Provided by: coop-computing-tools_7.0.22-1ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       parrot_package_run - repeat a program within the package with the help of parrot_run


       parrot_package_run --package-path your-package-path [command]


       If  parrot_run  is  used  to repeat one experiment, one mountlist must be created so that the file access
       request of your program can be redirected into the package. parrot_package_run  is  used  to  create  the
       mountlist  and  repeat  your  program within the package with the help of parrot_run and mountlist. If no
       command is given, a /bin/sh shell will be returned.


        -p, --package-path
              The path of the package.

        -e, --env-list
              The path of the environment file, each line is in the format of <key>=<value>. (Default:  package-

        -h, --help
              Show this help message.


       On success, returns zero. On failure, returns non-zero.


       To repeat one program within one package /tmp/package in a bash shell:

               % parrot_package_run --package-path /tmp/package /bin/bash

       After  the  execution  of  this  command,  one shell will be returned, where you can repeat your original
       program. After everything is done, exit parrot_package_run:

               % exit

       You can  also  directly  set  your  command  as  the  arguments  of  parrot_package_run.  In  this  case,
       parrot_package_run will exit automatically after the command is finished, and you do not need to use exit
       to exit. However, your command must belong to the original command set  executed  inside  parrot_run  and
       preserved by parrot_package_create.

               % parrot_package_run --package-path /tmp/package ls -al

       Here   is   a  short  instruction  about  how  to  make  use  of  parrot_run,  parrot_package_create  and
       parrot_package_run to generate one package for your experiment and repeat  your  experiment  within  your

       Step  1:  Run your program under parrot_run and using --name-list and --env-list parameters to record the
       filename list and environment variables.

               % parrot_run --name-list namelist --env-list envlist /bin/bash

       After the execution of this command, you can run your program inside parrot_run. At the end  of  step  1,
       one  file  named  namelist  containing  all the accessed file names and one file named envlist containing
       environment variables will be generated.  After everything is done, exit parrot_run:

               % exit

       Step 2: Using parrot_package_create to generate a package.

               % parrot_package_create --name-list namelist --env-path envlist --package-path /tmp/package

       At the end of step 2, one package with the path of /tmp/package will be generated.

       Step 3: Repeat your program within your package.

               % parrot_package_run --package-path /tmp/package /bin/bash

       After the execution of this command, one shell will be returned,  where  you  can  repeat  your  original
       program. After everything is done, exit parrot_package_run:

               % exit


       The Cooperative Computing Tools are Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Douglas Thain and Copyright (C) 2005-2015 The
       University of Notre Dame.  This software is distributed under the GNU General Public  License.   See  the
       file COPYING for details.


Cooperative Computing Tools DocumentationParrot User Manualparrot_run(1)  parrot_run_hdfs(1)  parrot_cp(1) parrot_getacl(1)  parrot_setacl(1)  parrot_mkalloc(1)
           parrot_lsalloc(1)     parrot_locate(1)     parrot_timeout(1)     parrot_whoami(1)     parrot_mount(1)
           parrot_md5(1)  parrot_package_create(1)  parrot_package_run(1)  chroot_package_run(1)