focal (3) Bio::Structure::SecStr::STRIDE::Res.3pm.gz

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       Bio::Structure::SecStr::STRIDE::Res - Module for parsing/accessing stride output


        my $stride_obj = Bio::Structure::SecStr::STRIDE::Res->new( '-file' => 'filename.stride' );

        # or

        my $stride_obj = Bio::Structure::SecStr::STRIDE::Res->new( '-fh' => \*STDOUT );

        # Get secondary structure assignment for PDB residue 20 of chain A
        $sec_str = $stride_obj->resSecStr( '20:A' );

        # same
        $sec_str = $stride_obj->resSecStr( 20, 'A' )


       STRIDE::Res is a module for objectifying STRIDE output.  STRIDE is a program (similar to
       DSSP) for assigning secondary structure to individual residues of a pdb structure file.

           ( Knowledge-Based Protein Secondary Structure Assignment,
           PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Genetics 23:566-579 (1995) )

       STRIDE is available here:

       Methods are then available for extracting all of the information present within the output
       or convenient subsets of it.

       Although they are very similar in function, DSSP and STRIDE differ somewhat in output
       format.  Thes differences are reflected in the return value of some methods of these
       modules.  For example, both the STRIDE and DSSP parsers have resSecStr() methods for
       returning the secondary structure of a given residue.  However, the range of return values
       for DSSP is ( H, B, E, G, I, T, and S ) whereas the range of values for STRIDE is ( H, G,
       I, E, B, b, T, and C ).  See individual methods for details.

       The methods are roughly divided into 3 sections:

         1.  Global features of this structure (PDB ID, total surface area,
             etc.).  These methods do not require an argument.
         2.  Residue specific features ( amino acid, secondary structure,
             solvent exposed surface area, etc. ).  These methods do require an
             argument.  The argument is supposed to uniquely identify a
             residue described within the structure.  It can be of any of the
             following forms:
             ('#A:B') or ( #, 'A', 'B' )
               || |
               || - Chain ID (blank for single chain)
               |--- Insertion code for this residue.  Blank for most residues.
               |--- Numeric portion of residue ID.

              --- Numeric portion of residue ID.  If there is only one chain and
                  it has no ID AND there is no residue with an insertion code at this
                  number, then this can uniquely specify a residue.

             ('#:C') or ( #, 'C' )
               | |
               | -Chain ID
               ---Numeric portion of residue ID.

            If a residue is incompletely specified then the first residue that
            fits the arguments is returned.  For example, if 19 is the argument
            and there are three chains, A, B, and C with a residue whose number
            is 19, then 19:A will be returned (assuming its listed first).

            Since neither DSSP nor STRIDE correctly handle alt-loc codes, they
            are not supported by these modules.

        3.  Value-added methods.  Return values are not verbatem strings
            parsed from DSSP or STRIDE output.


       UsUser feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules.
       Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists.  Your
       participation is much appreciated.
                  - General discussion  - About the mailing lists

       Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:

       rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will
       be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description
       of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible.

   Reporting Bugs
       Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their
       resolution.  Bug reports can be submitted via the web:

AUTHOR - Ed Green



       The Rest of the documentation details each method.  Internal methods are preceded with a

        Title         : new
        Usage         : makes new object of this class
        Function      : Constructor
        Example       : $stride_obj = Bio::Structure::SecStr::STRIDE:Res->new( '-file' =>  filename
                                                            # or
                                                            '-fh'   => FILEHANDLE )
        Returns       : object (ref)
        Args          : filename or filehandle( must be proper STRIDE output )

        Title         : totSurfArea
        Usage         : returns sum of surface areas of all residues of all
                        chains considered.  Result is memoized.
        Function      :
        Example       : $tot_SA = $stride_obj->totSurfArea();
        Returns       : scalar
        Args          : none

        Title         : numResidues
        Usage         : returns total number of residues in all chains or
                        just the specified chain
        Function      :
        Example       : $tot_res = $stride_obj->numResidues();
        Returns       : scalar int
        Args          : none or chain id

        Title         : pdbID
        Usage         : returns pdb identifier ( 1FJM, e.g. )
        Function      :
        Example       : $pdb_id = $stride_obj->pdbID();
        Returns       : scalar string
        Args          : none

