focal (3) Sympa::Spindle::ProcessArchive.3Sympa.gz

Sympa::Spindle::ProcessArchive - Workflow of archive storage
use Sympa::Spindle::ProcessArchive; my $spindle = Sympa::Spindle::ProcessArchive->new; $spindle->spin;
Sympa::Spindle::ProcessArchive defines workflow to store messages into archives. When spin() method is invoked, messages kept in archive spool are processed. Archive spool may contain two sorts of messages: Normal messages and control messages. • Normal messages have List context and may be stored into archive. • Control messages have Robot context and their body contains one or more command lines. Following commands are available. remove_arc listname yyyy-mm message-ID Removes a message from archive yyyy-mm of the list. Text message is preserved. rebuildarc listname * Rebuilds all HTML archives of the list. rebuildarc * * Rebuilds all HTML archives of all the lists on the robot. Public methods See also "Public methods" in Sympa::Spindle. Properties See also "Properties" in Sympa::Spindle. {distaff} Instance of Sympa::Spool::Archive class.
Sympa::Archive, Sympa::Spindle, Sympa::Spool::Archive.
Sympa::Spindle::StoreArchive appeared on Sympa 6.2.10. It was renamed to Sympa::Spindle::ProcessArchive on Sympa 6.2.13.