Provided by: wob_0.6-1_amd64 bug


       wob - Wayland Overlay Bar


       wob is a lightweight overlay volume/backlight/progress/anything bar for Wayland.


       wob [options...]


           Show help message and quit.

           Show the version number and quit.

       -t <ms>
           Hide wob after <ms> milliseconds, defaults to 1000.

       -m <%>
           Define the maximum percentage, defaults to 100.

       -W <px>
           Define bar width in pixels, defaults to 400.

       -H <px>
           Define bar height in pixels, defaults to 50.

       -o <px>
           Define border offset in pixels, defaults to 4.

       -b <px>
           Define border size in pixels, defaults to 4.

       -p <px>
           Define bar padding in pixels, defaults to 4.

       -a <side>
           Define anchor point, one of 'top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'center' (default).  May be specified
           multiple times.

       -M <px>
           Define anchor margin in pixels, defaults to 0.


       Launch wob in a terminal, enter a value (positive integer), press return.

   General case
       You may manage a bar for audio volume, backlight intensity, or whatever, using a named pipe. Create a
       named pipe, e.g. /tmp/wobpipe, on your filesystem using.

           mkfifo /tmp/wobpipe

       Connect the named pipe to the standard input of an wob instance.

           tail -f /tmp/wobpipe | wob

       Set up your environment so that after updating audio volume, backlight intensity, or whatever, to a new
       value like 43, it writes that value into the pipe:

           echo 43 > /tmp/wobpipe

       Adapt this use-case to your workflow (scripts, callbacks, or keybindings handled by the window manager).

   Sway WM example
       Add these lines to your Sway config file:

           exec mkfifo $SWAYSOCK.wob && tail -f $SWAYSOCK.wob | wob

       Volume using alsa:

           bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer -q set Master 2%+ unmute && amixer sget Master | grep 'Right:' | awk -F'[][]' '{ print substr($2, 0, length($2)-1) }' > $SWAYSOCK.wob++
           bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer -q set Master 2%- unmute && amixer sget Master | grep 'Right:' | awk -F'[][]' '{ print substr($2, 0, length($2)-1) }' > $SWAYSOCK.wob++
           bindsym XF86AudioMute exec (amixer get Master | grep off > /dev/null && amixer -q set Master unmute && amixer sget Master | grep 'Right:' | awk -F'[][]' '{ print substr($2, 0, length($2)-1) }' > $SWAYSOCK.wob) || (amixer -q set Master mute && echo 0 > $SWAYSOCK.wob)

       Volume using pulse audio:

           bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pamixer -ui 2 && pamixer --get-volume > $SWAYSOCK.wob++
           bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec pamixer -ud 2 && pamixer --get-volume > $SWAYSOCK.wob

       Brightness using haikarainen/light:

           bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec light -A 5 && light -G | cut -d'.' -f1 > $SWAYSOCK.wob++
           bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec light -U 5 && light -G | cut -d'.' -f1 > $SWAYSOCK.wob

                                                   2020-01-10                                             wob(1)