focal (3) Mojolicious.3pm.gz

Provided by: libmojolicious-perl_8.33+dfsg-1_all bug


       Mojolicious - Real-time web framework


         # Application
         package MyApp;
         use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';

         # Route
         sub startup {
           my $self = shift;

         # Controller
         package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
         use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';

         # Action
         sub hello {
           my $self = shift;
           $self->render(text => 'Hello World!');


       An amazing real-time web framework built on top of the powerful Mojo web development toolkit. With
       support for RESTful routes, plugins, commands, Perl-ish templates, content negotiation, session
       management, form validation, testing framework, static file server, "CGI"/"PSGI" detection, first class
       Unicode support and much more for you to discover.

       Take a look at our excellent documentation in Mojolicious::Guides!


       Mojolicious will emit the following hooks in the listed order.

       Emitted right before the application runs a command through the command line interface. Note that this
       hook is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!

         $app->hook(before_command => sub {
           my ($command, $args) = @_;

       Useful for reconfiguring the application before running a command or to modify the behavior of a command.
       (Passed the command object and the command arguments)

       Emitted right before the application server is started, for web servers that support it, which includes
       all the built-in ones (except for Mojo::Server::CGI).

         $app->hook(before_server_start => sub {
           my ($server, $app) = @_;

       Useful for reconfiguring application servers dynamically or collecting server diagnostics information.
       (Passed the server and application objects)

       Emitted right after the transaction is built and before the HTTP request gets parsed.

         $app->hook(after_build_tx => sub {
           my ($tx, $app) = @_;

       This is a very powerful hook and should not be used lightly, it makes some rather advanced features such
       as upload progress bars possible. Note that this hook will not work for embedded applications, because
       only the host application gets to build transactions. (Passed the transaction and application objects)

       Emitted right after a new request has been received and wraps around the whole dispatch process, so you
       have to manually forward to the next hook if you want to continue the chain. Default exception handling
       with "reply->exception" in Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers is the first hook in the chain and a call
       to "dispatch" the last, yours will be in between.

         $app->hook(around_dispatch => sub {
           my ($next, $c) = @_;

       This is a very powerful hook and should not be used lightly, it allows you to, for example, customize
       application-wide exception handling, consider it the sledgehammer in your toolbox. (Passed a callback
       leading to the next hook and the default controller object)

       Emitted right before the static file server and router start their work.

         $app->hook(before_dispatch => sub {
           my $c = shift;

       Very useful for rewriting incoming requests and other preprocessing tasks.  (Passed the default
       controller object)

       Emitted after a static file response has been generated by the static file server.

         $app->hook(after_static => sub {
           my $c = shift;

       Mostly used for post-processing static file responses. (Passed the default controller object)

       Emitted after the static file server determined if a static file should be served and before the router
       starts its work.

         $app->hook(before_routes => sub {
           my $c = shift;

       Mostly used for custom dispatchers and collecting metrics. (Passed the default controller object)

       Emitted right before an action gets executed and wraps around it, so you have to manually forward to the
       next hook if you want to continue the chain. Default action dispatching is the last hook in the chain,
       yours will run before it.

         $app->hook(around_action => sub {
           my ($next, $c, $action, $last) = @_;
           return $next->();

       This is a very powerful hook and should not be used lightly, it allows you for example to pass additional
       arguments to actions or handle return values differently. Note that this hook can trigger more than once
       for the same request if there are nested routes. (Passed a callback leading to the next hook, the current
       controller object, the action callback and a flag indicating if this action is an endpoint)

       Emitted before content is generated by the renderer. Note that this hook can trigger out of order due to
       its dynamic nature, and with embedded applications will only work for the application that is rendering.

         $app->hook(before_render => sub {
           my ($c, $args) = @_;

       Mostly used for pre-processing arguments passed to the renderer. (Passed the current controller object
       and the render arguments)

       Emitted after content has been generated by the renderer that will be assigned to the response. Note that
       this hook can trigger out of order due to its dynamic nature, and with embedded applications will only
       work for the application that is rendering.

