focal (3) List::AllUtils.3pm.gz

Provided by: liblist-allutils-perl_0.15-1_all bug


       List::AllUtils - Combines List::Util, List::SomeUtils and List::UtilsBy in one bite-sized package


       version 0.15


           use List::AllUtils qw( first any );

           # _Everything_ from List::Util, List::SomeUtils, and List::UtilsBy
           use List::AllUtils qw( :all );

           my @numbers = ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 );
           # or don't import anything
           return List::AllUtils::first { $_ > 5 } @numbers;


       Are you sick of trying to remember whether a particular helper is defined in List::Util,  List::SomeUtils
       or List::UtilsBy? I sure am. Now you don't have to remember. This module will export all of the functions
       that either of those three modules defines.

       Note that all function documentation has been shamelessly copied from List::Util, List::SomeUtils and

   Which One Wins?
       Recently, List::Util has started including some of the subs that used to only be in List::SomeUtils.
       Similar, List::SomeUtils has some small overlap with List::UtilsBy. "List::AllUtils" always favors the
       version provided by List::Util, List::SomeUtils or List::UtilsBy in that order.

       The docs below come from List::Util 1.31, List::SomeUtils 0.50, and List::UtilsBy 0.10.


       All this module does is load List::Util, List::SomeUtils, and List::UtilsBy, and then re-export
       everything that they provide. That means that regardless of the documentation below, you will get any
       subroutine that your installed version provides.


       The following set of functions all reduce a list down to a single value.

   reduce BLOCK LIST
       Reduces LIST by calling BLOCK, in a scalar context, multiple times, setting $a and $b each time. The
       first call will be with $a and $b set to the first two elements of the list, subsequent calls will be
       done by setting $a to the result of the previous call and $b to the next element in the list.

       Returns the result of the last call to BLOCK. If LIST is empty then "undef" is returned. If LIST only
       contains one element then that element is returned and BLOCK is not executed.

           $foo = reduce { $a < $b ? $a : $b } 1..10       # min
           $foo = reduce { $a lt $b ? $a : $b } 'aa'..'zz' # minstr
           $foo = reduce { $a + $b } 1 .. 10               # sum
           $foo = reduce { $a . $b } @bar                  # concat

       If your algorithm requires that "reduce" produce an identity value, then make sure that you always pass
       that identity value as the first argument to prevent "undef" being returned

         $foo = reduce { $a + $b } 0, @values;             # sum with 0 identity value

       The remaining list-reduction functions are all specialisations of this generic idea.

   first BLOCK LIST
       Similar to "grep" in that it evaluates BLOCK setting $_ to each element of LIST in turn. "first" returns
       the first element where the result from BLOCK is a true value. If BLOCK never returns true or LIST was
       empty then "undef" is returned.

           $foo = first { defined($_) } @list    # first defined value in @list
           $foo = first { $_ > $value } @list    # first value in @list which
                                                 # is greater than $value

       This function could be implemented using "reduce" like this

           $foo = reduce { defined($a) ? $a : wanted($b) ? $b : undef } undef, @list

       for example wanted() could be defined() which would return the first defined value in @list

   max LIST
       Returns the entry in the list with the highest numerical value. If the list is empty then "undef" is

           $foo = max 1..10                # 10
           $foo = max 3,9,12               # 12
           $foo = max @bar, @baz           # whatever

       This function could be implemented using "reduce" like this

           $foo = reduce { $a > $b ? $a : $b } 1..10

   maxstr LIST
       Similar to "max", but treats all the entries in the list as strings and returns the highest string as
       defined by the "gt" operator.  If the list is empty then "undef" is returned.

           $foo = maxstr 'A'..'Z'          # 'Z'
           $foo = maxstr "hello","world"   # "world"
           $foo = maxstr @bar, @baz        # whatever

       This function could be implemented using "reduce" like this

           $foo = reduce { $a gt $b ? $a : $b } 'A'..'Z'

   min LIST
       Similar to "max" but returns the entry in the list with the lowest numerical value. If the list is empty
       then "undef" is returned.

