focal (3) Lintian::Info::Control::Index.3.gz

Lintian::Info::Control::Index - access to collected control file data
use Lintian::Processable; my $processable = Lintian::Processable::Binary->new;
Lintian::Info::Control::Index provides an interface to control file data.
control ([FILE]) This method is deprecated. Consider using "control_index_resolved_path(PATH)" instead, which returns Lintian::Path objects. Returns the path to FILE in the control.tar.gz. FILE must be either a Lintian::Path object (>= 2.5.13~) or a string denoting the requested path. In the latter case, the path must be relative to the root of the control.tar.gz member and should be normalized. It is not permitted for FILE to be "undef". If the "root" dir is desired either invoke this method without any arguments at all, pass it the correct Lintian::Path or the empty string. To get a list of entries in the control.tar.gz or the file meta data of the entries (as path objects), see "sorted_control_index" and "control_index (FILE)". The caveats of unpacked also apply to this method. However, as the control.tar.gz is not known to contain symlinks, a simple file type check is usually enough. Needs-Info requirements for using control: bin-pkg-control control_index (FILE) Returns a path object to FILE in the control.tar.gz. FILE must be relative to the root of the control.tar.gz and must be without leading slash (or "./"). If FILE is not in the control.tar.gz, it returns "undef". To get a list of entries in the control.tar.gz, see "sorted_control_index". To actually access the underlying file (e.g. the contents), use "control ([FILE])". Note that the "root directory" (denoted by the empty string) will always be present, even if the underlying tarball omits it. Needs-Info requirements for using control_index: bin-pkg-control sorted_control_index Returns a sorted array of file names listed in the control.tar.gz. The names will not have a leading slash (or "./") and can be passed to "control ([FILE])" or "control_index (FILE)" as is. The array will not contain the entry for the "root" of the control.tar.gz. Needs-Info requirements for using sorted_control_index: Same as control_index control_index_resolved_path(PATH) Resolve PATH (relative to the root of the package) and return the entry denoting the resolved path. The resolution is done using resolve_path. Needs-Info requirements for using control_index_resolved_path: Same as control_index
Originally written by Felix Lechner <> for Lintian.
lintian(1), Lintian::Collect, Lintian::Collect::Binary, Lintian::Collect::Source