focal (3) Lintian::Info::Java.3.gz

Lintian::Info::Java - access to collected java-info data
use Lintian::Processable; my $processable = Lintian::Processable::Binary->new;
Lintian::Info::Java provides an interface to package data for java files.
java_info Returns a hashref containing information about JAR files found in source packages, in the form file name -> info, where info is a hash containing the following keys: manifest A hash containing the contents of the JAR file manifest. For instance, to find the classpath of $file, you could use: if (exists $info->java_info->{$file}{'manifest'}) { my $cp = $info->java_info->{$file}{'manifest'}{'Class-Path'}; # ... } NB: Not all jar files have a manifest. For those without, this will value will not be available. Use exists (rather than defined) to check for it. files A table of the files in the JAR. Each key is a file name and its value is its "Major class version" for Java or "-" if it is not a class file. error If it exists, this is an error that occurred during reading of the zip file. If it exists, it is unlikely that the other fields will be present. Needs-Info requirements for using java_info: java-info saved_java_info Returns the cached java information.
Originally written by Felix Lechner <> for Lintian.
lintian(1), Lintian::Collect, Lintian::Collect::Binary, Lintian::Collect::Source