           $foo = min 1..10                # 1
           $foo = min 3,9,12               # 3
           $foo = min @bar, @baz           # whatever

       This function could be implemented using "reduce" like this

           $foo = reduce { $a < $b ? $a : $b } 1..10

   minstr LIST
       Similar to "min", but treats all the entries in the list as strings and returns the lowest string as
       defined by the "lt" operator.  If the list is empty then "undef" is returned.

           $foo = minstr 'A'..'Z'          # 'A'
           $foo = minstr "hello","world"   # "hello"
           $foo = minstr @bar, @baz        # whatever

       This function could be implemented using "reduce" like this

           $foo = reduce { $a lt $b ? $a : $b } 'A'..'Z'

   sum LIST
       Returns the sum of all the elements in LIST. If LIST is empty then "undef" is returned.

           $foo = sum 1..10                # 55
           $foo = sum 3,9,12               # 24
           $foo = sum @bar, @baz           # whatever

       This function could be implemented using "reduce" like this

           $foo = reduce { $a + $b } 1..10

   sum0 LIST
       Similar to "sum", except this returns 0 when given an empty list, rather than "undef".


       The following set of functions, all inspired by List::Pairwise, consume an even-sized list of pairs. The
       pairs may be key/value associations from a hash, or just a list of values. The functions will all
       preserve the original ordering of the pairs, and will not be confused by multiple pairs having the same
       "key" value - nor even do they require that the first of each pair be a plain string.

   pairgrep BLOCK KVLIST
       Similar to perl's "grep" keyword, but interprets the given list as an even-sized list of pairs. It
       invokes the BLOCK multiple times, in scalar context, with $a and $b set to successive pairs of values
       from the KVLIST.

       Returns an even-sized list of those pairs for which the BLOCK returned true in list context, or the count
       of the number of pairs in scalar context.  (Note, therefore, in scalar context that it returns a number
       half the size of the count of items it would have returned in list context).

           @subset = pairgrep { $a =~ m/^[[:upper:]]+$/ } @kvlist

       Similar to "grep", "pairgrep" aliases $a and $b to elements of the given list. Any modifications of it by
       the code block will be visible to the caller.

   pairfirst BLOCK KVLIST
       Similar to the "first" function, but interprets the given list as an even-sized list of pairs. It invokes
       the BLOCK multiple times, in scalar context, with $a and $b set to successive pairs of values from the

       Returns the first pair of values from the list for which the BLOCK returned true in list context, or an
       empty list of no such pair was found. In scalar context it returns a simple boolean value, rather than
       either the key or the value found.

           ( $key, $value ) = pairfirst { $a =~ m/^[[:upper:]]+$/ } @kvlist

       Similar to "grep", "pairfirst" aliases $a and $b to elements of the given list. Any modifications of it
       by the code block will be visible to the caller.

   pairmap BLOCK KVLIST
       Similar to perl's "map" keyword, but interprets the given list as an even-sized list of pairs. It invokes
       the BLOCK multiple times, in list context, with $a and $b set to successive pairs of values from the

       Returns the concatenation of all the values returned by the BLOCK in list context, or the count of the
       number of items that would have been returned in scalar context.

           @result = pairmap { "The key $a has value $b" } @kvlist

       Similar to "map", "pairmap" aliases $a and $b to elements of the given list. Any modifications of it by
       the code block will be visible to the caller.

   pairs KVLIST
       A convenient shortcut to operating on even-sized lists of pairs, this function returns a list of ARRAY
       references, each containing two items from the given list. It is a more efficient version of

           pairmap { [ $a, $b ] } KVLIST

       It is most convenient to use in a "foreach" loop, for example:

           foreach ( pairs @KVLIST ) {
              my ( $key, $value ) = @$_;

   pairkeys KVLIST
       A convenient shortcut to operating on even-sized lists of pairs, this function returns a list of the the
       first values of each of the pairs in the given list. It is a more efficient version of

           pairmap { $a } KVLIST

   pairvalues KVLIST
       A convenient shortcut to operating on even-sized lists of pairs, this function returns a list of the the
       second values of each of the pairs in the given list. It is a more efficient version of

           pairmap { $b } KVLIST


   shuffle LIST
       Returns the elements of LIST in a random order

           @cards = shuffle 0..51      # 0..51 in a random order

List::SomeUtils FUNCTIONS

       Treatment of an empty list

       There are two schools of thought for how to evaluate a junction on an empty list:

