focal (3) Bio::DB::GFF::Feature.3pm.gz

Provided by: libbio-db-gff-perl_1.7.4-1_all bug


       Bio::DB::GFF::Feature -- A relative segment identified by a feature type


       See Bio::DB::GFF.


       Bio::DB::GFF::Feature is a stretch of sequence that corresponding to a single annotation in a GFF
       database.  It inherits from Bio::DB::GFF::RelSegment, and so has all the support for relative addressing
       of this class and its ancestors.  It also inherits from Bio::SeqFeatureI and so has the familiar start(),
       stop(), primary_tag() and location() methods (it implements Bio::LocationI too, if needed).

       Bio::DB::GFF::Feature adds new methods to retrieve the annotation type, group, and other GFF attributes.
       Annotation types are represented by Bio::DB::GFF::Typename objects, a simple class that has two methods
       called method() and source().  These correspond to the method and source fields of a GFF file.

       Annotation groups serve the dual purpose of giving the annotation a human-readable name, and providing
       higher-order groupings of subfeatures into features.  The groups returned by this module are objects of
       the Bio::DB::GFF::Featname class.

       Bio::DB::GFF::Feature inherits from and implements the abstract methods of Bio::SeqFeatureI, allowing it
       to interoperate with other Bioperl modules.

       Generally, you will not create or manipulate Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects directly, but use those that
       are returned by the Bio::DB::GFF::RelSegment->features() method.

   Important note about start() vs end()
       If features are derived from segments that use relative addressing (which is the default), then start()
       will be less than end() if the feature is on the opposite strand from the reference sequence.  This
       breaks Bio::SeqI compliance, but is necessary to avoid having the real genomic locations designated by
       start() and end() swap places when changing reference points.

       To avoid this behavior, call $segment->absolute(1) before fetching features from it.  This will force
       everything into absolute coordinates.

       For example:

        my $segment = $db->segment('CHROMOSOME_I');
        my @features = $segment->features('transcript');


       The remainder of this document describes the public and private methods implemented by this module.

        Title   : new_from_parent
        Usage   : $f = Bio::DB::GFF::Feature->new_from_parent(@args);
        Function: create a new feature object
        Returns : new Bio::DB::GFF::Feature object
        Args    : see below
        Status  : Internal

       This method is called by Bio::DB::GFF to create a new feature using information obtained from the GFF
       database.  It is one of two similar constructors.  This one is called when the feature is generated from
       a RelSegment object, and should inherit the coordinate system of that object.

       The 13 arguments are positional (sorry):

         $parent       a Bio::DB::GFF::RelSegment object (or descendent)
         $start        start of this feature
         $stop         stop of this feature
         $method       this feature's GFF method
         $source       this feature's GFF source
         $score               this feature's score
         $fstrand      this feature's strand (relative to the source
                             sequence, which has its own strandedness!)
         $phase        this feature's phase
         $group        this feature's group (a Bio::DB::GFF::Featname object)
         $db_id        this feature's internal database ID
         $group_id     this feature's internal group database ID
         $tstart       this feature's target start
         $tstop        this feature's target stop

       tstart and tstop are not used for anything at the moment, since the information is embedded in the group

        Title   : new
        Usage   : $f = Bio::DB::GFF::Feature->new(@args);
        Function: create a new feature object
        Returns : new Bio::DB::GFF::Feature object
        Args    : see below
        Status  : Internal

       This method is called by Bio::DB::GFF to create a new feature using information obtained from the GFF
       database.  It is one of two similar constructors.  This one is called when the feature is generated
       without reference to a RelSegment object, and should therefore use its default coordinate system
       (relative to itself).

       The 11 arguments are positional:

         $factory      a Bio::DB::GFF adaptor object (or descendent)
         $srcseq       the source sequence
         $start        start of this feature
         $stop         stop of this feature
         $method       this feature's GFF method
         $source       this feature's GFF source
         $score               this feature's score
         $fstrand      this feature's strand (relative to the source
                             sequence, which has its own strandedness!)
         $phase        this feature's phase
         $group        this feature's group
         $db_id        this feature's internal database ID

        Title   : type
        Usage   : $type = $f->type([$newtype])
        Function: get or set the feature type
        Returns : a Bio::DB::GFF::Typename object
        Args    : a new Typename object (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This method gets or sets the type of the feature.  The type is a Bio::DB::GFF::Typename object, which
       encapsulates the feature method and source.