        Title         : pdbAuthor
        Usage         : returns author of this PDB entry
        Function      :
        Example       : $auth = $stride_obj->pdbAuthor()
        Returns       : scalar string
        Args          : none

        Title         : pdbCompound
        Usage         : returns string of what was found on the
                        CMP lines
        Function      :
        Example       : $cmp = $stride_obj->pdbCompound();
        Returns       : string
        Args          : none

        Title         : pdbDate
        Usage         : returns date given in PDB file
        Function      :
        Example       : $pdb_date = $stride_obj->pdbDate();
        Returns       : scalar
        Args          : none

        Title         : pdbHeader
        Usage         : returns string of characters found on the PDB header line
        Function      :
        Example       : $head = $stride_obj->pdbHeader();
        Returns       : scalar
        Args          : none

        Title         : pdbSource
        Usage         : returns string of what was found on SRC lines
        Function      :
        Example       : $src = $stride_obj->pdbSource();
        Returns       : scalar
        Args          : none

        Title         : resAA
        Usage         : returns 1 letter abbr. of the amino acid specified by
                        the arguments
        Function      :
        Examples      : $aa = $stride_obj->resAA( RESIDUE_ID );
        Returns       : scalar character
        Args          : RESIDUE_ID

        Title         : resPhi
        Usage         : returns phi angle of specified residue
        Function      :
        Example       : $phi = $stride_obj->resPhi( RESIDUE_ID );
        Returns       : scaler
        Args          : RESIDUE_ID

        Title         : resPsi
        Usage         : returns psi angle of specified residue
        Function      :
        Example       : $psi = $stride_obj->resPsi( RESIDUE_ID );
        Returns       : scalar
        Args          : RESIDUE_ID

        Title         : resSolvAcc
        Usage         : returns stride calculated surface area of specified residue
        Function      :
        Example       : $sa = $stride_obj->resSolvAcc( RESIDUE_ID );
        Returns       : scalar
        Args          : RESIDUE_ID

        Title         : resSurfArea
        Usage         : returns stride calculated surface area of specified residue
        Function      :
        Example       : $sa = $stride_obj->resSurfArea( RESIDUE_ID );
        Returns       : scalar
        Args          : RESIDUE_ID

        Title         : resSecStr
        Usage         : gives one letter abbr. of stride determined secondary
                        structure of specified residue
        Function      :
        Example       : $ss = $stride_obj->resSecStr( RESIDUE_ID );
        Returns       : one of: 'H' => Alpha Helix
                                'G' => 3-10 helix
                                'I' => PI-helix
                                'E' => Extended conformation
                                'B' or 'b' => Isolated bridge
                                'T' => Turn
                                'C' => Coil
                                ' ' => None
                       # NOTE:  This range is slightly DIFFERENT from the
                       #        DSSP method of the same name
        Args          : RESIDUE_ID

        Title         : resSecStrSum
        Usage         : gives one letter summary of secondary structure of
                        specified residue.  More general than secStruc()
        Function      :
        Example       : $ss_sum = $stride_obj->resSecStrSum( RESIDUE_ID );
        Returns       : one of: 'H' (helix), 'B' (beta), 'T' (turn), or 'C' (coil)
        Args          : residue identifier(s) ( SEE INTRO NOTE )

        Title         : resSecStrName
        Usage         : gives full name of the secondary structural element
                        classification of the specified residue
        Function      :
        Example       : $ss_name = $stride_obj->resSecStrName( RESIDUE_ID );
        Returns       : scalar string
        Args          : RESIDUE_ID

        Title         : strideLocs
        Usage         : returns stride determined contiguous secondary
           structural elements as specified on the LOC lines
        Function      :
        Example       : $loc_pnt = $stride_obj->strideLocs();
        Returns       : pointer to array of 5 element arrays.
           0 => stride name of structural element
           1 => first residue pdb key (including insertion code, if app.)
           2 => first residue chain id
           3 => last residue pdb key (including insertion code, if app.)
           4 => last residue chain id
           NOTE the differences between this range and the range of SecBounds()
        Args          : none