       •   Reduction to an identity (boolean)

       •   Result is undefined (three-valued)

       In the first case, the result of the junction applied to the empty list is determined by a mathematical
       reduction to an identity depending on whether the underlying comparison is "or" or "and".  Conceptually:

                           "any are true"      "all are true"
                           --------------      --------------
           2 elements:     A || B || 0         A && B && 1
           1 element:      A || 0              A && 1
           0 elements:     0                   1

       In the second case, three-value logic is desired, in which a junction applied to an empty list returns
       "undef" rather than true or false

       Junctions with a "_u" suffix implement three-valued logic.  Those without are boolean.

       all BLOCK LIST

       all_u BLOCK LIST

       Returns a true value if all items in LIST meet the criterion given through BLOCK. Sets $_ for each item
       in LIST in turn:

         print "All values are non-negative"
           if all { $_ >= 0 } ($x, $y, $z);

       For an empty LIST, "all" returns true (i.e. no values failed the condition) and "all_u" returns "undef".

       Thus, "all_u(@list)" is equivalent to "@list ? all(@list) : undef".

       Note: because Perl treats "undef" as false, you must check the return value of "all_u" with "defined" or
       you will get the opposite result of what you expect.

       any BLOCK LIST

       any_u BLOCK LIST

       Returns a true value if any item in LIST meets the criterion given through BLOCK. Sets $_ for each item
       in LIST in turn:

         print "At least one non-negative value"
           if any { $_ >= 0 } ($x, $y, $z);

       For an empty LIST, "any" returns false and "any_u" returns "undef".

       Thus, "any_u(@list)" is equivalent to "@list ? any(@list) : undef".

       none BLOCK LIST

       none_u BLOCK LIST

       Logically the negation of "any". Returns a true value if no item in LIST meets the criterion given
       through BLOCK. Sets $_ for each item in LIST in turn:

         print "No non-negative values"
           if none { $_ >= 0 } ($x, $y, $z);

       For an empty LIST, "none" returns true (i.e. no values failed the condition) and "none_u" returns

       Thus, "none_u(@list)" is equivalent to "@list ? none(@list) : undef".

       Note: because Perl treats "undef" as false, you must check the return value of "none_u" with "defined" or
       you will get the opposite result of what you expect.

       notall BLOCK LIST

       notall_u BLOCK LIST

       Logically the negation of "all". Returns a true value if not all items in LIST meet the criterion given
       through BLOCK. Sets $_ for each item in LIST in turn:

         print "Not all values are non-negative"
           if notall { $_ >= 0 } ($x, $y, $z);

       For an empty LIST, "notall" returns false and "notall_u" returns "undef".

       Thus, "notall_u(@list)" is equivalent to "@list ? notall(@list) : undef".

       one BLOCK LIST

       one_u BLOCK LIST

       Returns a true value if precisely one item in LIST meets the criterion given through BLOCK. Sets $_ for
       each item in LIST in turn:

           print "Precisely one value defined"
               if one { defined($_) } @list;

       Returns false otherwise.

       For an empty LIST, "one" returns false and "one_u" returns "undef".

