Provided by: libweb-api-perl_2.6-1_all 

Web::API - A Simple base module to implement almost every RESTful API with just a few lines of configuration
version 2.6
NOTE: as of version 2.1 "strict_ssl" is enabled by default for obvious security reasons, this may break your current library implementation, sorry. Implement the RESTful API of your choice in 10 minutes, roughly. package Net::CloudProvider; use Mouse; with 'Web::API'; our $VERSION = "0.1"; has 'commands' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { { list_nodes => { method => 'GET' }, node_info => { method => 'GET', require_id => 1 }, create_node => { method => 'POST', default_attributes => { allowed_hot_migrate => 1, required_virtual_machine_build => 1, cpu_shares => 5, required_ip_address_assignment => 1, primary_network_id => 1, required_automatic_backup => 0, swap_disk_size => 1, }, mandatory => [ 'label', 'hostname', 'template_id', 'cpus', 'memory', 'primary_disk_size', 'required_virtual_machine_build', 'cpu_shares', 'primary_network_id', 'required_ip_address_assignment', 'required_automatic_backup', 'swap_disk_size', ] }, update_node => { method => 'PUT', require_id => 1 }, delete_node => { method => 'DELETE', require_id => 1 }, start_node => { method => 'POST', require_id => 1, post_id_path => 'startup', }, stop_node => { method => 'POST', require_id => 1, post_id_path => 'shutdown', }, suspend_node => { method => 'POST', require_id => 1, post_id_path => 'suspend', }, }; }, ); sub commands { my ($self) = @_; return $self->commands; } sub BUILD { my ($self) = @_; $self->user_agent(__PACKAGE__ . ' ' . $VERSION); $self->live_url(''); $self->content_type('application/json'); $self->extension('json'); $self->wrapper('virtual_machine'); $self->mapping({ os => 'template_id', debian => 1, id => 'label', disk_size => 'primary_disk_size', }); return $self; } 1; later use as: use Net::CloudProvider; my $nc = Net::CloudProvider->new(user => 'foobar', api_key => 'secret'); my $response = $nc->create_node({ id => 'funnybox', hostname => '', os => 'debian', cpus => 2, memory => 256, disk_size => 5, allowed_hot_migrate => 1, required_virtual_machine_build => 1, cpu_shares => 5, required_ip_address_assignment => 1, });
commands most important configuration part of the module which has to be provided by the module you are writing. the following keys are valid/possible: method path mandatory default_attributes headers extension content_type incoming_content_type outgoing_content_type wrapper query_keys require_id (deprecated, use path) pre_id_path (deprecated, use path) post_id_path (deprecated, use path) the request path for commands is being build as: $base_url/$path.$extension an example for "path": path => 'users/:user_id/labels' this will add "user_id" to the list of mandatory keys for this command automatically. live_url (required) get/set base URL to API, can include paths test_url (optional) get/set base URL for test system if applicable test (optional) get/set boolean to run against base URL from test system or live system api_key (required in most cases) get/set API key (also used as basic auth password) user (optional) get/set API username/account name api_key_field (optional) get/set name of the hash key that has to hold the "api_key" e.g. in POST content payloads api_version (optional) get/set API version to be used default: 1 mapping (optional) supply mapping table, hashref of format { "key" => "value", ... } wrapper (optional) get/set name of the key that is used to wrap all options of a command in. unfortunately some APIs increase the depth of a hash by wrapping everything into a single key (who knows why...), which means this: $wa->command(%options); turns %options into: { wrapper => \%options } before encoding and sending it off. header (optional) get/set custom headers sent with every request auth_type get/set authentication type. currently supported are only 'basic', 'header', 'hash_key', 'get_params', 'oauth_header', 'oauth_params' or 'none' default: none auth_header (optional) get/set the name of the header used for Authorization credentials default: Authorization auth_header_token_format get/set format of the auth_header token. default: 'Token token=%s' default_method (optional) get/set default HTTP method default: GET extension (optional) get/set file extension, e.g. 