focal (3) cmdfinder.3bobcat.gz

Provided by: libbobcat-dev_5.02.00-1build1_amd64 bug


       FBB::CmdFinder - Determine (member) function associated with a command


       #include <bobcat/cmdfinder>
       Linking option: -lbobcat


       Objects  of  the  class  CmdFinder  determine  which  (member) function to call given a command. Although
       associations between commands and (member) functions are often defined in a switch, a switch is  not  the
       preferred  way  to  define these associations because of the fect that the maintainability and clarity of
       switches  suffer  for  even  moderately  large  command  sets.  Moreover,  the  switch  is  hardly   ever
       self-supporting,  since  usually  some  command-processing  is  required  to determine command/case-value

       The alternative (and preferred) approach, which is also taken by CmdFinder  is  to  define  an  array  of
       pointers to (member) functions, and to define the associations between commands and member functions as a
       mapping of commands to array indices. Plain associations between (textual) commands and functions  to  be
       called  can  also  easily  be  defined  using  a std::map or other hash-type data structure. However, the
       syntactical requirements for such  a  std::map  structure  are  non-trivial,  and  besides:  user-entered
       commands often require some preprocessing before a command can be used as an index in a std::map.

       The  class  CmdFinder  is an attempt to offer a versatile implementation of associations between commands
       and (member) functions.  In particular, the class offers the following features:

       o      Associations between textual commands and (member) functions are defined  in  a  simple  array  of
              pairs:  the  first  element  defining  a command, the second element containing the address of the
              function associated with the command. The function addresses may either be addresses  of  free  or
              static member functions or they may be defined as member function addresses.

       o      Commands may be used `as-is’, or the first word in a std::string may be used as the command;

       o      Commands may be specified case sensitively or case insensitively;

       o      Commands  may  have  to  be  specified  in  full,  or  unique abbreviations of the commands may be

       o      Several types are defined by the class CmdFinder, further simplifying the deriviation  of  classes
              from CmdFinder.

       The  class  CmdFinder itself is defined as a template class. This template class should be used as a base
       class of a user-defined derived class defining the array  of  command-function  associations.  The  class
       CmdFinder  itself  is  a  derived  class  of  the class CmdFinderBase, defining some template-independent
       functionality that is used by CmdFinder. The enumeration and member functions sections below also contain
       the  members  that are available to classes derived from CmdFinder, but which are actually defined in the
       class CmdFinderBase.


       All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this man-page,  are  defined  in  the
       namespace FBB.




       The  enumeration  Mode is defined in the class CmdFinderBase. It contains the following values, which may
       be combined by the bit_or operator to specify the CmdFinder object’s required mode of operation:

       o      USE_FIRST:
              This value can be specified when the first word (any white-space separated series  of  characters)
              of a provided textual command should be used as the command to find. Both the command that is used
              and any trailing information that may be present can be obtained from  the  CmdFinder  object.  By
              default, the complete contents of the a provided command is used.

       o      UNIQUE:
              This  value  can  be specified when any unique abbreviation of a command may be accepted. Assuming
              that the commands help and version are defined, then the following (non-exhaustive) series are all
              accepted  as  specifications  of the help command if UNIQUE is specified: h, he, el, p. By default
              the command must match a command-key as  found  in  the  array  of  command-function  associations

       o      INSENSITIVE:
              When  this  value  is  specified, commands may be specified disregarding letter-casing. E.g., when
              INSENSITIVE is specified, both Help and HELP are recognized as help. By default, letter casing  is
              obeyed.  So, by default a full, literal match between provided command and predefined command-keys
              is required.


       The template class CmdFinder has one template type parameter, which is the  prototype  of  the  functions
       defined  in  the  array  of  command-function  associations.  This type becomes available as the typename
       FunctionPtr (defined by the class CmdFinder in the class that is derived from CmdFinder).


       The following (protected) types are defined by the template class CmdFinder:

       o      FunctionPtr:
              This type represents a pointer to the functions  whose  addresses  are  stored  in  the  array  of
              command-function associations.

       o      Entry:
              This type represents the type std::pair<char const *, FunctionPtr>. Its first field is the name of
              a command, its second field is the function address associated with the command name.


       o      CmdFinder<FunctionPtr>(Entry const *begin, Entry const *end, size_t mode = 0):
              This constructor is defined in the protected section of the CmdFinder class. Its parameters  begin
              and  end  define  the half-open range of Entry objects, defining the associations between commands
              and functions. The parameter begin should be initialized to the first element of an array of Entry
              objects,  the  parameter  end  must point just beyond the last element of the array. The parameter
              mode may be speified using any combination of values of the Mode  enumeration,  using  the  bit_or
              operator  to  combine  multiple  values.  When  a  non-supported  value  is specified for mode, an
              FBB::Exception exception is thrown.

       o      Note:
              There is no default constructor.