       The method() and source() methods described next provide shortcuts to the individual fields of the type.

        Title   : method
        Usage   : $method = $f->method([$newmethod])
        Function: get or set the feature method
        Returns : a string
        Args    : a new method (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This method gets or sets the feature method.  It is a convenience feature that delegates the task to the
       feature's type object.

        Title   : source
        Usage   : $source = $f->source([$newsource])
        Function: get or set the feature source
        Returns : a string
        Args    : a new source (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This method gets or sets the feature source.  It is a convenience feature that delegates the task to the
       feature's type object.

        Title   : score
        Usage   : $score = $f->score([$newscore])
        Function: get or set the feature score
        Returns : a string
        Args    : a new score (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This method gets or sets the feature score.

        Title   : phase
        Usage   : $phase = $f->phase([$phase])
        Function: get or set the feature phase
        Returns : a string
        Args    : a new phase (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This method gets or sets the feature phase.

        Title   : strand
        Usage   : $strand = $f->strand
        Function: get the feature strand
        Returns : +1, 0 -1
        Args    : none
        Status  : Public

       Returns the strand of the feature.  Unlike the other methods, the strand cannot be changed once the
       object is created (due to coordinate considerations).

        Title   : group
        Usage   : $group = $f->group([$new_group])
        Function: get or set the feature group
        Returns : a Bio::DB::GFF::Featname object
        Args    : a new group (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This method gets or sets the feature group.  The group is a Bio::DB::GFF::Featname object, which has an
       ID and a class.

        Title   : display_id
        Usage   : $display_id = $f->display_id([$display_id])
        Function: get or set the feature display id
        Returns : a Bio::DB::GFF::Featname object
        Args    : a new display_id (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This method is an alias for group().  It is provided for Bio::SeqFeatureI compatibility.

        Title   : info
        Usage   : $info = $f->info([$new_info])
        Function: get or set the feature group
        Returns : a Bio::DB::GFF::Featname object
        Args    : a new group (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This method is an alias for group().  It is provided for AcePerl compatibility.

        Title   : target
        Usage   : $target = $f->target([$new_target])
        Function: get or set the feature target
        Returns : a Bio::DB::GFF::Homol object
        Args    : a new group (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This method works like group(), but only returns the group if it implements the start() method.  This is
       typical for similarity/assembly features, where the target encodes the start and stop location of the

       The returned object is of type Bio::DB::GFF::Homol, which is a subclass of Bio::DB::GFF::Segment.

        Title   : flatten_target
        Usage   : $target = $f->flatten_target($f->target)
        Function: flatten a target object
        Returns : a string (GFF2), an array [GFF2.5] or an array ref [GFF3]
        Args    : a target object (required), GFF version (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This method flattens a target object into text for GFF dumping.  If a second argument is provided,
       version-specific vocabulary is used for the flattened target.

        Title   : hit
        Usage   : $hit = $f->hit([$new_hit])
        Function: get or set the feature hit
        Returns : a Bio::DB::GFF::Featname object
        Args    : a new group (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This is the same as target(), for compatibility with Bio::SeqFeature::SimilarityPair.

        Title   : id
        Usage   : $id = $f->id
        Function: get the feature ID
        Returns : a database identifier
        Args    : none
        Status  : Public

       This method retrieves the database identifier for the feature.  It cannot be changed.

        Title   : group_id
        Usage   : $id = $f->group_id
        Function: get the feature ID
        Returns : a database identifier
        Args    : none
        Status  : Public

       This method retrieves the database group identifier for the feature.  It cannot be changed.  Often the
       group identifier is more useful than the feature identifier, since it is used to refer to a complex
       object containing subparts.

        Title   : clone
        Usage   : $feature = $f->clone
        Function: make a copy of the feature
        Returns : a new Bio::DB::GFF::Feature object
        Args    : none
        Status  : Public

       This method returns a copy of the feature.

