focal (3) MooX::Options::Manual::Man.3pm.gz

MooX::Options::Manual::Man - More documentation for the man option
You can add more documentation for the man option. This is the long option.
myTool --man
description The description of your tool. use MooX::Options description => 'Description of your tools' authors The list of authors of your tool. use MooX::Options authors => 'Celogeek <>' use MooX::Options authors => ['Celogeek <', 'Jens Rehsack'] synopsis You can define a full example in pod format. This will be placed in the synopsis section use MooX::Options synopsis => ' A example of my tools myTool --run ' This should not be very easy to do it this way, but you can also extract it from your own script : use Moo; use Pod::POM; my $synopsis = ""; BEGIN { my $parser = Pod::POM->new; my $pom = $parser->parse(__FILE__) or die $parser->error(); for my $head1 ($pom->head1) { if ($head1->title eq 'SYNOPSIS') { $synopsis = $head1->content; last; } } } use MooX::Options synopsis => $synopsis;
long_doc If a 'long_doc' parameter is present, it will replace the 'doc' or 'documentation' to generate a long doc for the man page. option 'foo' => ( is => 'ro', doc => 'bar', long_doc => 'this is a bar example that will appear in my man page', ); The 'long_doc' will be write in place of the pod documentation. All the rules of pod, is applied. For instance, to add a new paragraph, you need to let a empty line. option 'foo' => ( is => 'ro', doc => 'bar', long_doc => join("\n\n", "first paragraph", "second paragraph"), ); See the perlpod for more explanation.
celogeek <>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by celogeek <>. This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Jens Rehsack. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.