focal (3) Regexp::Pattern.3pm.gz

Provided by: libregexp-pattern-perl_0.2.12-1_all bug


       Regexp::Pattern - Convention/framework for modules that contain collection of regexes




       This document describes version 0.2.12 of Regexp::Pattern (from Perl distribution Regexp-Pattern),
       released on 2020-02-07.


       Subroutine interface:

        use Regexp::Pattern; # exports re()

        my $re = re('YouTube::video_id');
        say "ID does not look like a YouTube video ID" unless $id =~ /\A$re\z/;

        # a dynamic pattern (generated on-demand) with generator arguments
        my $re2 = re('Example::re3', {variant=>"B"});

       Hash interface (a la Regexp::Common but simpler with regular/non-magical hash that is only 1-level deep):

        use Regexp::Pattern 'YouTube::video_id';
        say "ID does not look like a YouTube video ID"
            unless $id =~ /\A$RE{video_id}\z/;

        # more complex example

        use Regexp::Pattern (
            're',                                # we still want the re() function
            'Foo::bar' => (-as => 'qux'),        # the pattern will be in your $RE{qux}
            'YouTube::*',                        # wildcard import
            'Example::re3' => (variant => 'B'),  # supply generator arguments
            'JSON::*' => (-prefix => 'json_'),   # add prefix
            'License::*' => (
              # filtering options
              -has_tag    => 'family:cc',        # only select patterns that has this tag
              -lacks_tag  => 'type:unversioned', # only select patterns that does not have this tag
              -has_tag_matching   => qr/^type:/, # only select patterns that has a tag matching this regex
              -lacks_tag_matching => qr/^type:/, # only select patterns that does not have any tags matching this regex

              # other options
              -prefix  => 'pat_',       # add prefix
              -suffix  => '_license',   # add suffix


       Regexp::Pattern is a convention for organizing reusable regexp patterns in modules, as well as framework
       to provide convenience in using those patterns in your program.

   Structure of an example Regexp::Pattern::* module
        package Regexp::Pattern::Example;

        our %RE = (
            # the minimum spec
            re1 => { pat => qr/\d{3}-\d{3}/ },

            # more complete spec
            re2 => {
                summary => 'This is regexp for blah', # plaintext
                description => <<'_',

        A longer description in *Markdown* format.

                pat => qr/\d{3}-\d{3}(?:-\d{5})?/,
                tags => ['A','B'],
                examples => [
                    # examples can be tested using 'test-regexp-pattern' script
                    # (distributed in Test-Regexp-Pattern distribution). examples can
                    # also be rendered in your POD using
                    # Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Regexp::Pattern.
                        str => '123-456',
                        matches => 1,
                        summary => 'Another example that matches',
                        str => '123-456-78901',
                        matches => 1,
                        summary => 'An example that does not match',
                        str => '123456',
                        matches => 0,
                        summary => 'An example that does not get tested',
                        str => '123456',
                        summary => 'Another example that does not get tested nor rendered to POD',
                        str => '234567',
                        matches => 0,
                        test => 0,
                        doc => 0,

            # dynamic (regexp generator)
            re3 => {
                summary => 'This is a regexp for blah blah',
                description => <<'_',


                gen => sub {
                    my %args = @_;
                    my $variant = $args{variant} || 'A';
                    if ($variant eq 'A') {
                        return qr/\d{3}-\d{3}/;
                    } else { # B
                        return qr/\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{5}/;
                gen_args => {
                    variant => {
                        summary => 'Choose variant',
                        schema => ['str*', in=>['A','B']],
                        default => 'A',
                        req => 1,
                tags => ['B','C'],
                examples => [
                        summary => 'An example that matches',
                        gen_args => {variant=>'A'},
                        str => '123-456',
                        matches => 1,
                        summary => "An example that doesn't match",
                        gen_args => {variant=>'B'},
                        str => '123-456',
                        matches => 0,

