focal (3) caca_file_open.3caca.gz

caca_file - These functions allow to read and write files in a platform-independent way.
Modules libcaca importers/exporters from/to various formats Functions __extern caca_file_t * caca_file_open (char const *, const char *) Open a file for reading or writing. __extern int caca_file_close (caca_file_t *) Close a file handle. __extern uint64_t caca_file_tell (caca_file_t *) Return the position in a file handle. __extern size_t caca_file_read (caca_file_t *, void *, size_t) Read data from a file handle. __extern size_t caca_file_write (caca_file_t *, const void *, size_t) Write data to a file handle. __extern char * caca_file_gets (caca_file_t *, char *, int) Read a line from a file handle. __extern int caca_file_eof (caca_file_t *) Tell whether a file handle reached end of file.
Detailed Description
Function Documentation
__extern caca_file_t* caca_file_open (char const * path, const char * mode) Create a caca file handle for a file. If the file is zipped, it is decompressed on the fly. If an error occurs, NULL is returned and errno is set accordingly: • ENOSTS Function not implemented. • EINVAL File not found or permission denied. Parameters path The file path mode The file open mode Returns A file handle to path. Referenced by caca_import_canvas_from_file(). __extern int caca_file_close (caca_file_t * fp) Close and destroy the resources associated with a caca file handle. This function is a wrapper for fclose() or, if available, gzclose(). Parameters fp The file handle Returns The return value of fclose() or gzclose(). Referenced by caca_import_canvas_from_file(). __extern uint64_t caca_file_tell (caca_file_t * fp) Return the file handle position, in bytes. Parameters fp The file handle Returns The current offset in the file handle. __extern size_t caca_file_read (caca_file_t * fp, void * ptr, size_t size) Read data from a file handle and copy them into the given buffer. Parameters fp The file handle ptr The destination buffer size The number of bytes to read Returns The number of bytes read Referenced by caca_import_canvas_from_file(). __extern size_t caca_file_write (caca_file_t * fp, const void * ptr, size_t size) Write the contents of the given buffer to the file handle. Parameters fp The file handle ptr The source buffer size The number of bytes to write Returns The number of bytes written __extern char* caca_file_gets (caca_file_t * fp, char * s, int size) Read one line of data from a file handle, up to one less than the given number of bytes. A trailing zero is appended to the data. Parameters fp The file handle s The destination buffer size The maximum number of bytes to read Returns The number of bytes read, including the trailing zero __extern int caca_file_eof (caca_file_t * fp) Return the end-of-file status of the file handle. This function is a wrapper for feof() or, if available, gzeof(). Parameters fp The file handle Returns 1 if EOF was reached, 0 otherwise Referenced by caca_import_canvas_from_file().
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