         $app->hook(after_render => sub {
           my ($c, $output, $format) = @_;

       Mostly used for post-processing dynamically generated content. (Passed the current controller object, a
       reference to the content and the format)

       Emitted in reverse order after a response has been generated. Note that this hook can trigger out of
       order due to its dynamic nature, and with embedded applications will only work for the application that
       is generating the response.

         $app->hook(after_dispatch => sub {
           my $c = shift;

       Useful for rewriting outgoing responses and other post-processing tasks.  (Passed the current controller


       Mojolicious implements the following attributes.

         my $commands = $app->commands;
         $app         = $app->commands(Mojolicious::Commands->new);

       Command line interface for your application, defaults to a Mojolicious::Commands object.

         # Add another namespace to load commands from
         push @{$app->commands->namespaces}, 'MyApp::Command';

         my $class = $app->controller_class;
         $app      = $app->controller_class('Mojolicious::Controller');

       Class to be used for the default controller, defaults to Mojolicious::Controller. Note that this class
       needs to have already been loaded before the first request arrives.

         my $home = $app->home;
         $app     = $app->home(Mojo::Home->new);

       The home directory of your application, defaults to a Mojo::Home object which stringifies to the actual

         # Portably generate path relative to home directory
         my $path = $app->home->child('data', 'important.txt');

         my $log = $app->log;
         $app    = $app->log(Mojo::Log->new);

       The logging layer of your application, defaults to a Mojo::Log object. The level will default to either
       the "MOJO_LOG_LEVEL" environment variable, "debug" if the "mode" is "development", or "info" otherwise.
       All messages will be written to "STDERR", or a "log/$mode.log" file if a "log" directory exists.

         # Log debug message
         $app->log->debug('It works');

         my $max = $app->max_request_size;
         $app    = $app->max_request_size(16777216);

       Maximum request size in bytes, defaults to the value of "max_message_size" in Mojo::Message. Setting the
       value to 0 will allow requests of indefinite size. Note that increasing this value can also drastically
       increase memory usage, should you for example attempt to parse an excessively large request body with the
       methods "dom" in Mojo::Message or "json" in Mojo::Message.

         my $mode = $app->mode;
         $app     = $app->mode('production');

       The operating mode for your application, defaults to a value from the "MOJO_MODE" and "PLACK_ENV"
       environment variables or "development".

         my $moniker = $app->moniker;
         $app        = $app->moniker('foo_bar');

       Moniker of this application, often used as default filename for configuration files and the like,
       defaults to decamelizing the application class with "decamelize" in Mojo::Util.

         my $plugins = $app->plugins;
         $app        = $app->plugins(Mojolicious::Plugins->new);

       The plugin manager, defaults to a Mojolicious::Plugins object. See the "plugin" method below if you want
       to load a plugin.

         # Add another namespace to load plugins from
         push @{$app->plugins->namespaces}, 'MyApp::Plugin';

         my $renderer = $app->renderer;
         $app         = $app->renderer(Mojolicious::Renderer->new);

       Used to render content, defaults to a Mojolicious::Renderer object. For more information about how to
       generate content see Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering.

         # Enable compression

         # Add another "templates" directory
         push @{$app->renderer->paths}, '/home/sri/templates';

         # Add another "templates" directory with higher precedence
         unshift @{$app->renderer->paths}, '/home/sri/themes/blue/templates';

         # Add another class with templates in DATA section
         push @{$app->renderer->classes}, 'Mojolicious::Plugin::Fun';

         my $routes = $app->routes;
         $app       = $app->routes(Mojolicious::Routes->new);

       The router, defaults to a Mojolicious::Routes object. You use this in your startup method to define the
       url endpoints for your application.

         # Add routes
         my $r = $app->routes;
         $r->get('/foo/bar')->to('test#foo', title => 'Hello Mojo!');

         # Add another namespace to load controllers from
         push @{$app->routes->namespaces}, 'MyApp::MyController';

         my $secrets = $app->secrets;
         $app        = $app->secrets([$bytes]);

       Secret passphrases used for signed cookies and the like, defaults to the "moniker" of this application,
       which is not very secure, so you should change it!!! As long as you are using the insecure default there
       will be debug messages in the log file reminding you to change your passphrase. Only the first passphrase
       is used to create new signatures, but all of them for verification. So you can increase security without
       invalidating all your existing signed cookies by rotating passphrases, just add new ones to the front and
       remove old ones from the back.

