focal (3) Net::Amazon::Request::Sort.3pm.gz

Provided by: libnet-amazon-perl_0.62-2_all bug


       Net::Amazon::Request::Sort - listing of sort types


       Search results can be sorted in various ways, depending on the type of product returned by the search.
       If a sort parameter isn't specified in the request, the results will be ordered as if the salesrank value
       is specified.

   Sorting Apparel Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | relevancerank           |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | pricerank               |
          | Price (High to Low)     | inverseprice                |
          | Newest Arrivals         | -launch-date            |
          | On Sale                 | sale-flag               |

   Sorting Automotive Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | pricerank               |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -pricerank              |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |

   Sorting Baby Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | psrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |

   Sorting Beauty Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | pmrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Newest Arrivals         | -launch-date            |
          | On Sale                 | sale-flag               |

   Sorting Books Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | relevancerank           |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Average Customer Review | reviewrank              |
          | Price (Low to High)     | pricerank               |
          | Price (High to Low)     | inverse-pricerank       |
          | Publication Date        | daterank                |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |

   Sorting Classical Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | psrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |
          | Original Release Date   | orig-rel-date           |

   Sorting DigitalMusic
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Most Popular            | songtitlerank           |
          | Date Added              | uploaddaterank          |

   Sorting DVDs Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | relevancerank           |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Release Date (New-Old)  | -video-release-date     |

   Sorting Electronics Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | pmrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Average Customer Review | reviewrank              |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |

   Sorting Gourmet Food Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | relevancerank           |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | pricerank               |
          | Price (High to Low)     | inverseprice            |
          | Newest Arrivals         | launch-date             |
          | On Sale                 | sale-flag               |

   Sorting Health Personal Care Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | pmrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | pricerank               |
          | Price (High to Low)     | inverseprice            |
          | Newest Arrivals         | launch-date             |
          | On Sale                 | sale-flag               |

   Sorting Jewelry Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | pmrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | pricerank               |
          | Price (High to Low)     | inverseprice            |
          | Newest Arrivals         | launch-date             |

   Sorting Kitchen Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | pmrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |

   Sorting Magazines Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Bestselling             | subslot-salesrank       |
          | Average Customer Review | reviewrank              |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Publication Date        | daterank                |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |

   Sorting Merchants Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | relevancerank           |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | pricerank               |
          | Price (High to Low)     | inverseprice                |
          | Newest Arrivals         | -launch-date            |
          | On Sale                 | sale-flag               |

   Sorting Miscellaneous Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | pmrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |

   Sorting Music Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | psrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |
          | Artist Name             | artistrank              |
          | Original Release Date   | orig-rel-date           |

   Sorting Musical Instruments Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | pmrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Newest Arrivals         | -launch-date            |
          | On Sale                 | sale-flag               |

   Sorting Music Tracks Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |

   Sorting Office Products Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | pmrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Average Customer Review | reviewrank              |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |

   Sorting Outdoor Living Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | psrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |

   Sorting PC Hardware Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | psrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |

   Sorting Pet Supplies Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | +pmrank                 |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |

   Sorting Photo Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | pmrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |

   Sorting Restaurants Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | relevance               |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |

   Sorting Software Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured items          | pmrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (High to Low)     | price                   |
          | Price (Low to High)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical            | titlerank               |

   Sorting Sporting Goods Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | relevancerank           |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | pricerank               |
          | Price (High to Low)     | inverseprice            |
          | Newest Arrivals         | launch-date             |
          | On Sale                 | sale-flag               |

   Sorting Tools Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | pmrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |

   Sorting Toys Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | pmrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Age (High to Low)       | -age-min                |

   Sorting VHS Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | relevancerank           |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Release Date (New-Old)  | -video-release-date     |

   Sorting Video Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | relevancerank           |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Release Date (New-Old)  | -video-release-date     |

   Sorting Video Games Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | pmrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Price (Low to High)     | price                   |
          | Price (High to Low)     | -price                  |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |

   Sorting Wireless Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Publication Date        | daterank                |
          | Price (Low to High)     | pricerank               |
          | Price (High to Low)     | inverse-pricerank       |
          | Average Customer Review | reviewrank              |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |

   Sorting Wireless Accessories Results
          | Sort Type               | Value                   |
          | Featured Items          | psrank                  |
          | Bestselling             | salesrank               |
          | Alphabetical (A-Z)      | titlerank               |
          | Alphabetical (Z-A)      | -titlerank              |