Provided by: ruby-reverse-markdown_1.4.0-1_all bug


       reverse_markdown - transform HTML into Markdown


       reverse_markdown [options] [file]


       reverse_markdown  transforms HTML into Markdown. It supports all the established tags and can be extended
       to handle new ones too. It can deal with nested lists, inline and block code and blockquotes.


       The following options are supported.

       -u mode, --unknown_tags mode
              Define how to handle unknown tags.

              Supported modes are: pass_through (include unknown tags in  result),  drop  (remove  tag  and  its
              content  from  output),  bypass  (ignore the unknown tag but try to convert its content) and raise
              (raise an error).

       -g bool, --github_flavored bool
              Use GitHub flavoured Markdown. The default is false.


       This manual page page was written by Daniel Leidert <> for the Debian  distribution
       (but may be used by others).

                                                   2019-12-17                                reverse_markdown(1)