focal (3) MooX::Options.3pm.gz

Provided by: libmoox-options-perl_4.103-3_all bug


       MooX::Options - Explicit Options eXtension for Object Class


       In :

         package myOptions;
         use Moo;
         use MooX::Options;

         option 'show_this_file' => (
             is => 'ro',
             format => 's',
             required => 1,
             doc => 'the file to display'

       In :

         use myOptions;
         use Path::Class;

         my $opt = myOptions->new_with_options;

         print "Content of the file : ",

       To use it :

         perl --show_this_file=myFile.txt
         Content of the file: myFile content

       The help message :

         perl --help
         USAGE: [-h] [long options...]

             --show_this_file: String
                 the file to display

             -h --help:
                 show this help message

                 show the manual

       The usage message :

         perl --usage
         USAGE: [ --show_this_file=String ] [ --usage ] [ --help ] [ --man ]

       The manual :

         perl --man


       Create a command line tool with your Moo, Moose objects.

       Everything is explicit. You have an "option" keyword to replace the usual "has" to explicitly use your
       attribute into the command line.

       The "option" keyword takes additional parameters and uses Getopt::Long::Descriptive to generate a command
       line tool.


   Enhancing existing attributes
       One can now convert an existing attribute into an option for obvious reasons.

         package CommonRole;

         use Moo::Role;

         has attr => (is => "ro", ...);

         sub common_logic { ... }


         package Suitable::Cmd::CLI;

         use Moo;
         use MooX::Cmd;
         use MooX::Options;

         with "CommonRole";

         option '+attr' => (format => 's', repeatable => 1);

         sub execute { shift->common_logic }


         package Suitable::Web::Request::Handler;

         use Moo;

         with "CommonRole";

         sub all_suits { shift->common_logic }


         package Suitable::Web;

         use Dancer2;
         use Suitable::Web::Request::Handler;

         set serializer => "JSON";

         get '/suits' => sub {
             $my $reqh = Suitable::Web::Request::Handler->new( attr => config->{suit_attr} );



       Of course there more ways to to it, Jedi or Catalyst shall be fine, either.

   Rename negativable into negatable
       Since users stated that "negativable" is not a reasonable word, the flag is renamed into negatable. Those
       who will 2020 continue use negativable might or might not be warned about soon depreciation.

   Replace Locale::TextDomain by MooX::Locale::Passthrough
       Locale::TextDomain is broken (technically and functionally) and causes a lot of people to avoid
       "MooX::Options" or hack around. Both is unintened.

       So introduce MooX::Locale::Passthrough to allow any vendor to add reasonable localization, eg. by
       composing MooX::Locale::TextDomain::OO into it's solution and initialize the localization in a reasonable

   Make lazy loaded features optional
       Since some features aren't used on a regular basis, their dependencies have been downgraded to
       "recommended" or "suggested". The optional features are:

           This feature allowes one to split option arguments at a defined character and always return an array
           (implicit flag "repeatable").

             option "search_path" => ( is => "ro", required => 1, autosplit => ":", format => "s" );

           However, this feature requires following modules are provided:

           •   Data::Record

           •   Regexp::Common

       json format
           This feature allowes one to invoke a script like

             $ my-tool --json-attr '{ "gem": "sapphire", "color": "blue" }'

           It might be a reasonable enhancement to handles.

           Handling JSON formatted arguments requires any of those modules are loded:

           •   JSON::MaybeXS

           •   JSON::PP (in Core since 5.14).

   Decouple autorange and autosplit
       Until 4.023, any option which had autorange enabled got autosplit enabled, too.  Since autosplit might
       not work correctly and for a reasonable amount of users the fact of

         $ my-tool --range 1..5

       is all they desire, autosplit will enabled only when the dependencies of autosplit are fulfilled.


       The list of the methods automatically imported into your class.

       It will parse your command line params and your inline params, validate and call the "new" method.

         myTool --str=ko

         t->new_with_options()->str # ko
         t->new_with_options(str => 'ok')->str #ok

       The "option" keyword replaces the "has" method and adds support for special options for the command line

       See "OPTION PARAMETERS" for the documentation.

   options_usage | --help
       It displays the usage message and returns the exit code.

         my $t = t->new_with_options();
         my $exit_code = 1;
         my $pre_message = "str is not valid";
         $t->options_usage($exit_code, $pre_message);

       This method is also automatically fired if the command option "--help" is passed.

         myTool --help

   options_man | --man
       It displays the manual.

         my $t = t->new_with_options();

       This is automatically fired if the command option "--man" is passed.

         myTool --man

   options_short_usage | --usage
       It displays a short version of the help message.

         my $t = t->new_with_options();

       This is automatically fired if the command option "--usage" is passed.

         myTool --usage


       The list of parameters supported by MooX::Options.

