Provided by: publican_4.3.2-3_all 

Publican - Used to control settings for sub modules.
This document describes Publican version $VERSION
use Publican; my $publican = Publican->new({DEBUG => 1});
Handles general configuration of all sub modules.
_load_config Private method for loading a config file _validate_config Private method for validating configuration new Create a Publican object. my $publican = Publican->new({debug => 1}); Parameters: configfile Override Configuration file to use. debug Use debug mode for messages. common_config Override path to coomo configuration files. common_content Override path to common content files. debug_msg Print out debugging information. param Return the current value of a configuration parameter $publican->param('debug'); help_config Display a list of config file parameters and a short description of them. dir_list list all the files in a directory, and its sub-directories, matching the supplied regex. get_all_langs Get all valid language directories. logger Log something, currently emits to STDOUT TODO: consider using Log::Dispatch or similar valid_lang Is the requested language valid according to I18N::LangTags::List maketext Get localised strings run_xslt Apply the supplied xslt file to the supplied XML and return a string of the output. new_tree Create a new XML::TreeBuilder object with the required attributes for DocBook. TODO: Make XmlClean use this. dtd_string Returns a valid DTD for the DocBook tag supplied. Parameters: tag The root tag for this file dtdver The DTD version ent_file An entity file to include (optional) ## BUGBUG this should be moved to the DocBook sub classes print_banned_tags Print a list of tags that are not supported. add_revision Add a full entry in to the revision history. ## BUGBUG this should be moved to the DocBook sub classes get_ed_rev Get the current edition (version) and release from the Revision History file. Parameters: language, bump. If bump is set the returned revision will increment before it's returned. ## BUGBUG this should be moved to the DocBook sub classes fcopy UTF8 escape calls to File::Copy::Recursive fmove UTF8 escape calls to File::Copy::Recursive rcopy UTF8 escape calls to File::Copy::Recursive rcopy_glob UTF8 escape calls to File::Copy::Recursive dircopy UTF8 escape calls to File::Copy::Recursive dirmove UTF8 escape calls to File::Copy::Recursive params_as_docbook Returns DocBook chunks describing all the configuration options. Used to generate autodocs.
"unknown args %s" All subs with named parameters will return this error when unexpected named arguments are provided. "%s is a required argument" Any sub with a mandatory parameter will return this error if the parameter is undef. "Config file not found: %s" publican can not find the named configuration file. "Failed to load config file: %s" The named configuration file could not be loaded. "Can't locate required file: %s" A file required for processing could not be found. "title not found in Info file" The <type>_Info.xml file does not contain a title tag. "productname not found in Info file" The <type>_Info.xml file does not contain a productname tag. "productnumber not found in Info file" The <type>_Info.xml file does not contain a productnumber tag. "pubsnumber not found in Info file" The <type>_Info.xml file does not contain a pubsnumber tag. "Failed to load brand default config file" A detected defaults.cfg for the current brand could not be loaded. "Failed to load brand overrides config file" A detected overrides.cfg for the current brand could not be loaded. "Could not create a Publican::Localise object" Could not create a Publican::Localise object "Can't open directory"
Publican requires no configuration files or environment variables.
Carp version Config::Simple XML::TreeBuilder I18N::LangTags::List Term::ANSIColor File::Find::Rule; Publican::Localise;
None reported.
No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to "", or through the web interface at <>.
Jeff Fearn "<>"