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PadComp, PadView, PadGraphic, PSPad - pad connector subject, view, structured graphic, and PostScript external representation
#include <Unidraw/Components/pad.h>
PadComp is a Connector subclass that supports connectivity with two degrees of freedom. It uses a PadGraphic to store its graphical attributes. PadView is a GraphicView for displaying the pad. PSPad is a PostScriptView that externalizes the subject's information in PostScript form.
PadComp(PadGraphic* = nil) The constructor takes an optional PadGraphic that defines the pad's graphical attributes. virtual void Interpret(Command*) virtual void Uninterpret(Command*) PadComp (un)interprets a subset of commands that connectors can generally interpret, namely MoveCmd, BrushCmd, AlignCmd, MobilityCmd, DeleteCmd, and CutCmd. virtual Mobility GetMobility() virtual void SetMobility(Mobility) PadComp redefines these functions to return and assign its _mobility protected member. The pad has fixed mobility initially. Pad* GetPad() Return the Pad graphic that defines the line's attributes. GetPad is simply a more specific form of the GetGraphic operation.
PadView(PadComp* = nil) Create an PadView, optionally supplying the subject. virtual void Interpret(Command*) PadView interprets AlignToGridCmd to align its lower left to the grid. virtual Manipulator* CreateManipulator( Viewer*, Event&, Transformer*, Tool* ) virtual void InterpretManipulator(Manipulator*) PadViews respond only to manipulation by GraphicCompTools, MoveTools, and ConnectTools. PadView inherits its MoveTool response from ConnectorView. GraphicCompTool will let the user sweep out a rectangle that reflects the pad's size. Creation will be influenced by gravity, if any. PadView creates a ConnectManip in response to the ConnectTool, which will exhibit a gravational attraction to potential target connectors. PadView will produce a ConnectCmd to connect the pad to its target. A pad connected in this way will receive floating mobility. PadComp* GetPadComp() Return the subject.
PadGraphic* GetPad() Return the PadGraphic that defines the pad's attributes. GetPad is simply a more specific form of the GetGraphic operation. virtual PadComp* NewSubject(PadGraphic*) A helper function that creates a PadComp subject with the given pad graphic. This function produces the proper subject when the GraphicCompTool's manipulator is interpreted. Subclasses can redefine this operation to return a PadComp subclass, thus eliminating the need to reimplement InterpretManipulator. Manipulator* CreateGraphicCompManip( Viewer*, Event&, Transformer*, Tool* ) Manipulator* CreateConnectManip( Viewer*, Event&, Transformer*, Tool* ) Command* InterpretGraphicCompManip(Manipulator*) Command* InterpretConnectManip(Manipulator*) Helper functions used by CreateManipulator and InterpretManipulator to create and interpret the manipulators associated with GraphicCompTool and ConnectTool.
PadGraphic( Coord = 0, Coord = 0, Coord = 0, Coord = 0, Graphic* = nil ) Create a PadGraphic, optionally specifying lower-left and upper-right corners and a graphic from which to obtain its default graphics attributes. void GetOriginal(Coord&, Coord&, Coord&, Coord&) Return the PadGraphic's original coordinates as specified in the constructor.
PSPad(PadComp* = nil) Construct a PostScript external representation of the given subject, if any.
BrushCmd(3U), ConnectTool(3U), Connector(3U), ConnectorView3U), Event(3I), Graphic(3U), GraphicCompTool(3U), Grid(3U), MoveTool(3U), PatternCmd(3U), PostScriptView(3U), Transformer(3I), Viewer(3U), align(3U), edit(3U), manips(3U), transforms(3U)