focal (3) Bio::FeatureIO::ptt.3pm.gz

Bio::FeatureIO::ptt - read/write features in PTT format
# read features my $fin = Bio::FeatureIO->new(-file=>'genes.ptt', -format=>'ptt'); my @cds; while (my $f = $fin->next_feature) { push @cds, $f if $f->strand > 0; } # write features (NOT IMPLEMENTED) my $fout = Bio::FeatureIO->new(-fh=>\*STDOUT, -format=>'ptt'); for my $f (@cds) { $fout->write_feature($f); }
The PTT file format is a table of protein features. It is used mainly by NCBI who produce PTT files for all their published genomes found in <>. It has the following format: Line 1 Description of sequence to which the features belong eg. "Leptospira interrogans chromosome II, complete sequence - 0..358943" It is usually equivalent to the DEFINITION line of a Genbank file, with the length of the sequence appended. It is unclear why "0" is used as a starting range, it should be "1". Line 2 Number of feature lines in the table eg. "367 proteins" Line 3 Column headers, tab separated eg. "Location Strand Length PID Gene Synonym Code COG Product" Location : "begin..end" span of feature Strand : "+" or "-" Length : number of amino acids excluding the stop codon PID : analogous to Genbank /db_xref="GI:xxxxxxxxx" Gene : analogous to Genbank /gene="xxxx" Synonym : analogous to Genbank /locus_tag="xxxx" Synonym : analogous to Genbank /locus_tag="xxxx" COG : CDD COG code with COG letter categories appended Product : analogous to Genbank /product="xxxx" Line 4 onwards Feature lines, nine columns, tab separated, "-" used for empty fields eg. "2491..3423 + 310 24217063 metF LB002 - COG0685E 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase"
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AUTHOR - Torsten Seemann
Email torsten.seemann AT
Based on and by Allen Day.
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ _initialize Title : _initialize Function: Reading? parses the header of the input Writing? next_feature Title : next_feature Usage : $io->next_feature() Function: read the next feature from the PTT file Example : Args : Returns : Bio::SeqFeatureI object write_feature (NOT IMPLEMENTED) Title : write_feature Usage : $io->write_feature($feature) Function: write a Bio::SeqFeatureI object in PTT format Example : Args : Bio::SeqFeatureI object Returns : description Title : description Usage : $obj->description($newval) Function: set/get the PTT file description for/from line one Example : Returns : value of description (a scalar) Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional) protein_count Title : protein_count Usage : $obj->protein_count($newval) Function: set/get the PTT protein count for/from line two Example : Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional) Returns : value of protein_count (a scalar)