focal (1) pysnmpcmd.1.gz

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       pysnmpcmd - options and behaviour common to most of the PySNMP command-line tools


       pysnmpcmd [OPTIONS] AGENT [PARAMETERS]


       This  manual  page  describes  the  common  options  for  the PySNMP commands: pysnmpbulkwalk, pysnmpget,
       pysnmpset, pysnmptranslate,  pysnmpwalk.   The  command  line  applications  use  the  SNMP  protocol  to
       communicate  with  an  SNMP capable network entity, an agent.  Individual applications typically (but not
       necessarily) take additional parameters that are given after the agent specification.   These  parameters
       are documented in the manual pages for each application.


       -a authProtocol
              Set the authentication protocol (MD5 or SHA) used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.

       -A authPassword
              Set the authentication pass phrase used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.

       -c community
              Set the community string for SNMPv1/v2c transactions.

       -d     Dump (in hexadecimal) the raw SNMP packets sent and received.

       -D TOKEN[,...]
              Turn on debugging output for the given TOKEN(s).  Try all for extremely verbose output.

       -e engineID
              Set  the  authoritative (security) engineID used for SNMPv3 REQUEST messages.  It is typically not
              necessary to specify this, as it will usually be discovered automatically.

       -E engineID
              Set the context engineID used for SNMPv3 REQUEST messages scopedPdu.  If not specified, this  will
              default to the authoritative engineID.

       -h, --help
              Display a brief usage message and then exit.

       -H     Display a list of configuration file directives understood by the command and then exit.

       -I [hu]
              Specifies input parsing options. See INPUT OPTIONS below.

       -l secLevel
              Set  the  securityLevel  used for SNMPv3 messages (noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv).  Appropriate
              pass phrase(s) must provided when using any level higher than noAuthNoPriv.

       -m MIBLIST
              Specifies a colon separated list of MIB modules (not files) to load for this application.

              The special keyword ALL is used to load all MIB modules in the MIB directory search  list.   Every
              file whose name does not begin with "." will be parsed as if it were a MIB file.

       -M DIRLIST
              Specifies  a  colon  separated  list  of directories to search for MIBs.  Note that MIBs specified
              using the -m option will be loaded from one of  the  directories  listed  by  the  -M  option  (or

       -n contextName
              Set the contextName used for SNMPv3 messages.  The default contextName is the empty string "".

       -O [abeEfnqQsStTuUvxX]
              Specifies output printing options. See OUTPUT OPTIONS below.

       -r retries
              Specifies the number of retries to be used in the requests. The default is 5.

       -t timeout
              Specifies the timeout in seconds between retries. The default is 1.

       -u secName
              Set the securityName used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.

       -v 1 | 2c | 3
              Specifies  the  protocol  version  to  use:  1  (RFCs  1155-1157), 2c (RFCs 1901-1908), or 3 (RFCs
              2571-2574).  The default is typically version 3.

       -V, --version
              Display version information for the application and then exit.

       -x privProtocol
              Set the privacy protocol (DES or AES) used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages.

       -X privPassword
              Set the privacy pass phrase used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages.

       -Z boots,time
              Set the engineBoots and engineTime used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.  This  will  initialize
              the  local  notion  of the agents boots/time with an authenticated value stored in the LCD.  It is
              typically not necessary to specify this  option,  as  these  values  will  usually  be  discovered


       The  string AGENT in the SYNOPSIS above specifies the remote SNMP entity with which to communicate.  This
       specification takes the form:


       At its simplest, the AGENT specification may consist of a hostname, or an IPv4 address  in  the  standard
       "dotted  quad" notation.  In this case, communication will be attempted using UDP/IPv4 to port 161 of the
       given host.  Otherwise, the <transport-address> part of the specification  is  parsed  according  to  the
       following table:

           <transport-specifier>       <transport-address> format

           udp                         hostname[:port] or IPv4-address[:port]

       Note  that  <transport-specifier>  strings are case-insensitive so that, for example, "tcp" and "TCP" are
       equivalent.  Here are some examples, along with their interpretation:

       hostname:161            perform query using UDP/IPv4 datagrams to hostname on port 161.   The  ":161"  is
                               redundant here since that is the default SNMP port in any case.

       udp:hostname            identical  to  the  previous  specification.   The "udp:" is redundant here since
                               UDP/IPv4 is the default transport.