            re4 => {
                summary => 'This is a regexp that does capturing',
                # it is recommended that your pattern does not capture, unless
                # necessary. capturing pattern should tag with 'capturing' to let
                # users/tools know.
                tags => ['capturing'],
                pat => qr/(\d{3})-(\d{3})/,
                examples => [
                    {str=>'123-456', matches=>[123, 456]},
                    {str=>'foo-bar', matches=>[]},

            re5 => {
                summary => 'This is another regexp that is anchored and does (named) capturing',
                # it is recommended that your pattern is not anchored for more
                # reusability, unless necessary. anchored pattern should tag with
                # 'anchored' to let users/tools know.
                tags => ['capturing', 'anchored'],
                pat => qr/^(?<cap1>\d{3})-(?<cap2>\d{3})/,
                examples => [
                    {str=>'123-456', matches=>{cap1=>123, cap2=>456}},
                    {str=>'something 123-456', matches=>{}},

       A Regexp::Pattern::* module must declare a package global hash variable named %RE. Hash keys are pattern
       names, hash values are pattern definitions in the form of defhashes (see DefHash).

       Pattern name should be a simple identifier that matches this regexp: "/\A[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*\z/". The
       definition for the qualified pattern name "Foo::Bar::baz" can then be located in
       %Regexp::Pattern::Foo::Bar::RE under the hash key "baz".

       Pattern definition hash should at the minimum be:

        { pat => qr/.../ }

       You can add more stuffs from the defhash specification, e.g. summary, description, tags, and so on, for
       example (taken from Regexp::Pattern::CPAN):

            summary     => 'PAUSE author ID, or PAUSE ID for short',
            pat         => qr/[A-Z][A-Z0-9]{1,8}/,
            description => <<~HERE,
            I'm not sure whether PAUSE allows digit for the first letter. For safety
            I'm assuming no.
            examples => [
                {str=>'PERLANCAR', matches=>1},
                {str=>'BAD ID', anchor=>1, matches=>0},

       Examples. Your regexp specification can include an "examples" property (see above for example). The value
       of the "examples" property is an array, each of which should be a defhash. For each example, at the
       minimum you should specify "str" (string to be matched by the regexp), "gen_args" (hash, arguments to use
       when generating dynamic regexp pattern), and "matches" (a boolean value that specifies whether the regexp
       should match the string or not, or an array/hash that specifies the captures). You can of course specify
       other defhash properties (e.g. "summary", "description", etc). Other example properties might be
       introduced in the future.

       If you use Dist::Zilla to build your distribution, you can use the plugin [Regexp::Pattern] to test the
       examples during building, and the Pod::Weaver plugin [-Regexp::Pattern] to render the examples in your

   Using a Regexp::Pattern::* module

       A Regexp::Pattern::* module can be used in a standalone way (i.e. no need to use via the Regexp::Pattern
       framework), as it simply contains data that can be grabbed using a normal means, e.g.:

        use Regexp::Pattern::Example;

        say "Input does not match blah"
            unless $input =~ /\A$Regexp::Pattern::Example::RE{re1}{pat}\z/;

       Via Regexp::Pattern, sub interface

       Regexp::Pattern (this module) also provides "re()" function to help retrieve the regexp pattern. See "re"
       for more details.

       Via Regexp::Pattern, hash interface

       Additionally, Regexp::Pattern (since v0.2.0) lets you import regexp patterns into your %RE package hash
       variable, a la Regexp::Common (but simpler because the hash is just a regular hash, only 1-level deep,
       and not magical).

       To import, you specify qualified pattern names as the import arguments:

        use Regexp::Pattern 'Q::pat1', 'Q::pat2', ...;

       Each qualified pattern name can optionally be followed by a list of name-value pairs. A pair name can be
       an option name (which is dash followed by a word, e.g.  "-as", "-prefix") or a generator argument name
       for dynamic pattern.

       Wildcard import. Instead of a qualified pattern name, you can use 'Module::SubModule::*' wildcard syntax
       to import all patterns from a pattern module.