         # Rotate passphrases
         $app->secrets(['new_passw0rd', 'old_passw0rd', 'very_old_passw0rd']);

         my $sessions = $app->sessions;
         $app         = $app->sessions(Mojolicious::Sessions->new);

       Signed cookie based session manager, defaults to a Mojolicious::Sessions object. You can usually leave
       this alone, see "session" in Mojolicious::Controller for more information about working with session

         # Change name of cookie used for all sessions

         # Disable SameSite feature

         my $static = $app->static;
         $app       = $app->static(Mojolicious::Static->new);

       For serving static files from your "public" directories, defaults to a Mojolicious::Static object.

         # Add another "public" directory
         push @{$app->static->paths}, '/home/sri/public';

         # Add another "public" directory with higher precedence
         unshift @{$app->static->paths}, '/home/sri/themes/blue/public';

         # Add another class with static files in DATA section
         push @{$app->static->classes}, 'Mojolicious::Plugin::Fun';

         # Remove built-in favicon
         delete $app->static->extra->{'favicon.ico'};

         my $types = $app->types;
         $app      = $app->types(Mojolicious::Types->new);

       Responsible for connecting file extensions with MIME types, defaults to a Mojolicious::Types object.

         # Add custom MIME type
         $app->types->type(twt => 'text/tweet');

         my $ua = $app->ua;
         $app   = $app->ua(Mojo::UserAgent->new);

       A full featured HTTP user agent for use in your applications, defaults to a Mojo::UserAgent object.

         # Perform blocking request
         say $app->ua->get('')->result->body;

         my $validator = $app->validator;
         $app          = $app->validator(Mojolicious::Validator->new);

       Validate values, defaults to a Mojolicious::Validator object.

         # Add validation check
         $app->validator->add_check(foo => sub {
           my ($v, $name, $value) = @_;
           return $value ne 'foo';

         # Add validation filter
         $app->validator->add_filter(quotemeta => sub {
           my ($v, $name, $value) = @_;
           return quotemeta $value;


       Mojolicious inherits all methods from Mojo::Base and implements the following new ones.

         my $c = $app->build_controller;
         my $c = $app->build_controller(Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new);
         my $c = $app->build_controller(Mojolicious::Controller->new);

       Build default controller object with "controller_class".

         # Render template from application
         my $foo = $app->build_controller->render_to_string(template => 'foo');

         my $tx = $app->build_tx;

       Build Mojo::Transaction::HTTP object and emit "after_build_tx" hook.

         my $hash = $app->config;
         my $foo  = $app->config('foo');
         $app     = $app->config({foo => 'bar', baz => 23});
         $app     = $app->config(foo => 'bar', baz => 23);

       Application configuration.

         # Remove value
         my $foo = delete $app->config->{foo};

         # Assign multiple values at once
         $app->config(foo => 'test', bar => 23);

         my $hash = $app->defaults;
         my $foo  = $app->defaults('foo');
         $app     = $app->defaults({foo => 'bar', baz => 23});
         $app     = $app->defaults(foo => 'bar', baz => 23);

       Default values for "stash" in Mojolicious::Controller, assigned for every new request.

         # Remove value
         my $foo = delete $app->defaults->{foo};

         # Assign multiple values at once
         $app->defaults(foo => 'test', bar => 23);


       The heart of every Mojolicious application, calls the "static" and "routes" dispatchers for every request
       and passes them a Mojolicious::Controller object.


       Sets up the default controller and emits the "around_dispatch" hook for every request.

         $app->helper(foo => sub {...});

       Add or replace a helper that will be available as a method of the controller object and the application
       object, as well as a function in "ep" templates. For a full list of helpers that are available by default
       see Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers and Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers.

