focal (3) Gtk2::Container.3pm.gz

Gtk2::Container - wrapper for GtkContainer
Glib::Object +----Glib::InitiallyUnowned +----Gtk2::Object +----Gtk2::Widget +----Gtk2::Container
Glib::Object::_Unregistered::AtkImplementorIface Gtk2::Buildable
$container->add ($widget) • $widget (Gtk2::Widget) $container->add_with_properties ($widget, ...) • $widget (Gtk2::Widget) • ... (list) list of property name/value pairs integer = $container->get_border_width $container->set_border_width ($border_width) • $border_width (integer) $container->check_resize list = $container->child_get ($child, ...) • $child (Gtk2::Widget) • ... (list) list of property names Returns a list of properties of the child. list = $container->child_get_property ($child, ...) • $child (Gtk2::Widget) • ... (list) Alias for child_get $container->child_set ($child, ...) • $child (Gtk2::Widget) • ... (list) list of property name/value pairs Sets a list of properties on the child. $container->child_set_property ($child, ...) • $child (Gtk2::Widget) • ... (list) Alias for child_set string = $container->child_type list = $container->get_children Returns a list of Gtk2::Widget's, the children of the container. pspec or undef = $object_or_class_name->find_child_property ($name) • $name (string) Return a "Glib::ParamSpec" for child property $name on container $object_or_class_name. If there's no property $name then return "undef". See Glib::Object "list_properties" for the fields in a ParamSpec. list = $container->get_focus_chain Returns a list of Gtk2::Widgets, the focus chain. $container->set_focus_chain (...) • ... (list) of Gtk2::Widget's, the focus chain Sets a focus chain, overriding the one computed automatically by GTK+. In principle each widget in the chain should be a descendant of the container, but this is not enforced by this method, since it's allowed to set the focus chain before you pack the widgets, or have a widget in the chain that isn't always packed. The necessary checks are done when the focus chain is actually traversed. widget or undef = $container->get_focus_child Since: gtk+ 2.14 $container->set_focus_child ($child) • $child (Gtk2::Widget or undef) adjustment or undef = $container->get_focus_hadjustment $container->set_focus_hadjustment ($adjustment) • $adjustment (Gtk2::Adjustment or undef) adjustment or undef = $container->get_focus_vadjustment $container->set_focus_vadjustment ($adjustment) • $adjustment (Gtk2::Adjustment or undef) $container->forall ($callback, $callback_data=undef) • $callback (subroutine) Code to invoke on each child widget • $callback_data (scalar) Invoke $callback on each child of $container, including "internal" children. Most applications should not use this function. Compare with Gtk2::Container::foreach. $container->foreach ($callback, $callback_data=undef) • $callback (subroutine) Code to invoke on each child widget • $callback_data (scalar) Invoke $callback on each child of $container, ignoring "internal" children. list = $object_or_class_name->list_child_properties Return a list of "Glib::ParamSpec" objects which are the child properties available for children of a container $object_or_class_name. See Glib::Object "list_properties" for the fields in a ParamSpec. $container->propagate_expose ($child, $event) • $child (Gtk2::Widget) • $event (Gtk2::Gdk::Event) $container->set_reallocate_redraws ($needs_redraws) • $needs_redraws (boolean) $container->remove ($widget) • $widget (Gtk2::Widget) $container->resize_children resizemode = $container->get_resize_mode $container->set_resize_mode ($resize_mode) • $resize_mode (Gtk2::ResizeMode) $container->unset_focus_chain
'border-width' (Glib::UInt : default 0 : readable / writable / private) The width of the empty border outside the containers children 'child' (Gtk2::Widget : default undef : writable / private) Can be used to add a new child to the container 'resize-mode' (Gtk2::ResizeMode : default "parent" : readable / writable / private) Specify how resize events are handled
add (Gtk2::Container, Gtk2::Widget) check-resize (Gtk2::Container) remove (Gtk2::Container, Gtk2::Widget) set-focus-child (Gtk2::Container, Gtk2::Widget)
enum Gtk2::ResizeMode • 'parent' / 'GTK_RESIZE_PARENT' • 'queue' / 'GTK_RESIZE_QUEUE' • 'immediate' / 'GTK_RESIZE_IMMEDIATE'
Gtk2, Glib::Object, Glib::InitiallyUnowned, Gtk2::Object, Gtk2::Widget
Copyright (C) 2003-2011 by the gtk2-perl team. This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Gtk2 for a full notice.