       Passes extra arguments for Getopt::Long::Descriptive. It is useful if you want to configure Getopt::Long.

         use MooX::Options flavour => [qw( pass_through )];

       Any flavour is passed to Getopt::Long as a configuration, check the doc to see what is possible.

       By default, @ARGV is protected. If you want to do something else on it, use this option and it will
       change the real @ARGV.

         use MooX::Options protect_argv => 0;

       If you have Role with options and you want to deactivate some of them, you can use this parameter.  In
       that case, the "option" keyword will just work like an "has".

         use MooX::Options skip_options => [qw/multi/];

       By default, arguments passed to "new_with_options" have a higher priority than the command line options.

       This parameter will give the command line an higher priority.

         use MooX::Options prefer_commandline => 1;

       This parameter will load MooX::Options in your module.  The config option will be used between the
       command line and parameters.

       myTool :

         use MooX::Options with_config_from_file => 1;

       In /etc/myTool.json

         {"test" : 1}

       This Parameter will load MooX::Locale::TextDomain::OO into your module as well as into

       No further action is taken, no language is chosen - everything keep in control.

       Please read Locale::TextDomain::OO carefully how to enable the desired translation setup accordingly.


       This parameter is passed to Getopt::Long::Descriptive::describe_options() as the first parameter.

       It is a "sprintf"-like string that is used in generating the first line of the usage message. It's a one-
       line summary of how the command is to be invoked.  The default value is "USAGE: %c %o".

       %c will be replaced with what Getopt::Long::Descriptive thinks is the program name (it's computed from
       $0, see "prog_name").

       %o will be replaced with a list of the short options, as well as the text "[long options...]" if any have
       been defined.

       The rest of the usage description can be used to summarize what arguments are expected to follow the
       program's options, and is entirely free-form.

       Literal "%" characters will need to be written as "%%", just like with "sprintf".

       This indicate the char to use for spacer. Please only use 1 char otherwize the text will be too long.

       The default char is " ".

         use MooX::Options space => '+'

       Then the "spacer_before" and "spacer_after" will use it for "man" and "help" message.

         option 'x' => (is => 'ro', spacer_before => 1, spacer_after => 1);


       The keyword "option" extend the keyword "has" with specific parameters for the command line.

   doc | documentation
       Documentation for the command line option.

       Documentation for the man page. By default the "doc" parameter will be used.

       See also Man parameters to get more examples how to build a nice man page.

       This attribute indicates that the parameter is mandatory.  This attribute is not really used by
       MooX::Options but ensures that consistent error message will be displayed.

       Format of the params, same as Getopt::Long::Descriptive.

       •   i : integer

       •   i@: array of integer

       •   s : string

       •   s@: array of string

       •   f : float value

       By default, it's a boolean value.

       Take a look of available formats with Getopt::Long::Descriptive.

       You need to understand that everything is explicit here.  If you use Moose and your attribute has "isa =>
       'Array[Int]'", that will not imply the format "i@".

   format json : special format support
       The parameter will be treated like a json string.

         option 'hash' => (is => 'ro', json => 1);

       You can also use the json format

         option 'hash' => (is => 'ro', format => "json");

         myTool --hash='{"a":1,"b":2}' # hash = { a => 1, b => 2 }

       It adds the negative version for the option.

         option 'verbose' => (is => 'ro', negatable => 1);

         myTool --verbose    # verbose = 1
         myTool --no-verbose # verbose = 0

       The former name of this flag, negativable, is discouraged - since it's not a word.

       It appends to the "format" the array attribute "@".

