Provided by: libdime-tools-perl_0.04-1_all 

DIME::Tools - modules for parsing and generate DIME messages
This is a collection of modules for processing DIME messages. It hasn't been actively developed since 2004, and the release in 2016 was to get the distribution following CPAN conventions, as there is one distribution depending on it. Generating DIME messages ======================== my $payload = DIME::Payload->new(); $payload->attach(Path => "/mydata/index.html", MIMEType => 'text/html', Dynamic => 1); my $payload2 = DIME::Payload->new(); $payload2->attach( Data => "HELLO WORLD!!!", MIMEType => 'text/plain' ); my $message = DIME::Message->new(); my $payload = DIME::Payload->new(); $payload->attach(Path => "/mydata/index.html", MIMEType => 'text/html', Dynamic => 1); $message->add_payload($payload); $message->add_payload($payload2); # Print the encoded message to STDOUT $message->print(\*STDOUT); Parsing DIME messages ===================== my $parser = DIME::Parser->new(); # Open a file with a dime encoded message $f = IO::File->new("dime.message","r"); my $message = $parser->parse($f); $f->close(); # Print the content of each payload to STDOUT for my $i ($message->payloads()) { print $i->print_content(\*STDOUT); }
DIME-tools is a collection of DIME:: modules for parse and generate DIME encoded messages ( Direct Internet Message Encapsulation ). DIME-tools support single-record and chunked payloads for sending big attachments.
For any content you want to send in a message, you have to create a Payload object: my $payload = DIME::Payload->new(); $payload->attach(Path => "/mydata/index.html", MIMEType => 'text/html', Dynamic => 1); With the attach method you can specify the next keys: Path: the name of the file you want to attach to the payload object. If the data you want to attach isn't in a file, you can use the Data key. Data: it's the reference to a scalar in which you store the data you want to attach. Dynamic: if Path is declared, the data is not loaded fully in memory. The only that you attach to the payload object is the name of the file of the Path key, not the content itself. Chunked: if it's declared, it represents the size of the chunk records in bytes. If you don't declare it, the message will not be chunked. MIMEType: the type of the payload. It must be a string with a MIME standard type. Other possibility is to use URIType. URIType: specifies an URI that defines that type of the content.
my $message = DIME::Message->new(); $message->add_payload($payload);
# Print prints to any IO::Handle $message->print(\*STDOUT); or # print_data returns a reference to a scalar print ${$message->print_data()};
All you have to do is create a DIME::Parser object and call the parse method with a IO::Handle to a DIME message. Then you can iterate over the $message->payloads() array to get the contents of the message: my $parser = DIME::Parser->new(); $f = IO::File->new("dime.message","r"); my $message = $parser->parse($f); $f->close(); for my $i ($message->payloads()) { print $i->print_content(\*STDOUTs); } You can also call to parse_data if you have a DIME message in a scalar variable: my $dime_message; my $message = $parser->parse_data(\$dime_message); And call print_content_data if what you want is to get a reference to the content-data.
Direct Internet Message Encapsulation draft: DIME::Message DIME::Payload DIME::Record
Domingo Alcazar Larrea, <>
Copyright (C) 2004 Domingo Alcázar Larrea This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307