focal (3) canvasLabel.3tk.gz

Provided by: tklib_0.6+20190108-1_all bug


       canvasLabel - tkpiechart canvas label class


       package require stooop  4.1

       package require switched  2.2

       package require tkpiechart  6.6

       stooop::new canvasLabel canvas ?options?

       switched::configure canvasLabelObject ?options?

       switched::cget canvasLabelObject option

       stooop::delete canvasLabelObject



       The  canvasLabel  class  brings  some  Tk  label  widget functionality to the canvas text item, such as a
       background and a border.

       The canvasLabel is built with a bullet rectangle on the  left  side  of  the  text.  The  relief  changes
       according to the select state, with a traditionally sunken relief when selected.

       The  label  has  a  specific tag, which can be used to retrieve the coordinates of the object or move it,
       thanks to the canvas facilities.

       stooop::new canvasLabel canvas ?options?
              Creates a canvasLabel object in the specified Tk canvas.  The  canvasLabel  object  identifier  is
              returned (referred to as canvasLabelObject in this document).

       switched::configure canvasLabelObject ?options?
              Configures a canvasLabel object or returns all the options with their current values if no options
              are passed as parameters.

       switched::cget canvasLabelObject option
              Returns an option value for the specified canvasLabel object.

       stooop::delete canvasLabelObject
              Deletes the specified canvasLabel object.


       -anchor value
              Specifies the anchor position of the rectangle and the text, relative to  the  positioning  point.
              The  behavior  is similar to the -anchor option of the canvas text item, except that the rectangle
              is taken into account. The default is center.

       -background color
              Specifies the background color of the bullet rectangle, as in  the  -fill  option  of  the  canvas
              rectangle item. The default is transparent (empty string).

       -bordercolor color
              Specifies  the  border  color  of the rectangle, as in the -outline option of the canvas rectangle
              item. The default is black.

       -borderwidth value
              Specifies the border width of the rectangle, as in the -width option of the canvas rectangle item.
              By default, the width is 1 pixel, which is the minimum width.

       -bulletwidth value
              Specifies the width of the rectangle placed to the left of the text. Defaults to 10.

       -font value
              Specifies  the  font  of  the text, as in the -font option of the canvas text item. The default is
              system dependent.

       -foreground color
              Specifies the color of the text, as in the -fill option of the canvas text item.  The  default  is

       -justify value
              Specifies  how to justify the text, as in the -justify option of the canvas text item. The default
              is left.

       -minimumwidth value
              The total label width will not go below the specified value, but may be larger if the  label  text
              requires it.

       -padding value
              Specifies  how  much  space  to  leave  between the text and the closest rectangle edge. Units are
              identical to those specified in the canvas COORDINATES manual section.

       -scale list
              List of 2 floating point numbers used to set the scaling factor in the x and y  axis.  Scaling  is
              applied immediately and defaults to 1.

       -select boolean
              Sets the label state.

       -selectrelief value
              Either flat, raised or sunken. Specifies the 3D effect desired for the text area when the label is

       -stipple bitmap
              Specifies the stipple pattern filling the rectangle, as in  the  -stipple  option  of  the  canvas
              rectangle item. There is no bitmap by default.

       -text text
              Specifies  the  string to be displayed in the text area, as in the -text option of the canvas text
              item. The default is an empty string.

       -textbackground color
              Specifies the color of the text area background.

       -width value
              Specifies a maximum line length for the text, as in the -width option of the canvas text item. The
              default is 0.


       The labeler has the following specific tag (see the canvas manual page ITEM IDS AND TAGS section for more

       •      canvasLabel(canvasLabelObject)


       This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and  other  problems.   Please
       report  such  in  the  category  tkpiechart  of the Tklib Trackers [].
       Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.


       pie, pieBoxLabeler, piePeripheralLabeler


       canvas, labeler, pie, slice

       Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Jean-Luc Fontaine <>