Provided by: mycli_1.20.1-4_all bug


       mycli - Command line client for MySQL/MariaDB and Percona


       mycli [OPTIONS] [DATABASE]


       mycli  is  a  command  line  interface  for  MySQL,  MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax
       highlighting. The CLI is also capable of pretty printing tabular data.


       -h|--host TEXT
              Host address of the database

       -P|--port INTEGER
              Port number to use for connection. Honors $MYSQL_TCP_PORT

       -u|--user TEXT
              User name to connect to the database

       -S|--socket TEXT
              The socket file to use for connection.

       -p|--password|--pass TEXT
              Password to connect to the database

              Version of mycli

       -D|--database TEXT
              Database to use

       -R|--prompt TEXT
              Prompt format (Default: "\t \u@\h:\d> ")

       -l|--logfile FILENAME
              Log every query and its results to a file

       --defaults-group-suffix TEXT
              Read config group with the specified suffix

       --defaults-file PATH
              Only read default options from the given file

       --login-path TEXT
              Read this path from the login file

       --help Shows the help message and exit


       mycli is written by Amjith Ramanujam (

       This manual page was written by Lennart Weller <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by

                                                  May 05, 2016                                          MYCLI(1)