focal (1) otbgui_SampleAugmentation.1.gz

otbgui_SampleAugmentation - OTB SampleAugmentation application
This is the Sample Augmentation (SampleAugmentation) application, version 6.6.0 Generates synthetic samples from a sample data file. Complete documentation: or -help Parameters: -in <string> Input samples (mandatory) -out <string> Output samples (mandatory) -field <string> Field Name (mandatory, no default value) -layer <int32> Layer Index (optional, off by default, default value is 0) -label <int32> Label of the class to be augmented (mandatory, default value is 1) -samples <int32> Number of generated samples (mandatory, default value is 100) -exclude <string list> Field names for excluded features. (mandatory, no default value) -strategy <string> Augmentation strategy [replicate/jitter/smote] (mandatory, default value is replicate) -strategy.jitter.stdfactor <float> Factor for dividing the standard deviation of each feature (mandatory, default value is 10) -strategy.smote.neighbors <int32> Number of nearest neighbors. (mandatory) -seed <int32> set user defined seed (optional, off by default) -inxml <string> Load otb application from xml file (optional, off by default) -progress <boolean> Report progress -help <string list> Display long help (empty list), or help for given parameters keys Use -help param1 [... paramN] to see detailed documentation of those parameters.
otbgui_SampleAugmentation -in samples.sqlite -field class -label 3 -samples 100 -out augmented_samples.sqlite -exclude OGC_FID name class originfid -strategy smote -strategy.smote.neighbors 5