        Title   : compound
        Usage   : $flag = $f->compound([$newflag])
        Function: get or set the compound flag
        Returns : a boolean
        Args    : a new flag (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This method gets or sets a flag indicated that the feature is not a primary one from the database, but
       the result of aggregation.

        Title   : sub_SeqFeature
        Usage   : @feat = $feature->sub_SeqFeature([$method])
        Function: get subfeatures
        Returns : a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects
        Args    : a feature method (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This method returns a list of any subfeatures that belong to the main feature.  For those features that
       contain heterogeneous subfeatures, you can retrieve a subset of the subfeatures by providing a method
       name to filter on.

       This method may also be called as segments() or get_SeqFeatures().

        Title   : add_subfeature
        Usage   : $feature->add_subfeature($feature)
        Function: add a subfeature to the feature
        Returns : nothing
        Args    : a Bio::DB::GFF::Feature object
        Status  : Public

       This method adds a new subfeature to the object.  It is used internally by aggregators, but is available
       for public use as well.

        Title   : attach_seq
        Usage   : $sf->attach_seq($seq)
        Function: Attaches a Bio::Seq object to this feature. This
                  Bio::Seq object is for the *entire* sequence: ie
                  from 1 to 10000
        Example :
        Returns : TRUE on success
        Args    : a Bio::PrimarySeqI compliant object

        Title   : location
        Usage   : my $location = $seqfeature->location()
        Function: returns a location object suitable for identifying location
                  of feature on sequence or parent feature
        Returns : Bio::LocationI object
        Args    : none

        Title   : entire_seq
        Usage   : $whole_seq = $sf->entire_seq()
        Function: gives the entire sequence that this seqfeature is attached to
        Example :
        Returns : a Bio::PrimarySeqI compliant object, or undef if there is no
                  sequence attached
        Args    : none

        Title   : merged_segments
        Usage   : @segs = $feature->merged_segments([$method])
        Function: get merged subfeatures
        Returns : a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects
        Args    : a feature method (optional)
        Status  : Public

       This method acts like sub_SeqFeature, except that it merges overlapping segments of the same time into
       contiguous features.  For those features that contain heterogeneous subfeatures, you can retrieve a
       subset of the subfeatures by providing a method name to filter on.

       A side-effect of this method is that the features are returned in sorted order by their start tposition.

        Title   : sub_types
        Usage   : @methods = $feature->sub_types
        Function: get methods of all sub-seqfeatures
        Returns : a list of method names
        Args    : none
        Status  : Public

       For those features that contain subfeatures, this method will return a unique list of method names of
       those subfeatures, suitable for use with sub_SeqFeature().

        Title   : attributes
        Usage   : @attributes = $feature->attributes($name)
        Function: get the "attributes" on a particular feature
        Returns : an array of string
        Args    : feature ID
        Status  : public

       Some GFF version 2 files use the groups column to store a series of attribute/value pairs.  In this
       interpretation of GFF, the first such pair is treated as the primary group for the feature; subsequent
       pairs are treated as attributes.  Two attributes have special meaning: "Note" is for backward
       compatibility and is used for unstructured text remarks.  "Alias" is considered as a synonym for the
       feature name.

        @gene_names = $feature->attributes('Gene');
        @aliases    = $feature->attributes('Alias');

       If no name is provided, then attributes() returns a flattened hash, of attribute=>value pairs.  This lets
       you do:

         %attributes = $db->attributes;

        Title   : notes
        Usage   : @notes = $feature->notes
        Function: get the "notes" on a particular feature
        Returns : an array of string
        Args    : feature ID
        Status  : public

       Some GFF version 2 files use the groups column to store various notes and remarks.  Adaptors can elect to
       store the notes in the database, or just ignore them.  For those adaptors that store the notes, the
       notes() method will return them as a list.

        Title   : aliases
        Usage   : @aliases = $feature->aliases
        Function: get the "aliases" on a particular feature
        Returns : an array of string
        Args    : feature ID
        Status  : public

       This method will return a list of attributes of type 'Alias'.

