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otbcli_GenerateRPCSensorModel - OTB GenerateRPCSensorModel application
This is the GenerateRPCSensorModel application, version 5.2.0 Generate a RPC sensor model from a list of Ground Control Points. Complete documentation: Parameters: -progress <boolean> Report progress -outgeom <string> Output geom file (mandatory) -inpoints <string> Input file containing tie points (mandatory) -outstat <string> Output file containing output precision statistics (optional, off by default) -outvector <string> Output vector file with residues (optional, off by default) -map <string> Output Cartographic Map Projection [utm/lambert2/lambert93/wgs/epsg] (mandatory, default value is utm) <int32> Zone number (mandatory, default value is 31) -map.utm.northhem <boolean> Northern Hemisphere (optional, off by default) -map.epsg.code <int32> EPSG Code (mandatory, default value is 4326) -elev.dem <string> DEM directory (optional, off by default) -elev.geoid <string> Geoid File (optional, off by default) -elev.default <float> Default elevation (mandatory, default value is 0) -inxml <string> Load otb application from xml file (optional, off by default)
otbcli_GenerateRPCSensorModel -outgeom output.geom -inpoints points.txt -map epsg -map.epsg.code 32631
The full documentation for otbcli_GenerateRPCSensorModel is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and otbcli_GenerateRPCSensorModel programs are properly installed at your site, the command info otbcli_GenerateRPCSensorModel should give you access to the complete manual.