focal (3) RT::Extension::JSGantt.3pm.gz

RT::Extension::JSGantt - Gantt charts for your tickets
This extension uses the Starts and Due dates, along with ticket dependencies, to produce Gantt charts.
"perl Makefile.PL" "make" "make install" May need root permissions Edit your /opt/rt4/etc/ If you are using RT 4.2 or greater, add this line: Plugin('RT::Extension::JSGantt'); For RT 4.0, add this line: Set(@Plugins, qw(RT::Extension::JSGantt)); or add "RT::Extension::JSGantt" to your existing @Plugins line. Clear your mason cache rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj Restart your webserver
Set( %JSGanttOptions, DefaultFormat => 'day', # or week or month or quarter ShowOwner => 1, ShowProgress => 1, ShowDuration => 1, # Configurable JSGantt options # # CaptionType => 'Resource', # ShowStartDate => 1, # ShowEndDate => 1, # DateInputFormat => 'mm/dd/yyyy', # DateDisplayFormat => 'mm/dd/yyyy', # FormatArr => q|'day','week','month','quarter'|, # define your own color scheme: # ColorScheme => ['ff0000', 'ffff00', 'ff00ff', '00ff00', '00ffff', '0000ff'], # we color owners consistently by default, you can disable it via: # ColorSchemeByOwner => 0, # you can specify colors to use, unspecified owners will be # assigned to some color automatically: # ColorSchemeByOwner => { root => 'ff0000', foo => '00ff00' }, # if can't find both start and end dates, use this color NullDatesColor => 333, # to caculate day length WorkingHoursPerDay => 8, # used to set start/end if one exists but the other does not DefaultDays => 7, );
AllRelatedTickets Given a ticket, return all the relative tickets, including the original ticket. TicketsInfo Given tickets, resolve useful info for jsgantt.js Returns a 2 elements array, 1st is the ids arrayref, 2nd is the info hashref. GetTimeRange Given a ticket, resolve it's start/end. Returns an array like ( $start_obj, $start, $end_obj, $end ) $start and $end are strings like 3/21/2011
DateDayBeforeMonth Prior to version 1.02, there was an undocumented RT config option "DateDayBeforeMonth". If you have DateDayBeforeMonth set in your RT, you can make JSGantt do the same thing by setting "DateDisplayFormat" in Set( %JSGanttOptions, ... # DateDisplayFormat => 'dd/mm/yyyy', ... );
Best Practical Solutions, LLC <>
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This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Best Practical Solutions This is free software, licensed under: The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991