         # Helper
         $app->helper(cache => sub { state $cache = {} });

         # Application
         $app->cache->{foo} = 'bar';
         my $result = $app->cache->{foo};

         # Controller
         $c->cache->{foo} = 'bar';
         my $result = $c->cache->{foo};

         # Template
         % cache->{foo} = 'bar';
         %= cache->{foo}

         $app->hook(after_dispatch => sub {...});

       Extend Mojolicious with hooks, which allow code to be shared with all requests indiscriminately, for a
       full list of available hooks see "HOOKS".

         # Dispatchers will not run if there's already a response code defined
         $app->hook(before_dispatch => sub {
           my $c = shift;
           $c->render(text => 'Skipped static file server and router!')
             if $c->req->url->path->to_route =~ /do_not_dispatch/;

         my $app = Mojolicious->new;
         my $app = Mojolicious->new(moniker => 'foo_bar');
         my $app = Mojolicious->new({moniker => 'foo_bar'});

       Construct a new Mojolicious application and call "startup". Will automatically detect your home
       directory. Also sets up the renderer, static file server, a default set of plugins and an
       "around_dispatch" hook with the default exception handling.

         $app->plugin('some_thing', foo => 23);
         $app->plugin('some_thing', {foo => 23});
         $app->plugin('SomeThing', foo => 23);
         $app->plugin('SomeThing', {foo => 23});
         $app->plugin('MyApp::Plugin::SomeThing', foo => 23);
         $app->plugin('MyApp::Plugin::SomeThing', {foo => 23});

       Load a plugin, for a full list of example plugins included in the Mojolicious distribution see "PLUGINS"
       in Mojolicious::Plugins.


       Emits the "before_server_start" hook.


       Start the command line interface for your application. For a full list of commands that are available by
       default see "COMMANDS" in Mojolicious::Commands.  Note that the options "-h"/"--help", "--home" and
       "-m"/"--mode", which are shared by all commands, will be parsed from @ARGV during compile time.

         # Always start daemon
         $app->start('daemon', '-l', 'http://*:8080');


       This is your main hook into the application, it will be called at application startup. Meant to be
       overloaded in a subclass.

         sub startup {
           my $self = shift;


       In addition to the "ATTRIBUTES" and "METHODS" above you can also call helpers on Mojolicious objects.
       This includes all helpers from Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers and Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers.
       Note that application helpers are always called with a new default controller object, so they can't
       depend on or change controller state, which includes request, response and stash.

         # Call helper
         say $app->dumper({foo => 'bar'});

         # Longer version
         say $app->build_controller->helpers->dumper({foo => 'bar'});


       The Mojolicious distribution includes a few files with different licenses that have been bundled for
       internal use.

   Mojolicious Artwork
         Copyright (C) 2010-2020, Sebastian Riedel.

       Licensed under the CC-SA License, Version 4.0 <>.

         Copyright (C) jQuery Foundation.

       Licensed under the MIT License, <>.

         Copyright (C) 2006, 2013 Google Inc..

       Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <>.


       Every major release of Mojolicious has a code name, these are the ones that have been used in the past.

       8.0, "Supervillain" (U+1F9B9)

       7.0, "Doughnut" (U+1F369)

       6.0, "Clinking Beer Mugs" (U+1F37B)

       5.0, "Tiger Face" (U+1F42F)

       4.0, "Top Hat" (U+1F3A9)

       3.0, "Rainbow" (U+1F308)

       2.0, "Leaf Fluttering In Wind" (U+1F343)

       1.0, "Snowflake" (U+2744)


       • Stix <> sponsored the creation of the Mojolicious logo (designed by Nicolai Graesdal)
         and transferred its copyright to Sebastian Riedel.