       The format of the output from SNMP commands can be controlled using various parameters of  the  -O  flag.
       The  effects  of  these  sub-options  can be seen by comparison with the following default output (unless
       otherwise specified):
              $ snmpget -c public -v 1 localhost sysUpTime.0
              SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (14096763) 1 day, 15:09:27.63

       -Oa    Display string  values  as  ASCII  strings  (unless  there  is  a  DISPLAY-HINT  defined  for  the
              corresponding  MIB  object).  By default, the library attempts to determine whether the value is a
              printable or binary string, and displays it accordingly.

              This option does not affect objects that do have a Display Hint.

       -Ob    Display table indexes numerically, rather than trying to interpret the instance subidentifiers  as
              string or OID values:
                  $ snmpgetnext -c public -v 1 localhost vacmSecurityModel
                  SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmSecurityModel.0."wes" = xxx
                  $ snmpgetnext -c public -v 1 -Ob localhost vacmSecurityModel
                  SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmSecurityModel. = xxx

       -Oe    Removes the symbolic labels from enumeration values:
                  $ snmpget -c public -v 1 localhost ipForwarding.0
                  IP-MIB::ipForwarding.0 = INTEGER: forwarding(1)
                  $ snmpget -c public -v 1 -Oe localhost ipForwarding.0
                  IP-MIB::ipForwarding.0 = INTEGER: 1

       -OE    Modifies index strings to escape the quote characters:
                  $ snmpgetnext -c public -v 1 localhost vacmSecurityModel
                  SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmSecurityModel.0."wes" = xxx
                  $ snmpgetnext -c public -v 1 -OE localhost vacmSecurityModel
                  SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmSecurityModel.0.\"wes\" = xxx

              This allows the output to be reused in shell commands.

       -Of    Include the full list of MIB objects when displaying an OID:
                             Timeticks: (14096763) 1 day, 15:09:27.63

       -On    Displays the OID numerically:
                  . = Timeticks: (14096763) 1 day, 15:09:27.63

       -Oq    Removes the equal sign and type information when displaying varbind values:
                  SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0 1:15:09:27.63

       -OQ    Removes the type information when displaying varbind values:
                  SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0 = 1:15:09:27.63

       -Os    Display the MIB object name (plus any instance or other subidentifiers):
                  sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (14096763) 1 day, 15:09:27.63

       -OS    Display the name of the MIB, as well as the object name:
                  SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (14096763) 1 day, 15:09:27.63

              This is the default OID output format.

       -Ot    Display TimeTicks values as raw numbers:
                  SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0 = 14096763

       -OT    If values are printed as Hex strings, display a printable version as well.

       -Ou    Display  the  OID in the traditional UCD-style (inherited from the original CMU code).  That means
              removing a series of "standard" prefixes from the OID, and displaying the remaining  list  of  MIB
              object names (plus any other subidentifiers):
                  system.sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (14096763) 1 day, 15:09:27.63

       -OU    Do not print the UNITS suffix at the end of the value.

       -Ov    Display the varbind value only, not the OID:
                  $ snmpget -c public -v 1 -Oe localhost ipForwarding.0
                  INTEGER: forwarding(1)

       -Ox    Display string values as Hex strings (unless there is a DISPLAY-HINT defined for the corresponding
              MIB object).  By default, the library attempts to determine whether the value is  a  printable  or
              binary string, and displays it accordingly.

              This option does not affect objects that do have a Display Hint.

       -OX    Display  table  indexes in a more "program like" output, imitating a traditional array-style index
                  $ snmpgetnext -c public -v 1 localhost ipv6RouteTable
                  IPv6-MIB::ipv6RouteIfIndex. = INTEGER: 2
                  $ snmpgetnext -c public -v 1 -OE localhost ipv6RouteTable
                  IPv6-MIB::ipv6RouteIfIndex[3ffe:100:ff00:0:0:0:0:0][64][1] = INTEGER: 2

       Most of these options can also be configured via configuration tokens.  See the snmp.conf(5) manual  page
       for details.