       Copy and move constructors (and assignment operators) are available.


       o      setMode(size_t mode):
              This member function (defined in the class CmdFinderBase) may be called to redefine  the  mode  of
              the CmdFinder object. The mode parameter should be initialized subject to the same restrictions as
              mentioned with the CmdFinder’s constructor.


       o      std::string const &beyond() const:
              This member function returns the text that may have been entered beyond the command (if Mode value
              USE_FIRST  was  specified).  It  is  empty  if  no  text beyond the command was encountered. It is
              initially empty, and will be redefined at each call of findCmd() (see below).

       o      std::string const &cmd() const:
              This member returns the original (untransformed) command as encountered by the  CmdFinder  object.
              It is initially empty, and will be redefined at each call of findCmd() (see below).  object.

       o      size_t count() const:
              This  member  function  returns  the number of commands matching the command that is passed to the
              function findCmd() (see below). Its return value is 0 when findCmd() hasn’t been called yet and is
              updated at each new call of findCmd().

       o      FunctionPtr findCmd(std::string const &cmd):
              Regarding  the  CmdFinder object’s mode setting, this function returns the address of the function
              to call given the provided command. By default, if no match was found, the address of the function
              stored in the last element of the array of command-function associations is returned (i.e, element

       o      void swap(CmdFinderBase &other):
              The current and other object are swapped.


       The class CmdFinder has access to some protected data members of the class  CmdFinderBase,  which  should
       not be used or modified by classes derived from CmdFinder.


       #include <iostream>
       #include <string>

       #include <bobcat/cmdfinder>

       using namespace std;
       using namespace FBB;

       // Define a class `Command’ in which the array s_action defines the
       // command-function associations. Command is derived from CmdFinder,
       // specifying the prototype of the member functions to be called

       class Command: public CmdFinder<bool (Command::*)() const>
           static Entry s_action[];

           bool add() const                       // some member functions
               cout << "add called: command was `" << cmd() << "’\n";
               if (beyond().length())
                   cout << "Beyond " << cmd() << " `" << beyond() << "’\n";
               return true;
           bool error() const
               cout << "unrecognized command: `" << cmd() << "’ called\n" <<
                       count() << " matching alternatives found\n";
               return true;
           bool quit() const
               cout << "quit called: quitting this series\n";
               return false;

               Command();                      // Declare the default constructor

               bool run(std::string const &cmd)    // run a command
                   return (this->*findCmd(cmd))(); // execute the command matching
                                                   // ’cmd’

       // Define command-function associations. Note that the last is given an empty
       // command-text. This is not required, a command text could have been
       // specified for the last command as well.

       Command::Entry Command::s_action[] =
           Entry("add",    &Command::add),
           Entry("quit",   &Command::quit),
           Entry("",       &Command::error),

       // Define the default constructor
       Command::Command()                       // Define the default constructor
       :                               // Note the use of `FunctionPtr’
           CmdFinder<FunctionPtr>(s_action, s_action +
                                           sizeof(s_action) / sizeof(Entry))

       void run(Command &cmd, char const *descr, size_t mode = 0)
           if (mode)

           cout << "Enter 5 x a command using " << descr << ".\n";
           for (size_t idx = 0; idx++ < 5; )
               cout << "Enter command " << idx << ": ";
               string text;
               getline(cin, text);
               if (!     // run a command

       int main()
           Command cmd;                // define a command

                                       // enter 5 commands using the default mode
           run (cmd, "the default mode");
           run (cmd, "abbreviated commands", Command::UNIQUE);
           run (cmd, "abbreviated case-insensitive commands",
                                          Command::UNIQUE | Command::INSENSITIVE);
           run (cmd, "abbreviated command lines",
                                          Command::USE_FIRST | Command::UNIQUE);
           run (cmd, "abbreviated case-insensitive command lines",
                                          Command::USE_FIRST | Command::UNIQUE |


       bobcat/cmdfinder - defines the class interface
       bobcat/cmdfinderbase - defines the base class of CmdFinder.


       bobcat(7), cmdfinderbase(3bobcat), exception(3bobcat)


       None Reported.


       o      bobcat_5.02.00-x.dsc: detached signature;

       o      bobcat_5.02.00-x.tar.gz: source archive;

       o      bobcat_5.02.00-x_i386.changes: change log;

       o      libbobcat1_5.02.00-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries;

       o      libbobcat1-dev_5.02.00-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries, headers and manual pages;

       o public archive location;


       Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And Templates’.

       This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


       Frank B. Brokken (