       The expression "one BLOCK LIST" is almost equivalent to "1 == true BLOCK LIST", except for short-cutting.
       Evaluation of BLOCK will immediately stop at the second true value.

       apply BLOCK LIST

       Applies BLOCK to each item in LIST and returns a list of the values after BLOCK has been applied. In
       scalar context, the last element is returned.  This function is similar to "map" but will not modify the
       elements of the input list:

         my @list = (1 .. 4);
         my @mult = apply { $_ *= 2 } @list;
         print "\@list = @list\n";
         print "\@mult = @mult\n";
         @list = 1 2 3 4
         @mult = 2 4 6 8

       Think of it as syntactic sugar for

         for (my @mult = @list) { $_ *= 2 }

       insert_after BLOCK VALUE LIST

       Inserts VALUE after the first item in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is true. Sets $_ for each
       item in LIST in turn.

         my @list = qw/This is a list/;
         insert_after { $_ eq "a" } "longer" => @list;
         print "@list";
         This is a longer list

       insert_after_string STRING VALUE LIST

       Inserts VALUE after the first item in LIST which is equal to STRING.

         my @list = qw/This is a list/;
         insert_after_string "a", "longer" => @list;
         print "@list";
         This is a longer list

       pairwise BLOCK ARRAY1 ARRAY2

       Evaluates BLOCK for each pair of elements in ARRAY1 and ARRAY2 and returns a new list consisting of
       BLOCK's return values. The two elements are set to $a and $b.  Note that those two are aliases to the
       original value so changing them will modify the input arrays.

         @a = (1 .. 5);
         @b = (11 .. 15);
         @x = pairwise { $a + $b } @a, @b;     # returns 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

         # mesh with pairwise
         @a = qw/a b c/;
         @b = qw/1 2 3/;
         @x = pairwise { ($a, $b) } @a, @b;    # returns a, 1, b, 2, c, 3

       mesh ARRAY1 ARRAY2 [ ARRAY3 ... ]

       zip ARRAY1 ARRAY2 [ ARRAY3 ... ]

       Returns a list consisting of the first elements of each array, then the second, then the third, etc,
       until all arrays are exhausted.


         @x = qw/a b c d/;
         @y = qw/1 2 3 4/;
         @z = mesh @x, @y;         # returns a, 1, b, 2, c, 3, d, 4

         @a = ('x');
         @b = ('1', '2');
         @c = qw/zip zap zot/;
         @d = mesh @a, @b, @c;   # x, 1, zip, undef, 2, zap, undef, undef, zot

       "zip" is an alias for "mesh".

       uniq LIST

       distinct LIST

       Returns a new list by stripping duplicate values in LIST by comparing the values as hash keys, except
       that undef is considered separate from ''.  The order of elements in the returned list is the same as in
       LIST. In scalar context, returns the number of unique elements in LIST.

         my @x = uniq 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 3, 4; # returns 1 2 3 5 4
         my $x = uniq 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 3, 4; # returns 5
         # returns "Mike", "Michael", "Richard", "Rick"
         my @n = distinct "Mike", "Michael", "Richard", "Rick", "Michael", "Rick"
         # returns '', undef, 'S1', A5'
         my @s = distinct '', undef, 'S1', 'A5'
         # returns '', undef, 'S1', A5'
         my @w = uniq undef, '', 'S1', 'A5'

       "distinct" is an alias for "uniq".

       RT#49800 can be used to give feedback about this behavior.


       Returns a new list by stripping values in LIST occurring more than once by comparing the values as hash
       keys, except that undef is considered separate from ''.  The order of elements in the returned list is
       the same as in LIST.  In scalar context, returns the number of elements occurring only once in LIST.

         my @x = singleton 1,1,2,2,3,4,5 # returns 3 4 5

       after BLOCK LIST

       Returns a list of the values of LIST after (and not including) the point where BLOCK returns a true
       value. Sets $_ for each element in LIST in turn.

         @x = after { $_ % 5 == 0 } (1..9);    # returns 6, 7, 8, 9

       after_incl BLOCK LIST

       Same as "after" but also includes the element for which BLOCK is true.

       before BLOCK LIST

       Returns a list of values of LIST up to (and not including) the point where BLOCK returns a true value.
       Sets $_ for each element in LIST in turn.

       before_incl BLOCK LIST

       Same as "before" but also includes the element for which BLOCK is true.

       part BLOCK LIST

       Partitions LIST based on the return value of BLOCK which denotes into which partition the current value
       is put.

       Returns a list of the partitions thusly created. Each partition created is a reference to an array.

         my $i = 0;
         my @part = part { $i++ % 2 } 1 .. 8;   # returns [1, 3, 5, 7], [2, 4, 6, 8]

       You can have a sparse list of partitions as well where non-set partitions will be undef:

         my @part = part { 2 } 1 .. 10;            # returns undef, undef, [ 1 .. 10 ]

       Be careful with negative values, though:

         my @part = part { -1 } 1 .. 10;
         Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -1 ...

       Negative values are only ok when they refer to a partition previously created:

         my @idx  = ( 0, 1, -1 );
         my $i    = 0;
         my @part = part { $idx[$++ % 3] } 1 .. 8; # [1, 4, 7], [2, 3, 5, 6, 8]

       each_array ARRAY1 ARRAY2 ...

       Creates an array iterator to return the elements of the list of arrays ARRAY1, ARRAY2 throughout ARRAYn
       in turn.  That is, the first time it is called, it returns the first element of each array.  The next
       time, it returns the second elements.  And so on, until all elements are exhausted.

       This is useful for looping over more than one array at once:

         my $ea = each_array(@a, @b, @c);
         while ( my ($a, $b, $c) = $ea->() )   { .... }

       The iterator returns the empty list when it reached the end of all arrays.

       If the iterator is passed an argument of '"index"', then it returns the index of the last fetched set of
       values, as a scalar.

       each_arrayref LIST

       Like each_array, but the arguments are references to arrays, not the plain arrays.

       natatime EXPR, LIST

       Creates an array iterator, for looping over an array in chunks of $n items at a time.  (n at a time, get
       it?).  An example is probably a better explanation than I could give in words.


         my @x = ('a' .. 'g');
         my $it = natatime 3, @x;
         while (my @vals = $it->())
           print "@vals\n";

       This prints

         a b c
         d e f

       bsearch BLOCK LIST

       Performs a binary search on LIST which must be a sorted list of values. BLOCK must return a negative
       value if the current element (stored in $_) is smaller, a positive value if it is bigger and zero if it

       Returns a boolean value in scalar context. In list context, it returns the element if it was found,
       otherwise the empty list.

       bsearchidx BLOCK LIST

       bsearch_index BLOCK LIST

       Performs a binary search on LIST which must be a sorted list of values. BLOCK must return a negative
       value if the current element (stored in $_) is smaller, a positive value if it is bigger and zero if it

       Returns the index of found element, otherwise "-1".

       "bsearch_index" is an alias for "bsearchidx".

       firstval BLOCK LIST

       first_value BLOCK LIST

       Returns the first element in LIST for which BLOCK evaluates to true. Each element of LIST is set to $_ in
       turn. Returns "undef" if no such element has been found.

       "first_value" is an alias for "firstval".

       onlyval BLOCK LIST

       only_value BLOCK LIST

       Returns the only element in LIST for which BLOCK evaluates to true. Sets $_ for each item in LIST in
       turn. Returns "undef" if no such element has been found.

       "only_value" is an alias for "onlyval".

       lastval BLOCK LIST

       last_value BLOCK LIST

       Returns the last value in LIST for which BLOCK evaluates to true. Each element of LIST is set to $_ in
       turn. Returns "undef" if no such element has been found.

       "last_value" is an alias for "lastval".

       firstres BLOCK LIST

       first_result BLOCK LIST

       Returns the result of BLOCK for the first element in LIST for which BLOCK evaluates to true. Each element
       of LIST is set to $_ in turn. Returns "undef" if no such element has been found.

       "first_result" is an alias for "firstres".

       onlyres BLOCK LIST

       only_result BLOCK LIST

       Returns the result of BLOCK for the first element in LIST for which BLOCK evaluates to true. Sets $_ for
       each item in LIST in turn. Returns "undef" if no such element has been found.

       "only_result" is an alias for "onlyres".

       lastres BLOCK LIST

       last_result BLOCK LIST

       Returns the result of BLOCK for the last element in LIST for which BLOCK evaluates to true. Each element
       of LIST is set to $_ in turn. Returns "undef" if no such element has been found.