       I advise to add a default value to your attribute to always have an array.  Otherwise the default value
       will be an undefined value.

         option foo => (is => 'rw', format => 's@', default => sub { [] });

         myTool --foo="abc" --foo="def" # foo = ["abc", "def"]

       For repeatable option, you can add the autosplit feature with your specific parameters.

         option test => (is => 'ro', format => 'i@', default => sub {[]}, autosplit => ',');

         myTool --test=1 --test=2 # test = (1, 2)
         myTool --test=1,2,3      # test = (1, 2, 3)

       It will also handle quoted params with the autosplit.

         option testStr => (is => 'ro', format => 's@', default => sub {[]}, autosplit => ',');

         myTool --testStr='a,b,"c,d",e,f' # testStr ("a", "b", "c,d", "e", "f")

       For another repeatable option you can add the autorange feature with your specific parameters. This
       allows you to pass number ranges instead of passing each individual number.

         option test => (is => 'ro', format => 'i@', default => sub {[]}, autorange => 1);

         myTool --test=1 --test=2 # test = (1, 2)
         myTool --test=1,2,3      # test = (1, 2, 3)
         myTool --test=1,2,3..6   # test = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

       It will also handle quoted params like "autosplit", and will not rangify them.

         option testStr => (is => 'ro', format => 's@', default => sub {[]}, autorange => 1);

         myTool --testStr='1,2,"3,a,4",5' # testStr (1, 2, "3,a,4", 5)

       "autosplit" will be set to ',' if undefined. You may set "autosplit" to a different delimiter than ','
       for your group separation, but the range operator '..' cannot be changed.

         option testStr => (is => 'ro', format => 's@', default => sub {[]}, autorange => 1, autosplit => '-');

         myTool --testStr='1-2-3-5..7' # testStr (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7)

       Long option can also have short version or aliased.

         option 'verbose' => (is => 'ro', short => 'v');

         myTool --verbose # verbose = 1
         myTool -v        # verbose = 1

         option 'account_id' => (is => 'ro', format => 'i', short => 'a|id');

         myTool --account_id=1
         myTool -a=1
         myTool --id=1

       You can also use a shorter option without attribute :

         option 'account_id' => (is => 'ro', format => 'i');

         myTool --acc=1
         myTool --account=1

       Specifies the order of the attribute. If you want to push some attributes at the end of the list.  By
       default all options have an order set to 0, and options are sorted by their names.

         option 'at_the_end' => (is => 'ro', order => 999);

       Hide option from doc but still an option you can use on command line.

         option 'debug' => (is => 'ro', doc => 'hidden');


         option 'debug' => (is => 'ro', hidden => 1);

   spacer_before, spacer_after
       Add spacer before or after or both the params

         option 'myoption' => (is => 'ro', spacer_before => 1, spacer_after => 1);


   MooX::Options and Mo
       "MooX::Options" is implemented as a frontend loader class and the real magic provided by a role composed
       into the caller by "MooX::Options::import".

       Since some required features ("with", "around") isn't provided by Mo, Class::Method::Modifiers must be
       loaded by any "Mo" class using "MooX::Options", Role::Tiny::With is needed to inject the
       MooX::Options::Role and finally in the target package the private accessors to options_config and
       options_data are missing.

       Concluding a reasonable support for Mo based classes is beyond the goal of this module. It's neither
       forbidden nor actively prevented, but won't be covered by any test nor actively supported.

       If someome wants contribute guides how to use "MooX::Options" together with "Mo" or provide patches to
       solve this limitation - any support will granted.


       •   Man parameters

       •   Using namespace::clean

       •   Manage your tools with MooX::Cmd


       •   Slide3D about MooX::Options <>


       Translation is now supported.

       Use the dzil command to update the pot and merge into the po files.

       •   dzil msg-init

           Create a new language po

       •   dzil msg-scan

           Scan and generate or update the pot file

       •   dzil msg-merge

           Update all languages using the pot file

       •   sschober

           For implementation and German translation.


       •   Matt S. Trout (mst) <>

           For his patience and advice.

       •   Tomas Doran (t0m) <>

           To help me release the new version, and using it :)

       •   Torsten Raudssus (Getty)

           to use it a lot in DuckDuckGo <> (go to see MooX module also)

       •   Jens Rehsack (REHSACK)

           Use with PkgSrc <>, and many really good idea (MooX::Cmd, MooX::Options, and
           more to come I'm sure)

       •   All contributors

           For improving and add more feature to MooX::Options


       You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

           perldoc MooX::Options

       You can also look for information at:

       •   RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


       •   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


       •   CPAN Ratings


       •   Search CPAN



       celogeek <>

       This software is copyright (c) 2013 by celogeek <>.

       This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Jens Rehsack.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5
       programming language system itself.