'json' user_agent (optional) get/set User Agent String default: "Web::API $VERSION" timeout (optional) get/set LWP::UserAgent timeout strict_ssl (optional) enable/disable strict SSL certificate hostname checking as a convenience alternatively you can supply your own LWP::Useragent compatible agent for the "agent" attribute. default: true agent (optional) get/set LWP::UserAgent object retry_http_codes (optional) get/set array of HTTP response codes that trigger a retry of the request retry_errors (optional) define an array reference of regexes that should trigger a retry of the request if matched against an error found via one of the "error_keys" retry_times (optional) get/set number of times a request will be retried at most default: 3 retry_delay (optional) get/set delay to wait between retries. accepts float for millisecond support. default: 1.0 content_type (optional) global content type, which is used for in and out going request/response headers and to encode and decode the payload if no other more specific content types are set, e.g. "incoming_content_type", "outgoing_content_type" or content types set individually per command attribute. default: 'text/plain' incoming_content_type (optional) default: undef outgoing_content_type (optional) default: undef debug (optional) enable/disabled debug logging default: false cookies (optional) this is used to store and retrieve cookies before and after requests were made to keep authenticated sessions alive for the time this object exists in memory you can add your own cookies to be send with every request. See HTTP::Cookies for more information. default: HTTP::Cookies->new() consumer_secret (required for all oauth_* auth_types) default: undef access_token (required for all oauth_* auth_types) default: undef access_secret (required for all oauth_* auth_types) default: undef signature_method (required for all oauth_* auth_types) default: undef encoder (custom options encoding subroutine) Receives "\%options" and "content-type" as the only 2 arguments and has to return a single scalar. default: undef decoder (custom response content decoding subroutine) Receives "content" and "content-type" as the only 2 scalar arguments and has to return a single hash reference. default: undef oauth_post_body (required for all oauth_* auth_types) enable/disable adding of command options as extra parameters to the OAuth request generation and therefor be included in the OAuth signature calculation. default: true error_keys get/set list of array keys that will be search for in the decoded response data structure. the same format as for mandatory keys is supported: some.deeply.nested.error.message will search for an error message at $decoded_response->{some}->{deeply}->{nested}->{error}->{messsage} and if the key exists and its value is defined it will be provided as "$response-"{error}> and matched against all regexes from the `retry_errors` array ref if provided to trigger a retry on particular errors.
nonce generates new OAuth nonce for every request log decode encode talk map_options check_mandatory key_exists wrap request retry request with delay if "retry_http_codes" is set, otherwise just try once. needs_retry returns true if the HTTP code or error found match either "retry_http_codes" or "retry_errors" respectively. returns false otherwise. if "retry_errors" are defined it will try to decode the response content and store the decoded structure internally so we don't have to decode again at the end. needs the last response object and the 'Accept' content type header from the request for decoding. find_error go through "error_keys" and find a potential error message in the decoded/parsed response and return it. format_response build_uri build_content_type configure in/out content types order of precedence: 1. per command "incoming_content_type" / "outgoing_content_type" 2. per command general "content_type" 3. content type based on file path extension (only for incoming) 4. global "incoming_content_type" / "outgoing_content_type" 5. global general "content_type" DESTROY catch DESTROY call and tear down / clean up if necessary at this point there is nothing to do though. This prevents AUTOLOAD from logging an unknown command error message AUTOLOAD magic install a method for each new command and call it in an "eval {}" to catch exceptions and set an error in a unified way.
Please report any bugs or feature requests on GitHub's issue tracker <>. Pull requests welcome.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc(1) command. perldoc Web::API You can also look for information at: • GitHub repository <> • MetaCPAN <> • AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> • CPAN Ratings <>
HTTP::Cookies, LWP::UserAgent, Net::OAuth
Tobias Kirschstein <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Tobias Kirschstein. This is free software, licensed under: The (three-clause) BSD License