focal (3) POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Gtk2.3pm.gz

POE::Component::IRC::Cookbook::Gtk2 - An IRC client with a Gtk2 interface
This example uses Gtk2 and POE::Loop::Glib to present an event-driven GUI to the user.
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Gtk2 -init; use Gtk2::SimpleList; use IRC::Utils qw(parse_user strip_color strip_formatting decode_irc); use POE qw(Loop::Glib Component::IRC::State Component::IRC::Plugin::Connector); my $channel = ""; my $irc = POE::Component::IRC::State->spawn( nick => 'gtk-example', server => '', port => 6667, ircname => 'Testing', debug => 1, plugin_debug => 1, ) or die "Oh noooo! $!"; POE::Session->create( package_states => [ (__PACKAGE__) => [qw( _start ui_start ui_input ui_menu_quit ui_about ui_about_ok irc_start irc_001 irc_public irc_notice irc_chan_sync irc_nick_sync irc_join irc_msg irc_433 )], ], ); $poe_kernel->run(); my $messages; my $buffer; my $input; my $nicks; my $window; sub _start { $_[KERNEL]->yield('ui_start'); $_[KERNEL]->yield('irc_start'); } sub ui_start { my ($kernel, $session, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP]; my $window = Gtk2::Window->new("toplevel"); $heap->{main_window} = $window; $kernel->signal_ui_destroy($heap->{main_window}); $heap->{main_window}->set_size_request(640, 480); my $box = Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 0); my $menu_file = Gtk2::Menu->new(); my $menu_quit = Gtk2::MenuItem->new('_Exit'); $menu_quit->signal_connect(activate => $session->postback('ui_menu_quit')); $menu_file->append($menu_quit); my $menu_help = Gtk2::Menu->new(); my $menu_about = Gtk2::MenuItem->new('_About'); $menu_about->signal_connect(activate => $session->postback('ui_about')); $menu_help->append($menu_about); my $menu_item_file = Gtk2::MenuItem->new('_Program'); my $menu_item_help = Gtk2::MenuItem->new('_Help'); $menu_item_file->set_submenu($menu_file); $menu_item_help->set_submenu($menu_help); my $menu_bar = Gtk2::MenuBar->new(); $menu_bar->append($menu_item_file); $menu_bar->append($menu_item_help); $box->pack_start($menu_bar, 0, 0, 0); $heap->{main_window}->add($box); my $hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 0); $box->pack_start($hbox, 1, 1, 0); $nicks = Gtk2::SimpleList->new('nickname', 'text'); $nicks->set_headers_visible(0); $nicks->set_size_request(120, -1); $messages = Gtk2::TextView->new(); $messages->set_editable(0); $messages->set_size_request(600, -1); $hbox->pack_start($messages, 1, 1, 0); $hbox->pack_start(Gtk2::VSeparator->new(), 0, 1, 4); $hbox->pack_start($nicks, 1, 1, 0); $messages->set_cursor_visible(0); $buffer = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new(); my $blue = $buffer->create_tag("fg_blue", foreground => "blue"); my $yellow = $buffer->create_tag("fg_yellow", foreground => "yellow"); my $orange = $buffer->create_tag("fg_orange", foreground => "orange"); my $pink = $buffer->create_tag("fg_pink", foreground => "pink"); my $red = $buffer->create_tag("fg_red", foreground => "red"); $messages->set_buffer($buffer); my $label = Gtk2::Label->new("Counter"); $heap->{counter} = 0; $heap->{counter_label} = Gtk2::Label->new($heap->{counter}); $input = Gtk2::Entry->new; $box->pack_start($input, 0, 0, 4); $heap->{main_window}->show_all(); $input->grab_focus(); $input->signal_connect(activate => $session->postback('ui_input')); } sub push_buffer { my ($start, $end) = $buffer->get_bounds(); my $text = strip_color(strip_formatting($_[0])); shift; $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name($end, $text, @_); $messages->scroll_to_iter($end,0, 0, 0, 0); } sub ui_about { my $session = $_[SESSION]; my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new( $window, 'destroy-with-parent', 'info', 'ok', "POE::Component::IRC with Gtk2 example\nAuthor: Damian Kaczmarek" ); $dialog->signal_connect(response => $session->postback('ui_about_ok')); $dialog->show(); } sub ui_input { my ($self, $response) = @{ $_[ARG1] }; my $input = $self->get_text(); return if $input eq ""; if (my ($target, $msg) = $input =~ /^\/msg (\S+) (.*)$/) { $irc->yield(privmsg => $target, $msg); push_buffer("-> $target -> $msg\n", "fg_red"); } else { $irc->yield(privmsg => $channel, $input); push_buffer('<'.$irc->nick_name()."> $input\n"); } $self->set_text(""); } sub ui_about_ok { my ($dialog, $response) = @{ $_[ARG1] }; $dialog->destroy; } sub ui_menu_quit { $_[HEAP]{main_window}->destroy(); } sub irc_start { $irc->plugin_add('Connector', POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Connector->new()); $irc->yield(register => 'all'); $irc->yield('connect' ); } sub irc_msg { my ($user, $recipients, $text) = @_[ARG0..ARG2]; my $nick = parse_user($user); push_buffer("PRIV <$nick> $text\n", "fg_red"); } sub irc_join { my ($user, $channel) = (@_[ARG0..ARG1]); my ($nick, $username, $host) = parse_user($user); push_buffer("$nick ($host) joined $channel\n", "fg_pink"); } sub irc_chan_sync { @{$nicks->{data}} = map { [$_] } $irc->channel_list($channel); push_buffer("Synchronized to $channel!\n"); } sub irc_nick_sync { @{$nicks->{data}} = map { [$_] } $irc->channel_list($channel); } sub irc_001 { push_buffer("Connected to IRC server!\n"); $irc->yield(join => $channel); } sub irc_notice { my ($user, $recipients, $text) = @_[ARG0..ARG2]; my $nick = parse_user($user); $text = decode_irc($text); push_buffer("$nick : $text\n", "fg_orange"); } sub irc_public { my ($user, $where, $what) = @_[ARG0 .. ARG2]; my $nick = parse_user($user); $what = decode_irc($what); push_buffer("<$nick> $what\n"); } sub irc_433 { my $new_nick = $irc->nick_name() . "_"; $irc->yield(nick => $new_nick); push_buffer("433 Nick taken ... changing to $new_nick\n", "fg_orange"); }
Damian Kaczmarek