focal (3) Bio::DB::TFBS::transfac_pro.3pm.gz

Bio::DB::TFBS::transfac_pro - An implementation of Bio::DB::TFBS which uses local flat files for transfac pro
use Bio::DB::Taxonomy; my $db = new Bio::DB::Taxonomy(-source => 'transfac_pro' -dat_dir => $directory); # we're interested in the gene P5 my ($gene_id) = $db->get_gene_ids(-name => 'P5'); # G000001 # we want all the transcription factors that bind to our gene my @factor_ids = $db->get_factor_ids(-gene => $gene_id); # get info about those TFs foreach my $factor_id (@factor_ids) { my $factor = $db->get_factor($factor_id); my $name = $factor->universal_name; # etc. - see Bio::Map::TranscriptionFactor, eg. find out where it binds } # get a matrix my $matrix = $db->get_matrix('M00001'); # get a binding site sequence my $seq = $db->get_site('R00001');
This is an implementation which uses local flat files and the DB_File module RECNO data structures to manage a local copy of the Transfac Pro TFBS database. Required database files require a license which can be obtained via Within the linux installation tarball you will find a cgibin tar ball, and inside that is a data directory containing the .dat files needed by this module. Point to that data directory with -dat_dir
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AUTHOR - Sendu Bala
Based on Bio::DB::Taxonomy::flatfile by Jason Stajich
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ new Title : new Usage : my $obj = new Bio::DB::TFBS::transfac_pro(); Function: Builds a new Bio::DB::TFBS::transfac_pro object Returns : an instance of Bio::DB::TTFBS::transfac_pro Args : -dat_dir => name of directory where Transfac Pro .dat files (required to initially build indexes) -tax_db => Bio::DB::Taxonomy object, used when initially building indexes, gives better results for species information but not required. -index_dir => name of directory where index files should be created or already exist. (defaults to -dat_dir, required if -dat_dir not supplied) -force => 1 replace current indexes even if they exist Bio::DB::TFBS Interface implementation get_reference Title : get_reference Usage : my $ref = $obj->get_reference($id); Function: Get a literature reference. Returns : Bio::Annotation::Reference Args : string - a reference id ('RE...') get_genemap Title : get_genemap Usage : my $map = $obj->get_genemap($id); Function: Get a GeneMap for a gene. Returns : Bio::Map::GeneMap Args : string - a gene id ('G...'), and optionally int (number of bp upstream) get_seq Title : get_seq Usage : my $seq = $obj->get_seq($id); Function: Get the sequence of a site. The sequence will be annotated with the the tags 'relative_start', 'relative_end', 'relative_type' and 'relative_to'. Returns : Bio::Seq Args : string - a site id ('R...') get_fragment Title : get_fragment Usage : my $seq = $obj->get_fragment($id); Function: Get the sequence of a fragment. Returns : Bio::Seq Args : string - a site id ('FR...') get_matrix Title : get_matrix Usage : my $matrix = $obj->get_matrix($id); Function: Get a matrix that describes a binding site. Returns : Bio::Matrix::PSM::SiteMatrix Args : string - a matrix id ('M...'), optionally a sequence string from which base frequencies will be calculated for the matrix model (default 0.25 each) get_aln Title : get_aln Usage : my $aln = $obj->get_aln($id); Function: Get the alignment that was used to generate a matrix. Each sequence in the alignment will have an accession_number corresponding to the Transfac site id, and id() based on that but unique within the alignment. Returns : Bio::SimpleAlign Args : string - a matrix id ('M...'), optionally true to, when a matrix lists no sequences, search for sequences via the matrix's factors, picking the sites that best match the matrix get_factor Title : get_factor Usage : my $factor = $obj->get_factor($id); Function: Get the details of a transcription factor. Returns : Bio::Map::TranscriptionFactor Args : string - a factor id ('T...') get_reference_ids Title : get_reference_ids Usage : my @ids = $obj->get_reference_ids(-key => $value); Function: Get all the reference ids that are associated with the supplied args. Returns : list of strings (ids) Args : -key => value, where value is a string id, and key is one of: -pubmed -site -gene -matrix -factor get_site_ids Title : get_site_ids Usage : my @ids = $obj->get_site_ids(-key => $value); Function: Get all the site ids that are associated with the supplied args. Returns : list of strings (ids) Args : -key => value, where value is a string id, and key is one of: -id -species -gene -matrix -factor -reference get_matrix_ids Title : get_matrix_ids Usage : my @ids = $obj->get_matrix_ids(-key => $value); Function: Get all the matrix ids that are associated with the supplied args. Returns : list of strings (ids) Args : -key => value, where value is a string id, and key is one of: -id -name -site -factor -reference get_factor_ids Title : get_factor_ids Usage : my @ids = $obj->get_factor_ids(-key => $value); Function: Get all the factor ids that are associated with the supplied args. Returns : list of strings (ids) Args : -key => value, where value is a string id, and key is one of: -id -name -species -interactors -gene -matrix -site -reference NB: -gene only gets factor ids for genes that encode factors get_fragment_ids Title : get_fragment_ids Usage : my @ids = $obj->get_fragment_ids(-key => $value); Function: Get all the fragment ids that are associated with the supplied args. Returns : list of strings (ids) Args : -key => value, where value is a string id, and key is one of: -id -species -gene -factor -reference Helper methods index_directory Title : index_directory Function : Get/set the location that index files are stored. (this module will index the supplied database) Usage : $obj->index_directory($newval) Returns : value of index_directory (a scalar) Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)