   Autogenerated Methods
        Title   : AUTOLOAD
        Usage   : @subfeat = $feature->Method
        Function: Return subfeatures using autogenerated methods
        Returns : a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects
        Args    : none
        Status  : Public

       Any method that begins with an initial capital letter will be passed to AUTOLOAD and treated as a call to
       sub_SeqFeature with the method name used as the method argument.  For instance, this call:

         @exons = $feature->Exon;

       is equivalent to this call:

         @exons = $feature->sub_SeqFeature('exon');

   SeqFeatureI methods
       The following Bio::SeqFeatureI methods are implemented:

       primary_tag(), source_tag(), all_tags(), has_tag(), each_tag_value() [renamed get_tag_values()].

        Title   : adjust_bounds
        Usage   : $feature->adjust_bounds
        Function: adjust the bounds of a feature
        Returns : ($start,$stop,$strand)
        Args    : none
        Status  : Public

       This method adjusts the boundaries of the feature to enclose all its subfeatures.  It returns the new
       start, stop and strand of the enclosing feature.

        Title   : sort_features
        Usage   : $feature->sort_features
        Function: sort features
        Returns : nothing
        Args    : none
        Status  : Public

       This method sorts subfeatures in ascending order by their start position.  For reverse strand features,
       it sorts subfeatures in descending order.  After this is called sub_SeqFeature will return the features
       in order.

       This method is called internally by merged_segments().

        Title   : asString
        Usage   : $string = $feature->asString
        Function: return human-readabled representation of feature
        Returns : a string
        Args    : none
        Status  : Public

       This method returns a human-readable representation of the feature and is called by the overloaded ""

        Title   : gff_string
        Usage   : $string = $feature->gff_string
        Function: return GFF2 of GFF2.5 representation of feature
        Returns : a string
        Args    : none
        Status  : Public

        Title   : gff3_string
        Usage   : $string = $feature->gff3_string([$recurse])
        Function: return GFF3 representation of feature
        Returns : a string
        Args    : An optional flag, which if true, will cause the feature to recurse over
        Status  : Public

        Title   : version
        Usage   : $feature->version()
        Function: get/set the GFF version to be returned by gff_string
        Returns : the GFF version (default is 2)
        Args    : the GFF version (2, 2.5 of 3)
        Status  : Public

        Title   : cmap_link
        Usage   : $link = $feature->cmap_link
        Function: returns a URL link to the corresponding feature in cmap
        Returns : a string
        Args    : none
        Status  : Public

       If integrated cmap/gbrowse installation, it returns a link to the map otherwise it returns a link to a
       feature search on the feature name.  See the cmap documentation for more information.

       This function is intended primarily to be used in gbrowse conf files.  For example:

         link       = sub {my $self = shift; return $self->cmap_viewer_link(data_source);}

A Note About Similarities

       The current default aggregator for GFF "similarity" features creates a composite Bio::DB::GFF::Feature
       object of type "gapped_alignment".  The target() method for the feature as a whole will return a
       RelSegment object that is as long as the extremes of the similarity hit target, but will not necessarily
       be the same length as the query sequence.  The length of each "similarity" subfeature will be exactly the
       same length as its target().  These subfeatures are essentially the HSPs of the match.

       The following illustrates this:

         @similarities = $segment->feature('similarity:BLASTN');
         $sim          = $similarities[0];

         print $sim->type;        # yields "gapped_similarity:BLASTN"

         $query_length  = $sim->length;
         $target_length = $sim->target->length;  # $query_length != $target_length

         @matches = $sim->Similarity;   # use autogenerated method
         $query1_length  = $matches[0]->length;
         $target1_length = $matches[0]->target->length; # $query1_length == $target1_length

       If you merge segments by calling merged_segments(), then the length of the query sequence segments will
       no longer necessarily equal the length of the targets, because the alignment information will have been
       lost.  Nevertheless, the targets are adjusted so that the first and last base pairs of the query match
       the first and last base pairs of the target.


       This module is still under development.


       bioperl, Bio::DB::GFF, Bio::DB::RelSegment


       Lincoln Stein <>.

       Copyright (c) 2001 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl