focal (3) Mojo::Cookie::Response.3pm.gz

Mojo::Cookie::Response - HTTP response cookie
use Mojo::Cookie::Response; my $cookie = Mojo::Cookie::Response->new; $cookie->name('foo'); $cookie->value('bar'); say "$cookie";
Mojo::Cookie::Response is a container for HTTP response cookies, based on RFC 6265 <>.
Mojo::Cookie::Response inherits all attributes from Mojo::Cookie and implements the following new ones. domain my $domain = $cookie->domain; $cookie = $cookie->domain('localhost'); Cookie domain. expires my $expires = $cookie->expires; $cookie = $cookie->expires(time + 60); Expiration for cookie. host_only my $bool = $cookie->host_only; $cookie = $cookie->host_only($bool); Host-only flag, indicating that the canonicalized request-host is identical to the cookie's "domain". httponly my $bool = $cookie->httponly; $cookie = $cookie->httponly($bool); HttpOnly flag, which can prevent client-side scripts from accessing this cookie. max_age my $max_age = $cookie->max_age; $cookie = $cookie->max_age(60); Max age for cookie. path my $path = $cookie->path; $cookie = $cookie->path('/test'); Cookie path. samesite my $samesite = $cookie->samesite; $cookie = $cookie->samesite('Lax'); SameSite value. Note that this attribute is EXPERIMENTAL because even though most commonly used browsers support the feature, there is no specification yet besides this draft < west-first-party-cookies-07>. secure my $bool = $cookie->secure; $cookie = $cookie->secure($bool); Secure flag, which instructs browsers to only send this cookie over HTTPS connections.
Mojo::Cookie::Response inherits all methods from Mojo::Cookie and implements the following new ones. parse my $cookies = Mojo::Cookie::Response->parse('f=b; path=/'); Parse cookies. to_string my $str = $cookie->to_string; Render cookie.
Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <>.