focal (3) VM::EC2::REST::reserved_instance.3pm.gz

Provided by: libvm-ec2-perl_1.28-2build1_all bug

NAME VM::EC2::REST::reserved_instance - Describing, purchasing and using Reserved Instances


        use VM::EC2 ':misc'


       These methods apply to describing, purchasing and using Reserved Instances.



   @offerings = $ec2->describe_reserved_instances_offerings(@offering_ids)
   @offerings = $ec2->describe_reserved_instances_offerings(%args)
       This method returns a list of the reserved instance offerings currently available for purchase. The
       arguments allow you to filter the offerings according to a variety of filters.

       All arguments are optional. If no named arguments are used, then the arguments are treated as Reserved
       Instance Offering IDs.

        -reserved_instances_offering_id  A scalar or arrayref of reserved
                                          instance offering IDs

        -instance_type                   The instance type on which the
                                          reserved instance can be used,
                                          e.g. "c1.medium"

        -availability_zone, -zone        The availability zone in which the
                                          reserved instance can be used.

        -product_description             The reserved instance description.
                                          Valid values are "Linux/UNIX",
                                          "Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC)",
                                          "Windows", and "Windows (Amazon

        -instance_tenancy                The tenancy of the reserved instance
                                          offering, either "default" or
                                          "dedicated". (VPC instances only)

        -offering_type                  The reserved instance offering type, one of
                                          "Heavy Utilization", "Medium Utilization",
                                          or "Light Utilization".

        -filter                          A set of filters to apply.

       For available filters, see

       The returned objects are of type VM::EC2::ReservedInstance::Offering

       This can be combined with the Offering purchase() method as shown here:

        @offerings = $ec2->describe_reserved_instances_offerings(
                 {'availability-zone'   => 'us-east-1a',
                  'instance-type'       => 'c1.medium',
                  'product-description' =>'Linux/UNIX',
                  'duration'            => 31536000,  # this is 1 year
        $offerings[0]->purchase(5) and print "Five reserved instances purchased\n";

   $id = $ec2->purchase_reserved_instances_offering($offering_id)
   $id = $ec2->purchase_reserved_instances_offering(%args)
       Purchase one or more reserved instances based on an offering.


        -reserved_instances_offering_id, -id -- The reserved instance offering ID
                                                to purchase (required).

        -instance_count, -count              -- Number of instances to reserve
                                                 under this offer (optional, defaults
                                                 to 1).

       Returns a Reserved Instances Id on success, undef on failure. Also see the purchase() method of

   @res_instances = $ec2->describe_reserved_instances(@res_instance_ids)
   @res_instances = $ec2->describe_reserved_instances(%args)
       This method returns a list of the reserved instances that you currently own.  The information returned
       includes the type of instances that the reservation allows you to launch, the availability zone, and the
       cost per hour to run those reserved instances.

       All arguments are optional. If no named arguments are used, then the arguments are treated as Reserved
       Instance IDs.

        -reserved_instances_id -- A scalar or arrayref of reserved
                                  instance IDs

        -filter                -- A set of filters to apply.

       For available filters, see

       The returned objects are of type VM::EC2::ReservedInstance

   $id = $ec2->modify_reserved_instances(%args)
       Modifies the Availability Zone, instance count, instance type, or network platform (EC2-Classic or
       EC2-VPC) of your Reserved Instances. The Reserved Instances to be modified must be identical, except for
       Availability Zone, network platform, and instance type.

       Required arguments:

        -reserved_instances_id         -- The IDs of the Reserved Instances to modify
                                          Can be scalar or arrayref.

        -target_configuration          -- The configuration settings for the Reserved
                                          Instances to modify

                                          Must be a hashref or arrayref of hashes with
                                          one or more of the following values:
                                            AvailabilityZone, Platform, InstanceType
                                          The following is also REQUIRED:

        -id                            -- Alias for -reserved_instances_id

       Returns the reserved instances modification ID string.

   @mods = $ec2->describe_reserved_instances_modifications(@ids)
   @mods = $ec2->describe_reserved_instances_modifications(%args)
       Describes the modifications made to your Reserved Instances.

       All arguments are optional. If no named arguments are used, then the arguments are treated as Reserved
       Instance Modification IDs.

        -reserved_instances_modification_id -- A scalar or arrayref of reserved
                                               instance modification IDs

        -filter                             -- A set of filters to apply.

        -id                                 -- Alias for -reserved_instances_modification_id

       For available filters, see:

       The returned objects are of type VM::EC2::ReservedInstance::Modification

   @list = $ec2->describe_reserved_instances_listings(%args)
       Describes the account's Reserved Instance listings in the Reserved Instance Marketplace.

       All arguments are optional. If no named arguments are used, then the arguments are treated as Reserved
       Instance Listing IDs.

        -reserved_instances_listing_id      -- A scalar or arrayref of reserved
                                               instance listing IDs

        -reserved_instances_id              -- A scalar or arrayref of reserved
                                               instance IDs

        -filter                             -- A set of filters to apply.

       For available filters, see:

       The returned objects are of type VM::EC2::ReservedInstance::Listing

   $listing = $ec2->cancel_reserved_instances_listing(%args)
       Cancels the specified Reserved Instance listing in the Reserved Instance Marketplace.

       Required arguments:

        -reserved_instances_listing_id    -- The ID of the Reserved Instance listing
                                             to be canceled

       Returns an object of type VM::EC2::ReservedInstance::Listing

   $listing = $ec2->create_reserved_instances_listing(%args)
       Creates a listing for Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances to be sold in the Reserved Instance Marketplace. Only
       one Reserved Instance listing may be created at a time.

       Required arguments:

        -reserved_instances_id   -- The ID of the active Reserved Instance

        -instance_count          -- The number of instances to be listed in the
                                    Reserved Instance Marketplace. This number
                                    should be less than or equal to the instance count
                                    associated with the Reserved Instance ID specified

        -price_schedules         -- hashref containing term/price pairs for months
                                    the Reserved Instance has remaining in its term

                                    For example, with a RI with 11 months to go:

                                    { 11 => 2.5,
                                       8 => 2.0,
                                       5 => 1.5,
                                       3 => 0.7,
                                       1 => 0.1 }

                                    For months 11,10,9 the price is $2.50, 8,7,6 is
                                    $2.00, 5,4 is $1.50, 3,2 is $0.70 and the last
                                    month is $0.10.

                                    For more details, see the API docs at:

        -client_token            -- Unique, case-sensitive identifier to ensure
                                    idempotency of listings

       Returns an object of type VM::EC2::ReservedInstance::Listing




       Lincoln Stein <>.

       Lance Kinley <>.

       Copyright (c) 2011 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research

       Copyright (c) 2014 Loyalty Methods, Inc.

       This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the terms of the GPL (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic
       License 2.0.  Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition, please see DISCLAIMER.txt for
       disclaimers of warranty.