focal (3) HTML::FormHandler::Types.3pm.gz

HTML::FormHandler::Types - Moose type constraints
version 0.40068
These types are provided by MooseX::Types. These types must not be quoted when they are used: has 'posint' => ( is => 'rw', isa => PositiveInt); has_field 'email' => ( apply => [ Email ] ); Types declared using Moose::Util::TypeConstraints, on the other hand, must be quoted: has_field 'text_both' => ( apply => [ PositiveInt, 'GreaterThan10' ] ); To import these types into your forms, you must either specify (':all') or list the types you want to use: use HTML::FormHandler::Types (':all'); or: use HTML::FormHandler::Types ('Email', 'PositiveInt');
It would be possible to import the MooseX types (Common, etc), but for now we'll just re-implement them here in order to be able to change the messages and keep control of what types we provide. From MooseX::Types::Common: 'PositiveNum', 'PositiveInt', 'NegativeNum', 'NegativeInt', 'SingleDigit', 'SimpleStr', 'NonEmptySimpleStr', 'Password', 'StrongPassword', 'NonEmptyStr',
Type Constraints
These types check the value and issue an error message. Email Uses Email::Valid State Checks that the state is in a list of two uppercase letters. Zip IPAddress Must be a valid IPv4 address. NoSpaces No spaces in string allowed. WordChars Must be made up of letters, digits, and underscores. NotAllDigits Might be useful for passwords. Printable Must not contain non-printable characters. SingleWord Contains a single word. Type Coercions These types will transform the value without an error message; Collapse Replaces multiple spaces with a single space Upper Makes the string all upper case Lower Makes the string all lower case Trim Trims the string of starting and ending spaces
FormHandler Contributors - see HTML::FormHandler
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Gerda Shank. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.