       "last_result" is an alias for "lastres".

       indexes BLOCK LIST

       Evaluates BLOCK for each element in LIST (assigned to $_) and returns a list of the indices of those
       elements for which BLOCK returned a true value. This is just like "grep" only that it returns indices
       instead of values:

         @x = indexes { $_ % 2 == 0 } (1..10);   # returns 1, 3, 5, 7, 9

       firstidx BLOCK LIST

       first_index BLOCK LIST

       Returns the index of the first element in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is true. Sets $_ for each
       item in LIST in turn:

         my @list = (1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 6);
         printf "item with index %i in list is 4", firstidx { $_ == 4 } @list;
         item with index 1 in list is 4

       Returns "-1" if no such item could be found.

       "first_index" is an alias for "firstidx".

       onlyidx BLOCK LIST

       only_index BLOCK LIST

       Returns the index of the only element in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is true. Sets $_ for each
       item in LIST in turn:

           my @list = (1, 3, 4, 3, 2, 4);
           printf "uniqe index of item 2 in list is %i", onlyidx { $_ == 2 } @list;
           unique index of item 2 in list is 4

       Returns "-1" if either no such item or more than one of these has been found.

       "only_index" is an alias for "onlyidx".

       lastidx BLOCK LIST

       last_index BLOCK LIST

       Returns the index of the last element in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is true. Sets $_ for each
       item in LIST in turn:

         my @list = (1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 6);
         printf "item with index %i in list is 4", lastidx { $_ == 4 } @list;
         item with index 4 in list is 4

       Returns "-1" if no such item could be found.

       "last_index" is an alias for "lastidx".

       sort_by BLOCK LIST

       Returns the list of values sorted according to the string values returned by the KEYFUNC block or
       function. A typical use of this may be to sort objects according to the string value of some accessor,
       such as

         sort_by { $_->name } @people

       The key function is called in scalar context, being passed each value in turn as both $_ and the only
       argument in the parameters, @_. The values are then sorted according to string comparisons on the values
       returned.  This is equivalent to

         sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @people

       except that it guarantees the name accessor will be executed only once per value.  One interesting use-
       case is to sort strings which may have numbers embedded in them "naturally", rather than lexically.

         sort_by { s/(\d+)/sprintf "%09d", $1/eg; $_ } @strings

       This sorts strings by generating sort keys which zero-pad the embedded numbers to some level (9 digits in
       this case), helping to ensure the lexical sort puts them in the correct order.

       nsort_by BLOCK LIST

       Similar to sort_by but compares its key values numerically.

   Counting and calculation
       true BLOCK LIST

       Counts the number of elements in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is true.  Sets $_ for  each item
       in LIST in turn:

         printf "%i item(s) are defined", true { defined($_) } @list;

       false BLOCK LIST

       Counts the number of elements in LIST for which the criterion in BLOCK is false.  Sets $_ for each item
       in LIST in turn:

         printf "%i item(s) are not defined", false { defined($_) } @list;

       minmax LIST

       Calculates the minimum and maximum of LIST and returns a two element list with the first element being
       the minimum and the second the maximum. Returns the empty list if LIST was empty.

       The "minmax" algorithm differs from a naive iteration over the list where each element is compared to two
       values being the so far calculated min and max value in that it only requires 3n/2 - 2 comparisons. Thus
       it is the most efficient possible algorithm.

       However, the Perl implementation of it has some overhead simply due to the fact that there are more lines
       of Perl code involved. Therefore, LIST needs to be fairly big in order for "minmax" to win over a naive
       implementation. This limitation does not apply to the XS version.

       mode LIST

       Calculates the most common items in the list and returns them as a list. This is effectively done by
       string comparisons, so references will be stringified. If they implement string overloading, this will be

       If more than one item appears the same number of times in the list, all such items will be returned. For
       example, the mode of a unique list is the list itself.

       This function always returns a list. That means that in scalar context you get a count indicating the
       number of modes in the list.

List::UtilsBy Functions

          @vals = rev_sort_by { KEYFUNC } @vals

          @vals = rev_nsort_by { KEYFUNC } @vals

       Since version 0.06.

