  contains an
                              "access_token" key, if cache lookup succeeded.

                            • None when there is simply no token in the cache.

                            • A dict containing an "error" key, when token refresh failed.

                     Get a list of accounts which previously signed in, i.e. exists in cache.

                     An account can later be used in acquire_token_silent() to find its tokens.

                            username  --  Filter  accounts  with   this   username   only.   Case

                            A  list of account objects.  Each account is a dict. For now, we only
                            document its "username" field.  Your app can choose to display  those
                            information  to  end  user,  and  allow user to choose one of his/her
                            accounts to proceed.

              get_authorization_request_url(scopes,         login_hint=None,          state=None,
              redirect_uri=None, response_type='code', prompt=None, **kwargs)
                     Constructs a URL for you to start a Authorization Code Grant.

                     Parametersscopes  (list[str])  --  (Required)  Scopes  requested  to access a
                              protected API (a resource).

                            • state (str) -- Recommended by OAuth2 for CSRF protection.

                            • login_hint (str) --  Identifier  of  the  user.  Generally  a  User
                              Principal Name (UPN).

                            • redirect_uri  (str)  --  Address  to  return  to  upon  receiving a
                              response from the authority.

                            • response_type (str) --  Default  value  is  "code"  for  an  OAuth2
                              Authorization  Code  grant.   You  can  use  other  content such as

                            • prompt (str) -- By default, no prompt value will be sent, not  even
                              "none".   You  will  have to specify a value explicitly.  Its valid
                              values    are    defined    in    Open     ID     Connect     specs

                            The authorization url as a string.

                     Sign me out and forget me from token cache

       One     of    the    parameter    accepted    by    both    PublicClientApplication    and
       ConfidentialClientApplication is the TokenCache.

       class msal.TokenCache
              This is considered as a base class containing minimal cache behavior.

              Although it maintains tokens using unified schema across all MSAL  libraries,  this
              class  does  not  serialize/persist  them.  See subclass SerializableTokenCache for
              details on serialization.

              add(event, now=None)
                     Handle a token obtaining event, and add tokens into cache.

                     Known side effects: This function modifies the input event in place.

       You  can  subclass  it  to  add  new  behavior,  such  as,   token   serialization.    See
       SerializableTokenCache for example.

       class msal.SerializableTokenCache
              This serialization can be a starting point to implement your own persistence.

              This  class does NOT actually persist the cache on disk/db/etc..  Depending on your
              need, the following simple recipe for file-based persistence may be sufficient:

                 import os, atexit, msal
                 cache = msal.SerializableTokenCache()
                 if os.path.exists("my_cache.bin"):
                     cache.deserialize(open("my_cache.bin", "r").read())
                     open("my_cache.bin", "w").write(cache.serialize())
                     # Hint: The following optional line persists only when state changed
                     if cache.has_state_changed else None
                 app = msal.ClientApplication(..., token_cache=cache)

                     has_state_changed (bool) -- Indicates whether the cache state in the  memory
                     has changed since last serialize() or deserialize() call.

              add(event, **kwargs)
                     Handle a token obtaining event, and add tokens into cache.

                     Known side effects: This function modifies the input event in place.

                     Deserialize the cache from a state previously obtained by serialize()

                     Serialize the current cache state into a string.

       • genindex

       • search




       2020, Microsoft