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Class::Trait::Reflection - Reflection class used to find information about classes which use Traits.
The Class::Trait::Reflection class used to find information about classes which use Traits.
This class is to be used by other applications as a foundation from which to build various trait compostion tools. It attempts to decouple others from the internal representation of traits (currently the Class::Trait::Config object) and provide a more abstract view of them.
constructor new If given either a Class::Trait::Config object, a blessed perl object which uses traits or a valid perl package name which uses traits. This constructor will return a valid Class::Trait::Reflection object which can be used to examine the specific properties of the traits utilized. accessors getName Returns the name string for the trait. getSubTraitList Returns an array or an array ref in scalar context) of string names of all the sub-traits the trait includes. getRequirements Returns an array (or an array ref in scalar context) of method labels and operators which represent the requirements for the given trait. getMethods Returns an hash ref of method label strings to method subroutine references. getMethodLabels Returns an array (or an array ref in scalar context) of method label strings. getConflicts Returns an array (or an array ref in scalar context) of method labels and operators which are in conflict for a given trait. This is only applicable for COMPOSITE traits. getOverloads Returns an hash ref of operators to method label strings. getOperators Returns an array (or an array ref in scalar context) of all the operators for a given trait. Utility methods loadSubTraitByName Given a trait name, this method attempts to load the trait using the Class::Trait module, and then uses that trait to construct a new Class::Trait::Reflection object to examine the trait with. This can function both as a class method and an instance method. getTraitDump Returns a Data::Dumper string of the internals of a Class::Trait::Config object. traverse Given a subroutine reference, this method can be used to traverse a trait heirarchy. The subroutine reference needs to take two parameters, the first is the current trait being examined, the second is the number representing the depth within the trait heirarchy. Here is an example of printing out the trait heirarchy as tabbed in names: my $reflected_trait = Class::Trait::Reflection->new($object_or_package); $reflected_trait->traverse(sub { my ($trait, $depth) = @_; print((" " x $depth), $trait->getName(), "\n"); }); This should produce output similar to this: COMPOSITE TCircle TMagnitude TEquality TGeometry TColor TEquality Note: COMPOSITE is the placeholder name for an unnamed composite trait such as the one found in a class.
Class::Trait, Class::Trait::Config
Stevan Little <>
Copyright 2004, 2005 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. <> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.