        Title         : secBounds
        Usage         : gets residue ids of boundary residues in each
                        contiguous secondary structural element of specified
        Function      :
        Example       : $ss_bound_pnt = $stride_obj->secBounds( 'A' );
        Returns       : pointer to array of 3 element arrays.  First two elements
                        are the PDB IDs of the start and end points, respectively
                        and inclusively.  The last element is the STRIDE secondary
                        structural element code (same range as resSecStr).
        Args          : chain identifier ( one character ).  If none, '-' is assumed

        Title         : chains
        Usage         : gives array chain I.D.s (characters)
        Function      :
        Example       : @chains = $stride_obj->chains();
        Returns       : array of characters
        Args          : none

        Title         : getSeq
        Usage         : returns a Bio::PrimarySeq object which represents an
                        approximation at the sequence of the specified chain.
        Function      : For most chain of most entries, the sequence returned by
                        this method will be very good.  However, it it inherently
                        unsafe to rely on STRIDE to extract sequence information about
                        a PDB entry.  More reliable information can be obtained from
                        the PDB entry itself.  If a second option is given
                        (and evaluates to true), the sequence generated will
                        have 'X' in spaces where the pdb residue numbers are
                        discontinuous.  In some cases this results in a
                        better sequence object (when the  discontinuity is
                        due to regions which were present, but could not be
                        resolved).  In other cases, it will result in a WORSE
                        sequence object (when the discontinuity is due to
                        historical sequence numbering and all sequence is
                        actually resolved).
        Example       : $pso = $dssp_obj->getSeq( 'A' );
        Returns       : (pointer to) a PrimarySeq object
        Args          : Chain identifier.  If none given, '-' is assumed.


        Title        : _pdbNum
        Usage        : fetches the numeric portion of the identifier for a given
                       residue as reported by the pdb entry.  Note, this DOES NOT
                       uniquely specify a residue.  There may be an insertion code
                       and/or chain identifier differences.
        Function     :
        Example      : $pdbNum = $self->pdbNum( 3, 'A' );
        Returns      : a scalar
        Args         : valid ordinal num / chain combination

        Title         : _resAA
        Usage         : returns 1 letter abbr. of the amino acid specified by
                        the arguments
        Function      :
        Examples      : $aa = $stride_obj->_resAA( 3, '-' );
        Returns       : scalar character
        Args          : ( ord. num, chain )

        Title        : _pdbInsCo
        Usage        : fetches the Insertion code for this residue.
        Function     :
        Example      : $pdb_ins_co = $self->_pdb_ins_co( 15, 'B' );
        Returns      : a scalar
        Args         : ordinal number and chain

        Title         : _toOrdChain
        Usage         : takes any set of residue identifying parameters and
           wrestles them into a two element array:  the chain and the ordinal
           number of this residue.  This two element array can then be
           efficiently used as keys in many of the above accessor methods
        ('#A:B') or ( #, 'A', 'B' )
          || |
          || - Chain ID (blank for single chain)
          |--- Insertion code for this residue.  Blank for most residues.
          |--- Numeric portion of residue ID.

          --- Numeric portion of residue ID.  If there is only one chain and
          it has no ID AND there is no residue with an insertion code at this
          number, then this can uniquely specify a residue.

         #  ('#:C) or ( #, 'C' )
              | |
              | -Chain ID
              ---Numeric portion of residue ID.

         If a residue is incompletely specified then the first residue that
         fits the arguments is returned.  For example, if 19 is the argument
         and there are three chains, A, B, and C with a residue whose number
         is 19, then 19:A will be returned (assuming its listed first).

        Function      :
        Example       : my ( $ord, $chain ) = $self->_toOrdChain( @args );
        Returns       : two element array
        Args          : valid set of residue identifier(s) ( SEE NOTE ABOVE )

        Title         : _parse
        Usage         : as name suggests, parses stride output, creating object
        Function      :
        Example       : $self->_parse( $io );
        Returns       :
        Args          : valid Bio::Root::IO object

        Title         : _parseTop
        Usage         : makes sure this looks like stride output
        Function      :
        Example       :
        Returns       :
        Args          :

        Title         : _parseHead
        Usage         : parses
        Function      : HDR, CMP, SRC, and AUT lines
        Example       :
        Returns       :
        Args          :

        Title         : _parseSummary
        Usage         : parses LOC lines
        Function      :
        Example       :
        Returns       :
        Args          :

        Title         : _parseASG
        Usage         : parses ASG lines
        Function      :
        Example       :
        Returns       :
        Args          :