       Similar to "sort_by" and "nsort_by" but returns the list in the reverse order. Equivalent to

          @vals = reverse sort_by { KEYFUNC } @vals

       except that these functions are slightly more efficient because they avoid the final "reverse" operation.

          $optimal = max_by { KEYFUNC } @vals

          @optimal = max_by { KEYFUNC } @vals

       Returns the (first) value from @vals that gives the numerically largest result from the key function.

          my $tallest = max_by { $_->height } @people

          use File::stat qw( stat );
          my $newest = max_by { stat($_)->mtime } @files;

       In scalar context, the first maximal value is returned. In list context, a list of all the maximal values
       is returned. This may be used to obtain positions other than the first, if order is significant.

       If called on an empty list, an empty list is returned.

       For symmetry with the "nsort_by" function, this is also provided under the name "nmax_by" since it
       behaves numerically.

          $optimal = min_by { KEYFUNC } @vals

          @optimal = min_by { KEYFUNC } @vals

       Similar to "max_by" but returns values which give the numerically smallest result from the key function.
       Also provided as "nmin_by"

          ( $minimal, $maximal ) = minmax_by { KEYFUNC } @vals

       Similar to calling both "min_by" and "max_by" with the same key function on the same list. This version
       is more efficient than calling the two other functions individually, as it has less work to perform
       overall. In the case of ties, only the first optimal element found in each case is returned. Also
       provided as "nminmax_by".

          @vals = uniq_by { KEYFUNC } @vals

       Returns a list of the subset of values for which the key function block returns unique values. The first
       value yielding a particular key is chosen, subsequent values are rejected.

          my @some_fruit = uniq_by { $_->colour } @fruit;

       To select instead the last value per key, reverse the input list. If the order of the results is
       significant, don't forget to reverse the result as well:

          my @some_fruit = reverse uniq_by { $_->colour } reverse @fruit;

       Because the values returned by the key function are used as hash keys, they ought to either be strings,
       or at least well-behaved as strings (such as numbers, or object references which overload stringification
       in a suitable manner).

          %parts = partition_by { KEYFUNC } @vals

       Returns a key/value list of ARRAY refs containing all the original values distributed according to the
       result of the key function block. Each value will be an ARRAY ref containing all the values which
       returned the string from the key function, in their original order.

          my %balls_by_colour = partition_by { $_->colour } @balls;

       Because the values returned by the key function are used as hash keys, they ought to either be strings,
       or at least well-behaved as strings (such as numbers, or object references which overload stringification
       in a suitable manner).

          %counts = count_by { KEYFUNC } @vals

       Returns a key/value list of integers, giving the number of times the key function block returned the key,
       for each value in the list.

          my %count_of_balls = count_by { $_->colour } @balls;

       Because the values returned by the key function are used as hash keys, they ought to either be strings,
       or at least well-behaved as strings (such as numbers, or object references which overload stringification
       in a suitable manner).

          @vals = zip_by { ITEMFUNC } \@arr0, \@arr1, \@arr2,...

       Returns a list of each of the values returned by the function block, when invoked with values from across
       each each of the given ARRAY references. Each value in the returned list will be the result of the
       function having been invoked with arguments at that position, from across each of the arrays given.

          my @transposition = zip_by { [ @_ ] } @matrix;

          my @names = zip_by { "$_[1], $_[0]" } \@firstnames, \@surnames;

          print zip_by { "$_[0] => $_[1]\n" } [ keys %hash ], [ values %hash ];

       If some of the arrays are shorter than others, the function will behave as if they had "undef" in the
       trailing positions. The following two lines are equivalent:

          zip_by { f(@_) } [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ "a", "b" ]
          f( 1, "a" ), f( 2, "b" ), f( 3, undef )

       The item function is called by "map", so if it returns a list, the entire list is included in the result.
       This can be useful for example, for generating a hash from two separate lists of keys and values

          my %nums = zip_by { @_ } [qw( one two three )], [ 1, 2, 3 ];
          # %nums = ( one => 1, two => 2, three => 3 )

       (A function having this behaviour is sometimes called "zipWith", e.g. in Haskell, but that name would not
       fit the naming scheme used by this module).

