focal (1) mysqlrplcheck.1.gz

Provided by: mysql-utilities_1.6.4-1build1_all bug


       mysqlrplcheck - Check Replication Prerequisites


       mysqlrplcheck [options]


       This utility checks the prerequisites for replication between a master and a slave. These
       checks (called tests) are designed to ensure a healthy replication setup. The utility
       performs the following tests:

        1. Is the binary log enabled on the master?

        2. Are there binary logging exceptions (such as *_do_db or *_ignore_db settings)? If so,
           display them.

        3. Does the replication user exist on the master with the correct privileges?

        4. Are there server_id conflicts?

        5. Is the slave connected to this master? If not, display the master host and port.

        6. Are there conflicts between the file on the slave and the values shown in
           SHOW SLAVE STATUS on the master?

        7. Are the InnoDB configurations compatible (plugin vs. native)?

        8. Are the storage engines compatible (have same on slave as master)?

        9. Are the lower_case_tables_names settings compatible? Warn if there are settings for
           lowercase/uppercase table names that can cause problems. See Bug #59240.

       10. Is the slave behind the master?

       The utility runs each test in turn unless there is a fatal error preventing further
       testing, such as a loss of connection to the servers.

       Each test can complete with one of the following states: pass (the prerequisites are met),
       fail (the prerequisites were met but one or more errors occurred or there are exceptions
       to consider), or warn (the test found some unusual settings that should be examined
       further but may not be in error).

       Use the --verbose option to see additional information such as server IDs,
       lower_case_table_name settings, and the contents of the master information file on the

       To see the values from the SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement, use the --show-slave-status
       option.  OPTIONS.PP mysqlrplcheck accepts the following command-line options:

       ·   --help

           Display a help message and exit.

       ·   --license

           Display license information and exit.

       ·   --master=<source>

           Connection information for the master server.

           To connect to a server, it is necessary to specify connection parameters such as the
           user name, host name, password, and either a port or socket. MySQL Utilities provides
           a number of ways to supply this information. All of the methods require specifying
           your choice via a command-line option such as --server, --master, --slave, etc. The
           methods include the following in order of most secure to least secure.

           ·   Use login-paths from your .mylogin.cnf file (encrypted, not visible). Example :

           ·   Use a configuration file (unencrypted, not visible) Note: available in
               release-1.5.0. Example : <configuration-file-path>[:<section>]

           ·   Specify the data on the command-line (unencrypted, visible). Example :

       ·   --master-info-file=<file>

           The name of the master information file on the slave. The default is read
           from the data directory. Note: This option requires that you run the utility on the
           slave and that you have appropriate read access for the file.

       ·   --quiet, -q

           Turn off all messages for quiet execution. Note: Errors and warnings are not

       ·   --show-slave-status, -s

           Display the values from SHOW SLAVE STATUS on the master.

       ·   --slave=<source>

           Connection information for the slave server.

           To connect to a server, it is necessary to specify connection parameters such as the
           user name, host name, password, and either a port or socket. MySQL Utilities provides
           a number of ways to supply this information. All of the methods require specifying
           your choice via a command-line option such as --server, --master, --slave, etc. The
           methods include the following in order of most secure to least secure.

           ·   Use login-paths from your .mylogin.cnf file (encrypted, not visible). Example :

           ·   Use a configuration file (unencrypted, not visible) Note: available in
               release-1.5.0. Example : <configuration-file-path>[:<section>]

           ·   Specify the data on the command-line (unencrypted, visible). Example :

       ·   --suppress

           Suppress warning messages.

       ·   --ssl-ca

           The path to a file that contains a list of trusted SSL CAs.

       ·   --ssl-cert

           The name of the SSL certificate file to use for establishing a secure connection.

       ·   --ssl-cert

           The name of the SSL key file to use for establishing a secure connection.

       ·   --ssl

           Specifies if the server connection requires use of SSL. If an encrypted connection
           cannot be established, the connection attempt fails. Default setting is 0 (SSL not

       ·   --verbose, -v

           Specify how much information to display. Use this option multiple times to increase
           the amount of information. For example, -v = verbose, -vv = more verbose, -vvv =

       ·   --version

           Display version information and exit.

       ·   --width=<number>

           Change the display width of the test report. The default is 75 characters.
       NOTES.PP The login user must have the appropriate permissions to execute SHOW SLAVE
       STATUS, SHOW MASTER STATUS, and SHOW VARIABLES on the appropriate servers.

       Mixing IP and hostnames is not recommended. The replication-specific utilities will
       attempt to compare hostnames and IP addresses as aliases for checking slave connectivity
       to the master. However, if your installation does not support reverse name lookup, the
       comparison could fail. Without the ability to do a reverse name lookup, the replication
       utilities could report a false negative that the slave is (not) connected to the master.