       Importing into a different name. You can add the import option "-as" to import into a different name, for

        use Regexp::Pattern 'YouTube::video_id' => (-as => 'yt_id');

       Prefix and suffix. You can also add a prefix and/or suffix to the imported name:

        use Regexp::Pattern 'Example::*' => (-prefix => 'example_');
        use Regexp::Pattern 'Example::*' => (-suffix => '_sample');

       Filtering. When wildcard-importing, you can select the patterns you want using a combination of these
       options: "-has_tag" (only select patterns that have a specified tag), "-lacks_tag" (only select patterns
       that do not have a specified tag), "-has_tag_matching" (only select patterns that has at least one tag
       matching specified regex pattern), "-lacks_tag_matching" (only select patterns that does not have any
       tags matching specified regex pattern).

   Recommendations for writing the regex patterns
       •   Regexp pattern should be written as a "qr//" literal

           Using a string literal is less desirable. That is:

            pat => qr/foo[abc]+/,

           is preferred over:

            pat => 'foo[abc]+',

       •   Regexp pattern should not be anchored (unless really necessary)

           That is:

            pat => qr/foo/,

           is preferred over:

            pat => qr/^foo/, # or qr/foo$/, or qr/\Afoo\z/

           Adding anchors limits the reusability of the pattern. When composing pattern, user can add anchors
           herself if needed.

           When you define an anchored pattern, adding tag "anchored" is recommended:

            tags => ['anchored'],

       •   Regexp pattern should not contain capture groups (unless really necessary)

           Adding capture groups limits the reusability of the pattern because it can affect the groups of the
           composed pattern. When composing pattern, user can add captures herself if needed.

           When you define a capturing pattern, adding tag "capturing" is recommended:

            tags => ['capturing'],


       Exported by default. Get a regexp pattern by name from a "Regexp::Pattern::*" module.


        re($name[, \%args ]) => $re

       $name is MODULE_NAME::PATTERN_NAME where MODULE_NAME is name of a "Regexp::Pattern::*" module without the
       "Regexp::Pattern::" prefix and PATTERN_NAME is a key to the %RE package global hash in the module. A
       dynamic pattern can accept arguments for its generator, and you can pass it as hashref in the second
       argument of "re()".

       Anchoring. You can also put "-anchor => 1" in %args. This will conveniently wraps the regex inside

       Die when pattern by name $name cannot be found (either the module cannot be loaded or the pattern with
       that name is not found in the module).


   My pattern is not anchored, but what if I want to test the anchored version?
       You can add "anchor=>1" or "gen_args=>{-anchor=>1}" in the example, for example:

            summary     => 'PAUSE author ID, or PAUSE ID for short',
            pat         => qr/[A-Z][A-Z0-9]{1,8}/,
            description => <<~HERE,
            I'm not sure whether PAUSE allows digit for the first letter. For safety
            I'm assuming no.
            examples => [
                {str=>'PERLANCAR', matches=>1},
                {str=>'BAD ID', anchor=>1, matches=>0, summary=>"Contains whitespace"},
                {str=>'NAMETOOLONG', gen_args=>{-anchor=>1}, matches=>0, summary=>"Too long"},


       Please visit the project's homepage at <>.


       Source repository is at <>.


       Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

       When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that
       illustrates the bug or desired feature.


       Regexp::Common. Regexp::Pattern is an alternative to Regexp::Common.  Regexp::Pattern offers simplicity
       and lower startup overhead. Instead of a magic hash, you retrieve available regexes from normal data
       structure or via the provided "re()" function. Regexp::Pattern also provides a hash interface, albeit the
       hash is not magic.

       Regexp::Common::RegexpPattern, a bridge module to use patterns in "Regexp::Pattern::*" modules via

       Regexp::Pattern::RegexpCommon, a bridge module to use patterns in "Regexp::Common::*" modules via


       If you use Dist::Zilla: Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Regexp::Pattern, Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Regexp::Pattern,

       Test::Regexp::Pattern and test-regexp-pattern.


       perlancar <>

       This software is copyright (c) 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016 by

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5
       programming language system itself.