       • Some of the work on this distribution has been sponsored by The Perl Foundation


       Sebastian Riedel, ""


       Current voting members of the core team in alphabetical order:

         CandyAngel, ""

         Christopher Rasch-Olsen Raa, ""

         Dan Book, ""

         Jan Henning Thorsen, ""

         Joel Berger, ""

         Marcus Ramberg, ""

       The following members of the core team are currently on hiatus:

         Abhijit Menon-Sen, ""

         Glen Hinkle, ""


       In alphabetical order:

         Adam Kennedy

         Adriano Ferreira

         Al Newkirk

         Alex Efros

         Alex Salimon

         Alexander Karelas

         Alexey Likhatskiy

         Anatoly Sharifulin

         Andre Parker

         Andre Vieth

         Andreas Guldstrand

         Andreas Jaekel

         Andreas Koenig

         Andrew Fresh

         Andrew Nugged

         Andrey Khozov

         Andrey Kuzmin

         Andy Grundman

         Aristotle Pagaltzis

         Ashley Dev

         Ask Bjoern Hansen

         Audrey Tang

         Ben Tyler

         Ben van Staveren

         Benjamin Erhart

         Bernhard Graf

         Breno G. de Oliveira

         Brian Duggan

         Brian Medley

         Burak Gursoy

         Ch Lamprecht

         Charlie Brady

         Chas. J. Owens IV

         Chase Whitener

         Christian Hansen


         Curt Tilmes

         Daniel Kimsey

         Daniel Mantovani

         Danijel Tasov

         Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker

         Danny Thomas

         David Davis

         David Webb

         Diego Kuperman

         Dmitriy Shalashov

         Dmitry Konstantinov

         Dominik Jarmulowicz

         Dominique Dumont

         Dotan Dimet

         Douglas Christopher Wilson

         Ettore Di Giacinto

         Eugen Konkov

         Eugene Toropov

         Flavio Poletti

         Gisle Aas

         Graham Barr

         Graham Knop

         Henry Tang

         Hideki Yamamura

         Hiroki Toyokawa

         Ian Goodacre

         Ilya Chesnokov

         Ilya Rassadin

         James Duncan

         Jan Jona Javorsek

         Jan Schmidt

         Jaroslav Muhin

         Jesse Vincent

         Johannes Plunien

         John Kingsley

         Jonathan Yu

         Josh Leder

         Kamen Naydenov

         Karen Etheridge

         Kazuhiro Shibuya

         Kevin Old

         Kitamura Akatsuki

         Klaus S. Madsen

         Knut Arne Bjorndal

         Lars Balker Rasmussen

         Lee Johnson

         Leon Brocard

         Magnus Holm

         Maik Fischer

         Mark Fowler

         Mark Grimes

         Mark Stosberg

         Marty Tennison

         Matt S Trout

         Matthew Lineen

         Maksym Komar

         Maxim Vuets

         Michael Gregorowicz

         Michael Harris

         Michael Jemmeson

         Mike Magowan

         Mirko Westermeier

         Mons Anderson

         Moritz Lenz

         Neil Watkiss

         Nic Sandfield

         Nils Diewald

         Oleg Zhelo

         Olivier Mengue

         Pascal Gaudette

         Paul Evans

         Paul Robins

         Paul Tomlin

         Pavel Shaydo

         Pedro Melo

         Peter Edwards

         Pierre-Yves Ritschard

         Piotr Roszatycki

         Quentin Carbonneaux

         Rafal Pocztarski

         Randal Schwartz

         Richard Elberger

         Rick Delaney

         Robert Hicks

         Robin Lee

         Roland Lammel

         Roy Storey

         Ryan Jendoubi

         Salvador Fandino

         Santiago Zarate

         Sascha Kiefer

         Scott Wiersdorf

         Sergey Zasenko

         Simon Bertrang

         Simone Tampieri

         Shoichi Kaji

         Shu Cho

         Skye Shaw

         Stanis Trendelenburg

         Stefan Adams

         Steffen Ullrich

         Stephan Kulow

         Stephane Este-Gracias

         Stevan Little

         Steve Atkins

         Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

         Terrence Brannon

         Tianon Gravi

         Tomas Znamenacek

         Tudor Constantin

         Ulrich Habel

         Ulrich Kautz

         Uwe Voelker

         Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi

         Victor Engmark

         Viliam Pucik

         Wes Cravens

         William Lindley

         Yaroslav Korshak

         Yuki Kimoto

         Zak B. Elep

         Zoffix Znet

       Copyright (C) 2008-2020, Sebastian Riedel and others.

       This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic
       License version 2.0.


       <>, Mojolicious::Guides, <>.