          $arr0, $arr1, $arr2, ... = unzip_by { ITEMFUNC } @vals

       Returns a list of ARRAY references containing the values returned by the function block, when invoked for
       each of the values given in the input list.  Each of the returned ARRAY references will contain the
       values returned at that corresponding position by the function block. That is, the first returned ARRAY
       reference will contain all the values returned in the first position by the function block, the second
       will contain all the values from the second position, and so on.

          my ( $firstnames, $lastnames ) = unzip_by { m/^(.*?) (.*)$/ } @names;

       If the function returns lists of differing lengths, the result will be padded with "undef" in the missing

       This function is an inverse of "zip_by", if given a corresponding inverse function.

          @vals = extract_by { SELECTFUNC } @arr

       Removes elements from the referenced array on which the selection function returns true, and returns a
       list containing those elements. This function is similar to "grep", except that it modifies the
       referenced array to remove the selected values from it, leaving only the unselected ones.

          my @red_balls = extract_by { $_->color eq "red" } @balls;

          # Now there are no red balls in the @balls array

       This function modifies a real array, unlike most of the other functions in this module. Because of this,
       it requires a real array, not just a list.

       This function is implemented by invoking "splice" on the array, not by constructing a new list and
       assigning it. One result of this is that weak references will not be disturbed.

          extract_by { !defined $_ } @refs;

       will leave weak references weakened in the @refs array, whereas

          @refs = grep { defined $_ } @refs;

       will strengthen them all again.

          $val = extract_first_by { SELECTFUNC } @arr

       A hybrid between "extract_by" and "List::Util::first". Removes the first element from the referenced
       array on which the selection function returns true, returning it.

       As with "extract_by", this function requires a real array and not just a list, and is also implemented
       using "splice" so that weak references are not disturbed.

       If this function fails to find a matching element, it will return an empty list in list context. This
       allows a caller to distinguish the case between no matching element, and the first matching element being

          @vals = weighted_shuffle_by { WEIGHTFUNC } @vals

       Returns the list of values shuffled into a random order. The randomisation is not uniform, but weighted
       by the value returned by the "WEIGHTFUNC". The probability of each item being returned first will be
       distributed with the distribution of the weights, and so on recursively for the remaining items.

          @vals = bundle_by { BLOCKFUNC } $number, @vals

       Similar to a regular "map" functional, returns a list of the values returned by "BLOCKFUNC". Values from
       the input list are given to the block function in bundles of $number.

       If given a list of values whose length does not evenly divide by $number, the final call will be passed
       fewer elements than the others.


       This module exports nothing by default. You can import functions by name, or get everything with the
       ":all" tag.


       List::Util,  List::SomeUtils and List::UtilsBy, obviously.

       Also see "Util::Any", which unifies many more util modules, and also lets you rename functions as part of
       the import.


       Please report any bugs or feature requests to "", or through the web
       interface at <>.  I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of
       progress on your bug as I make changes.

       Bugs may be submitted at <> or via email to <>.

       I am also usually active on IRC as 'autarch' on "irc://".


       The source code repository for List-AllUtils can be found at


       If you'd like to thank me for the work I've done on this module, please consider making a "donation" to
       me via PayPal. I spend a lot of free time creating free software, and would appreciate any support you'd
       care to offer.

       Please note that I am not suggesting that you must do this in order for me to continue working on this
       particular software. I will continue to do so, inasmuch as I have in the past, for as long as it
       interests me.

       Similarly, a donation made in this way will probably not make me work on this software much more, unless
       I get so many donations that I can consider working on free software full time (let's all have a chuckle
       at that together).

       To donate, log into PayPal and send money to, or use the button at


       Dave Rolsky <>


       •   Karen Etheridge <>

       •   Ricardo Signes <>

       •   Yanick Champoux <>

       This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Dave Rolsky.

       This is free software, licensed under:

         The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)

       The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this distribution.