       For example, if you setup replication using on the slave and later
       connect to the slave with mysqlrplcheck and have the master specified as
       --master= using the valid IP address for, you must have the ability
       to do a reverse name lookup to compare the IP ( and the hostname (
       to determine if they are the same machine.

       The path to the MySQL client tools should be included in the PATH environment variable in
       order to use the authentication mechanism with login-paths. This will allow the utility to
       use the my_print_defaults tools which is required to read the login-path values from the
       login configuration file (.mylogin.cnf).  EXAMPLES.PP To check the prerequisites of a
       master and slave that currently are actively performing replication, use the following

           shell> mysqlrplcheck --master=root@host1:3310 --slave=root@host2:3311
           # master on host1: ... connected.
           # slave on host2: ... connected.
           Test Description                                                  Status
           Checking for binary logging on master                             [pass]
           Are there binlog exceptions?                                      [pass]
           Replication user exists?                                          [pass]
           Checking server_id values                                         [pass]
           Is slave connected to master?                                     [pass]
           Check master information file                                     [pass]
           Checking InnoDB compatibility                                     [pass]
           Checking storage engines compatibility                            [pass]
           Checking lower_case_table_names settings                          [pass]
           Checking slave delay (seconds behind master)                      [pass]
           # ...done.

       As shown in the example, you must provide valid login information for both the master and
       the slave.

       To perform the same command but also display the contents of the master information file
       on the slave and the values of SHOW SLAVE STATUS as well as additional details, use this

           shell> mysqlrplcheck --master=root@host1:3310 --slave=root@host2:3311 \
             --show-slave-status -vv
           # master on host1: ... connected.
           # slave on host2: ... connected.
           Test Description                                                  Status
           Checking for binary logging on master                              [pass]
           Are there binlog exceptions?                                       [pass]
           Replication user exists?                                           [pass]
           Checking server_id values                                          [pass]
            master id = 10
             slave id = 11
           Is slave connected to master?                                      [pass]
           Check master information file                                      [pass]
           # Master information file:
                          Master_Log_File : clone-bin.000001
                      Read_Master_Log_Pos : 482
                              Master_Host : host1
                              Master_User : rpl
                          Master_Password : XXXX
                              Master_Port : 3310
                            Connect_Retry : 60
                       Master_SSL_Allowed : 0
                       Master_SSL_CA_File :
                       Master_SSL_CA_Path :
                          Master_SSL_Cert :
                        Master_SSL_Cipher :
                           Master_SSL_Key :
            Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert : 0
           Checking InnoDB compatibility                                      [pass]
           Checking storage engines compatibility                             [pass]
           Checking lower_case_table_names settings                           [pass]
             Master lower_case_table_names: 2
              Slave lower_case_table_names: 2
           Checking slave delay (seconds behind master)                       [pass]
           # Slave status:
                           Slave_IO_State : Waiting for master to send event
                              Master_Host : host1
                              Master_User : rpl
                              Master_Port : 3310
                            Connect_Retry : 60
                          Master_Log_File : clone-bin.000001
                      Read_Master_Log_Pos : 482
                           Relay_Log_File : clone-relay-bin.000006
                            Relay_Log_Pos : 251
                    Relay_Master_Log_File : clone-bin.000001
                         Slave_IO_Running : Yes
                        Slave_SQL_Running : Yes
                          Replicate_Do_DB :
                      Replicate_Ignore_DB :
                       Replicate_Do_Table :
                   Replicate_Ignore_Table :
                  Replicate_Wild_Do_Table :
              Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table :
                               Last_Errno : 0
                               Last_Error :
                             Skip_Counter : 0
                      Exec_Master_Log_Pos : 482
                          Relay_Log_Space : 551
                          Until_Condition : None
                           Until_Log_File :
                            Until_Log_Pos : 0
                       Master_SSL_Allowed : No
                       Master_SSL_CA_File :
                       Master_SSL_CA_Path :
                          Master_SSL_Cert :
                        Master_SSL_Cipher :
                           Master_SSL_Key :
                    Seconds_Behind_Master : 0
            Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert : No
                            Last_IO_Errno : 0
                            Last_IO_Error :
                           Last_SQL_Errno : 0
                           Last_SQL_Error :
           # ...done.

       PERMISSIONS REQUIRED.PP The users on the master need the following privileges: SELECT and
       INSERT privileges on mysql database, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT and GRANT
       OPTION. The slave users need the SUPER privilege.

       Also, when using GTIDs, the slave users must also have SELECT privilege over the mysql

       Copyright © 2006, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

       This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it only under
       the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
       version 2 of the License.

       This documentation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
       WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
       PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the program;
       if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
       Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or see


       For more information, please refer to the MySQL Utilities and Fabric documentation, which
       is available online at


       Oracle Corporation (