focal (3) Sympa::Language.3Sympa.gz

Provided by: sympa_6.2.40~dfsg-4_amd64 bug


       Sympa::Language - Handling languages and locales


         use Sympa::Language;
         my $language = Sympa::Language->instance;
         $language->set_lang('zh-TW', 'zh', 'en');

         print $language->gettext('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.');


       This package provides interfaces for i18n (internationalization) of Sympa.

       The language tags are used to determine each language.  A language tag consists of one or more subtags:
       language, script, region and variant.  Below are some examples.

       •   "ar" - Arabic language

       •   "ain" - Ainu language

       •   "pt-BR" - Portuguese language in Brazil

       •   "be-Latn" - Belarusian language in Latin script

       •   "ca-ES-valencia" - Valencian variant of Catalan

       Other two sorts of identifiers are derived from language tags: gettext locales and POSIX locales.

       The gettext locales determine each translation catalog.  It consists of one to three parts: language,
       territory and modifier.  For example, their equivalents of language tags above are "ar", "ain", "pt_BR",
       "be@latin" and "ca_ES@valencia", respectively.

       The POSIX locales determine each locale.  They have similar forms to gettext locales and are used by this
       package internally.

       Manipulating language tags

       canonic_lang ( $lang )
           Function.  Canonicalizes language tag according to RFC 5646 (BCP 47) and returns it.


               Language tag or similar thing.  Old style "locale" by Sympa (see also "Compatibility") will also
               be accepted.


           Canonicalized language tag.  In array context, returns an array "(language, script, region,
           variant)".  For malformed inputs, returns "undef" or empty array.

           See "CAVEATS" about details on format.

       implicated_langs ( $lang, ... )
           Function.  Gets a list of each language $lang itself and its "super" languages.  For example: If
           'tyv-Latn-MN' is given, this function returns "('tyv-Latn-MN', 'tyv-Latn', 'tyv')".


           $lang, ...
               Language tags or similar things.  They will be canonicalized by "canonic_lang"() and malformed
               inputs will be ignored.


           A list of implicated languages, if any.  If no $lang arguments were given, this function will die.

       lang2locale ( $lang )
           Function, internal use.  Convert language tag to gettext locale name (see also "Native language
           support (NLS)").  This function may be useful if you want to know internal information such as name
           of catalog file.


               Language tag or similar thing.


           The gettext locale name.  For malformed inputs returns "undef".

       negotiate_lang ( $string, $lang, ... )
           Function.  Get the best language according to the content of "Accept-Language:" HTTP request header


               Content of the header.  If it is false value, '*' is assumed.

           $lang, ...
               Acceptable languages.


           The best language or, if negotiation failed, "undef".


       As of Sympa 6.2b, language tags are used to specify languages along with locales.  Earlier releases used
       POSIX locale names.

       These functions are used to migrate data structures and configurations of earlier versions.

       lang2oldlocale ( $lang )
           Function.  Convert language tag to old-style "locale".


               Language tag or similar thing.


           Old-style "locale".  If corresponding locale could not be determined, returns "undef".

           Note: In earlier releases this function was named Lang2Locale() (don't confuse with "lang2locale"()).

       instance ( )
           Constructor.  Gets the singleton instance of Sympa::Language class.

       Getting/setting language context

       push_lang ( [ $lang, ... ] )
           Instance method.  Set current language by "set_lang"() keeping the previous one; it can be restored
           with "pop_lang"().


           $lang, ...
               Language tags or similar things.


           Always 1.

           Instance method.  Restores previous language.




           Always 1.

       set_lang ( [ $lang, ... ] )
           Instance method.  Sets current language along with translation catalog, and POSIX locale if possible.


           $lang, ...
               Language tags or similar things.  Old style "locale" by Sympa (see also "Compatibility") will
               also be accepted.  If multiple tags are specified, this function tries each of them in order.

               Note that 'en' will always succeed.  Thus, putting it at the end of argument list may be useful.


           Canonic language tag actually set or, if no usable catalogs were found, "undef".  If no arguments are
           given, do nothing and returns "undef".

           Note that the language actually set may not be identical to the parameter $lang, even when latter has
           been canonicalized.

           The language tag 'en' is special: It is used to set 'C' locale and will succeed always.

           Note: This function of Sympa 6.2a or earlier returned old style "locale" names.

       native_name ( )
           Instance method.  Get the name of the language, i.e. the one defined in the catalog.




           Name of the language in native notation.  If it was not found, returns an empty string ''.

           Note: The name is the content of "Language-Team:" field in the header of catalog.

       get_lang ()
           Instance method.  Get current language tag.




           Current language.  If it is not known, returns default language tag.

       Native language support (NLS)

       dgettext ( $domain, $msgid )
           Instance method.  Returns the translation of given string using NLS catalog in domain $domain.  Note
           that "set_lang"() must be called in advance.


               gettext domain.

               gettext message ID.


           Translated string or, if it wasn't found, original string.

       gettext ( $msgid )
           Instance method.  Returns the translation of given string using current NLS catalog.  Note that
           "set_lang"() must be called in advance.


               gettext message ID.


           Translated string or, if it wasn't found, original string.

           If special argument '_language_' is given, returns the name of language in native form (See
           native_name()).  For argument '' returns empty string.

       gettext_sprintf ( $format, $args, ... )
           Instance method.  Internationalized sprintf().  At first, translates $format argument using
           "gettext"().  Then returns formatted string by remainder of arguments.

           This is equivalent to "sprintf( gettext($format), $args, ... )" with appropriate POSIX locale if


               Format string.  See also "sprintf" in perlfunc.

           $args, ...
               Arguments fed to sprintf().


           Translated and formatted string.

       gettext_strftime ( $format, $args, ... )
           Instance method.  Internationalized strftime().  At first, translates $format argument using
           "gettext"().  Then returns formatted date/time by remainder of arguments.

           If appropriate POSIX locale is not available, parts of result (names of days, months etc.) will be
           taken from the catalog.


               Format string.  See also "strftime" in POSIX.

           $args, ...
               Arguments fed to POSIX::strftime().


           Translated and formatted string.

       maketext ( $textdomain, $template, $args, ... )
           Instance method.  At first, translates $template argument using "gettext"().  Then replaces
           placeholders (%1, %2, ...) in template with arguments.

           Numeric arguments will be formatted using appropriate locale, if any: Typically, the decimal point
           specific to each locale may be used.


               NLS domain to be used for searching catalogs.

               Template string which may include placeholders.

           $args, ...
               Arguments corresponding to placeholders.


           Translated and replaced string.


       Calls of "gettext"(), "gettext_sprintf"() and "gettext_strftime"() are extracted during packaging process
       and are added to translation catalog.


       •   We impose some restrictions and modifications to the format described in BCP 47: language extension
           subtags won't be supported; if script and variant subtags co-exist, latter will be ignored; the first
           one of multiple variant subtags will be used; each variant subtag may be longer than eight
           characters; extension subtags are not supported.

       •   Since catalogs for "zh", "zh-Hans" or "zh-Hant" may not be provided, "set_lang"() will choose
           approximate catalogs for these tags.


       RFC 5646 Tags for Identifying Languages.  <>.

       Translating Sympa.  <>.


       Language module supporting multiple languages by single installation and using NLS catalog in msgcat
       format appeared on Sympa 3.0a.

       Sympa 4.2b.3 adopted gettext portable object (PO) catalog and POSIX locale.

       On Sympa 6.2, rewritten module Sympa::Language adopted BCP 47 language tag to determine language context,
       and installing POSIX locale became optional.