       The  interpretation  of  input object names and the values to be assigned can be controlled using various
       parameters of the -I flag.  The default behaviour will be described at the end of this section.

       -Ib    specifies that the given name should  be  regarded  as  a  regular  expression,  to  match  (case-
              insensitively)  against  object names in the MIB tree.  The "best" match will be used - calculated
              as the one that matches the closest to the beginning of the node name and the highest in the tree.
              For example, the MIB object vacmSecurityModel could be matched by the expression vacmsecuritymodel
              (full name, but different case), or vacm.*model (regexp pattern).

              Note that '.' is a special character in regular expression  patterns,  so  the  expression  cannot
              specify instance subidentifiers or more than one object name.  A "best match" expression will only
              be applied against single MIB object names.  For example, the expression  sys*ontact.0  would  not
              match  the  instance  sysContact.0  (although  sys*ontact  would  match  sysContact).   Similarly,
              specifying a MIB module name will not succeed (so SNMPv2-MIB::sys.*ontact would not match either).

       -Ih    disables the use of DISPLAY-HINT information when  assigning  values.   This  would  then  require
              providing the raw value:
                  snmpset ... HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemData.0
                                  x "07 D2 0C 0A 02 04 06 08"
              instead of a formatted version:
                  snmpset ... HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemDate.0
                                  = 2002-12-10,2:4:6.8

       -Ir    disables checking table indexes and the value to be assigned against the relevant MIB definitions.
              This will (hopefully) result in the  remote  agent  reporting  an  invalid  request,  rather  than
              checking (and rejecting) this before it is sent to the remote agent.

              Local  checks  are more efficient (and the diagnostics provided also tend to be more precise), but
              disabling this behaviour is particularly useful when testing the remote agent.

       -IR    enables "random access" lookup of MIB names.  Rather than providing a full OID path to the desired
              MIB  object  (or  qualifying  this  object with an explicit MIB module name), the MIB tree will be
              searched for the matching object  name.   Thus  (or
              SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0) can be specified simply as sysDescr.0.

                     Since  MIB  object  names are not globally unique, this approach may return a different MIB
                     object depending on which MIB files have been loaded.

              The MIB-MODULE::objectName syntax has the advantage  of  uniquely  identifying  a  particular  MIB
              object, as well as being slightly more efficient (and automatically loading the necessary MIB file
              if necessary).

       -Is SUFFIX
              adds the specified suffix to each textual OID given on the command line.   This  can  be  used  to
              retrieve multiple objects from the same row of a table, by specifying a common index value.

       -IS PREFIX
              adds  the  specified  prefix  to  each textual OID given on the command line.  This can be used to
              specify an explicit MIB module name for  all  objects  being  retrieved  (or  for  incurably  lazy

       -Iu    enables the traditional UCD-style approach to interpreting input OIDs.  This assumes that OIDs are
              rooted at the 'mib-2' point in the tree (unless they start with an explicit '.' or include  a  MIB
              module name).  So the sysDescr instance above would be referenced as system.sysDescr.0.

       Object  names  specified with a leading '.' are always interpreted as "fully qualified" OIDs, listing the
       sequence of MIB objects from the root of the MIB tree.  Such objects and those qualified by  an  explicit
       MIB module name are unaffected by the -Ib, -IR and -Iu flags.

       Otherwise,  if  none of the above input options are specified, the default behaviour for a "relative" OID
       is to try and interpret it as an (implicitly) fully qualified OID,  then  apply  "random  access"  lookup
       (-IR), followed by "best match" pattern matching (-Ib).


       PREFIX The   standard  prefix  for  object  identifiers  (when  using  UCD-style  output).   Defaults  to

       MIBS   The list of MIBs to  load.  Defaults  to  SNMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-MIB:IP-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:SNMP-
              VACM-MIB.  Overridden by the -m option.

              The  list  of directories to search for MIBs. Defaults to DATADIR/snmp/mibs.  Overridden by the -M


              Agent configuration file. See snmpd.conf(5).


              Application configuration files. See snmp.conf(5).


       pysnmpbulkwalk(1), pysnmpget(1), pysnmpset(1), pysnmpbulktranslate(1), pysnmpwalk(1).